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13 Aug 2024



I had a dream that I was in a house, and I think it was a flat that I'd lived in before, and somehow the situation arose that there were a load of cats in the front room, and they had to be kept in the front room, so the door was shut, the windows were shut, and in the bedroom there were cats under the bed, and one of them was pregnant, and there was a lady I used to work with who'd left recently in there, and I was trying to ask her about the pregnant cat under the bed and say it needs to come out, and she was trying to arrange all of her documents, and I said, lady, you need a Google Drive, and I was trying to show her how to use Google Drive, and I was like, but you really need to get this cat out, and she was like, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, so anyway, I managed to coax this cat out under the bed, and I said it needs to be in the room with the other cats, and she was like, oh, but it's going to have a baby, and I was like, yeah, exactly, but it needs to be with the other cats, so we got this cat out, and it was massive, and I carried it into the front room, and all the windows were open, and I was like, well, this is ridiculous, there need to be shacks with cats, so we shut the windows, put the cat on the floor, and the cat then had three babies, and the cat was going mad, meowing, and I said, right, we need to get the cat some food, the cat's going to be starving now, and they were like, oh, I don't know if we've got any food, and I was like, can you just look in the kitchen, and they were looking, and there was literally like nothing that a cat could eat, and I was like, right, I'm going to have to go out, just across the road, there's a shop, I'll just nip across the road, and I will get some food, and it was about quarter to midnight, and I was thinking, oh, I'm going to have such a late night. I also needed to put some clothes on because I only had a t-shirt and shorts on and I was trying to find some clothes and I was just rummaging through these clothes and I found this pair of jogging bottoms and I thought, they'll do. And I then thought, I don't actually think i've got any money, but I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a whole wadge of notes. I had loads and loads of money and I thought, okay, that will do, that will get me some cat food. so I left the house, went to go across the road, but the shop was shut, I was like, for God's sake, I thought I'd have to go out, so I get on, in my car, which I think's my car, but it's actually a bike, and I'm going down the road, and there's, there's no traffic, but there's people out with kids, and I was going along the road, and I was trying to cycle, but I was really struggling, and I realised I didn't have any lights on, so I put the lights on, and I was going past these places, and they were tattoo parlours, and there was like adults and kids in there, and then I went past another shop that I thought was a tattoo parlour, but it was a t-shirt printing shop, but that was open, and I was thinking it was weird they were open about midnight, and I realised I was about to run out of petrol, and I was like, God, I need to get some petrol, so I drove down, pulled into this garage, and loads of people were there filling up their bikes, and I had to wait, and I was like, I don't even know if I'm going to go to the shop, and it's going to be open, and I'm going to be really, really late for work, and then I woke up before I got to the shop.

13 Aug 2024

Break up


Hi there, this was my dream today. I was on vacation, near the sea. With my family. I don't fully remember this dream vividly so there will be bits shared. I was walking near the shore with someone I knew in the dream, holding a black lace untied ribbon. Then the waves go by faster and rougher, and pull me in. I could barely stand up, it was as if the waves were pulling me in the water because they wanted me there. I couldn't get out no matter how much I crawled but the person I was with helped me out. ( This dream situation has happened a lot throughout my life, there are either calm waters or wild. And being pulled in on the shore happens a lot. Other dreams i am simply enjoying the calm waters. The sea and waters in my dream are warm, and even though dangerous I always feel comforted.) ( I dream of water a lot but I rarely see it) Second bit of the dream - Me and a group of kids i know in the dream end up in an empty inside playground. It was full of slides and towers which me and the others started exploring. Eventually we realised we weren't alone and that there were clowns lurking about. So we did our best to avoid them. It was easy with all the slides and towers. Soon after the park began becoming busy, and a huge line of customers who wanted to enter started to form. Some of them wore costumes. It became harder to do things because of the lines, but the clowns in the park became much more welcoming. I remember going on a slide and a clown stopping me mid way to talk, it was a lady clown and I think it was hitting on me. Eventually she let me continue and the ride that came next had gaps on each sides. Apparently you were meant to put your pressure on each side to avoid the gaps. But they had warned me a little too late, as I was falling down. I landed fine, I was surprised and talked to myself outloud suprised at how I was fine. I landed in the middle of a group talking but they just started and ignored me. I walked off. Segment three of the dream - In a villa or hotel room with my family and some older guy who thought we were together. He was like we can't be together anymore I have a kid I need to go raise, here is this breakup box of things and my pubes for you. I was like wtf dude I ain't into older guys what are you on. And my cousin who was present in the moment took the pubes and started shoving them in my fake making fun of him. I obviously tried to protect my face as much as possible, gross ass pubes in my face. What was that dude on for giving those to me? Anyway the older guy pointed out how close me and my MALE cousin were, showing clear signs of jealousy. Anyway dream goes on and this guy takes off and leaves (finally). Fourth bit of the dream- I am with my family and my aunts family, near the playground sorta relaxing with a bunch of items with us. Like blankets and towels etc etc. But when it comes time to leave and pack those things up. Everyone one takes their share and someone mine doubles. As I struggle to collect my things they left. And I needed to take my blanket and towel, which were very stained for some reason which I thought was because of the water. A towel guy working there was like, hey let me take care of these for you. With a smirky ass face, I sense there's something fishy going on so I say no thank you I will just take them. He didn't want to give me my stuff, because he wanted me to be in debt to him for washing the things for me. I took notice of that so I insisted and he gave up giving my things. And boy is it hard. It's like this thick ass fluffy blanket with towels and somehow a bunch of plushies. WHICH I HAVE TO CARRY ALL ON MY OWN. Obviously didn't work out much because I was barely taking a step and some would fall, so I'd need to drag them and go back for the others. I ended up taking a detour through the playground, in which I come across a baby. I give the baby one of the plushies because I had way too many. And I kept dragging the things, reached the end, just needed to get the out of the playground. Someone gave me a hand with dragging them out. I go back in to take the stuff but as I do, the walls narrow and the baby goes and blocks my way out. I give in realising I won't be able to get out and drag these with me. So In the moment I just admire the softness and gentleness of the baby from afar as I pass out. I then wake up.




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13 Aug 2024



I was at my job practically tipsy, dwight was there too, i was helping closing the store and i remember turning back and the whole place being dark. As i was turning back behind me i grabbed a bucket down and it was filled with soaked rags, at this point i felt drunk to the point of me stumbling over things. So i grabbed a handful of the rags and went towards the door. Felt my keys vape and phone in there so just continued to walk the rags down what seemed like a longer hallway than what i was used to at my actual job, with a bright yellow pipe along side the wall that i hadn’t noticed before. And actual brick flooring instead of tiles. I threw the rags at the laundry bucket and tried to find the exit. I felt panicked, because i kept hearing noises in the distance, but it was almost pitch dark so i couldn’t see anything. Then i woke up

13 Aug 2024



okay so I saw a very weird and scary thing so I was in the car with like we were like five six family member like with my maternal aunt and we were going to her house from my house so yeah we were on the road going to in the car and talking and the car windows were like closed okay so one of the honeybees come inside I saw like it was normal bee like came inside through the window and she bite my little cousin so she was sitting in the middle and she got bitten and suddenly she started like weird and crazy and she dies okay she dies actually her mother was not in the car that time she was at the house she dies it was very weird and then we then we get to know that there's a bees eclipse happened in that area and if again someone get bitten by the bee that person will be killed or it will affect another person so yeah we were just so stressed and so worried we saw like lot of people got killed by the bees so we started locking the window so no one other bee comes and we took away the body of that little cousin of mine yeah we were very stressed and frustrated and worried what if another bees come inside so we all locked the window so we were like I was like okay we locked the windows and then there was an area we can't cover like roof area type there was little space where like I also gave my scarf like you can put on that area to cover it but it couldn't happen and we were so worried and suddenly start suddenly the window started opening like weird crazy like like I was helping everyone okay I was making the ideas how to cover and I was very worried for everyone and start covering all the windows with the newspaper and still like still bees can come inside after putting the paper and suddenly the rain starting and wetting the paper it can be any time and I was very scared very very very scared and like in my dream like I know what will happen I will make get killed or someone get killed and like I'm gonna see the scariest thing so yeah I'm gonna see the scariest thing and start to force myself to wake up from the dream okay I like too much pressure myself still I couldn't wake up and it was like oh my god what is happening why couldn't wake up from a dream it is so scary and I also saw a car accident on the pathway and every family killed by the bees okay still we were scared but like I was sitting in the at the front seat okay but after that incident I got in the middle seat again the car and after so much worried and problem we came to a house and we suddenly we came to the house like our destination like my mother and my aunt was at home no my mother was between the journey the car so yeah like I told my aunts please call her mother like she and aunt saw that another aunt saw that her little child killed by the bees and I was worried how is she gonna cope up with that like her child died and after we came to the home we locked everything and yeah I was not feeling very pleasant with that moment at the house it was something weird going on like seriously something weird and then rain and rain and then I was just feeling like I went out of the house and saw bees I don't know why I always dream of like it is like five six time I saw my maternal house my maternal aunties house I went there it's like calm place clean place I don't know I also saw some youtube video actually late night weird and watching weird things but still these dreams it was like crazy and yeah actually and at the end we all got bitten by the bees even me including and we got hypnotized by bees like like how zombie happens to me so all family members became bee zombie okay and after we became z zombie there was a woman nearby we also captured her and we make like an army to kill everyone at the end like it was late night my mom came who got a heart attack like they shitted blood in the poop in the bathroom so I went there to see my mom stop me no no don't go and it was like actually someone gave birth okay someone gave birth like she asked me who you did that you got a heart attack no I don't know and then I saw she she she got the blood it was very weird because it was the scariest thing I've ever seen like it was on my mind I got very scared and after that I wake up and my mom wake up me in the morning it was very scary it was very scary very very oh my god that was absolutely oh my god very scary the character she was very weird colored like screaming with baby attached to her oh my god so scary in the wall like standing like hanging from the wall so scary like the scariest I couldn't wake up from the day oh my god

13 Aug 2024



Seems like Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan all combined Slums amidst the skyscrapers that hide most of the firmament Monorails, looks a bit like Ueno Station, there’s a bus terminal Getting off the train and out the platform and floating down near one of the illegal slum buildings Roofs are stacked on top of one another, threatening to crush from the top if anything more than a Magnitude 5 or 6 had happened Dim flickering fluorescent light tubes and computer’s RGB lighting Accidentally pressing down on the doorbell(more like window bell but I digress), dropping at the speed of a sparrow going in for the kill because the residents are now trying to sell me shit and chasing me down Floating and parkouring across the crowded neon lit slummy streets through the sudden downpour Sliding into the closing cafe-bar shop with preppy bare wooden frames and incandescent light bulbs, kinda tropical I’m now at a place that looks like the surroundings of Sara’s house blended with the scapes of Kita-Kamakura Two of the friends are already getting their drink, they greet me and we have a chat, having a color-changing syrupy refreshing drink(probably a cocktail made with butterfly pea tea and something else), mint Scene changes, now I’m getting home And home as in going up the rusted helix staircase of the apartment right above the cafe establishment/ethnic apparel-trinket shop Scene changes and now I’m getting into some condo, a room in some classy, fancy old apartment in Dateo, Italy Colon Firth is here dressed like a butler or a gentleman There’s someone else with me and we’re sitting on the bed, turned somewhat child-like We’re singing something but the keys are off and we get the lyrics kinda wrong Awkward but fun

13 Aug 2024



I’m at the ground-level floor in the staircase hall of some beautiful academic marble structure Being dragged toward the less well-tiled area and being pushed through a crack in the huge cave wall, the person doing this to me seems to be operating with a sense of discretion and urgency, asking me to “keep quiet and do well” Once I am pushed through somehow(magically), there is a whole ass cave with a furnace down the cyclical slope The walls are decked with raw rubies and sapphires, glaring with the light from the burning furnace The furnace itself seem to be crusted and bedecked with a similar soft of deep blue, purple and red gems Piles of pearly treasures, artifacts, gemstones like flaming fire opal, and a beautifully enameled indigo owl mask, lined with gold and pearls like so, decorated with gilded lines and swirls A girl joining the sacred burning process or whatever this is(everyone here is caped and masked with that owl mask) notices me, trots over discreetly I hand her whatever I needed to hand to her, and try and get her out as per the instructions The warden seems to notice the girl’s strange behaviors and calls out to reprimand coldly Intimidated by her voice the girl replies affirmatively and ushers me out of the cave(I don’t resist because the warden sounds and seems like a hell of a discipline freak and I don’t wanna have more than the immense fear I’m already experiencing from the voice alone get struck into my system) Promising to meet back at the common space in the dorm and getting pushed tf back outside Stumbling away from the place with the friends outside after nearly being found out by a teacher who happened to be passing nearby Scene changes and I’m back at the dorm(Hogwarts-esque) or whatever this room is It seems to be some kind of a studies/meeting room/common space, mahogany bookshelves and a roundtable and everything Eating lunch, clock says I got 40-30 minutes till the lunch hour ends Tomato sauce on a hamburger steak, fries and lettuce salad, mini tomatoes Sara, Maka and others from my 5-6th grade friend group join, as well as the girl in the furnace from earlier Merry conversations and magic being used for petty and silly things, laughters, floating objects, crystals and wands, trinket exchanges The warden from earlier, decked up in a satin black cape with crow feathers trim on the collar and a few gold jewelries, wearing purple lipstick comes and joins the merriment Plates of meat dishes they brough along with a huge bowl of salad and such Along with Lightning Farron, Sephiroth, Satz Katzroy, Vanille, Fang and Hope(all of them are from either Final Fantasy XIII or VII) Lightning and Sephiroth seldom lets each other have peach, fights in the room, while others chuckle at the silly(not so silly because mass destruction of property) scene and talk to me and each other about the timetable for the afternoon and such Apparently there is a whole-school gathering from 1:05PM I’m almost finished with my lunch, on my olate only a couple pieces of lettuce, the crushed remnants of the cherry tomato, the seeds from the tomatos in the sauce, and a bit of the hamburger steak as the crow-feathered woman from earlier talks to me

13 Aug 2024



A railway running through a cloudy, misty mountain range in the rural Kanagawa or Hakone Pine trees, evergreen or deciduous, every kind of trees are here, rusted guardrails Changing cabins in a lightning speed every time the train slows down to a halt at a station, operating basically in the Creative Mode pov in Minecraft Strange sense of urgency, premonition of an earthquake Time limit Rushing into another cabin, sitting down as the train departs yet again Being call to by a person sitting on the window seat(I accidentally sat on a box seat for five or six people) Turns out she is Lightning Farron from Final Fantasy XIII Next to me is Sephiroth Across me is Mo Ran and Chu Wanning Most of those characters are either sort of aloof, cold, stand-off ish or proud(Mo Ran is a bit more extroverted but still very haughty) They converse about how the train will probably be taking us into a dangerous place, or how it’d crash and burn before it can even get there because of the imminent earthquake I ask them what they intend to do They each give their own answers, but are kind of agreeing on that they would get out of the train with their superhuman agility and speed first and foremost

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