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4 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I saw myself sleeping comfortably in my bed.

4 Aug 2024



Old rich maturing to teach me how to make beats for hip hops songs. He was very wealthy selling these beats. We were sitting in front of a huge electronic beat machine and I could see the wave forms and how he added layers. I don’t know why I remember him being a little creepy Ridding around in a car with this woman and her husband. They were going to get married but the woman was Jon jealous. There were letters and stamps crammed into the doors - wedding invitations. The woman went to get a haircut and the man came behind me and was hugging me. When she came out I was afraid she’d be jealous and she didn’t care. She was wearing a dress, maybe purple? I had to get back on a flight but didn’t have a suitcase. It was okay though as I meant for that to happen. Maybe i only had my book?




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

4 Aug 2024

Teeth falling out


The dream started off at school, we were doing some sort of work, at first it was about teeth for some reason, while I was doing my work I was daydreaming about sex and cum. After that we were still working and got assigned partners, my partner was a guy called Gael I used to be friends with back in elementary school, we used to tell people we were siblings but we actually weren’t, in the dream he fell asleep instead of doing his work so I would constantly wake him up but he didn’t do anything. Eventually the dream shifted to me being with a group of people walking in a forest and eventually finding a military base in what seemed to be Japan, the soldiers there didn’t kill us but the place was about to be bombed so we had to run to this place to be safe, it was about five different doors that we had to lock, we had a pink bag with us and I noticed that the door wasn’t closing from the outside so I asked if I should use the bag to keep the door closed and my older cousin Omar who was there said no since it could be stolen, after that a little kid came and gave me a bucket for some reason, I ended up going against what my cousin said and used the bag and the bucket to keep the door closed as well as two brooms from the inside, as I secured the door I saw a man looking at me with a creepy look on his face and I got scared so I hurried up and locked the other doors. Eventually I locked all the doors and the bombs began to go off. Then some people were like “what if we go out for a bit? I mean there’s still a lot of people outside” I told them it wasn’t a good idea so we ended up just staying inside

4 Aug 2024



I was staying at this house with these people that weren’t the biggest fan of me. I remember trying to dye my hair red blue and purple. I was told to I needed to find a house through this company, apply for the house and get the house all in the same day which is impossible. There was this snake that needed a home andi was thinking about taking it. This one kid kept hitting and shaking the tank so I was a little scared to pick the snake up, in fear that it right we were the same people. I ended up picking it up and it didn’t try biting me but the snake seemed sick. So I wrapped it in a blanket and it to store person and they said the snake hasn’t eaten much so it was very weak. Then I was at some work function and I kept running into the same guy and we would flirt a little and then go our separate ways. At one point we were up on this hill with loose gravel talking with some other people flirting when no one were paying attention. Then he slide down the big hill made of gravel while smiling but of course our boss Pete yelled at him because we weren’t supposed to do that. Next thing I know I was at school. Apparently I missed the 6 am- 2:30 pm day so I had to do a 2:30 pm- 11 pm school day which suuucked. Nobody told me what my schedule for the day was supposed to be so I spent a while just wondering peaking into teachers classes deciding who to ask where I should be. As I was wondering there was a sign that said not to go down a specific hallway which was odd but then my best friend and a coworker (in real life) showed up at the school. Next thing I know Caitlyn (my best friend) and I are in the room building this GIANT spider made of legos when a teacher walks in and ask if we are learning anything so we tell her some random spider facts and that’s satisfys her and she walks out

4 Aug 2024

Lucid Dreaming


I seemed to be a part of an event that was like a television show. The actuall themes and events were unfolding have appeared multiple times before. Being around others monsteriasation and escape. The main difference being that I could also watch what was happening like I was the viewer as well being a part of it. I wanted to turn it off but as much as o tried I couldn’t. After that I move on the scene had completely reset. Once again I saw train stations and airports but I seemed to take in my surroundings. I was punching walls as I knew they’d break almost like cardboard revealing something else. I was jumping from highets because I knew it would hurt. I knew I was in a dream but subconsciously I wanted to see how much my brain would create in terms of a lucid expirence. The final part of my dream includes my girlfriend talking to another man or so I thought. It got under my skin and upset me that she was talking to another man but there was a twist. I turned out this man that I saw turned out to be a 8 year old child but looking like a grown adult.

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