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Dream Interpretation: Fight 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Fight? Discover the significance of seeing a Fight in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Fight appears in your dream ✅

Fight symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This is a clear symbol of conflict in your life. This can manifest in different ways and usually represents both internal and external conflict simultaneously. This also indicates a suppressed anger or frustration that you have held in for a very long time.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Address the conflict that you are currently experiencing. There is a chance that you may not even recognize that you are in a tense environment; however, your dream is making you aware of this state. Therefore, it will be vital that you recognize the parts of yourself that are in disharmony and whatever conflict exists in your environment.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of fighting may evoke feelings of anger, frustration, and aggression. It could symbolize unresolved conflicts or a need to assert oneself. The intensity of the fight and the emotions involved may reflect a sense of powerlessness or a desire for control. It may also indicate a fear of confrontation or a need to defend oneself. Overall, this dream may leave one feeling unsettled or on edge.





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25 Aug 2024



I dreamt about going to a place like a school for a class. The instructor wants to go over homework apparently I didn't do it. My seat mate did and offered to let me copy but I only did for some of them but when I looked at the page with the prompt and it looked like the page was redacted by another teacher. Some of the stuff I wasn't understanding and I just put down random answers. I tried to explain it to her that it was redacted by someone and she didn't want to hear it. So I left to the bathroom after one of the other classmates left and I just walked around I believe. And I think I tried to go into one of the other classrooms but it didn't work out. I remember coming back at like a break time and I went to stand near the jackets cuz I was frustrated but someone's zipper that was hanging from their jacket got caught and like an earring. I guess I was wearing and the person had to pull it off me and it broke but then apparently it was their earring and they always supposed to wear it because one of their significant others and the same class has some issue with me which was very frustrating cuz they had called me out saying I guess I did something and the boyfriend tried to explain that he just broke his ear in by accident and it wasn't anything dramatic like that. Well I guess the class was over. Oh we when they had like a barbecue set up on the bispig campus and I noticed there was this guy with like a blue syringe like stuck to his head walking around and I wanted to thank him for something but I couldn't remember who I was but I was at some point able to like. Thank him and then the oysters were being barbecued. I went to have them but they didn't look right and asked if they were done and he didn't know and I noticed that it was still has water in. It weren't dried like how you're supposed to do them. So I told him hey and in Spanish wait till it stops throwing out water with the bubbles and that's when you know they're done okay. He appreciated that. And a girl who is accusing me of doing something weird with her boyfriend had to said I had told her they weren't goodn she asked if anyone could help or anyone and so I got up to go help her but since We weren't good quite yet and she got up since And are you f****** kidding me and I told her don't eat them. She ate them and they weren't good and then she wanted to fight me. So I broke an oyster and started stabbing her with it and I won. Then it pans to a different dream. My husband and my brother and I were in a car and it looks like they're going to run into a lady but she's not moving. She jumps on like the bumper or the front end and she opens the truck and she's trying to like get stuff from the engine and I said hey like you guys and they like didn't do anything so I jumped out the car and I like Pusher off and she asked like what's the problem like what the hell are you trying to do taking s*** for my truck like the f*** and she don't want to take me seriously so I got a pineapple core tool and I started cutting her hands off with it and she at first said it didn't bother her but I kept twisting it into her hands till it started really cutting into her hands badly and she wanted me to stop but I didn't cuz she was trying to steal from me and she needed to learn and my person look like she was enjoying it fine. And that is all that I can remember

24 Aug 2024

Being Late


i had a dream my roommate was getting ready to go to her new boyfriend anthony’s house in florida (we live in california) but i decided to tag along on a separate flight and then we got there and her and her boyfriend had the room with multiple beds but i was assigned a room that was basically a prison with a pad for a bed but i took a nap in one of the beds in anthony’s room and i woke up disoriented and i had packed in 2 seconds and realized i forgot my meds so within like hours of being there i immediately flew home. but before i went home i went kinda crazy at anthony’s and got naked and his door in his room to outside was open and the neighbors across the property (it was like in the middle of nowhere) were like wizards and flew a firework out of their hands essentially to warn me to put clothes on and then we had like a baseball scene from the movie twilight moment against them to stick up for ourselves bc they were like threatening violence. and also i decided to walk like 5k floors up a hospital to get my dads belongings bc apparently he had died in a hospital 3 years ago but no one got his belongings yet and i had to climb up the stairs to get them. (he died 5 years ago). and there were two women behind me but i was getting tired and emotional and crying and they for some reason were only communicating with me over the phone and were kinda telling me hey stand aside so we can pass by you so i think i stepped aside so they could pass me by and i still had so many floors to climb and i don’t know if i ended up giving up i might have woken up.

22 Aug 2024

Being chased by murderer
Home Invasion


Tonight I dreamt that I woke up, and saw a face in the corner of the room. (Just like what happened a few days ago when I hallucinated in my waking life). But it turned out that it actually wasn’t an hallucination, but some guy who had been standing there, watching me sleep. He was very short, half my height, and with long brown hair. Once I realized that he was real, because I touched him, I simply started to fight him. It was easy, since he was so short. But he was very good at avoiding my attacks. Eventually, we got tired. I asked him why he was there, and he wouldn’t explain. I kept on asking, and he became annoyed, and finally said “if you want to know, follow me”. And so I did. We went out the front door from my apartment, but instead of a staircase, we walk through an endless labyrinth of hallways and people, that reminded me more of a hospital. That is not normal but in the dream, I did not think much of it. I keep following the little guy. We exit the corridors of the giant building and now we are outside. He gets on a bus. I get on the bus. We sit for a while, and get off at a street I have never seen before. He enters a house. I enter the house too. It is very messy, and his entire family is in here. They are average height. They look at me and start to greet me. I suddenly realize that I am still in my pajamas. The short guy has many brothers, and they all have the exact same face as the little guy, but different hair styles. His mother is in the kitchen somewhere. His father is asking me questions, almost interrogating me, but in a sweet way. This is when I realize that his whole family thinks I am dating the short guy. I become embarrassed on short guy’s behalf. Eventually, I find an excuse to leave, and even though I am far from home, I try to find my way by getting on the bus. So I sit there, in my pajamas, not knowing where I am going. Suddenly, a baby appears in the air in front of me, it came from nowhere, as if by magic. And it is falling! I catch it by pure instinct. Everyone on the bus hears the baby cry, and see a person in their pajamas, who doesn’t know where they are going or who’s baby this is. How do I explain this situation, I thought. Is this what the short guy experienced? Did he pass the curse to me? Either way, I now understand, but at what cost, I am going to pass it onto someone else now.

17 Aug 2024

High School


This dream was set in my high school, a mix between the Q block where my history classes were and the library. I didn’t ‘attend school’ as I was talking about the teachers and my experiences there in the past tense but I’m not sure why I was at the school. I was talking to my old music teacher, a teacher I don’t recognise but ‘thinks attractive’, a teacher who resembles Max Minghella and a teacher from my primary school. I was heavily flirting with the first 2 teachers, simultaneously trying to get their numbers or make them give it to me. They were flirting back. There were papers all over the floor and my left foot slipped on one and twisted out my knee. I winced in pain and sat down trying to get it to stop hurting. The teacher from my primary school (Mr Hodge but MUCH younger) came over to try help me stretch it out. It was a really awkward way to do it but I didn’t say anything. It felt a little better and my music teacher (Mrs Watson, whom didn’t like anyone at school but was really nice in this dream) asked what was wrong. I told her how I had an ACL reconstruction when I was 21 and sometimes it plays up. She replied asking if I was sure they fixed it and I laughed and said I hope so. I pointed to her shirt and asked her how well were the sea eagles going. She was wearing a manly sea eagles 2008 premiers shirt, and she remembered I went for them as well. We chatted about how the eagles were looking really good for finals and I was so keen I’ve already bought grand final tickets. I then went back to flirting a little with the teachers and one of them gave me their number for something else before I had to leave to meet Larni. I left and as I was walking home, past Cole’s I saw my little sister and mum also walking and caught up with them. Talked about the day and as I turned the corner Larni jumped out excitedly. I said hey and we continue walking when a school bus went past with one of the teachers I was trying to flirt with. I then got a text message but I can’t remember what it said. As I looked up from my phone I noticed a fight was breaking out with some younger kids at the train station. One had thrown the other off the bus and then started punching him harder. I walked over, the kids seemed no older then 5-6 but acted as if they were 18-19. I tried breaking it up and separating them when one of the boys ran at me as if to try to fight me. I put my hand up and said no before waking up.

13 Aug 2024

Best Friend


I was at house I lived in with my best friend ( we don't live together anymore and are no longer friends it ended in bad terms) but their were a lot of people and men, the group of people left an a man stayed behind we were about to have sex when the group appeared back in the house and was watching me and the other man whom I was preforming oral on an started to judge me, one of he girls who judged me was a old coworker whom I never really cared for I fought her for her comments she made towards me. Fast forward me and the young man seemed to be very connected and ighink brought me food and gave me money. Fast-forward again the house started to flood and my best friend called her mom and in the dream her family know I was planning on moving out and they told her she shouldn't worry because it would be my responsibility as in she planned on leaving me with the mess the young man who I was talking about before was not happy and spoke of it!

11 Aug 2024

High School


I was in high school in my dream and there was also a boy someone unknown everyone had some kind of magical power. On mty first day of school I met him and something happens and we become friends then after school I got home and text with him then on our second day i had a encounter to some bullies and my friend saved me from them. Then after school I went to a fun place where I danced I accidentally did a wrong move but my grandfpa saved me, he told every one at home that if he had done any further delay then I would have been dead. Then I thanked him. Another day at school nothing much happed. After school I went to my friend's home. His house was very big. There he told me about his family and his girlfriend who had been went to another coutry for studies and all of a sudden a thief broke into the house and he take something with him and went to an whole another place through a portal we both followed him and He fought with the thief then I finally got the thing and started running I got trped by a group of people but then out of nowhere my grandpa came and let me go home then my friend also came. The people in the other world were very different. there facial features were very different from us.

10 Aug 2024



I dream that I was on a Truck and it was Dawn.. The driver was a strange man... I asked him, "where are we going?" He didn't respond and continued driving in a turn.. Which made me feel anxious.. Then we arrive at a gate house.... The gate was probably yellow... I couldn't get a grasp since it's dark... Then, we get inside Inside, was a Man and a Woman I assume Husband and Wife, They're fighting. The Man was abusive and hurt the Woman. And the Woman even choked blood.. The woman ran away and the man followed her. Then he came back but now with many hands and laughing. the Strange guy I'm with couldn't watch still and beat up the Man... Then, after that there's a wolf man and a little man fighting... The little man was helpless.... He's getting beat up. After that for some reason he beat the man... Then, I saw Sheldon, yes Sheldon from a series or so... He was solving a math equation and saw the beat up wolf... But he just grabbed a bottle of wine and poured a glass of it... Then, I saw his family in some kind of fight... Pretty intense yes.. Then, I remember I'm outside... It was snowing.... And almost everything is snowing beside the dark starry night. Then, I saw this white fox... This fox seems to be observing me... And for some reason I felt threatened since I have food with me... Or maybe... I'm the food... Well either way there's a trash bin and so but in the end the Fox didn't attack me.. I'm just wary of the fox

8 Aug 2024



Green tanks expedition I was a green tank, I drive this tank under a huge gigantic grey rock cliff, the ground that I was passing with my tank has super shallow water that only rise up as high as the lower calf (Achilles tendon). There was a lot of houses with stilts that are made out of wood because of the shallow wet water beneath it. Then a tank came to me, It is chasing me slowly, I was cautious, but calm and didn't think it will attack me. Then I flee to a zone with square poles poking out of the ground, I told the other tank that I am mutual and beneficial for him, but the tank owner (he) didn't believe it. I had no choice other than to fight, My tank is damaged by the shots that he got, but I destroyed his tank make it smoke out gray fumes, I guess I won. After that victory, I kept going to different places as a tank until I woke up as myself in my real life house. I heard from my parents that were moving and not living in this house anymore, I didn't want to, but I had no choice, I try to seduce myself by looking at sexy female pictures to cope.

6 Aug 2024



I dreamed that my son was sick and had to be taken to the ER. I had to stay behind while my husband drove him to the hospital. The doctors were trying to figure out what was wrong with him and did X-Rays of his chest. They found that he had bacterial pneumonia. My son was seriously ill but my husband and I were fighting because my husband told me it “wasn’t a big deal.” I reminded him that pneumonia can be a deadly illness. He didn’t care. Later I was on a computer when messages from one of my husbands’ old friends popped up. They had sent him images of my best friend who died in 2016. She was naked and the photos were inappropriate. I again asked my husband why there would be images like that of my old friend sent to him. It started yet another screaming match in which I was sobbing my eyes out. My son eventually died and my husband and I were still fighting. His mother showed up, but she Just say there and listened. I didn’t know why she was there- but I was heart broken from the loss of my son and nothing could console me

3 Aug 2024



Had a dream that I was at work but my friend that did not work there was with me also when I went outside to wait for here to get out of my job my ex best friends boyfriend had patted me on the back and started talking to me when I looked up I had seen the car he came in and my ex bestfriend was in it shortly after a truck pulls up and there’s about 4 big girls inside it they get out and start screaming at my ex best friend they end up getting in a big fist fight outside my work, after the fight was over my ex bestfriend had lost and she was expressing to me that I should’ve tried to jump in and she was disappointed that I didn’t at that point my friend had came out and handed me gender reveal ballon’s cause I’m pregnant in real life. When my ex bestfriend had seen them she asked me why I had them and I had explained to her that I was pregnant and she said “you think your pregnant?” And I said “no I know I am” when I followed my friend back into my workplace it turned into an airport in my head I knew me and Annabelle were taking a trip out of country I had nothing but the 80$ I had spent on the ticket when we got to our seats all seats were in laying position all right next to each other and all the seats were like that my friend had told me she needed to use the restroom I had followed her to the restroom it led upstairs and the stairs only led to a small bathroom it was like an employee only bathroom when we had went inside there were small steps leading up to the toilet that were covered in misc smartphones and debit cards my friend had started pulling cash from the cracks and crevices of the toilet and I started grabbing debit cards with nothing on my mind but all the stuff that I was gonna order when I got home we left the bathroom and I had lost her on the way when I got back to my seat there was some older man on the seat next to me I had asked him to move cause the seat was taken by my friend which he moved but also seemed it was the only other person besides staff on the plane after laying there having bad anxiety for a while It had hit me that I’m going to another country with no solid money whatsoever and I started panicking I got up to go find staff to see if it was soon enough to get off when I had turned I had seen my friend sitting in a chair at the corner of the room and she was hooked up to a bunch of medical wires and such and she looked like she was mentally handicapped and couldn’t move, drool was dripping from her mouth and she looked dead I kept walking to go find a staff member when I turned he was walking out of the room and had said something that I had heard multiple times throughout the dream but can’t remember what was said when I found him I told him I couldn’t go he said he was already on take off he offered me to use the bathroom which I took and used the bathroom when I came back he had video games on and I started talking to him about the game he was playing this is where I got a call in real life from my friend and was woken up

3 Aug 2024



The Grocery Alleyway Me, my grandpa, my mother, my brother Ikmal, my friend Iffa, my uncle uncu, and my sister Fatima are going to the grocery store at my grandpa's hometown, the building and the roads are made out of mud bricks, muddy and dimly lit. At the grocery store, my family (My grandpa, my mother, Ikmal, Iffa, Fatima, Uncle Uncu), are buying some supplements, drinks, and food. Ikmal is creating his very own snack at the grocery called "Chocolate Pizza with a hole in the center" Or a large flat donut, he showed it joyfully to me. While others are buying foods, I am just taking onigiri and risoles, my mother is angry at me for only taking 2 small snacks, but I angrily said to her that "I am craving for friend salty umami snacks!", So then we paid our grocery and get going. I finished eating the food and sneaks quickly to a narrow Alleyway to wash my hands in the sink, after that I search for my family who have went further. Then I finally found My grandpa Saleh, Saleh is struggling to lift up some cloth because of his back pain, so I helped Saleh lift his clothes to the Jeep's trunk, The clothes were from my grandpa's childhood city padang. I went inside the Jeep, but then saw some ladies not wearing tops in full nudity, I was captivated. I then drop off somewhere far and said goodbye to my family, my family goes without me, Then I went for a stroll on the road, In the road I saw my female bestfriend Nadine the Taekwondo fighter doing a street fight, I watched Nadine fight.

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