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4 Aug 2024



I rented this big black Lamborghini SUV, something straight out of a dream, capable of fitting ten people. I’d always imagined myself behind the wheel, feeling the power, but when I finally had it, I hesitated. It just sat there in a parking spot, gleaming under the streetlights, as if waiting for me to take it somewhere, but I couldn’t bring myself to drive it. Instead, I found myself on foot, constantly on the move, dodging old friends who were out looking for me. Every time they got close, I could feel their presence like a weight pressing down on me. But somehow, I always managed to stay ten toes down, slipping away just before they could reach me. I didn’t want to be seen by them, didn’t want to be found. I could sense their bad intentions like a dark cloud hovering over them, and I knew if they caught up to me, I’d end up in a situation I desperately wanted to avoid. At one point, I pulled up to a gas station, the Lamborghini’s engine purring softly, and I made a split-second decision to rob the place. The thrill of it was electric, but it also brought unwanted attention, making it harder for me to move around unnoticed. I could feel eyes on me everywhere I went after that, like a spotlight I couldn’t escape. Later, I ended up at a house party, the air thick with energy and anticipation. I let a bunch of kids, including my little siblings and their cousins, pile into the SUV. They didn’t believe it was mine until I pulled out the keys and fired up the engine, the deep growl of the Lamborghini echoing through the night. Their skepticism turned to awe, but it didn’t last long for me. I slipped back inside the party, feeling the stares of people I knew and others I didn’t. I found myself sitting at a bar in this massive, fancy basement, waiting for something, anything, interesting to happen. And then it did. Out of nowhere, this girl—she was bold, conceited—managed to steal a kiss from me right in front of everyone. The room seemed to freeze, but I didn’t let it faze me. I just shook my head in disbelief and acted like it never happened. I got up and walked away, my thoughts already on finding my girlfriend, who was just arriving at the party. But the place was packed, way too crowded. Luckily, I knew this house well. There was a secret way back upstairs that I’d used before. As I moved through the quieter part of the basement, the noise from the party faded until all I could hear was the sound of my own footsteps. It was eerie, almost haunting, reminding me of another dream I’d had, where a basement kept going deeper and deeper, threatening to trap me. But this time, I made it back upstairs without a hitch. When I finally found her, it felt like no time had passed at all. We started talking, and it was like we picked up right where we’d left off. As we walked through the house, we stumbled upon a room where people were doing yoga. I felt a flicker of interest, especially when I noticed someone I recognized from high school. For a moment, I was pulled back into the past, a flashback of us in school together. But I pushed it aside, keeping my focus on the present, on her. We made our way up to the second floor, where the party noise was just a distant hum. The connection between us deepened as we got intimate, the rest of the world fading away. In that moment, everything felt right, as if all the chaos of the night had led to this one perfect point.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

4 Aug 2024



I dreamed that... my family and other people moved into a house the house had a history that we didn’t know about and then started disappearing and people are disappearing and got really scary and so I started talking to the house and saying oh excuse me may I use this or can I go here or can I keep this please and then I would say thank you in the house will respond by listening and so relive together, I was protecting all the kids. I was teaching them how to do the same thing and then end up on the front and it turns out that there was an evil angel that was trying to possess. The house was protecting us the Goddess and I had to fight the angel because everybody else was affected except for me, and then that part of the dream ended indoors and then appeared our ears had everything and then it went from warm to cold and to raining and then somebody was robbing a bank, but my daughter needed five dollars so let her take five dollars. Her uncle came to pick her up. She went home went home and

4 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was walking towards a big city, the road I was on had traffic coming both ways but I was walking on the pavement towards a curved building made of glass and their logo was in the shape of a crown. It was all grey. I stopped at the traffic lights and waited until it was green and I could cross, once I crossed I saw a sign for a fun fair which had a yellow metal bridge that you had to cross in order to reach the other side of the buildings and be inside surrounded by other buildings, including the curved one. There wa a car park in the middle, I somehow had alreaady parked and was making my way towards the fun fair but someome or something caught my eye and I went inside another glass building that had a sign for escape rooms. I went to reception and signed up for 1 room I had to take all my stuff and put it in a locker. My locker number was 50 and they were in a triangle room. The lockers were dark brown and made of wood. I left my things and went inside, the lights were flickering all the time and there was screaming. As I walked down the corridor on both sides there were glass panelled walls and you could see inside the rooms, they all had a story behind the rooms. You had to use some kind of technology with your eyes to click on the room you wanted. I started with a room that was filled wilth old showers with white tiled floors and stalls but they were dirty with blood and I was running trying to get away from someone that wanted to kill me. I bumped into someone else who was covered in blood and they jumped out the stalls, but they got grabbed and was taken away. I managed to escape and then I went to other rooms. I can't remember now many of the themes and what happened in each but there were people on tables that had been cut open or some laying on the floor dead. My last room was a big man, overweight and was chasing me with a butchers knife, he had an apron and was looking for me, to kill me. This time it went far and I escaped his room but he followed me to the hallway, I couldn't think of where to go and went to the toilet escape room again but I climbed the wall to stay on top and waited for a chance to escape as I could see everyone coming in. It waited for a while until a woman saw me and was going to scream but I threw myself at them and I think I broke their neck. I ran out and tried to stumble back to the locker room my feet and the room kept on wobbling like I was drugged. I couldn't find my locker so I ran out to reception where there where normal peoole but they weren't shocked to see me with blood, there was a big clown man and a girl on the desk who were looking at me as if I wasn't supposed to be there. They had to behave be ause there were other people and there was a man who I think worked for them but was leaving so he was on the couch saying thank you for the times. The clown had my locker keyring becauae I could see the number 50 on the red ball keychain. I grabbed it and struggled with him but he didn't want to let go, I managed to get it. I had to go back into the rooms to find my locker to get my keys of my car. I got the courage to go back and as I was going in there was a group of men thst were wanting to go inside I tried to warn them but they didn't listen until they saw that people were getting killed. A couple of them helped me escape again and we were running in the streets at night, they chased us around and tried to disorientate me but I looked for the funfair sign and knew that if I crossed that then I would reach the car park. We ran across the roads, the cars beeped their horns and as we got to the metal bridge I could see the people from the escape room, I only supposed it was them because they were covered in blood and were still chasing us. They were all quick and had strength and would grab my arm to make me fall and it was difdicult to get them off, when I managed to get them off it was like they stuck to my skin and it hurt lilke it does in waking life, I felt the same pain. The bridge was getting covered in blood by the people who were dying and I tried to make a run for it so that I could get to my car but the blood made me slip and I kept om getting grabbed, I managed to get close to my car but then I got woken up.

4 Aug 2024



April brought me to the home of a Hindu family, they were celebrating this festival where 5 significant deities in the pantheon connected with different areas of life were honored. I had told April I was curious and wanted to see. The family had their home open to anyone who was interested in participating, so I had come. April did not come in with me. I did not show her but I had an idol I brought with me as well - a god of fire. It was tall (about the height of my waist) and narrow. I went it the house and paid my respects to the first two deities. They were situated in different rooms around the house. I think April may have thought this was going to go more quickly than it did - although I had not been long in there. Having not gotten too far I stepped back onto the porch to dissuade her from coming in - she would misunderstand what I was doing and call it idolatry. I also concealed the statue I had brought with me. April asked if I had seen everything yet. I told her I had not, but that I wouldn’t be long. She went back to the car and I stepped back into the house. What I was doing was not worship, I was simply paying my respects. These gods had brought the people of India a long way that was honorable. I got to the third which corresponded to the statue I had brought - the god of fire. I cannot remember I think something happened. Remember seeing the family in their peaceful home amidst their gods. I believe the dream ended before I could finish my rounds. I have no reason to suspect I did not.

4 Aug 2024



In My dream I saw me and a my pastors wife who a friend as well were at my place. We just came back after dropping of a family at the boat port to be smuggled to Germany by passing the sea, the sea was not very calm by that time, while we were at my place and were talking together, suddenly she received a message from that family that they are coming back to Norway because Germany has deport them , it was weird for me to hear that they come back with the same boat from Germany and the same way that they have been smuggle into Germany. I assume if they deported they most be sent back by the legal way like a plane or other transport ways, not the legal, I didn’t feel this is right but told my self to wait to get there and hear the story, in my heart I didn’t like this family and had feelings that they are not trustworthy they and just made up this story but I should get back to see the fact even though I feel suspicious and my goats said there’s something not right. We got to our own cars but her car was much better and faster she drives off very quickly, while I was about to get in my car sitting, she was driving faster than me I was after her but in the road, it was some structure and I was behind that road structure she was gone but I had to slow down and be careful. until I pass that area I drive to port by the sea to pick them up. I talk while I was driving that I could’ve sitting in her car, but then I thought it’s better probably because if we want to bring them back home, we need more seats in the car so I had to drive with my car.

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