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Dream Interpretation: Neighborhood 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Neighborhood? Discover the significance of seeing a Neighborhood in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Neighborhood appears in your dream ✅

Neighborhood symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes your social life and relationships with those around you. It may represent your desire for a sense of community or belonging. It can also reflect your concerns about safety and security in your surroundings.

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🧭 Direction


Think about your relationships with those around you. Are you feeling disconnected or isolated? Consider reaching out to friends or family members to strengthen your sense of community. If you are feeling unsafe in your neighborhood, take steps to increase your personal security, such as installing a security system or joining a neighborhood watch group.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a neighborhood can evoke a sense of familiarity and belonging. It may bring feelings of community, connection, and a sense of home. It can also symbolize the need for social interaction and the desire for a supportive network. This dream may elicit emotions of comfort, security, and a sense of being part of something larger. It could also reflect concerns about relationships with neighbors or the need for a sense of belonging in waking life. Overall, the dream of a neighborhood can evoke a range of positive emotions associated with a sense of community and belonging.





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29 Aug 2024



I walked to town in my old neighborhood with a little boy wearing glasses. We wanted to ho hear the live music played on nain street. Then I decided to leave with him and get him home, but every time we walked down the street, we ended up back where we started. Then i looked down and saw water running through the streets like it was cleaning the roads.

20 Aug 2024



Im in a car with my brother and my car seems to be at my grandmothers, I talk to my uncle about checking the content of the car because the neighborhood my grandmother lives in is dangerous. He said nothing was in there but when I arrive to the vehicle I saw a Jordan collection in my trunk. I seem relived. It’s raining very hard. My mother calls me over to her. She’s trying to tell me to be careful. I get irritated and tell her that I know, in a lightly annoyed way. I still feel the urgency to get back in my car. This is supposed to be a goodbye that turned into a lecture. She agreed with and she goes off to a wooden bench across rhe street from my grandmas. It’s still raining hard. I go over and she’s smoking cigarette buds. I ask her for one and she gets mad at me for asking. She send my aunt that we don’t talk to anymore to the store and she leaves in a hurry. As we are waiting for her, she seems upset with me in a get your own stuff kind of way. As I turn around, the view changes into a long driveway and now we are on a side of a house. It’s night time and it’s dark. A few feet away, there’s a opening where there’s a lit street then a fence lining what appears to be another house curving up a hill. Under the fence and before the bend there’s dog I can see coming out of a doghouse built into the hill. I’m afraid of the dog. We feel like we’re hiding. I see a shadow in patch of grass, I’m confused if that’s anything or my mind is playing tricks on me. Someone comes out from the house to my right, the dog barks aggressively. Then I realize the shadow in the grass before me is another dog or a wolf. I tell my mother I was right. I was scared to go forward because I didn’t wanna get bit. I’m still expecting my aunt but a boy shows up instead, running down the hill, across the light, through the dogs and into our shadow passageway. Next thing I know, we are in another dark room, this time, the room seems to have walls that are curtains or some other lind of cloth material. It’s one of many cubicle rooms in this space. There’s a gypsy looking woman, late 30’s. She has a blue and yellow headwrap with a black dot. She peeks out of the curtain to stop the boy and asks if he flushed something down the toilet. He says “I was about to” as he tries to go off an do that. She grabs his arm and makes a comment about how funny she finds those words and sends him on his way. She then takes us to a room that’s half a lab and half a storage room. She comes to these curtains on the right side of the room and she places a spell on the curtains and they start to spin. I make comment to my brother saying how I love her character. She so positive and easy going. She then puts what appears to be leeches on my back. I feel two. As I start to feel them grab hold. Someone falls on me! As I fall to the ground, I catch a glance of a slab of labradorite on a weight to my left as well as a telescope right next to it. The person is heavy and cut my circulation off. I feel the leeches fighting to grab on to my skin. It was extremely unpleasant. I feel myself getting upset with my mom, it was her idea I try this. She try’s to console me but I can hear her also laughing at my situation. I’m so embarrassed. When I finally get up, I desperately try to grab the guy who fell on me. It looks like the rapper Post Malone. I grab his black shirt but he gets away. He’s in between two storage racks in the laboratory part of the room. I try multiple times to get my hands on him and fail every time. He seems to be very scared of me and I see the remorse on his face.

15 Aug 2024



I just had a horrible nightmare. I was taking care of my niece from my brother who has passed away. She was young about five or six years old. it seemed like we were out in like a public area, like in a zoo where there were a lot of arcade games and just a lot of people and things going on. I’m trying to keep track of her and a hold of her hand and strangers are literally coming up to me trying to distract me. They are throwing things in my face. They’re trying to get me to drop her hand so they can take her away from me. they are getting me to drop my phone And then they are messing with my phone so my phone is inoperable. I’m very panicked and very scared that I’m going to lose my niece. someway I’m able to get her out of that public area and onto some side street but my phone has been dropped several times and the people that were harassing us have messed with it so much that I can’t find out how to get on the Internet and I cannot get the Contacts pulled up to get her mother’s phone number. I’m nervous because I am not familiar with this area and I can’t remember where I parked my car, to get us out of this area and even further and into safety and to her home. Now Mind you she is young, She’s five or six years old and I’m trying to ask her if she knows the way home. Because I’m thinking we could walk, because I can’t find my car. she desperately wants to help me. She really wants to know the way home, but she just doesn’t and I am petrified. I can’t get a hold of her mother. I can’t find my car. Her and I are in a strange neighborhood without a way home and then I wake up.

9 Aug 2024

Black man
Red hair


I was…in a clearing…a neighborhood clearing for picnics I think…it kind of reminded me of the scenery Dorothy gets sent to the the Land of Oz. I was with…a beautiful Black man with a disembodied head, and brightly colored red hair. Like he was a ghostly wraith of a friend who isn’t violent or angry towards me. We were…looking at different houses of my liking, before stopping in front of a house in a rather remote part of the neighborhood. It resembled a treehouse…like the aesthetic was giving “a evil fairy in the woods trying to live their life in peace with not a bother in the world.” Like it was a mysteriarch kind of look. A house of dark and brooding but beautiful hues of light like stars, wisps, and decadently old brick with dark wood floors. The Black man suggested this would be for me. I wholeheartedly agreed. He took me towards the back in search of the shed that’s in construction. There were white and blue birds taking off in a flurry, breezily moving past me with laughter in the air. Then there was muffled screaming and a dust cloud of air heading toward us. The older Black man (the same beautiful disembodied Black man taking me on the tour, who now seemed to be much older in Sage years…like if his younger appearance was a front.) shoved me into the safety of the house, as I landed, the twister hit the wall breaking the window. Despite how dangerously close I was to being torn to shreds by the debris in the twister and suffocated by the dust and winds of the twister. It never reached past the broken window and wall. As if the outside of the house had a ward or barrier around it. Sigils appeared as I took that time to explore the humble abode. It was beautiful, night shade in full blood, an apothecary, a desk of potion bottles, fairies running and playing tag with pixies, who are known to be enemies. I found the Black man in a split mix of old disembodied and younger whole. He was working on a broken shed, with a hammer and a ghostly semi-tangible hand in sleeve. He asked if I was alright, and apologized for the scuffle onto my ass. He was simply trying to ensure I was safe. There was suddenly children playing with animals as the twister ravaged everything outside the barrier. We were safe and warm. Food galore. Late into the night if love and fun. I woke a couple times seeing Tigger and a fluffy small-medium dog that resembled my deceased first puppy almost. But was too brightly orange to be her. I woke up cold in wet air, storming outside, and a sore throat with a stuffy nose. It seems I moved a lot in my slumber.

5 Aug 2024

Blonde hair


i was a girl from a movies friends with another girl from the same movie. we were in my real life neighborhood, and saw a whole bunch of kids in a group on the side of the road talking to an older guy i have never seen before in my life. they were all smoking weed, and the older man was the one selling it. i asked a girl for a blunt and she said i can have it but i owe her and i have to take back a bong to him. all these kids went inside his backyard with him for him to sell it easier so i went back there to give him the bong. i gave him the bong and he all of a sudden got scared and went on his phone. i started running with the other girl from the movie and when we made it to the middle of the road the whole house exploded and the fire quickly spread to every other house in the neighborhood. we were running and running and i was running out of breath not only in my dream but in real life too. we figured out we need a car and tried to get one but everyone was driving away from us. we finally stopped a car with a little blonde girl and her mom and that’s when i woke up.

5 Aug 2024



okay so it started as a court case that my friend died or something and me and my family drove home and after we drove home they went inside i was outside and there was some junk like trees and random stuff and they went inside while i had to do that, and a guy like my age or one year older a blonde and lowkey cute and i felt like i actually knew him but i dont knoe and i always have color in my dreams i dont know about yall but yeah and then another neighbor was out too it was like a 15 - 16 year old and i went to open the gate where the junk and trees were and the kid my age looked at me and i guess mind you im pretty sure everyone knew about the court case and anyways he called out to me and went “hey girl!” and i went “hm?” but it wasnt loud enough so it seemed like i was ignoring him and then i opened the gate and the teenager ran over to me i guess to talk to me and i cant remember what they said but they were funny and then the guy my age walked over and was talking to me and making me laugh too and then i finished grabbing the trees and stuff i guess putting it in the trash and then i went to go inside and halfway i called out “byeee i love-“ and i was gonna say bye i love you guys but then my dream went pitch black for a moment then i woke up. and in the dream it looked exactly like my actual neighborhood and it wasnt exactly my house but it had my house and the cars i have in the front just not in the correct order and the house next to me is gone with dead grass where it was and it led to like a train track or something but yeah

3 Aug 2024



i dreamt that my best friend nova came over to my house and it was storming and raining and the wind was so loud that you could hear it blow through the house like the walls were made of straw, i felt an ominous sensation like something bad would happen but having nova there joking about how shitty my house was made me feel a little better, there was a hole in my ceiling somehow and nova was stressing about trying to fix it, it was night time the entire dream even when i went to sleep and once i woke up nova was gone, but there were new neighbors in my neighborhood and a group of kids in my age group came with them. i ignored them because i prefer to stay to myself, but in the dream i was trying to learn how to skate because my friend li started to teach me and i never got very far. so i'd go out at night and try to skate and those kids were always watching me and i didnt know why. they would try to talk to me and i'd say a few words then walk away because i wasn't interested in befriending them but i wanted to be cordial. one night i went out and one of the boys from the group came to talk to me. he seemed like a nice kid so i tried to engage in the conversation, i was walking as i talked though so he was following me, then once i was far away from my house i noticed the rest of the boys from the group were following me too, and among that group were 2 boys who have sexually assaulted me in the past suddenly i didnt feel safe so i tried to slowly walk away from them but they kept following me, then one of the boys who'd assaulted me said "hey why don't we all agree that we should just rape this bitch" and he grabbed me and i started screaming no and trying to fight him off me but there were about 5 or 6 guys including the one who i initially thought was a nice kid, he seemed like the youngest of the group so he was just going along with whatever they did and he seemed to have a crush on me so i guess in his mind he felt it would be convenient to follow after them. i kept screaming and crying then i woke up crying i was covered in sweat and my room felt like a volcano,, i fell back asleep a few moments later then there was a woman and she had swords all around her house and she told me i needed to learn to protect myself and that she'd teach me,, she let me start learning to fight with a sword by lending me a small dagger that she attached to a spear, i had a lot of fun training with her and gained an emotional attachment to her like a guardian figure, but every now and then i'd hear loud banging coming from a room in her house. one day the banging was the loudest it had ever been and she told me she'd be right back and it was probably best if i left, and that she'd called my mom to come pick me up. i stayed while she went into the room and i heard her talking to someone, she was telling them to calm down and that she would figure out a way to help them go back to who they were before, but then i heard her screaming, i went to see what happened and there was a monster i cant even describe and it had clawed through her chest and bit off her head, i ran to the other room and opened the window and ran, i kept running and i knew not to go back home because i didnt want to guide that thing to my house since it was only a few blocks away. i then remembered she told my mom to go there to pick me up and i started to panic thinking it would get to my mom, so i texted her urging her not to go to the house or go back home and to drive far away from there, and she said okay and i told her i was going to try and go to my boyfriends house since it was far away, but the thing kept chasing me, eventually i reached the city and some group of people caught the monster and killed it. i was already afraid and in shock so i still wanted to see my boyfriend so i kept going. eventually i somehow got stuck in a jail but not as a prisoner, the police told me in order to get out i had to go on a detour through the prison to get to the exit. while i walked through the prison i got catcalled and mocked by the prisoners and although the police "ordered" the prisoners not to touch me they'd still grope and harass me and it made me uncomfortable. the police told me i wasnt allowed to bring my shoes in so i left them at the door expecting them to give them back to me at the exit but once i got there they told me i wasn't supposed to leave them and that somebody probably had already took them by now. i was really upset because i'd worn my dcs with my bone attachments and those were my favorite shoes so i went back inside hoping to find them, but i got lost once i went back in

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