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Dream Interpretation: Apartment 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Apartment? Discover the significance of seeing a Apartment in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Apartment appears in your dream ✅

Apartment symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This symbol signifies your psyche and your subconscious. It represents the environment and state of your mind. It sometimes means the beginning stages of your mind, your simplicity accompanied by temporary naivety. It also indicates your state of mind at the time when you lived in an apartment.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

The key features of this space will show you deep insight into your psyche at present. For example, if you now live in an apartment, this is your subconscious mind showing you the present day. On the other hand, if you do not presently live in an apartment, then your mind is showing you the developments you need to make or reminding you of your past so you can get back a part of your mind that was very important.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of an apartment can evoke a sense of comfort and security, as it represents a personal space and a place of refuge. It may also bring feelings of independence and freedom, as it signifies a level of autonomy and self-sufficiency. Additionally, an apartment dream can elicit emotions of familiarity and belonging, as it symbolizes a sense of home and community. However, it can also elicit feelings of confinement or limitation, as it may represent a lack of space or resources. Overall, the dream of an apartment can evoke a range of emotions, from contentment and satisfaction to restlessness and constraint.





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30 Aug 2024



I had a different 2 bedroom and it was Embers birthday I was getting irritated with the guest. The way that kids do they just want to know too much. The kids were making a mess. I was picking up and I saw under the table the table was dripping so much that it made a little eco system. My mom asked me if my cousins could stay over and I said no.

29 Aug 2024



I was camping with my two little dogs Kona and Ollie and we set up camp the night before with full intentions of bringing my boyfriend to camp the next day after he got off work. I made a fire and me Kona and Ollie listened to the fire crackle under the stars. The next day I left camp and drove down with my pups to meet James. I clearly remember two objects I left behind before leaving. I foldable bike and an REI gray and green tent. I also remember looking at the fire pit to make sure there was no trace of flame. As we made our way to James he called me and let me know that he got called into work and would not be able to camp with me anymore. I hung up extremely disappointed and walked into our apartment with my pups with my head hanging low in sadness. James told me he would go back up to the campsite and clean it for me since he wouldn’t be able to camp. I saw him with a buddy in the car drive to the campsite and started cleaning while I was home getting ready for bed. James was mad and was moaning and groaning about how difficult I can be to his friend as they cleaned the campsite.

29 Aug 2024



I had a dream I was in this store with Carlos this guy I am currently talking to. I was walking around the store looking for stuff when This guy randomly approached me and was flirting me and asked if I could send a picture of me to his phone he kept asking me did I send it and I told him why don’t he send me one so I wouldn’t forget to send him one back and he explained for whatever reason that he couldn’t and I told him oh okay.. as I was saying that Carlos walked up to me and looked curious about the guy talking to me …then the dream switched ….then the dream switched I was in the store the guy Carlos that I am talking to ..on the way out the store he grabbed this bright green and bright pink paper and said that I need to start back drawing then he went back into the store and I walked back to the car I wasn’t sure why he went back in . Then the dream switched again I was riding in the car with my friend and Carlos I remember telling my friend that me and him was going to go back to her apartment which I remember her showing me earlier in the dream and stay there for the night and I told him too he said it was cool. Then we pulled up to this big surprise party event that’s apparently I didn’t know that I had previously paid for I forgot what the party was for but I remember seeing a bunch of bright neon party stuff and the man told me it was too late to cancel because we had already paid for it I asked my friend did she remember this event and she said yeah I was shocked that I really couldn’t remember it . I can’t remember what the party was for but it said Aaliyah’s 2nd something…. Then I remember seeing these two girls I was talking to one and complementing her about being really smart then my friend whispered something in my ear a rude comment that animals are smart and the girl called her out they was about to fight that’s when I woke up …. I also remember Carlos surprising me with these little teddy bears I figured that’s what he went and bought when he went back in .

28 Aug 2024

Boyfriend Cheating


My ex who I am still friends with to this day is now married and still living in Toronto whilst I resided Winnipeg. Him and his wife and I remain in contact as he is one of my best friends. She is a lovely woman but I have never met her in person. We only talk over Facebook. I have another ex the last person I dated a few years ago who is excessively nightmarishly violent. I am in no way in contact with him nor do I want to be. He terrifies me. Now with that context I will say that in my dream I was apparently still with my violent ex and we were visiting my ex and his wife at their condo in Toronto. For some reason I was only wearing a blanket for clothing and my violent ex sat at the dining table. Well me and my ex and his wife caught up in the kitchen. My nice! X and I went up to the rooftop where they apparently had a smoker and we were smoking meat and laughing and talking about old times and just catching up in general. I could taste the meat though like I can still remember what it tastes like from the dream. We came back down to the dining area and we're about to eat dinner and then I woke up.

28 Aug 2024



I was with my abusive ex-boyfriend. We are in this apartment and I'm hanging out with a couple of friends. One of my friends invited me to this activity to hangout. I think I had plans with my ex but for some reason I was kind of getting over him. So I decided to hang out with my girlfriends and I started making more plans with them. He overheard and from behind he grabs my head and slams it on the counter and asked me where do you think you're going. My ex never physically assaulted me in that way in my waking life but he would physically intimidate and if I didn't manage my behaviors I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that. For some reason, I wasn't even scared I felt validated that my two girlfriends were there to witness what happened. Later on in the dream I'm going through the criminal court case process like I'm currently doint in my waking life. I think that incident where he slammed my head got recorded and we were already in the criminal court case process when it happens. The incident got recorded somehow by my ex and he sends it to his lawyer. His lawyer comes over and tries to retrieve I find his phone and take it. He tries to convince me to take the phone but I refuse, but I know if I hold onto his possession for too long he can use it against me so I complied but before I do I send the recording to someone but idk who. Later on were at this court and the prosecutor's lawyers and my ex’s lawyer or commiserating with the judge about the incident. And the judge finally rules he needs to be in jail during the court process. When the official trial court date begins I get overwhelmed seeing him and it hits me again what he did to me. I get triggered and leave the room and walk to another building where the prosecutors or located to try to emotionally gather myself. Several of the procecuter lawyers comes to check on me and make sure I'm ready to proceed to testify as a witness. I told them yes and go back. There was limited seating in the room and I would have to sit next to him I find another spot to sit at. There was another person in the room I believe a guy who was also a witness of being harrassed by my ex. My ex wasn't queer but it was notable that there was another person who been abused by him. In my waking life, he has a previous DV conviction from a previous girlfriend. Later on I'm not sure what was the ruling against my ex but Im pretty sure it was guilty because he was sent back to jail. Later on in dream I still felt overwhelmed with everything that happened. I went to the lower level of the prosecuter’s office and this creepy old white man tried to kidnap me and push me into this basement no one knows about and no one would ever hear me cry out for help. He almost caught me but I got away with him enough to cry out for help and a friend saw this suspicious behavior and several ppl were alerted and caught the guy and he was jailed. Later on I was in this house and feeling overwhelmed and scared with everything that happened to me between my ex and that creepy old man. I was scared and throughout the night my friends, the prosecutors lawyers who also was around being friendly to me, and even a coworker was there to help and support me. At some point I was even feeling scared to go to the bathroom by myself and my coworker was nice to come with me. Later on in the dream everyone in the house that was supporting me got loose and drink a lot of liquor, had fun and passed out. Everyone was nice to me. And I was surrounded by a bunch of people in this house supporting me. Later on in the dream me and the guy who got harrassed by me ex was at this party getting celebrated for being survivors of abuse and stepping up and going through the trials to hold him accountable. I finally was able to connect with the guy that got harassed we hugged each other and cried in each other arms supporting each other knowing only two of us understood what my abusive ex put is through. There was people taking pictures of us. But we hugged not for the photos but to hold space and support each other. We also remain connected afterwards.

27 Aug 2024

New Home


I had a dream where my big brother had a big accident with our mom and ended up being stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Some people including me had to help him sometimes for little things he always said he could do it himself and wanted to prove everyone he was strong no matter the outcome. The only time he needs help is when they’re stairs, getting into and out of his bed and reaching high places. Weve been living with our stepfather since the accident and keeps making jokes about how he has to stay in the wheelchair the whole time, he got sick of taking care of us and gave us to some family friends. They were nice once in awhile but a huge pain and always yelled at us if we didn’t do something they asked us to do right, but they fed us nice food and made sure we got to bring all of our stuff over to their place. They live in a small apartment that had some terrible looking walls and two bedrooms so I had to share with my big brother, they also had a mini backyard as well. Sometimes I slept with big brother when I got nightmares what happened with mom and couldn’t fall back asleep until he calmed me down. We went to school everyday and people weren’t too bad about him being in a wheelchair because there were others as well and they’d get into very deep trouble if so. School was fun it let us have some space to move around other than the tiny apartment. The next day I accidentally fell down the stairs and had to go to the hospital they said I had to stay in a wheelchair for a month so I was devastated but kinda happy too to see how it was like for big brother. One day our caretakers told us that they found a place to move into that was bigger and easier for us to move around and they also said that we would be able to get our own rooms. After the month was over my spine was all rested and fixed. We were so excited about the move I went up into our little attic with a little help of my big brother pushing me up to grab our stuff from our old home and found something strange I didn’t know we had so I brought it down to show my big brother and he was confused as well we opened it up and it said to read the words out loud that were in the book. We read it and then it started glowing which scared both of us. All of a sudden big brother was standing for the first time in 4 years, he was a little wobbly at first so I caught him a bit cause he was bigger than me. We got out of the bedroom and our caretakers were very confused, they said how in the world are you standing the hospital told us you wouldn’t be able to stand for the rest of your lifetime. We had no clue and told them about the book. They were shocked but thought it would be a lot easier to pack our things in our vehicle with him since he was strong and had big muscles. A lot of people at school had their mouths wide open and I was stuck to him like glue, most people say that I’m too much with him that it’s strange and sometimes looks like we are dating but I don’t care he’s my emotional support “animal”. We all were happy that he could walk again and he was worried it might go away on him, I told him that I think it’s going to stay forever. When we ended up at our knew home we were scared it would look like the old place just a little bit bigger but it ended up being a lot different than we thought. We had a lot of money saved up from working at a convenience store near by our old place because we wanted to get big brother an electric wheelchair that would be easier on him and we didn’t know what to do with it now.

27 Aug 2024



I had a dream that I was in a meeting at my apartment complex with many other tenants and the meeting was about confronting my cousin who is the property manager about illegal activity she has been doing in her management and that she has been posting inappropriate posts on social media of her being intoxicated and the owners of the complex were yelling at her why would she do this and then they had her escorted out in handcuffs and I went to open the door for her and she looked at me with an embarrassing smerk and walked out and then the owner was sincerely apologizing to me and saying he was sorry for the trouble and inconvenience this has caused me and has heard the complaints of the other tenants about how rent is too high and the he’s going to lower the rent and make living more accommodating and affordable

27 Aug 2024

Theme Park


27/8/24 The coast Apartment/holiday home A holiday apartment/bedsit v messy with mine and Cain’s things. We are sharing with people, ? Lisa and the girls (seems to change) At one point Niamh is saying she had to go meet her friends at a bus stop but it’s raining and cold so I don’t want her going on her own, I say I will go with, we are heading off on Grosvenor road not the holiday home. She is being vague on how far it is to walk, I keep saying let me go get my car it will be easier. She is adamant it’s ok We arrive at the bus station, its merry hill but hasn’t took that long to get here. Her friend is nowhere to be seen, I have no cash to buy a bus ticket myself and join her, the bus man can’t accept card. Lisa is suddenly there and advising Niamh to use her friends spare ticket, but that turns out to be stamps. I repeat that I should have got my car Tiers of a playground/theme park messy, muddy, water fun I am with Cain entering a tree house type structure, huge like a theme park. Each tier has different activities to work through, a small stream and bridge with play areas around, then a messy are in a red pit. Flour or sand or similar v white substance. Then there are a few slides, not sure if water ones or just muddy. I can’t recall interacting with anything just looking in and having flashes of being there and telling Cain what we did. He is struggling to recall

27 Aug 2024

Text message


My dream this time was a mesh of something that happened in real life that flowed into my dream. Basically I re-experienced Destini getting a random text from someone she used to have very strong feelings for after months of not speaking. After that I went home and I got a text from Stephanie saying “Hey I know it’s been a while but I need to have a conversation with you.” I immediately started checking her social media to see if she was still with the girl she essentially left me for and she still was. I responded asking if everything was okay and she said yeah I just really need to have a conversation with you. Next thing I know I'm welcoming her to my apartment but I have a bunch of people over. She pulls me aside and tells me she needs to talk to me privately. And that's all I can remember

25 Aug 2024



I had 3 dreams rub into eachother. The first im in a segregation era setting. Im with white women and we are in a place where you can party with all kinds of people but the servers are black. They see me sitting with white women they give me great service because im extra nice to them, and they can tell im mixed race. This makes some of the white women interested in the waitstaff as well as mingling with the black people at the party. Next dream i am hanging out with my friend Domonique. We have someone driving us around. We are hanging out eating drinking and we fall alseep in thr back of the car. I wake up to the driver done and the car not in park gear. I put it in gear and prevent a small accident. I get out the car. Its the 1970s. Im wearing a sexy red dress. I get cat called by teenagers in the park as i go from the back seat to the driver seat to take Dominique home. The last part of my dream im in my apartment in palmetto street. There is a mouse under my pillow. Then i move the couch and i see some bugs. I kill them. But then im told to observe them for meaning. The mouse under my pillow represents my need for being social and interdependence with friends and family. I couldn’t interpret the other bugs. One was an ant mounting a smaller bug. The other was a lizzard on too of a large bug

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