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Dream Interpretation: Robbery 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Robbery? Discover the significance of seeing a Robbery in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Robbery appears in your dream ✅

Robbery symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a feeling of loss or violation. It may indicate that you feel someone is taking advantage of you or that you are not in control of a situation. It can also represent a fear of losing something valuable or important to you.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what you feel is being taken from you in your waking life. Is there a situation or person that is causing you to feel powerless or vulnerable? Take steps to regain control and protect what is important to you. It may also be helpful to seek support from trusted friends or family members.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a robbery can evoke a range of intense emotions such as fear, vulnerability, and anxiety. It may leave the dreamer feeling violated, helpless, and on edge. The sense of loss and violation can create a lingering sense of unease and insecurity. The dream may also trigger feelings of anger and frustration towards the perpetrator. Overall, this dream can leave a lasting impact, instilling a sense of caution and vigilance in the dreamer's waking life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Robbery

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4 Aug 2024



I rented this big black Lamborghini SUV, something straight out of a dream, capable of fitting ten people. I’d always imagined myself behind the wheel, feeling the power, but when I finally had it, I hesitated. It just sat there in a parking spot, gleaming under the streetlights, as if waiting for me to take it somewhere, but I couldn’t bring myself to drive it. Instead, I found myself on foot, constantly on the move, dodging old friends who were out looking for me. Every time they got close, I could feel their presence like a weight pressing down on me. But somehow, I always managed to stay ten toes down, slipping away just before they could reach me. I didn’t want to be seen by them, didn’t want to be found. I could sense their bad intentions like a dark cloud hovering over them, and I knew if they caught up to me, I’d end up in a situation I desperately wanted to avoid. At one point, I pulled up to a gas station, the Lamborghini’s engine purring softly, and I made a split-second decision to rob the place. The thrill of it was electric, but it also brought unwanted attention, making it harder for me to move around unnoticed. I could feel eyes on me everywhere I went after that, like a spotlight I couldn’t escape. Later, I ended up at a house party, the air thick with energy and anticipation. I let a bunch of kids, including my little siblings and their cousins, pile into the SUV. They didn’t believe it was mine until I pulled out the keys and fired up the engine, the deep growl of the Lamborghini echoing through the night. Their skepticism turned to awe, but it didn’t last long for me. I slipped back inside the party, feeling the stares of people I knew and others I didn’t. I found myself sitting at a bar in this massive, fancy basement, waiting for something, anything, interesting to happen. And then it did. Out of nowhere, this girl—she was bold, conceited—managed to steal a kiss from me right in front of everyone. The room seemed to freeze, but I didn’t let it faze me. I just shook my head in disbelief and acted like it never happened. I got up and walked away, my thoughts already on finding my girlfriend, who was just arriving at the party. But the place was packed, way too crowded. Luckily, I knew this house well. There was a secret way back upstairs that I’d used before. As I moved through the quieter part of the basement, the noise from the party faded until all I could hear was the sound of my own footsteps. It was eerie, almost haunting, reminding me of another dream I’d had, where a basement kept going deeper and deeper, threatening to trap me. But this time, I made it back upstairs without a hitch. When I finally found her, it felt like no time had passed at all. We started talking, and it was like we picked up right where we’d left off. As we walked through the house, we stumbled upon a room where people were doing yoga. I felt a flicker of interest, especially when I noticed someone I recognized from high school. For a moment, I was pulled back into the past, a flashback of us in school together. But I pushed it aside, keeping my focus on the present, on her. We made our way up to the second floor, where the party noise was just a distant hum. The connection between us deepened as we got intimate, the rest of the world fading away. In that moment, everything felt right, as if all the chaos of the night had led to this one perfect point.

30 Jul 2024



I was at my grandma’s house (from my mom’s side) and on the sofa. I was on my phone in the dream and noticed (not in the dream) that the house seemed way bigger than usual, but every room was almost exactly the same, including the layout of the house. The only thing different was where the front door, kitchen and dining room was. In real life, the kitchen is next to the living room, anns the dining room is basically in the kitchen. The front door is right next to the stove (so, in the kitchen). In order to get from the living room to the kitchen/front door, you need to get up and walk straight or get up, turn to your right, and walk straight (depending on which couch you are on), and once you reach the dining table (which isn’t far at all) you turn right all the way to the wooden door. In my dream, the kitchen was gone and there was a wooden wall instead, and the front door was right there (on the wooden wall).for some reason the living room was so much bigger than irl (irl=in real life), but it all looked the same (sorry if this is getting confusing :P). Finally getting to the actual dream: two men dressed in all black walked in, and for some reason I didn’t really care at first. When they first walked in they seemed really nice, and I started talking to them. I don’t know/remember what we were talking about, but I think I was (kindly) telling them that they had to leave, and they listened. But right before they walked out, the dream went back in time and it changed (it kinda felt like my dream was trying to make/keep things interesting). It replayed (In the dream I wasn’t aware of going back in time, so I was still calm and on my phone) and instead of walking in calm like before, they swung the door open and started taking stuff. I was a little bit more panicked than before, but not by a lot at all. I got up, but even though they didn’t have any weapons, I got really nervous/scared and didn’t move all of a sudden- as if they did and were pointing it at me. There was a time-skip and I right beside one of them and was firmly telling them something along the lines of “put that back and leave” or smth (smth= something). By the time I had done that the dream changed and there were two men in all black and one woman in all black (also stealing). Another time-skip: I texted my mom (who was in the bedroom) “help”, “help me”, “there are people in the house”. I was texting it really fast and in the dream auto correct just didn’t exist ig (ig= I guess) 🤷‍♀️-so the messages came out more like: “heslp”, “hel p mi” “ther is ppl in her e” or smth. They didn’t come, there was another time skip, and I was now in the room. My grandma was laying on the bed, my aunt was doing her hair, and my mom was looking at her phone a little concerned. I whispered that their were people in the house, and there was another time-skip. I was back in the living room with the people and talking to them about smth and the living room warped into a store (my dreams are super random, so stuff like this is normal :P ). This part I have a hard time remembering, but basically me, my mom, and my grandma were taking the stuff back from the robbers (some stuff we had to wrestle out of their hands, while other we took without a problem). Eventually we got all of the things back except for some things like beads or small hair clips, and another time-skip came along (so many time-skips 🫠). I was walking on the sidewalk right outside the store (in between the store and parking lot) and there was a tiny time-skip and a change. I was doing quads (quads/quadrobics is a sport that includes walking, running, trotting, and pacing on all fours in a specific pattern. It builds up arm strength and make things like hand standing easier, if you preform them correctly.), and saw a horse therian standing on all fours with a brown horse mask, with yellow-tinted white hair (on the mask) (reminder: I’m still beside the store). I walked up to her (still on all fours) and brown wings appeared from her back,either she got bigger or I got smaller, and she started glowing white, then the dream ended. I don’t know if I should label this a not-that-serious nightmare, or a dream. Cause that last part I liked but the whole robbery situation was a non-scary nightmare :P. (I’m a therian btw (• v • ) )

21 Jul 2024

Black man


I had a daydream that my sister and I were being robbed. The first night we were in Green Bay, there was a story on the news about a black man robbing houses around our area, so that was in my mind the whole time. The next night my dream is, there are 3 men. They come through the back door, and start walking towards my room, and my parents room. As two of them start walking towards the computer room door, I open it, only to be grabbed by one of the men, and stabbed through the chest. As I'm laying there, the other 2 guys ransack my room and find nothing, so they kick me. They leave everyone else alone, and my parents find me the next morning, and call 911. It didn't finish obviously, because I would have been dead, and I'm a believer in that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life. The next one I had was of my mom, my niece and I driving around Ashwobonaun (sp?). We pick up this guy, not sure if he's a hitchhiker or not, but we seemed okay with it. When we go to drop him off at the parking lot he told us to pull into, he's crouching down towards the back door, and pulls a gun on me, telling me to hand over my purse. I close my eyes, hand it to him, and start whispering, "please don't kill me, please don't kill me..." as I feel the gun zeroing in on my chest. But when I opened my eyes, he was gone.

19 Jul 2024



I was a male criminal named John making guns for the zombie apocalypse while living a town covered by a brick wall so Zombies never got it we only went outside the wall to get supplies and tbh I enjoyed being a criminal robbing banks and making police officers mad. I was speeding from the cops after robbing a bank or one of the officers used their car and crashed me into another police car and they arrested me and locked me up well I secretly became an officer in prison but continued to live as a criminal no one knew then I met this woman named Amy a former criminal and her 3-year-old daughter Jessica and I was completely in love with her but after we got married she started having an affair and she started going back committing crimes. Eventually, she divorced me to be with her affair partner and told the cops I robbed the bank so I arrested her and locked her up and continued my police duties and settled down in my new life happy and as the dream faded away I seen a water tower covered by some bushes, a dirt word in the middle of the desert.

16 Jul 2024



In my dream I came back to an apartment I was renting that was in bad shape Not someplace I would live. Anyway too robbers where I there and they were trying to leave As I was trying to lock them out I reach my hand in the tray and took a few pieces of my jewelry back A little elephant necklace my dad gave me when I was about 12. And a few little sentimental things. The place its self just prior to me walking in on the robbers, well The electric panel got a surge and knock out all the electric and blow out the refridgator and lights Old fashion telephone that still worked I'm guessing I was back in time A very odd thing was a lady across the street was playing with her tiger. Apparently she had it for years and was hiding it I wasn't supposed to see it. When the landlord came over to fix Everthing All the items were no longer broke but he did install all the dial mechanism back on the safe

11 Jul 2024



Akmal's goodbye My mother nearly got her phone robbed, she also got robbed while parking her car and wearing no hijab, but gratefully she is agile enough to take it back, I was devastated knowing that she would chase her phone's robber even without covering her hair. Fast forward, I went to a weird warped version of my maternal grandfather's house. I was in my older brother's room, Ikmal, my phone was charging, but I can't wait patiently, so I to the other rooms and found other phones that my mom bought for me, there are now 3 phones that I have. Mom then arrived to pick me up, suddenly ikmal and my little cousin Iffa appear, ikmal then shakes my hand, Ikmal then told Iffa that it is Sunday and near Eid, so she also shakes hands with me, I retrieve 3 of my phones and went straight to my mom's car, not knowing where this car will go.

9 Jul 2024



I had a dream about getting airbnb in Baton Rouge Louisiana really nice on the beach. After staying in the house I realized that the it was another family staying upstairs. We still ended up staying but the father was really weird and wouldn’t give us privacy but they did have a male dog that looked exactly like brownie . Nothing else really happened except for victor somehow ended up in my dream when I opened the bathroom door. After that we left the airbnb and drove we needed up at a gas station where someone tried to rob me and 2 black men tried helping me. But ultimately I ended up saving myself because I chased him and put his hands behind his back until the police came . After that I ended up getting home and Valeria and another girl was at my house and we caught up and after she left I got back in the care and ended up waking up

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