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Dream Interpretation: Guy 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Guy? Discover the significance of seeing a Guy in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Guy appears in your dream ✅

Guy symbol
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💡Possible meaning

Seeing a guy in your dream represents your masculine side, assertiveness, and strength. It may also indicate a need for companionship or a desire for a romantic relationship. Alternatively, it may symbolize an aspect of yourself that you need to embrace or acknowledge.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the qualities that the guy in your dream possessed. Are there any traits that you admire or wish to emulate? Alternatively, are there any negative qualities that you need to avoid? Consider how you can incorporate these qualities into your own life. If you are seeking companionship, take steps to meet new people and put yourself out there.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about a guy may evoke feelings of curiosity, intrigue, or even attraction. It could symbolize the presence of a new person or potential romantic interest in your life. The dream might also elicit emotions of uncertainty or anticipation, as you may be unsure about the intentions or significance of this individual. Overall, this dream may leave you with a sense of wonder and a desire to explore the possibilities that this guy represents.





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29 Aug 2024



I was camping with my two little dogs Kona and Ollie and we set up camp the night before with full intentions of bringing my boyfriend to camp the next day after he got off work. I made a fire and me Kona and Ollie listened to the fire crackle under the stars. The next day I left camp and drove down with my pups to meet James. I clearly remember two objects I left behind before leaving. I foldable bike and an REI gray and green tent. I also remember looking at the fire pit to make sure there was no trace of flame. As we made our way to James he called me and let me know that he got called into work and would not be able to camp with me anymore. I hung up extremely disappointed and walked into our apartment with my pups with my head hanging low in sadness. James told me he would go back up to the campsite and clean it for me since he wouldn’t be able to camp. I saw him with a buddy in the car drive to the campsite and started cleaning while I was home getting ready for bed. James was mad and was moaning and groaning about how difficult I can be to his friend as they cleaned the campsite.

28 Aug 2024



I had a dream I was in this store with Carlos this guy I am currently talking to. I was walking around the store looking for stuff when This guy randomly approached me and was flirting me and asked if I could send a picture of me to his phone he kept asking me did I send it and I told him why don’t he send me one so I wouldn’t forget to send him one back and he explained for whatever reason that he couldn’t and I told him oh okay.. as I was saying that Carlos walked up to me and looked curious about the guy talking to me …then the dream switched ….then the dream switched I was in the store the guy Carlos that I am talking to ..on the way out the store he grabbed this bright green and bright pink paper and said that I need to start back drawing then he went back into the store and I walked back to the car I wasn’t sure why he went back in . Then the dream switched again I was riding in the car with my friend and Carlos I remember telling my friend that me and him was going to go back to her apartment which I remember her showing me earlier in the dream and stay there for the night and I told him too he said it was cool. Then we pulled up to this big surprise party event that’s apparently I didn’t know that I had previously paid for I forgot what the party was for but I remember seeing a bunch of bright neon party stuff and the man told me it was too late to cancel because we had already paid for it I asked my friend did she remember this event and she said yeah I was shocked that I really couldn’t remember it . I can’t remember what the party was for but it said Aaliyah’s 2nd something…. Then I remember seeing these two girls I was talking to one and complementing her about being really smart then my friend whispered something in my ear a rude comment that animals are smart and the girl called her out they was about to fight that’s when I woke up …. I also remember Carlos surprising me with these little teddy bears I figured that’s what he went and bought when he went back in .

27 Aug 2024



I was in a park with some guy at night who looked to be searching for something. he he ended up finding a rock with a hole in it, and went into with a flash light. He didn’t find anything, but Shared, that something had been living in in it. As he was crawling out, I noticed two orange eyes looking back at him, and I told him to watch out at the exact moment that the leopards paw went out to reach him. we shined the flashlight towards the eyes and saw a beautiful intimidating leopard laying on its stomach with its paw, reaching out towards the guy, not intimidated by us one bid. The man was scared and as the attempt To keep the leopard at bay he left his phone with its phone light on and he gave the leopard some things. One was a gem that we put on one of the leopards’s eyes. The other one was a black marble tablet that had a gold Crown engraved in it with the number 12 and lastly, he gave the leopard crystals. One for each color of the rainbow

22 Aug 2024



I’m driving and someone suddenly is in front of me and I run over him and I keep going. And then I’m on a bridge in la big wide bridge in a park and there’s a guy walking over smiling and he isn’t looking at me and he’s gonna stop, but then he doesn’t and I don’t react at all and I run over him. But I stop and he’s able to squiggle out and he’s OK. He says your car is scraping the ground. His friends come over and it’s a big hubbub, but he’s OK. I’m looking for my insurance and not being able to find it and wondering what will happen to me and remembering the other guy I ran over. then I’m with Gretchen and she needs to put some big package through to a park Ranger type iand there’s one of those glass windows. I remember there’s also an electrical outlet and she takes her chainsaw and cuts out a square including the electrical outlet so that she can get her package through. I’m kind of horrified and then the park ranger comes over and apparently you can just lift the plexiglass window up oops says Gretchen and I think she will be in trouble.

16 Aug 2024



I met a guy. We got to know each other then I started to feel happy again. He made me feel so warm. He made me feel safe and cared for me. He protected me. Somehow we got into a conflict with some other people and they showed up with guns. They were shooting at us. We shot back but unfortunately one of our opponents shot at him right to heart and it went out the other side. I was anxious, scared and crying as I picked him up to get him to the car to drive him to the hospital even tho in the back of my head I know there’s no saving him because the bullet went right through the middle of his chest and came out the other way. I wasn’t gonna give up until there’s nothing left to do. Got him in the car crying as the life is slowly draining out of him he looks at me with so much pain and love as if he wanted me to not be in pain even as he was dying. Got in the driver seat with him in the back and started driving to the hospital.

15 Aug 2024



I'm in a group. We're exploring a Forrest. There's me, a guy with red hair whose with his parents. His parents are the organizers. And a couple others. I get called over to look a a plant, it's supposedly poisonous and makes you feel excruciating pain if you touch it. I noticed my leg was brushed up against it. I almost panicked but realized I didn't feel anything unusual. The male organizer laughed and touched the plant which shrunk and expanded like it was breathing and said there's nothing to worry about. Me and the others were walking and all of a sudden there's a velociraptor screeching at us. We dodge it but there's suddenly two humongous TRex in its place. Somehow the organizer distracts the male dinosaur but ends up getting eaten while we're running away. The female trex smells the woman organizer and then eats her. Then we're safe in a room and being interviewed. The guy with red hair is clearly angry and saying his life sucks because he's now an orphan.

10 Aug 2024



I was hiking through a mountain right beside a trail. Once I got to the top, I called Marcus (my ex fiancé) and asked him if he could see me. Initially, I was waving at a guy that was on my left side because he was also on the phone but it wasn’t him. I said I was sorry and he both laughed it off. Then I looked to my right and saw him through a few cracks on the side of the mountain. I stepped to the side so he can see me. Once he did, we waved at each other. While I was on the phone with him, I asked him if he could take a picture of me from where he was because I thought it would come out nice. I don’t remember if he actually took it or not. After that, I stumbled upon a military base. There was a line of people up against a fence facing away from the mountain. There was a hole in the fence so I decided to walk up and join the line. There was a girl talking to each person in line, asking them questions about why they’re here or general questions about the Navy. She comes up to me and asked me about a specific ranking but I couldn’t answer the question. She asked me if I actually wanted to be there or if I was forced to because of someone else. I told her I wanted to be here only because my dad wanted me to be there but the rest of my family were in the military.

30 Jul 2024



There was something we were trying to get away from. I had my cat with me but her stuff still in the car. There was a guy ushering me urgently into his place. I fall asleep on his bed and then wake up sometime later. I start to look around for what’s going on and then try to see if I remembered to bring in my cat’s litter for her to potty. Before I knew it, she peed on the carpet and I did my best to pick it up. I quickly run outside to try to get some things out of the car, but as I do, I notice dragons in the sky wreaking havoc on everyone. I quickly try to take cover to hopefully not be spotted. At this point, I don’t make it to the car before quickly turning back. I knock on the window to be let into the locked home. That’s all I remember.

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