12 Aug 2024
In my dream, I was invited out with a couple of friends and I really didn’t wanna go at first, but I ended up going and we went to a pretty small but very exciting emo concert. The venue was small, but it was very popular emo bands. I don’t remember seeing any of the concert in my dream, but I was with a friend who is no longer my friend anymore and two other people that I don’t remember who they were, but I did meet someone at the concert who looked familiar, but I don’t know who they are. After the concert, everyone was invited to float this river, and we got to a certain point where it stopped and the people who invited us to the river we’re talking about some thing while also making their own kind of waterslide out of the actual river itself, and after they were done talking They released a lot of flowing water that pushed us down this hill and it was really fun.