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Dream Interpretation: Death 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Death? Discover the significance of seeing a Death in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Death appears in your dream ✅

Death symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes transformation and new life, letting go of the past. It suggests the death of old habits and destructive behavior preventing you from success. This also represents violent and aggressive energies hidden inside you. Other than this, it can also signify your sexual frustrations.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Find ways to let go of the past and express the primal and fierce energies that lie within you. These energies can either make you feel empowered or afraid. You must learn how to accept them and allow them to motivate you. This can also express sexual frustration that you may need to pay closer attention to and resolve.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of death can evoke a range of intense emotions, such as fear, sadness, and anxiety. It may symbolize the end of something significant in your life, whether it be a relationship, a phase, or a belief. This dream can also represent a fear of change or the unknown, as well as a reminder of mortality. The feelings associated with this dream can be overwhelming and unsettling, leaving you with a sense of unease and introspection.





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27 Aug 2024



So, this dream felt very very weird. So, actually, I saw a dream of my grandmother, but my grandmother actually cried, and she doesn't look my grandmother, but her face looked familiar. And, in my dream, there was my mother, father, and grandmother. They all looked, they all felt strange, like a feeling of strangeness. So, yeah, my mom was with a holding handkey, and she said, look, it has light, it has a yellow mark, and it means someone has black magic, and gave to us a negative energy, and bad energies. So, I saw it, and told my mom, there's no yellow mark, it's just a design. But, after some time, I saw, yes, there's a yellow mark. It was crazy, right? Now, we were surrounded by the bad energies and ghosts. Then, I heard a boom, and again, they got someone, sent us a black magic copy. I saw it, it also was here with yellow marks. It was scary. When I saw it, I got scared, and I ran away, and my mother and father were sleeping. So, I took the paper, and I secretly put it. Like, I don't want to harm myself, or mother, or others. So, I put the black magic paper down my father's pillow, where I was sleeping. Like, it's just useless, I want him to die. Then, I came in my room, and wake up my sister. Like, I tried to sleep with her, but then I felt like, like, I'm not so bad, that I want to kill my father. I just felt sad, like, my father will die, even though he hate me, he hate me so bad, he abuse me. Still, I don't want to kill him. So, I ran away, and went to my mother's. My parents were sleeping, I told my mother about that, and told her that there's a black magic paper. So, they threw it at me, and I went to sleep. I was very scared, and horrid, and just very scared, very scared.

25 Aug 2024



I had a nightmare my best friend (we’re in high school) killed someone and so I had to go through this long process of killing her for it as revenge because I was forced to even though I didn’t know who it was. And we killed her by a piano falling on her. For some reason I didn’t cry, but my great grandma and my dog somehow also ended up being dead. And I went home, my dad and I talked for a bit and my friend made a group chat. I missed Merideth (the friend I had) and for some reason I could see the ghost of my dog and not her or my grandma, who gave me clothes for high school before she died. (I also remember at the very beginning something about high school being a 2 hours and 44 minute bus ride for me, which I wasn’t complaining about. So eventually I ended up asking my dad why I could see Libby (my dog) and not Merideth (my best friend) ‘s ghost, and he said he didn’t know so I messaged her old account thinking maybe I could get an answer despite her being dead. And she messaged back, “don’t you know, I’m not her….” And I woke up.

24 Aug 2024



I was 17 again. I was hanging out with Ravane. She was kind of liking this nice guy we met at this place. (It was like a hangout zone for teens, sort of like a mall. But no one was shopping where we were. Also there was a beach lake like Nashville shores outside) we were walking around and decided to sit at a table. Then I spot Alexander. My other bff. I felt some distance in our relationship at this moment so I rushed over to him( probably because I haven’t seen him since high school, 12 years ago!!) I brought him back to the table Ravane and the guy who liked her were sitting at. I sit next to Alex. We got along well and he made me laugh so hard like he always use to. We all 3 got up and decided we are going outside to the beach (it looked just like Nashville Shores, lots of trash) we picked up the trash a little bit but stopped because there was too much, so I decided I was going to tell our RWB group we should do a volunteer trash pick up one day to clean up the beach. We walked along and it was 11 before we knew it. Ravane and me and Alex walked to her car. I spotted this girl look at Ravane, but her hair up, get 2 other friends and rush outside to fight us. I told her we need to get in the car quick because I saw what was about to happen. We do and she drives off in the other direction. We start laughing and we thought the girl was just jealous because Ravane didn’t do anything. Suddenly I was in an old ghetto apartment building that was falling apart. I couldn’t find Ravane and thought maybe this is where she lives now? It was scary inside. So I walked and my feet felt very heavy. I walked to the end of the hall where a little boy about 4 years old threw a ball at me and just stared at me. I had a creeping feeling someone was following right behind me, so I followed the boy into the open apartment door. It was all burned and black inside. Aunt Terra (Ravane aunt and caretaker in high school) was on a burned bed sitting up. I asked where Ravane was and she said oh sweetie, she’s been dead for years remember? She reached for my hand as I began to sob. She told me she hears All the calls and cries for Ravane. Many people morn her. She started playing my voicemails I left her. I sob so hard I wake up in real life crying. I miss you Ravane. And I miss being 17.

24 Aug 2024

Being Late


i had a dream my roommate was getting ready to go to her new boyfriend anthony’s house in florida (we live in california) but i decided to tag along on a separate flight and then we got there and her and her boyfriend had the room with multiple beds but i was assigned a room that was basically a prison with a pad for a bed but i took a nap in one of the beds in anthony’s room and i woke up disoriented and i had packed in 2 seconds and realized i forgot my meds so within like hours of being there i immediately flew home. but before i went home i went kinda crazy at anthony’s and got naked and his door in his room to outside was open and the neighbors across the property (it was like in the middle of nowhere) were like wizards and flew a firework out of their hands essentially to warn me to put clothes on and then we had like a baseball scene from the movie twilight moment against them to stick up for ourselves bc they were like threatening violence. and also i decided to walk like 5k floors up a hospital to get my dads belongings bc apparently he had died in a hospital 3 years ago but no one got his belongings yet and i had to climb up the stairs to get them. (he died 5 years ago). and there were two women behind me but i was getting tired and emotional and crying and they for some reason were only communicating with me over the phone and were kinda telling me hey stand aside so we can pass by you so i think i stepped aside so they could pass me by and i still had so many floors to climb and i don’t know if i ended up giving up i might have woken up.

22 Aug 2024



My dream was very mixed last night. Firstly I dreamt of a mother pig and her two babies in a farm and the mother pig was being killed by a very large hay fawlk - she was being backed into a corner and managed to get away a few times, but then died. In the process her two babies where jumping on her, trying to get close to her. I didn’t witness this happening, it was being told to me by a woman off the TV who was in front of me at the farm, but it’s as though when she was explaining it, the dream then played it out like it was a show I was watching. At the end of that part of the dream, they showed a picture of the pig, said she was in her 20s and that she would be missed? It was really sad, and also very strange the way it was played out, like the pig was a family member who died of natural causes.

20 Aug 2024

Being chased by murderer
Dead body


I was being chased by weird colorful monsters and I had to go through like their building I gave up on that then it went to where I stayed at this house and they had pet cows and my dead aunt was alive in this dream and so there was something weird going on with the cows and it was creepy and it was some type of syndrome that happens to them where they freeze up and stand up really tall and then their guts fall to the floor and it just smelt awful I had to see it then I went on a date with this girl at a beach even tho I had a girlfriend we were crab hunting but instead we found jars of small holographic mushrooms and fairy stuff hid under the sand in a box then she invited me back to her house she really liked me but I had a girlfriend and didn’t tell her and I didn’t do anything with her why ghosted her then it went to a different dream I lived kind of around a forest and it was common for people to hang themselves there and I got off the school bus and saw a man in a tuxedo hung and I freaked out and walked home it felt like I was panicking I told my mom and uncle about it and we went back and the hung mans pet cat was also hung the smell was awful and I accidentally touched it and it felt all oily and then it made me overthink like what if this is a sign I need to kill myself we kept finding money on the ground and then we went to an icecream shop and we were low on money and my mom got a chocolate milkshake I wanted a peanut butter ice cream cup but the dream ended there

19 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


I visited these sisters in the hospital. One was dying and the other was healthy, the one that was dying I talked too for hours it felt like, we laughed and cried, but she died at the end, and then the dream changed, the dead sister turned into a dead cat, and I was crying so hard my chest hurt. We weren’t in the hospital anymore we were in an old broken down house, in a hidden back bedroom. The dead cat was laying on the window sill. I left my old stuffed dog that I owned as a young kid there with her, and I covered her in a blanket. I walked out of the room and I closed the door and I put a blanket over it and I pushed a dresser in front of the door so nobody else would go in. When I left the room the other sister was there. I said to her “it felt like your sister was apart of my family” and she said to me “my sister was a drug addict and it would be a shame to stay here and become just like her” then I woke up

17 Aug 2024

Being chased by murderer


The dream was in a last of us sort of setting, post-apocalyptic, so the world was ending-ish. It was in an educational institution, like a college or high school. It was, um, everyone was getting killed by the principal, and the principal was running around chasing me. I was trying to escape, so I climbed through the vents, um, went through, like, the air infrastructures that are connected to the vents for, like, air circulation. Climbed up them, was running, running, running. Um, I met some survivors, they died, and then it just kept on going until I ultimately escaped. And the president was revealed, and it was, um, a, had the face of a friend of mine, and then ultimately just had to kill him to survive, and then I just woke up. There was anger, frustration, and so much.

17 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


Was with a group of similar aged men and one woman. I was the only white person. Around 7 individuals. We were part of a voluntary game of a much larger group of people. The house was my aunts house from my childhood. We had been eliminated. As part of the elimination we were poisoned. We had been given a knife to use on ourselves versus waiting for the poison to painfully take us. The game had moved on to the next phase outside. We all sit at a table and talked. I didn't sit. I stood. Some time passes and as I'm talking the man closest to me screams "aw fuck" as if something in the poison had hurt him. He takes his knife and slashes his throat and falls to the floor. The girl screams. It makes our reality more pressing. Another man is talking strongly about our fate. Comforting us but encouraging us to take our fate strongly. The man who slashed at his throat is on the ground. His outburst failed and now he is hurting and dying of the poison saying "it hurts" over and over. I wonder if we will begin using the knives against each other. I leave the room. See the game continuing outside. I return. Everyone has their head down on the table. The poison is working. They are either dead or dying. Some have cut their throats. The man who initially slashed his throat is in the floor dead in the hallway. I never sat down or felt the effects of the poison.

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