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Dream Interpretation: Conflict 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Conflict? Discover the significance of seeing a Conflict in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Conflict appears in your dream ✅

Conflict symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a struggle or disagreement in your waking life. It may represent an internal conflict or a conflict with someone else. It could also indicate a need for resolution or compromise.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the source of the conflict in your waking life. Is there a way to resolve the issue or come to a compromise? If not, focus on finding ways to cope with the situation and reduce stress. Consider seeking the help of a mediator or therapist if necessary. Remember to prioritize your own well-being and avoid getting caught up in unnecessary drama.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of conflict may evoke feelings of tension, frustration, and unease. It suggests a struggle or disagreement in your waking life that is causing inner turmoil. The dream may reflect unresolved conflicts or a fear of confrontation. It could also indicate a need for resolution and finding a balance between opposing forces. The emotions associated with this dream may include anger, anxiety, and confusion. It is important to address the underlying issues causing the conflict in order to find peace and harmony.





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29 Aug 2024



I had a dream I was in this store with Carlos this guy I am currently talking to. I was walking around the store looking for stuff when This guy randomly approached me and was flirting me and asked if I could send a picture of me to his phone he kept asking me did I send it and I told him why don’t he send me one so I wouldn’t forget to send him one back and he explained for whatever reason that he couldn’t and I told him oh okay.. as I was saying that Carlos walked up to me and looked curious about the guy talking to me …then the dream switched ….then the dream switched I was in the store the guy Carlos that I am talking to ..on the way out the store he grabbed this bright green and bright pink paper and said that I need to start back drawing then he went back into the store and I walked back to the car I wasn’t sure why he went back in . Then the dream switched again I was riding in the car with my friend and Carlos I remember telling my friend that me and him was going to go back to her apartment which I remember her showing me earlier in the dream and stay there for the night and I told him too he said it was cool. Then we pulled up to this big surprise party event that’s apparently I didn’t know that I had previously paid for I forgot what the party was for but I remember seeing a bunch of bright neon party stuff and the man told me it was too late to cancel because we had already paid for it I asked my friend did she remember this event and she said yeah I was shocked that I really couldn’t remember it . I can’t remember what the party was for but it said Aaliyah’s 2nd something…. Then I remember seeing these two girls I was talking to one and complementing her about being really smart then my friend whispered something in my ear a rude comment that animals are smart and the girl called her out they was about to fight that’s when I woke up …. I also remember Carlos surprising me with these little teddy bears I figured that’s what he went and bought when he went back in .

21 Aug 2024

Video Game


I was at my current job and my old boss from 7 years ago Will (he was a sweet guy) was my current boss in my dream. He had an interview with this guy who kind of looked like him (I could remember his face a little. A cute chubby guy then Will.) but was very nice and passionate about what he loved during the interview. After the interview, Will came in the room, it looked like maybe a classroom where myself and my co teacher Oyani were and we started asking about the interview. He said the guy was amazing and wanted to hire him but he was too good to work there. I had to be a little strong minded and tell Will all the things we could do with the new guy’s talents with his knowledge. Will eventually gave in and said he would call the guy, so I hope he got the job. Will then started talking about going back to school, and Oyani tells and tried to show Will the part time job she had found and wanted to know if he thought she should take it. He looked at it and then I looked and I noticed it was porn and had to show them both that it was a scam and porn 😂. She laughed and so did Will and then my dream jumps to my twin brother coming in town and we’re leaving my job and walking up the stairs to this basically abandoned and creepy train station to get on a train and go home. Each flight of stairs is kind of broken and the floor is dark and scary. My brother is pissed with me over this and tried to walk through two train crossings when their lights were signaling as we climbed the stairs and I had to yell at him. When we got to the top floor, there was light and a few other people scattered. Next thing you know the entrance door to the leave to get on the train flew open and broke off the wall, and these men came in trying to fight everyone. This goth girl and I grabbed mops and my brother grabbed something ask well, I think a broom. The girl and I started to beat the guys and the scene turned into a video game almost with how the guys were acting, like it was hard to hit them and take them down. Finally we beat them and I looked and saw my brother next to me confused and irritated. Idk if we went home or not after, I think so but I also woke up a little out of it.

19 Aug 2024



I had a dream that my sister tried to self sabotage my relationship with my boyfriend because of her own jealousy. It was my sister Athie , my two male cousins Donnell & Steven , and My boyfriend Peter ^ Damien is what he loves to be called^ and me ; I wanted them to meet him for the first time and he was so excited and when my boyfriend met them he instantly clicked with my cousin Donnell and Steven . But he didn’t really like Athie because she would fine ways to make him really uncomfortable my boyfriend and I didn’t like it and Steven and Donnell noticed and didn’t like it either, all of a sudden she wanted to “talk about something serious” with my boyfriend and we both thought it was extremely strange so he said that he would go but called me on the phone so that me and my cousins Steven and Donnell can hear and I added my grandma into the call and Athie was jus maki my him so uncomfortable. She was asking all weird question and was all talking about me as if I’m a present and jus saying discussing things about me and my boyfriend stood up for me and cussed her out and she got pissed off. Then the very next day she lied on me to him saying that I’ve been “cheating” on him witch wasn’t true and my boyfriend believed her without any proof and he broke up with me and hurt me really bad ; and that was went we was about to leave Houston and go home . And as soon we leave and go to my aunts house the whole family called Athie out for self sabotaging my relationship because of her jealousy and all she could say was “ I was doing what was best for them she don’t deserve to have a good boyfriend like him” and I snapped back at her saying “ so u self sabotage my relationship that I god brung to me because he knew that I would heal?” And she said yeah it was worth it , and so I told her that “ im done with you and by that I mean I’M DONE WITH YOU , I’m NO LONGER in your corner anymore I’m removing you out of my life and leaving you in my past and I’m just done.” And she was trynna gaslight and manipulate me but she realized it wasn’t working and she tried to get the family on her side but they was on my side and I told the wole family that they could still have a relationship w her and support her I’m not gon be mad at yall for it but I’m done and I swiped my hands clean with her and I will no lover support her but I will FORVER BE in Kaih’s coner forever. And I had Peter ^ Damien^ on the phone and he heard the whole conversation but I hung up after everything ; and when me and my grandma left and went home he came by my house the next day and was like “ can we try one more time for a relationship please?? , I was a dumbass for jus breaking up with out proof” and I told him “ no , I only like you once and ONE TIME only and when you mess it up that’s it and I will NOT like you or look at you the same” and he respected my decision. And after that incident Athie ^ my “older” sister^ have been begging for forgiveness and I just tell her every time “ I didn’t wanna be bothered with you” . And I woke up after she was crying I woke up pissed and annoyed.

18 Aug 2024



I can’t really remember how it started, so I’ll say what I can remember. I was in school and every few months there is a performance that random students do, it can be about anything (this is in the dream, we don’t do performances irl). Me and one of my friends were about to do a performance. We were gonna act out that one “I just killed my ex” song (super random lol). My friend had a fake knife that she would “stab” me with on the stage. The stage was decorated as a bedroom or a living room (I can’t really remember which one it was, but I think it was a bedroom). We did the whole performance without a problem, but after it I felt a pain in between my (right) shoulder and chest. It had only started hurting when I was with my other friends. I stretched my shirt’s collar area to see if anything was there, and there was a mark that was bleeding. It turned out my friend had somehow accidentally stab me a little bit. The end of the dream was basically her apology and us being confused on how that happened (because of the type of fake knife it was). The end :P

15 Aug 2024



I was happy and trying to hang out with my friend group from high school, and once I walked out the door, I heard them complaining about me. Saying I smell and that I'm weird and off-putting and laughing about it. Next time I see them, I have a blank look on my face, and just ask for a blanket and walk away. One of them asks what's wrong since I don't look cheery, and I just say "it's nothing" before trying to walk off again. He comes back and says that they didn't mean the things they said. I replied, "well I don't care that you said it in general. I care that you said it behind my back instead of in front of me, because nothing is going to change until you confront me about it." He kept trying to call out excuses but I wasn't having any of it, and stormed out.

13 Aug 2024

Best Friend


I was at house I lived in with my best friend ( we don't live together anymore and are no longer friends it ended in bad terms) but their were a lot of people and men, the group of people left an a man stayed behind we were about to have sex when the group appeared back in the house and was watching me and the other man whom I was preforming oral on an started to judge me, one of he girls who judged me was a old coworker whom I never really cared for I fought her for her comments she made towards me. Fast forward me and the young man seemed to be very connected and ighink brought me food and gave me money. Fast-forward again the house started to flood and my best friend called her mom and in the dream her family know I was planning on moving out and they told her she shouldn't worry because it would be my responsibility as in she planned on leaving me with the mess the young man who I was talking about before was not happy and spoke of it!

11 Aug 2024



I’m traveling. I’m staying at a very trendy hotel. One of my travel companions is being rude to the staff . It’s embarrassing. I apologize for her perfusely. She leaves, we stay. There’s a restaurant that wants our business. It’s middle eastern. I think the food is delicious but others don’t get it because it’s foreign. They give away free things like sliced fried chicken to entice people to like it more. I’m calling an Uber but I don’t know the address. It’s my moms address but she’s dead and I don’t know it. There is a workshop for entrepreneurs. Everyone is so young. One girl keeps bullying me, so I pull a harmless prank and plug my computer in at her table. She gets visibly upset and screams Amd puts my computer at my desk and keeps pointing and showing people. I avoid the conflict and help a woman hand wallpaper on windows of her new space where she will be running a hip small business. I’m not very handy so I point out my idea and then I woke up .

9 Aug 2024



I was married to a dude, and we had kids, but we were staying with his mom, I think, for a vacation. And me and the mom did not get along. She was kind of that passive-aggressive mother-in-law who just kept making snide comments to me, and then acting like she didn't understand why I was angry with her. So we were kind of having this little fight where I would just call her out on being, you know, a passive-aggressive bitch, and then she'd be like, I have no idea what you're talking about, I have plenty of better things to do. And I had this big party that I was setting up, and it didn't go too well. I don't know exactly what happened, but, you know, it just didn't go too well. And she didn't make any comments, but she looked at me like she wanted to. We got home, and they were like, oh, you almost made your quota today. And she was like, mm-hmm, almost. And I was like, oh, yeah, well, how much did I not make it by? Because I knew she knew the exact number because she was that petty, and she was like, my life doesn't revolve around you, sweetie. And then she asked my husband what he was doing in school, what he was getting his bachelor's in, and he was like, oh, it's like software engineering. And I was like, oh, that's interesting, I'm getting mine in mechatronics engineering and biotechnology. Yeah. Which I was. And she was like, oh. And she looked very surprised. My husbands like, damn, you're going to be making more money than me soon. And I just, like, laughed at it. And then we kind of just ate, waiting for the next time for his mom to say something else. And then I woke up.

7 Jul 2024



I went back to Job Corp and it was better than the first experience I had. Nobody bothered me and everyone wanted to be my friend but I got popular pretty well and got friends. But it had its ups and downs. They banned fake cards and since they banned fake cards they would be confiscated and you will be kicked out but I had a teacher helping me and put money on my card and it was time to find out who ruined the bathroom and it was a boy or girl who went in and peed everyone, everyone thought the boy did it but I did and my snot came out my nose and my weird friend start to say he knows who do it after sticking his whole hand up my nose getting snot, took my phone but he said he had a bad feeling about me so he kept snooping until he looked down and almost seen fake card and I threw a fit until I snatched the card from him and took it to my teacher and she applied money on the card with a device and ever since that day I saw him as weird and my finally straw was when he had the nerve to sit at my table and started making out with his girlfriend and I got up and I left and when I took my food up I had my comfort food cookie cake and some cupcakes and this female since she ain't talk to me to take one and I lost my temper and cussed her out and took my cupcake back and she called me a bitch and I didn't care I left my glasses in the cafeteria and as soon as I trusted a girl to watch over my food for a second she called me a dumb bitch and tried to ruin and I turned so fast and lashed at her landing a few punches the center director automatically believed her cause she hasn't done anything when she did and assumed that I was the problem so I made her hold my food and she wouldn't let me get my glasses I had to pretend I couldn't see a dreadhead that looked like Desmond a colleague I had at the first one and then I seen a former bully name Queshonda with short black and red hair smiling and waving at me then PJ and Alexander looking at me asking me if I didn't see them and I said yk I can and we laughed.

7 Jul 2024



I went back to Job Corp and it was better than the first experience I had. Nobody bothered me and everyone wanted to be my friend but I got popular pretty well and got friends. But it had its ups and downs. They banned fake cards and since they banned fake cards they would be confiscated and you will be kicked out but I had a teacher helping me and put money on my card and it was time to find out who ruined the bathroom and it was a boy or girl who went in and peed everyone, everyone thought the boy did it but I did and my snot came out my nose and my weird friend start to say he knows who do it after sticking his whole hand up my nose getting snot, took my phone but he said he had a bad feeling about me so he kept snooping until he looked down and almost seen fake card and I threw a fit until I snatched the card from him and took it to my teacher and she applied money on the card with a device and ever since that day I saw him as weird and my finally straw was when he had the nerve to sit at my table and started making out with his girlfriend and I got up and I left and when I took my food up I had my comfort food cookie cake and some cupcakes and this female since she ain't talk to me to take one and I lost my temper and cussed her out and took my cupcake back and she called me a bitch and I didn't care I left my glasses in the cafeteria and as soon as I trusted a girl to watch over my food for a second she called me a dumb bitch and tried to ruin and I turned so fast and lashed at her landing a few punches the center director automatically believed her cause she hasn't done anything when she did and assumed that I was the problem so I made her hold my food and she wouldn't let me get my glasses I had to pretend I couldn't see a dreadhead that looked like Desmond a colleague I had at the first one and then I seen a former bully name Queshonda with short black and red hair smiling and waving at me then PJ and Alexander looking at me asking me if I didn't see them and I said yk I can and we laughed.

5 Jul 2024



I had a dream where I was pregnant, or I went to Walmart and got a pregnancy test, and in my dream, for some reason, I could have pictures of the baby sent to my home. I had them sent to my home, and my grandmother and my mother saw them. They don't know that I've ever been intimate with anyone, ever. They don't know that I'm not a virgin. So, they saw these, they're wondering whose they are, and I'm just lying and lying and lying and lying and lying. And for some reason, my mom is trying her hardest to not defend me. At some point during this dream, I end up telling her that I have to look out for the best interest of my siblings when she asks if I want to be in her custody again. And I'm just looking at the pictures and realizing that something is different, that I am having a baby. And I woke up, panicked, and my heart was racing, and I could literally hear my heart beating as soon as I woke up. And my mom said that I'm not her kid because I don't want to stay with her and my grandmother listing all these responsibilities and things she wants me to do with my life

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