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Dream Interpretation: Explosion 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Explosion? Discover the significance of seeing a Explosion in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Explosion appears in your dream ✅

Explosion symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This means intense emotions that are not being entirely confronted. It suggests a loss of control over your emotions after ignoring them for a long time. It also indicates that sudden changes will come into your life, and you will have a hard time coping with them.

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🧭 Direction


All the pent-up frustration is going to get back at you soon, so it's better to release your emotions slowly when you get a chance. Don't let it build-up, as it will do you more harm. Instead, rest, take your time, clear your mind before you get on with things.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of an explosion can evoke a range of intense emotions. It may instill fear, shock, and panic due to the sudden and violent nature of the event. The dreamer may feel a sense of vulnerability and danger, as well as a loss of control. The explosion could also generate feelings of chaos, destruction, and uncertainty. It may symbolize repressed anger or pent-up emotions that are ready to burst. Alternatively, the dreamer might experience a sense of liberation and release, as explosions can represent a necessary and transformative force. Overall, this dream can leave the dreamer with a mix of intense and conflicting emotions.





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22 Aug 2024



The dream started out showing Water, clear water that runs through a valley, next to fields of gold that wave in the wind and shine in the sun’s light. A girl with dark hair and a simple white dress stands next to the river. The river reflects the image of an old rock tower that’s stands a quarter mile down the river. The wind wisps through the field making particles fly into the air. They shine like little gold flecks or fireflies all around her. She slowly raises her arms into the air feeling the warmth of the sun on her back and closes her dark blue eyes, listening to the sweet sounds that the earth beneath her bare feet has to offer. Suddenly a shadow coves the land turning everything dark. The girl turns to see a hideous black creature with red eyes. Its body flowing almost like a shadow itself but obstructed by what looked like tar. Its long fingers appeared to drip this black tar liquid, as well as its mouth. Its red eyes gleaming like fire. She screams in terror from the sight of this creature and runs into the field. The creature follows her, however the creature’s body disappears. Only darkness follows behind her, turning everything that once was light into darkness. The girl runs deeper into the fields, she turns to look behind her only to find the creature on its hind legs standing tall with its teeth bare. She stands closing her eyes, waiting for the creature to take her. The creature lets out a loud cry as a blast from the sky strikes the creature killing it. The girl opens her eyes to an air craft shaped almost like an egg hovering above her. The girl runs behind a rock to hide, and watches as the doors of the air craft slowly open. Men in armored suits poor out of the air craft with strange guns in their hands. The girl gasp and turns as she hears more screams. More of the black creatures appear out of the fields and attack the men. She screams watching the men be killed by these creatures. Blast of light shot from their weapons destroying the creatures as they explode and burn in light blue fire. The creatures eventually had all been destroyed and for a moment it seemed to lay quiet. The men continue to search the area checking for survivors and making sure the creatures where in fact gone. In time the girl slowly comes out from behind the rock as she does a chill runs down her spin as she feels cold breath on her back. She slowly turns to see one of the creatures. Its face had been shot from one of the men’s guns and had burnt half of the creatures face. Blue sparks of fire still remained on its face as blood drips from its mouth and fingers. The girl shakes in fear when a blast shoots the creature in the back causing it to explode. The girl screams and ducks down covering her head. A tall muscular man with dark brown hair and scruffy beard runs towards the girl dropping to his knees. “Hey it’s ok, it’s ok” he said placing his hands on her shoulders The girl screams slightly trying to get away. He grabs her softly “Wow, Wow. It ok,” he brings her in closer and holds her. “Your Safe now.” Then I woke up

8 Aug 2024



my dream started with me and my classmates and mom i guess being in a space shuttle that was huge, it was where we lived. A friend and I were looking through a window at earth and the moon, when all of a sudden a huge explosion happened and jt kinda rocked the shuttle. When we looked the moon had exploded, and was replaced by a moon just a as big as the sun, if not bigger. I panicked. We all panicked? what did that mean for earth? whats happening there?. Most of everyone on the shuttle was preparing to go down to earth in small ships to see what was happening. I went down with this boy in a shuttle with classmates. The earth felt weird, an odd sensation of being alone, but not at the same time. After a while it skipped to another part of the dream. We were all locking ourselves in a school. There were strict rules you had to follow at specified times. Or else bad things would manifest. For example at 6:42 we werent allowed to wear green jewelry and we had to stay almost completely silent. I say almost because a few words meant nothing. But sentences with meaning can be twisted into bad manifestation. I was planning to meet mom so i could sit with her while we sat in silence for who knows how long this time. But when i saw her the time had already began and i walked up to her but she was talking. I shushed her and stood next to her. She talked, and we shushed her, she wasn't exactly a whole believer. But we knew. Mom was saying about how many girls there are compared to guys. Then after the time felt right we went back to normal. Then we heard what? I dont know but we started running away to another building. We were definitely running from something but i cant remember. This time it was a business building it looked like. We figured out the combination code on the lock and locked ourselves inside. I try to defend my mother to the other girls. I look over to mom and then I Woke Up.

6 Aug 2024



In my dream I dreamt that me and my husband went away on holiday, but when we arrived we where sharing a room/apartment with 3 other women - his ex wife (who in our waking life is very difficult to get along with, they have a child together but very different styles of parenting) a woman I know who used to do my physio and another woman who I can’t remember. They are all very flirty with my husband and he was the same towards them. In the dream I’m asking my husband to look at booking another hotel, but he doesn’t want too, he says there’s point and he seems happy to socialize with them too - laughing joking etc which is making me feel very uncomfortable…. I then say to him that I’m not doing this and want to go home. In the dream all the women are saying to each other that I’m jealous and don’t trust my husband, they are not saying it directly to me. But they are right, I don’t trust him! - I am saying to my husband in the dream that they are all very unattractive and look trashy. In my waking life, that’s the opinion we have of both of the women known to me in the in the dream…. I then find myself walking along a road that’s close to my mums house, I’ve walked through the town centre close to my mums house too and there’s new houses being built, it’s Christmas time. As I’m crossing over this road, a petrol lorry is losing control, swerving all over the road, I think I’m with my son, but I don’t remember seeing him, I just felt like he was with me. As I’m watching the lorry cash into a roundabout, I run across the road towards my mums house, then I see fire, like someone has been set alight and know there might be an explosion, so need to get away, but no one is running. In my waking life, my mum is not talking to me, but I’m not 100% sure to why? It’s been a week since we last spoke?…..

29 Jul 2024

Abandoned home
Car Crash


In this dream i had to tell a story to some kids in a gypsy like shop that i owned and i told the story of how my lover named jack in the dream died he was played by a guy that i dated in highschool named Josh that i have always had a weird dream connection with. It faded out of the shop and into the story, there was a big bad man of town that everyone was afraid of and it got to the point where the people of the town were scared to do or say anything because he was so unhinged. When the shop faded away i was in a huge nice empty house almost apocolypitic and the bad guy knocked on the door, i didnt answer because i knew nothing good would come of it but the door was one of those doors with the long glass sides and he saw me. I immediately pulled out my phone to call 911 until it was dark outside and my fingers kept slipping and i couldnt get out of this long scene. The bad man cameback i tried to escape from the back door the scene jump cut and the bad men had caught me and i was in a tall parking garage and there were other people of the town being held hostage there some were knelt down and blindfolded and he was shooting them, I saw an opportunity to get away and ran to a car that happened to be running and in this dream i couldnt drive i had just never learned, I put it in reverse not understanding and ran through the parking garage barricade which was a couple floors up from the bottom so it was a big crash down to the first floor, my ears were ringing and i was out of it. The bad men where running down and i was able to get up and find another car, the bad men finally got down to the 1st floor and were assessing the car, the car was so mangled that they had to get close to see if i was still in there, so while they were confused and looking i just in a maserati and i still cant drive but this time i figure it out and drive off, somehow i heard of this safe place it was the towns elementary school, other people of the towns homes were boarded up and the school was boarded up, I had gone to the school specifically looking for Jack and when i got there Jack ran out hugging and kissing me desperately in relief so we went inside and were sitting of the floor of a class room there were other people and we were catching up on everything that happened. I guess i had lead the bad men to the school and while we were all huddled and whispering they had set up dynimite around the school. Im not sure how we found this out but at this point i remember that the leader hates Jack but Jack never told me why. So of course at this point everyone is panicking and trying to figure out what to do, but there’s seemingly no way out but Jack and i remember as kids we had a way we would sneak out but only we can go out that way for some reson and so Jack and I make a dsh for it and make sure we dont see any bad men so after confirming no bad men we are full on sprinting across an open field to a treeline, one bad man spots us and radios it in to the leader and he come sprinting after Jack specifically, i had a weird thought that i think the leader is actually Jacks dad and thats why he doesnt want to tell me about their issue and a really tall heavy set guy comes chasing me at this point we’re still closer to the building then the treeline and as we’re all sprinting the building explodes and I see as im falling Jack and the leader poof into fine gold dust, in this dream world that is just a weird as the normal world no one has ever died like that, I feel the deepest pit in my stomach my throat it tight and the only think i can relate it too is the feeling you get from your first heartbreak so as i fall the heavy set man behind me falls dead onto me protecting me from the full blast of the explosion, I crawled from under him and I run to where Jack and the leaders bodies should be and i just cry and cry kneeling on the ground, the story zooms out and fades back into me older in age telling the story to the children in my shop and the dream ended but in a previous dream I would where wear this neckless with gold dust in it trying to learn about the special dust and trying to see if theres someone who knows where Jack went or how to bring him back with this dust… but im scared that maybe Jack was actually obliterated or the dust is his and the bad man and if i follow that trail i may bring him back instead of Jack.

25 Jul 2024

Mushroom Cloud


Im in the army and I just dreamed that I was on my base in Germany with my buddies and when I was talking to my fellow soldiers outside I noticed the sky was completely clear but it was grey. And all the buildings were made of grey concrete. Then in the middle of a funny conversation we all suddenly heard really loud explosions off in the distance and I and everybody looked up into the sky and a look of pure terror came over everybody and everybody froze in place out of fear. When i looked in the sky to see what they were looking at I noticed two bomber planes that were dropping a constant flow of nuclear bombs being dropped from both planes. Then I could see massive mushroom clouds forming in the distance as the bombs began to detonate one by one while hearing very loud explosions. Nobody moved as they were too scared and also hopeless. I was the only one who started running in the opposite direction except I could actually run in this dream at a proportional speed to real life. Then my dream ended

12 Jul 2024



I can only remember bits and pieces of this dream. I remeber swimming across the ocean for this challenge thing and yelling, at this point I knew I was dreaming. I remember diving under water and seeing cats and trying to save them I had to bring them back to our side for the challenge. I remember I was with someone and we snuck in this theatre and started watching something but there were kids studying so we left. I remember racing this villain to get cars and fighting for better and faster ones. I visibly remember checking these bed type things for little prizes, it was like divergent and we’d been chosen for different roles who got different rewards. But me and whoever I was with I can’t remember went around stealing more because we knew the person in charge was evil. I visibly remember watching a huge rocket ship launch and cause this massive explosion where me and my friend had to run and jump off a cliff into water as the explosion effects blasted past us. I finally remember the movie “fall” tower was in my dream and these random Indians climbed it and took pictures I think they tried to make me do it too.

9 Jul 2024



There are bits and pieces of dreams I remember across weeks. I was in a new location, resembling Mack and Darcee’s abode. I had my cane…but it was a symbol of power and submission? The elastic broke through, and my metal cane peeled like a growing bamboo. Before reforming, it was…like that everytime I tried to defend myself. There were times where there was another person…seemingly representing Alfred from Batman’s stories. We were living a somewhat mundane life—when suddenly something blew us into the water. Including a white dog. I managed to save myself and several others, and the dog I saved just in time. There was also…a time where I was attending a large party? Food was being served, and there was a choice we had to make between several opposing forces? I was also able to remember…Chase? Who was so accommodating to me…I kept flashing above ground with a flourishing business and a underground water location where monsters lurk every turn. I kept picturing, Mack’s bathroom—having to use it…but something in it prevented me from flushing and exploded.

9 Jul 2024



I think I had a few dreams last night. One of them was that I had tickets to go to a restaurant which I think was themed by the TV show Friends and then I had some more tickets that were going to go watch a show. I think they were all at the same time and what I wanted to do was take Abbey with me to one of them and I'm not sure somebody was going to go to the other one, I don't know who it was and it ended up me having to go with Abbey's friend Sarah and I said I wanted to go with Abbey and she was adamant she wasn't going to go and we were all at Paul's house and his kids were there and there were birds flying about and animals and I was trying to organise everybody and say look we're going to go out and try to figure out who was going where. My cousin was there I think, Paul's dad, and there were all these bits of paper with instructions on and they were going in envelopes and somehow, I don't know how, there was an envelope saying that somebody was a cunt and we were trying to figure out who's named envelope it was going to go into and we were all laughing in case it went in one of the kids' ones and my cousin was saying oh this is a nice family event isn't it, insinuating that somebody's a cunt and anyway I kept looking at the time and I was like no we need to make a move if we're going to go to this restaurant. I went out, got my shoes on and I stood by the door and there was a helicopter going down the street and it was really low and I was like what on earth is going on, why is this helicopter there and I looked down the road and a couple of doors down there was a shop that had just been blown to bits and it was just debris everywhere and I was like what is going on and everybody came out and they were like right let's go to this restaurant then and I was like I don't even know if we can book it because I think we may have run out of time but we got to this restaurant and they let us in and for some reason we all went in even though we only had two tickets and we sat down and it was kind of a buffet thing where you went to get your own food and I went and got pancakes and people went and got other stuff and I was eating and I had this friend Sarah that I had the ticket for, she literally ate a couple of mouthfuls of pancake and that was it and Paul was there and he said have you got to eat the rest of it and she says no I don't and Abby and her friends were like no she doesn't, she doesn't have to eat anything, she doesn't want to and Paul's like yeah but you've got tickets to come here and eat so you would have thought you would have eaten it but she was adamant she wasn't eating it and I think she went outside at the end but I don't really know what happened to the play or who went to that I think somebody did but I don't actually know

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