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Dream Interpretation: Abroad 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Abroad? Discover the significance of seeing a Abroad in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Abroad appears in your dream ✅

Abroad symbol
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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of being abroad represents a desire for change and adventure. It may also indicate a need for new experiences and a break from routine. Alternatively, it could signify feeling lost or out of place in your current situation.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what changes you want to make in your life and take steps towards achieving them. Embrace new experiences and opportunities that come your way. If you feel lost or out of place, try to connect with others who share your interests or values. Remember that it's okay to step out of your comfort zone and explore new horizons.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being abroad can evoke a sense of excitement and adventure. It may bring feelings of curiosity, wonder, and a desire to explore new cultures and experiences. This dream can also elicit a sense of freedom and independence, as being in a foreign land often means breaking away from familiar surroundings. Additionally, it may evoke feelings of uncertainty or unease, as being in an unfamiliar place can be both thrilling and intimidating. Overall, the dream of being abroad can elicit a mix of emotions, ranging from exhilaration to apprehension, as it represents the unknown and the potential for growth and self-discovery.





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30 Aug 2024



I was in a middle eastern country. My friends and I were walking along a street. One mentioned she was considering making the Hajj. I encouraged her whispering “Hajja” in her ear. She shivered, knowing the impact of making the Hajj. We came upon a strange scene, where an imam had to bless us before we could continue. As a Catholic, I could not fully participate. When asked to name myself to aid in the imam’s prayers, I gave my name. Those around were unsatisfied with the answer so I added my confirmation name. Everyone around looked confused but the imam continued his blessing and we went on our way.

30 Aug 2024



I had a dream last night. I was in the bus and going back to my own country Iran to have old city name Bucan. I don’t know why I was there. I was walking in the street and the street was very old and people were in the street lots of people were in the street they kind of were in the different group giving for Hosin that has been person in Islam who has been killed. very fascinating old city and houses, shop which I have seen long time ago in the citys long from the big city's in Iran. I was visiting a family there and it was a handsome man came to help me and be my guide.we went on the balcony with him and he showed me a very beautiful view in that view. I saw from above after the houses It was a forest down there but on fire , I saw the jungle has been on fire so sad when I saw the huge fire down there I asked him why the forest is on fire why the government doesn't turn off this fire and he said that’s the kind of government we have they don’t care they just let it burn until everything burned,I told him that maybe comes to the city and he said yeah, we don’t know, but we don’t hope that. i ask him about the place I wanted to see but I didn’t remember the name and I asked him I have heard there is an old place probably a grave for some important person but I don’t remember the name. he showed me the mountain in front of us and he told me on that on the top of that mountain is grave for a very great poem from long time ago and that’s very famous and people walking all the way up to visit the place.i ask him, that’s very long way to climb up. Is there any way that we can use drive to get there? He told me there is but it’s from the behind the mountain. so he wanted to show me I told him that: I think where I wanted and heard there is some religious placed but I don’t remember the name, but he didn't know that. so when I was coming inside the house to put my shoes on to go out i saw my sons girlfriend and her sister came in to try to take of their shoes. I asked her what are you doing here why you came all the way here. she said because I heard you came here we wanted to check. in my dream I thought she’s from that area and she was worried about Maybe I found something about her so that’s why she came all the way down here. but in real life she’s from different country Ukraine. I ask her where is my son then and she said he’s at home. the other guy was guiding me was kind of surprised that I have a son. so while I was talking to her and surprised by her that she came all the way down here I woke up.

29 Aug 2024



I was going around Tampa, but for some reason I didn’t have a car, and was getting around on a makeshift motorbike that was very low to the ground, as if I was in Mario kart… I only remember bits and pieces of the beginning.. i believe i was sort of bar hopping one moment, and then in some sort of 420 friendly seance room where we ate and smoked and had spiritual conversation. I don’t remember leaving but ultimately when I did, I missed an exit and took an exit to a super long bridge that was getting backed by traffic, and the only way around was to u-turn where I was, or suffer through the hours of traffic. As I decided that I wasn’t going to wait, a car in front of me caught fire, only giving me more reason to get out of there. But other cars had the same idea, and ultimately, trying to escape the hoards of other cars, I crashed by bike, and it had landed on top of a dirt path that I could barely get It down from. I had to run and over around the ramps to push my bike down, and once I did get it down, it slid down to where I couldn’t even find it. I called my ex, instead of the guy I’m currently with. And when he answered he was quiet, preoccupied, and seemingly laughing at me. Once I’d explained that I was hurt in a crash, he asked the friend that he was with for a favor, but I’m unsure if the favor was to save me or not.. as the dream ends there.

24 Aug 2024

Being Late


i had a dream my roommate was getting ready to go to her new boyfriend anthony’s house in florida (we live in california) but i decided to tag along on a separate flight and then we got there and her and her boyfriend had the room with multiple beds but i was assigned a room that was basically a prison with a pad for a bed but i took a nap in one of the beds in anthony’s room and i woke up disoriented and i had packed in 2 seconds and realized i forgot my meds so within like hours of being there i immediately flew home. but before i went home i went kinda crazy at anthony’s and got naked and his door in his room to outside was open and the neighbors across the property (it was like in the middle of nowhere) were like wizards and flew a firework out of their hands essentially to warn me to put clothes on and then we had like a baseball scene from the movie twilight moment against them to stick up for ourselves bc they were like threatening violence. and also i decided to walk like 5k floors up a hospital to get my dads belongings bc apparently he had died in a hospital 3 years ago but no one got his belongings yet and i had to climb up the stairs to get them. (he died 5 years ago). and there were two women behind me but i was getting tired and emotional and crying and they for some reason were only communicating with me over the phone and were kinda telling me hey stand aside so we can pass by you so i think i stepped aside so they could pass me by and i still had so many floors to climb and i don’t know if i ended up giving up i might have woken up.

18 Aug 2024

Violence and death


I was in Mexico going around in public transportation, as I was walking I noticed mattresses with blood, I then noticed a man walking who seemed to be a detective. He looked a lot like Sherlock Holmes. I realized to stay safe I had to stay near him so I followed him without him knowing since I didn’t know him personally. Eventually the dream switched to me being in a room that resembled the room in my old apartment, my grandma was asking my cousin and I if we liked visiting Mexico, my cousin started talking and as per usual he annoyed me, usually I don’t do anything about it but in the dream I started to punch him in the face til my hand was full of blood. The dream then switched to me going to the more rich side of Mexico by myself. I went to a mall and went to a store where I noticed a cashier spoke in English to a tourist. For some reason she realized I spoke English and tried speaking English with me, eventually I spoke to her in Spanish and told her I used to live in Mexico, we began to talk and even though I spoke to her in Spanish she still spoke to me in English, I was telling her about my career in the military. Then when we were all sitting down at a table two missionaries from the LDS church walked in and I smiled immediately when I recognized the badge, they noticed I smiled the moment I saw the badge so they sat across from me, the more Hispanic looking one spoke to me first and I told him I got baptized last year, he then said “yeah we actually noticed you smiled when you saw us. That’s why we came over here”

17 Aug 2024



My mom and I were on vacation. We weee supposed to be making our way through a series of towns, but we stopped at a train museum. As we explored the first building, a man came up and introduced himself to me as Uncle Sam. I did not recognize him, so ended the interaction shortly. My mom and I continued exploring when I noticed the man following us. We went to a booth and explained to the worker a man was stalking us. The next part of the dream, Mom and I were visiting the gift shops of various buildings. I was making many purchases-mostly shirts. One shop was two establishments divided down the center. At one, mom and I purchased a “double raincoat” or raincoat meant to be worn by two people. The next was more of a sports store. Since we were in Hawai’i, the sales lady told us the items for sale were not yet available from the mainland. Again, she seemed to recognize me. I excused myself under the pretense of wanting to buy a head covering. The second day at the train museum, mom and I decided to skip every other building in the name of expediency. Dad was in the hotel room watching our local news channel on his iPad. Mom was upset she couldn’t find her cigarettes but figured they’d turn up. Arriving at the building, it was locked. “London” was written on the doors as if informing us that was where the halls would lead. Instead, we purchased tickets to ride a large version of a Model T to a secondary location. Climbing in (after the obligatory photo) I had difficulty fastening my seatbelt. The highway was a complex maze. The driver seemed unfazed even as we watched in shock as a police cruiser slammed into the guardrail and off the bridge. At that moment, I panicked, terrified I was going to be in an accident.

16 Aug 2024



Looking at a map on a quiz Going through the questions in a dialogue style A problem is about a fictitious situation surrounding a trade route that is considered highly unorthodox that an investor/board member of this one hypothetical company habe decided they open and ship their good through Something to the effect of low cost-performance and low return being the hindrance The trade route is in shape of the greek letter omega, and the primary goods in question are some kind of a breed of plastic/rubber tree juice and oil coconut Pov changes, now I’m on the ‘explorer’s’ ship vessel, on the starboard with the white-man captain who is giving me smug colonizer vibes We stop at a remote, lush green island, filled with rich nature and resources owned and taken care of by the indigenous, the African populace and the ex-“little whites” or their fellow ex-slave demographics of European people Landing on the white sand beach, going straight into the lush jungles(at least my ‘captain’ is) Everything looks like one of those interactive field of a game level The objective is basically just to pillage, which, I’m reluctant in taking any active part on because the residents would likely catch on fast And catch on they do, as soon as the captain robs the outpost and I take a half-ripe coconut fruit off the ground in front of the gate of the outpost we landed near Splitting to flee, running and parkouring through the forests The residents using cutting-edge technologies to chase and track us down Holograms, camouflage ‘covers’ of a forest area made with camiuflage sheets pulled over the actual trees of the woods, Mauve cargos, hiding from the residents and rangers with guns Finally getting back into the bay and into the ship, by then the residents are actively shooting at us In the process of trying to evade bullets and climb back to the deck of the ship, they almost get me I use the captain as the human shield to dodge The bullet goes right through a vein closeaa to his heart in the chest and he goes taut and limp from shock and dies immediately I rly don’t feel bad about him because he was a colonizer and a jerk but I still feel dread from the way he looked at me split second before he got shot through, when I pulled him up from the ocean while catching up to me just to make him take the bullet

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