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Dream Interpretation: Ladder 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Ladder? Discover the significance of seeing a Ladder in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Ladder appears in your dream ✅

Ladder symbol
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💡Possible meaning

A dream symbol connected to climbing can sometimes relate to hidden sexual desires, representing longing for sexual fulfillment. Other than this, a ladder in a dream can be interpreted as a symbol depicting climbing to success. This suggests that you will overcome any hardship you may face in your life at the moment and will soon prosper.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

Notice the path that your mind is becoming aware of. The way the ladder looks in your dream explains the journey your life will soon embark upon. Keep climbing! Eventually, things will work in your favor. Find enough strength within you to fight against all odds and climb up to success.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a ladder can evoke a sense of ambition and progress. It symbolizes the desire to climb higher in life, whether it be in career, relationships, or personal growth. This dream may bring feelings of determination, hope, and the need for self-improvement. It signifies the willingness to take risks and overcome obstacles to reach new heights. The ladder represents the opportunity for advancement and the belief in one's abilities. It may also elicit a sense of excitement and anticipation for the future. Overall, this dream instills a positive and motivated mindset, encouraging individuals to strive for success and reach their goals.





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20 Aug 2024



Rijal Gerend Streetfood I was sitting with gerend and rijal in the corner of a street food tent, it is beside the road. Our school classmates are also here, Sister Anjani, my teammate is also here, I saw her walking away going to her seat. Because we're literally beside the road, we got heavy smoke in front of us and we had heavy coughs, so I advise my friends to go somewhere further from the road like, like in the middle of the street food tent being cool gentlemens. My 2 friends, Rijal and gerend agreed, but rijal didn't want to sit with gerend anymore, they had an argument, but I calm things down, we then set up the chairs like a heart, Rijal sat at my right, I sat at the middle, and gerend sat at my left, I am in between gerend and rijal. Saksi and others looked at us and though we are cool, now we can sit without coughing anymore. After that I went to the school library and read some books about geology, rocks, and trees. I found a page about hard metals and weak metals, Azzam questioned me about what a hard metal looks like, but I didn't really know. So he pulled me out of the library with the book, and tried to find a hard metal item, in the book, one of the characteristics are a red ladder. Then I found the same red ladder in the school hallway, where I found 2 construction workers sitting on the red ladder, then after founding it, I went to the ground, zap some shoes on my feet, and walk a few meters from school until I hear intense door knocking till I woke up.

13 Aug 2024



I am at a mansion attending a party. I get there with a couple friends but immediately lost them. I am walking around and I see an ex of mine hugged up dancing with a female figure. I didn’t look at him, only her, and thought to myself he will always hide in his true identity of being gay. I noticed I am among celebrities and people are everywhere. I am now on top of a waterfall. Two sailboats have people on it. I get onto one and we are flying around. We land and I am in line wanting to fly on it again. Instead I am underneath a bunch of people. I am making my way through them but end up back at the mansion and into a bathroom. I go inside to urinate and all the toilets are filled with human waste and clogged. One of them were starting to over flow so I went into another stall. I urinate and left. I am outside walking around and a vehicle back up into me. I were upset and wondered why aren’t they making sure someone isn’t behind them before reversing. They didn’t seem to care and didn’t stop reversing so I stepped aside. I looked through the car window and two people were in it. They looked deceased and face was badly rearranged. They began to hit other people as they continued to reverse. Those people were upset and started to beat and bang the car to grab the people out of it. I felt bad and tried to stopped them from damaging the car and hurting the two people inside. As I ran towards the car I ended up on top of a hill or ladder telling people to stop but it was only female figures grabbing their purse. I was confused and they were looking at me like I was insane. I am now at a lounge attending an event. I am sitting at a table with other people. Jennifer Lopez walks by and I waved at her and said hi but she’s didn’t look my way. She kept walking down stairs and stopped at the bottom. It felt awkward to me as I reflect on a memory of us having conversations before. I looked to the right and I see Usher talking to a group of people and smiling. A women walked up my table and started to speak to someone sitting with me. She looks familiar but I couldn’t remember who she is. I asked the person who she spoke to and they mentioned the name but I didn’t recognize it. They woman looked at me as if I should know who she is. She stared at me for a bit then walked away to perform. I am familiar with the song and able to sing along but still couldn’t remember her name. I walked down the stairs. Now I am in what looks like a warehouse. I see platforms of dogs being auctioned. I mention to someone standing that they aren’t real dogs. They seem like toys. Angela Bassett walks out of a opening in a wall with plastic panels. She looks at me mean and continue to walk away. I felt she didn’t like my comment. I am now in a different lounge sitting on the main floor. I am at a table with a group of men. They all seem to have an attraction to me. My kept shifting as the chair was uncomfortable. I stood up and one of the men ask what was the issue. I told him my chair feels weird and I noticed the chair is broke. He corrected me by saying you mean broken. I got a little irritated and said yes it is broken. I grab another chair and sat. I a lot of people came to the in front of our table and began to drink something. They start falling to the floor. I had a bad feeling about it, I got up, and walked to the door. People in the audience started to laugh and make fun that I was scared. Those people on the floor start to turn into zombies. I had my arm up on the wall watching through the door. I look right and realized there is a gentleman and his companion next to me. The gentleman suggested we leave, grab some drinks, and have a little fun. I can tell my his companion face he wasn’t happy with the gentleman’s suggestion. I declined the offer and told the gentleman he should treat his companion right. The companion walked away and threw a dead body into something. The gentleman seem upset with my comment and began to be aggressive. I continued to tell him how I felt. He walked away. I am now walking outside and I locked eyes with a guy standing by his vehicle. He looked sad. He told him I should I kept my mouth closed. He pulls out a gun and reluctantly shot another guy next to me. I felt like the guy he shot was someone I loved. Not a lover but maybe a friend or family member. I had no feelings towards what he done. I was more focused on why the gentlemen I turned down wanted to kill my loved ones because of me telling him the truth of his behavior with his companion. I walked into the gentleman and his companion again and they end up on top of me. I think we were fighting and they took my driver license. I am in a vehicle with other men and we are driving somewhere. We arrived somewhere and we see the gentleman’s companion running past us. I grab him and search his bags. There was medication, drugs, and sexual products in his bag. One of the male I was with said I should go to law enforcement because they have my driver license and may try to get me when I go back home. I am now in an office. It resembles a hospital. I am talking to a female about something and she hands me a cup with a powdered substance and water. I asked her for more water because it was enough in the cup for the amount of powder. She told me she can’t give me more and to drink. I drank some and it tasted horrible and dry. However, the cup automatically had more water and I drank more. I can hear noise like someone is having sex in another room. I look left and the door opened. A female walked out with her hear frizzy. A male doctor walked out and a female nurse. I stared at the female with the frizzy hair. As she walked pasted the lady who gave me the cup I noticed the lady who gave me the cup seemed worried. She was reading something on her monitor. She began to talk to other employees there and I heard her mentioned I am psychotic and should not have taken the drink. She looked at me and told me something about my medical records and said I need to leave. I asked why. She was explaining why but I couldn’t hear her anymore. I was now surrounded by a bunch of people staring at me. The lady who gave me the cup face started to look like a zombie. Her zombie look kept phasing in and out. I looked at the other people and their face were shifting in and out into a zombie too. She told me again I need to leave and I woke up. I noticed in the dream I was many people keep staring at me as if I was very different. Someone where a stare of attaction while others were a stare of fear.

21 Jul 2024



i was at some kind of fair with all of my dance studio all were forced to climb this really high ladder then do something though i cant remember what. then we would climb down and the nect person would go. after we were done we'd go to a house that was across the street from the fair and we were to stay with our friends until the banquet. i finished the ladder thing then went to the housr early because beginner dancers went first. i started joking around with my friends using a piece of hay and chewing it as my head turn med into a llamas head. i did this repeatedly until an adult came in and all of my friends quickly became very nervous. she was rude and dint let us do anything. she turned of the gas stove and put some water in a pot and put it on the stove. we all looked at each other and knew we had to escape. there were tunnels in the house and we kept going through them. but we had to come back because it was time for the lds banquet. i was happy for this because i got to wear a dress i saw everyone else's dresses and was happy. but then the house started to smell like gas. i knew that if the gas was on for too long then it would end up blowing up. the lady had disappeared so i tried to turn it off but it wouldnt budge. so i told everyone i was going to go up the ladder again to ask them to help me turn it off. i went up the ladder and it was even scarier than the first time and taller too. at the too i saw all of my coaches but they were angry when i told them what was fking on and did not go down to help me only yelled at me for bothering them and continued to talk to each other. i sighed and went back to the house. the lady followed me and put another pot of water onto the stove even though the house smelled of gas. then my dress somehow came back on and i joked with all of my friends and even joked with someone that i used to be friends with that i dont talk to anymore. my friend told me she got back tattoos then started twerking and we teleported to where the banquet was supposed to be. my team was last to arrive and i remember my teammate, payton, telling me that if i was uncomfortable with the team i was chosen to be on then i should talk ti them i told her ok then walked to our table. a comedian started talking but we were bored and started joking around with the piece of hay again. i was surprised because it was a serious event. then i woke up

21 Jul 2024



I unfortunately don't remember all of the details of this dream but I was part of some sort of space crew. We had a ship and the main room was a large white circular room with, I think, a circle of padded chairs in the middle. I think there was a little bit about someone with super powers but I really can't remember the details nThe room connected straight to the outside where my fellow space cadets would go in and out for the mission. Our job seemed to be going to other planets, fighting the alien inhabitants and taking over. We flew to one barren planet to battle the aliens there. I was in the ship for some of the battle, I didn't necessarily have to join so I was maybe off doing a few other things or still getting ready first. Anyway, I did leave the main room, climbed up the ladder and went through the hatch door to exit the ship. I think everyone was wearing white space uniforms, the type of typically see in Sci fi movies. The battle went on (I don't remember it too well) and we won then went off to another planet. We arrived at a place called New Earth. This was an inhabited planet that had lots of buildings, it really did look like a futuristic Earth city. Again, we won the battle and New Earth was ours. The dream then either skipped ahead of this was a second dream connected to the first. I was now in a very large black room. It was not empty, there were people and furniture. It seems it was some sort of communal area but very futuristic and minimal? There were some conveyor belts on the floor, in the far left there were showers. Everything was black. I unfortunately do not remember the details of the people but there were about 7-8 people, I just don't remember exactly what they were doing. At the back was 2 doors connecting to a small hallway with grey carpet and it connected to 2 back rooms. They looked like old-school cheap office rooms. Small with white paint and gray carpet and outdated furniture. Some people went to the back rooms and I was going to go too until one girl (unsure of her age but she seemed young like teen/20s) wanted to watch TV in peace but of course the back rooms were now being taken. I took her through a door on the right side of the large black room into a white hallway. We went up a little slope and entered a room on the left. The room had been part of the spaceship/fleet that my space crew used to roam around in. It was a cosy room that was decorated. Gnar from League of Legends was there. Me and the girl were trying to close the door but Gnar wanted to do it and wasn't doing it correctly, I told him to let us close the door and he did. Then I told her to watch out for anyone in the room. There was a tall dark shadowy figure which was likely an alien enemy? Gnar helped me quickly get rid of the figure. I explained to the girl that sometimes enemies get in (I don't know how they would) but there is only an enemy in the room about 10-15% of the time. Gnar found a little bug to play with and messed with that. I showed the girl the huge TV screen which had controls at the top of the screen. 2 others had come to join and watch TV. I asked if they wanted to see what New Earth looked like then I opened the blinds and there was the cityscape of New Earth. I wonder if they didnt know what it looked like then did they not know we were on New Earth? There were no windows in the large black room, the back rooms or the white hallway, so maybe they didn't know or hadn't seen the outside before. I wonder why. Relevant details: I watched Doctor Who last week and one of the episodes involved them being trapped on a giant spaceship with a large white main room so I think that's where the spaceship is from though mine was much smaller! Doctor Who might has also influenced the whole fighting aliens and visit g new works thing.

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