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Dream Interpretation: Basement 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Basement? Discover the significance of seeing a Basement in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Basement appears in your dream ✅

Basement symbol
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💡Possible meaning

A basement in a dream represents the subconscious mind, hidden emotions, and memories. It can also symbolize a feeling of being trapped or stuck in a situation. It may indicate that you need to explore your inner self and confront your fears.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what is currently going on in your life that may be causing you to feel trapped or stuck. It may be time to confront your fears and explore your inner self. Take some time to reflect on your emotions and memories. Consider seeking therapy or counseling to help you work through any unresolved issues.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a basement can evoke feelings of confinement, fear, and vulnerability. It may symbolize hidden emotions or unresolved issues that are buried deep within the subconscious. This dream can also represent a desire for security or a need to explore the depths of one's psyche.





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Dreams of users containing the word Basement

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29 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


I dreamt that I was in the Amityville Horror house as a little boy. I walked Into the basement and suddenly saw red exit light and it turned out that it was really a stage for acting. Then I walked out into the front yard and all of the actors were chanting "encour encour" then I started acting out my last scene about flying away. I was waving my arms to fly, but was only acting. In the the dream I vividly heard the sounds of birds flapping their wings.

28 Aug 2024



I was with my abusive ex-boyfriend. We are in this apartment and I'm hanging out with a couple of friends. One of my friends invited me to this activity to hangout. I think I had plans with my ex but for some reason I was kind of getting over him. So I decided to hang out with my girlfriends and I started making more plans with them. He overheard and from behind he grabs my head and slams it on the counter and asked me where do you think you're going. My ex never physically assaulted me in that way in my waking life but he would physically intimidate and if I didn't manage my behaviors I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that. For some reason, I wasn't even scared I felt validated that my two girlfriends were there to witness what happened. Later on in the dream I'm going through the criminal court case process like I'm currently doint in my waking life. I think that incident where he slammed my head got recorded and we were already in the criminal court case process when it happens. The incident got recorded somehow by my ex and he sends it to his lawyer. His lawyer comes over and tries to retrieve I find his phone and take it. He tries to convince me to take the phone but I refuse, but I know if I hold onto his possession for too long he can use it against me so I complied but before I do I send the recording to someone but idk who. Later on were at this court and the prosecutor's lawyers and my ex’s lawyer or commiserating with the judge about the incident. And the judge finally rules he needs to be in jail during the court process. When the official trial court date begins I get overwhelmed seeing him and it hits me again what he did to me. I get triggered and leave the room and walk to another building where the prosecutors or located to try to emotionally gather myself. Several of the procecuter lawyers comes to check on me and make sure I'm ready to proceed to testify as a witness. I told them yes and go back. There was limited seating in the room and I would have to sit next to him I find another spot to sit at. There was another person in the room I believe a guy who was also a witness of being harrassed by my ex. My ex wasn't queer but it was notable that there was another person who been abused by him. In my waking life, he has a previous DV conviction from a previous girlfriend. Later on I'm not sure what was the ruling against my ex but Im pretty sure it was guilty because he was sent back to jail. Later on in dream I still felt overwhelmed with everything that happened. I went to the lower level of the prosecuter’s office and this creepy old white man tried to kidnap me and push me into this basement no one knows about and no one would ever hear me cry out for help. He almost caught me but I got away with him enough to cry out for help and a friend saw this suspicious behavior and several ppl were alerted and caught the guy and he was jailed. Later on I was in this house and feeling overwhelmed and scared with everything that happened to me between my ex and that creepy old man. I was scared and throughout the night my friends, the prosecutors lawyers who also was around being friendly to me, and even a coworker was there to help and support me. At some point I was even feeling scared to go to the bathroom by myself and my coworker was nice to come with me. Later on in the dream everyone in the house that was supporting me got loose and drink a lot of liquor, had fun and passed out. Everyone was nice to me. And I was surrounded by a bunch of people in this house supporting me. Later on in the dream me and the guy who got harrassed by me ex was at this party getting celebrated for being survivors of abuse and stepping up and going through the trials to hold him accountable. I finally was able to connect with the guy that got harassed we hugged each other and cried in each other arms supporting each other knowing only two of us understood what my abusive ex put is through. There was people taking pictures of us. But we hugged not for the photos but to hold space and support each other. We also remain connected afterwards.

27 Aug 2024



It started with a family afflicted with a disease that started to destroy their skin, the dad told said "get the dog out of here" another family member protested that the dog was fine and the dad said that's why he needed to go, the disease started melting them alive peices dripping off around the house, it was gruesome sight, in the end the dog did end up infected and died after the family, then I was me again, back at my own house, I was in the basement looking out the window and saw a black cat, I wondered where my cat was and then he came out of a bush and walked up to the other cat, the cat swatted him with a paw and he swatted back, I was worried they were going to fight for a second because other cats have been hostile before, but it turns out they were just playing, then I someone else again and I had a friend with me, we were being chased on horses and a witch was after us, eventually my friend died and then I was on an airplane with a different friend watching them play a game, when we got back to a house the witch from before followed us, apparently the game was a curse that killed anyone who played, but the temptation made it hard to resist playing, his skin started to melt, I tried to fight the witch, I had many different cane's with many different decorative toppers (like all those one from Halloween stores but if they were actual cane's instead of plastic) and I was hitting her with different ones until they all broke, and my there was drips on the floor of skin and blood, it was too late, we would die no matter what now.

14 Aug 2024



I had multiple dreams this night. First one: I am an ASL Interpreter and was working this job with another interpreter who was my friend Kaleb. This was interesting because he is not a professional interpreter, however he does know sign language. Anyway, he was working while I was on my phone taking a break. I tried to find where he was at but it took me a while. I finally found him and he was complaining that he had been working a long time by himself and needed to be switched out, but at the same time he didn’t want me to switch him out. I looked down and saw why. I was wearing shorts and this was not professional and at the level for a talk show, so u went to go try and find some pants to change into. He was interpreting for a talk show and was in front of a camera but there was no live audience. It was kind of confusing. The other part to my dream was that I was driving past houses when I came upon my own apartment complex but it looked different in this dream. There was some kind of holiday happening and my building was throwing a HUGE party. I’m talking people outside, in the pool, inside every room. Standing room only. Luckily, no one could access my room. Just to make sure that was the case I weaved through the crowd of drunks, finally got to my room, unlocked it, and once inside it was silent; a reprieve from the chaos outside. This room was in the basement which is weird since my actual apartment is on the 6th floor but it was nice to be quiet nonetheless. The third dream, I was with a group of friends I’ve never seen before and we were trying to sling shot each other onto this tower, with stairs leading up beyond the clouds. Someone impulsively jumped onto the slingshot that kind of just looked like a large bra. We pulled them back and away they went. I was waiting back at the slingshot but my view became first person of the one who was flung into the air. It was like I became them for a few seconds. When they landed, they were scarred of how high up they were and decided to pull out mini M&Ms to help calm them. But really this made it worse because the candy was in a plastic bag. They had to balance on the stairs while trying to open the bag to poor into the plastic tube they normally come in. It was windy and this made it more sketchy. Once they filled the tube and ate some, away they went up the stairs out of sight. Then I woke up.

12 Aug 2024



The dream started off with me making a deal to enter a house, but the house was almost like a portal to visit those who have passed on. I remember wanting to go inside to see my Aunt Tami who passed nearly two years ago. I wasn’t alone though. I believe I was with my cousin Kaitlyn but can’t fully recall. As we were about to enter the house it was day. I remember having a strange feeling wash over me as though I shouldn’t enter. It was strong and for a second I thought to myself, I shouldn’t go in. There was nothing creepy about this house. In fact it looked pretty modern and updated. It wasn’t old and creepy looking or really falling apart. It was a two story house. The top floor was the main entrance and all your normal accommodations on that floor. It also had a balcony. Then there was a basement. Even the basement was updated and made to look nice. I remember that feeling of unease but ignored it and ventured in with my cousin. As we entered we seated the entirety of the house. As we were walking through an area we came across my other cousin Bryson and his daughter Sage. We rushed to them with excitement. But something felt off. One there were standing on top of the roof to the garage of the home. Also their backs were to us and Sage was wearing an old fashioned all white dress. When Kaitlyn and I first saw her neither one of us recognize her as Sage. Are first instinct was that she was tami but as a child. Until we recognize Bryson. Still something felt very off about the two. I think we tried to ask questions but didn’t get much a response before they both disappeared. Kaitlyn and I continued to get very creeped out as well as confused. As we continued to explore the house we came upon a bedroom. Most of the house was empty with little to no furniture but this room was fully furnished. As we continued to search the room it started to become dark. We were about to leave the room when Kaitlyn noticed something and kept pointing to the ceiling saying she could see something or someone. As she did that feeling of uneasiness returned. I felt cold. Suddenly my hair that was in multiple braids started to float up towards the ceiling. I hadn’t really seen myself until this moment. The dream had been as though I’m seeing it all through my actual eyes up to this moment. The dream changed and actually showed me and I too was wearing an old white dress that looked like an old night gown. I slowly started floating up towards the ceiling. Kaitlyn was in a panic as I seemed to not be myself anymore. I can’t remember exactly what happened but I remember eventually both of us running and trying to get back to the main door. We tried opening it but it was locked. Kaitlyn was in a panic and was trying the door over and over again as well as the windows trying everything to get out. I to was desperate to get out until I heard a voice almost from inside my head saying don’t go outside; they’re wanting for you. I was so distracted but this that I hadn’t noticed that somehow Kaitlyn had managed to get outside. I yelled at her and said Kaitlyn get back inside she turned to look at me when a creature large and skinny almost alien like rushed by her. I believe I rushed out and grabbed her and brought her back inside. The dream changed and I just remember us being trapped at this house and unable to escape. Even though during the day we could go outside we couldn’t leave the property. At night we had to lock ourselves inside to protect ourselves from the creatures that roamed around the place. Though we were inside we could still hear them running around outside and making screaming noises and screeching. The dream had me so creeped out that it woke me from my dream with my heart racing.

7 Aug 2024



Me and my friend are shopping but we have certain time limit of long we can be out. I find a nice shop that I like but everthing is overpriced. I get small things for me and my brother. When I get home he’s happy. I start exploring things later. I’m in a dark dangerous maze with other people. We’re all struggling. Eventually I make it through and I find my self on a stage with nothing to perform. I don’t know what to do. Me and some girls dance but it’s really bad. Later I’m at home again. For some reason an ex boyfriend is with me. He seems helpless and devoted to me. I already have a boyfriend but I don’t know where he is. I later find a secret door in my fridge. You have to crawl through this tight space which will take you into a new dimension. I go through the tiny space in my fridge, it’s a little scary. My two brothers join me. Eventually we just end up in our basement but it doesn’t feel right. There are new doors and toys I’ve never seen. We have to travel through all of it. As we’re going through, one of my brothers start to go crazy. He’s hitting things and screaming. We continue through but he’s still not acting right. Eventually we make it back up and find our mom. I’m relieved but I then see my brother who was acting crazy can’t stand up. His knees aren’t working and he’s mad. I believe he got possessed by an evil spirit. I’m terrified and run up to me room. The lights won’t turn on. I ignore it and begin to pray to god. I pray for help. I pray to heal my brother.

6 Aug 2024



The dream started out in this floating loft like place. I’m pretty sure it was my home. I rolled out of bed and ended up at this house/ store/ restaurant where I ran into some friends I haven’t seen since we were kids. We started hanging out in what looked like the basement area or maybe a medium sized room. I remember a small old school tv sitting on this stand. I don’t know why that is what stood out to me. After a while I had to leave next thing I know I’m in a car with my step dad. He starts yelling and screaming and hitting me. Starts burning me with a lighter on my chest and arms. The fire leaving painful blisters and burns. I manage to escape him and somehow get back to that house. I run past what I’m assuming is one of my friend moms room sobbing and to my friend in the room with the old school tv. Once again standing out. My step dad is chasing. You can feel his anger radiating through the air. You can feel his malice intent. I’m genuinely scared for my life. Next thing I know him and everything around me is vanishing into thin air and I’m in this giant office. It looks like it is high up in the sky. The walls are covered in giant glass windows. There a groups of men around me. They are telling me that my research is going well and show me a small list of people who are interested in it and how much they would pay for it. The prices ranged from $666,000 to 1 million dollars. Then I woke up

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