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4 Aug 2024



I dreamed about fire sketlon

4 Aug 2024



I went abroad, but couldn't tell 100% where it was. I ended up in hospital because of my Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, the hospital and it's staff were the most understanding I've ever experienced. They ran all possible tests. I can never usually read in my dreams, but this time I could read off the print out perfectly clear. One nurse stroked my hand as I read a print out of the results which said I should treat my bipolar disorder as a priority because the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is making it 5 thousand times worse. In the results I also read to get checked for HIV because of my abusive marriage had put me at risk for this! I could clearly read in the results to "continue searching for healing, they are always there for me to support me!" I don't know who "they" are. Maybe some health professionals or friends I have yet to meet. I started to cry with relief at the results and told the nurse it was the first time I ever had proper help since the trauma happened to me. I kept saying thank you and crying with relief. The dream then woke me up and I had a feeling it was more of an answer than just a dream. I guess I just have to find that hospital and staff member in my waking life!




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

3 Aug 2024

Naked woman


I’m in Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, a super meta webnovel that takes place in the apocalyptic Korea where some extraterrestrial beings have taken over, leans heavily into a lot of the tropes present in other Korean/Chinese/Japanese webnovels I’m in an underground tunnel/pathway that connects stations or whatever, following the leader of the group I decided to stick with(the one with Kim Dokja, the protag with all the knowledge about the world building of the novel and the system of the whole death game that the extraterrestrials have set up for their entertainment and nourishment to watch) There’s rats, dingy wetness, carcasses and bloodstains on the wall Once we get out to the ground level we’re basically going about on some kind of a traditional courtyard thing with bushs and trees of azaleas, camellias, Sharon’s Roses, baloon flowers, etc.(many plants native to China, Korea and/or Japan) Looks a bit like the Imparial Palace of Kyoto and other historical villas and gardens in the city We see three beautiful and busty women naked by one of the bushes, caressing each other’s butts and such in a rather sexual manner One is abashed, the other one caressing the first one’s ass seems rather lecherous about it, the third is caressing the second woman lightly and sort of eyeing the first two down lustily Obviously the people in my group are either weirded out, flustered or just enjoying the view while keeping a low profile I’m just sort of lusting over them without showing much external reaction The men in my group are curious or weirded out by my silence Kim Dokja is too buzy strategizing or just unemotionally nodding in approval

3 Aug 2024



I was in a motorhome and I was broke. I needed some money. I called my dad, like I used to do when he was alive. I told him I had worked a little bit that day and was going to work more the next day, but I hadn't worked. He told me "people don't work today." I looked at my watch and it said it was new years day. Then i was standing in front of my dad and he was standing in the doorway of a motorhome that it seemed he was living in. My grandpa came up and said "no work today or tomorrow." In the dream my grandpa still had hair but it was gray and he was much younger, maybe in his 40s or 50s. My dad looked the same as he did in his late 40s when I asked him to borrow money, but then after my gpa said that, my dad said he didn't have any money. So I said "ok ill ask my nanny." So we all started walking to go see my nanny. While we were walking, we crossed paths with a young version of my dad, maybe in his late 20's or early 30's. I asked him "is this what you look like now dad?" All he said was "come on." So, my older dad, my younger dad, my younger grandpa, and I went looking for my nanny. We came across a field and I could see someone standing in it. I immediately knew this person was dead, so I though it must be my grandma, since my dad and grandpa were with me. She was standing with her back to me. (Both my dad and my grandma have passed on in real life, although my grandpa is still alive.) I called out to her from across the field and started walking closer to her, however, once I was close enough, I could see that this person did not have short, dark, curly hair like my grandma, this person had short, gray, almost straight hair. I realized as I was approaching that it was not my grandma and I wondered who it was. As I got close, she turned around and it was my nanny (who is alive in real life), only she had a missing eye. There was no eye patch just an empty socket. The dream had a very ominous feel at this point. She was wearing her usual capri style pants but with a large loose shirt a shawl that were flapping in the wind. All of her clothing was dark (she usually wears bright colors). I said "nanny?" As the realization that she was dead sunk in, and I said "but you're dead...." and then I screamed "NANNY!" in a heart wrenching wail, and I embraced her as my dad's and grandpa watched then I woke up

3 Aug 2024



我到了一所大學要開始新的學習,對此我感到很興奮、很期待。 這所大學有著紅色磚頭、拱門的復古外觀,我很喜歡這樣的建築。 在新的環境當中,我尋找一家可以日常負擔的價格又好吃的早餐店,我也的確找到一間很不錯的早餐店,位於學校地下室附設的食堂。 我每天都會去吃,感到穩定且滿足,我成為店裡的常客。 有一天,老闆娘突然說要請我吃餐點不用付錢,我感到受寵若驚!我覺得老闆娘特別照顧我,很令人感動。那是一份去邊的吐司裡面夾著烤肉,和一根熱狗!完全是我喜歡吃的!實在太幸運了! 我開心的將食物帶回去與朋友分享這個好消息和我的好心情。

3 Aug 2024



I dreamt I was traveling with my sister in laws ex boyfriends. They were friends. The first boyfriend we took a train with a group of people to this place. Then I wasn’t fond of him and I met the other ex boyfriend. He was a musician with bright blue eyes. I was attracted to him but we remained friends. He was going to perform in three places. One, was a area surrounded by people, like an outside arena. Then the second option was in a area where it was so dark you can see the Milky Way and stars and nebulas. It was beautiful and the star formations were bright purple and blue. The final location was a desert landscape- very similar to the Grand Canyon, orange and bright. It was coastal too so on the left side you can see water at the distance. Then a giant, I mean giant (like 20 stories tall) white grey horse comes from the distance and passes us. I was at awe and grateful it didn’t step on me. I also remember trying to come back from where I came.

3 Aug 2024

Abandoned home
Lucid Dreaming


I was in a abandon city there was zombies and I was with my brother we were shooting zombies and I wasn’t scared it was fun, we then made our way into a abandon building and went to the top floor and open up a attic hatch that dropped some stairs, when we did that mice fell down every where it wasn’t scary though I could fell them running by and they felt soft we went up to the attic and I told him he could cut through the attic to get to the very top of the roof but he said no so we hung out in the attic where the mice became our friend and then we found ducks living in the attic white ducks we where trying to pick them up but we couldent and then out of no where I am getting off of a school bus and a little kid is taking me to the office to help me get into class because I am new he tells the people at the front desk my name and stuff but I tell him that I could do all of this stuff but he does it anyway and then he leads me to my class and I sit down in the back middle and I realize I am back in my old 3rd grade class but there are new kids and I have the same teacher all the kids look at me suprised because I’m so old to be in 3rd grade they ask me why am I there and I said there must’ve been something wrong with there system. So I just hung out in the 3rd grade. Then I realized I was dreaming because I said to my teacher if I could dream any dream I wanted this would be it so I started loooong around and noticed that everything looked so realistic and I tasted a blue energy drink and that tasted real to so I started question if I was dreaming, but I definitely still knew I was dreaming, then I woke up

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