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Dream Interpretation: Fear 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Fear? Discover the significance of seeing a Fear in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Fear appears in your dream ✅

Fear symbol
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💡Possible meaning

When we experience strong negative emotions in our dreams our mind is trying to release them. The experience you had in your dream is something that you need to face in your waking life so you can resolve this issue. What we fear in the dream is often a representation of what we fear in waking life that we may not even be aware of.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Fear is our mind's way and telling us that we need to amend something or face unfavorable consequences. Fear can come from parts of ourself that are not resolved, and that anxiety manifests in the dream. By facing your fears, you will find your strength and learn how powerful you really are. You can do this, don't doubt yourself. Be resourceful and find a way to confront the problems and make a positive change. This can include cutting out people or things from your life that are toxic!

❤️ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of unease and anxiety. It may leave you feeling scared or apprehensive about something in your waking life. The fear symbolizes deep-rooted concerns or insecurities that need to be addressed. It is important to explore the underlying emotions and confront any fears head-on to find resolution and peace.





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29 Aug 2024



I work at a hospital, however I was in a completely different one. I had my PPE on, which is just protective wear and I was in a basement in a morgue, the hallways were empty and so was the morgue. I open up a small body bag to see a small two year old that has passed away inside. It made my heart sad to see this toddler that’s a girl dead. I place her gently on the autopsy table and I get a weird feeling that she’s still alive. Her eyes are closed but I can see faint breathing. I start questioning why they would bring an alive child down to the morgue. The girls body starts moving like either my mind is playing tricks on me, or her… she opens her eyes and smiles at me. As I debate my next move as to whether I should call a nurse, I think to myself “well no one is here at this hospital…” as I’m thinking that suddenly the girl turns pale. Her eyes close and become extremely bruised and purple and pink it looks like there was a lot of damage done to her eyes. I go to close them because I can’t stand looking at them, but they keep opening back up. At this point I’m feeling very anxious, mortified, and confused as to what to do… I’m used to seeing dead babies at my job but this was the first time they’ve been this much older. I wake up, and I’m freaking out - I’m very anxious and don’t want to return to this dream. I eventually go back to bed. I’m driving in my car, my old fiat and it seems like a ghost town. I start driving towards this unknown hospital again and when I get there I have this dread inside of me like I don’t want to go in and experience the haunted morgue and this two year old that keeps frightening me. I’m sitting in this empty parking lot when I have the realization that I don’t have to go in there… I immediately leave and don’t look back.

28 Aug 2024



I was with my abusive ex-boyfriend. We are in this apartment and I'm hanging out with a couple of friends. One of my friends invited me to this activity to hangout. I think I had plans with my ex but for some reason I was kind of getting over him. So I decided to hang out with my girlfriends and I started making more plans with them. He overheard and from behind he grabs my head and slams it on the counter and asked me where do you think you're going. My ex never physically assaulted me in that way in my waking life but he would physically intimidate and if I didn't manage my behaviors I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that. For some reason, I wasn't even scared I felt validated that my two girlfriends were there to witness what happened. Later on in the dream I'm going through the criminal court case process like I'm currently doint in my waking life. I think that incident where he slammed my head got recorded and we were already in the criminal court case process when it happens. The incident got recorded somehow by my ex and he sends it to his lawyer. His lawyer comes over and tries to retrieve I find his phone and take it. He tries to convince me to take the phone but I refuse, but I know if I hold onto his possession for too long he can use it against me so I complied but before I do I send the recording to someone but idk who. Later on were at this court and the prosecutor's lawyers and my ex’s lawyer or commiserating with the judge about the incident. And the judge finally rules he needs to be in jail during the court process. When the official trial court date begins I get overwhelmed seeing him and it hits me again what he did to me. I get triggered and leave the room and walk to another building where the prosecutors or located to try to emotionally gather myself. Several of the procecuter lawyers comes to check on me and make sure I'm ready to proceed to testify as a witness. I told them yes and go back. There was limited seating in the room and I would have to sit next to him I find another spot to sit at. There was another person in the room I believe a guy who was also a witness of being harrassed by my ex. My ex wasn't queer but it was notable that there was another person who been abused by him. In my waking life, he has a previous DV conviction from a previous girlfriend. Later on I'm not sure what was the ruling against my ex but Im pretty sure it was guilty because he was sent back to jail. Later on in dream I still felt overwhelmed with everything that happened. I went to the lower level of the prosecuter’s office and this creepy old white man tried to kidnap me and push me into this basement no one knows about and no one would ever hear me cry out for help. He almost caught me but I got away with him enough to cry out for help and a friend saw this suspicious behavior and several ppl were alerted and caught the guy and he was jailed. Later on I was in this house and feeling overwhelmed and scared with everything that happened to me between my ex and that creepy old man. I was scared and throughout the night my friends, the prosecutors lawyers who also was around being friendly to me, and even a coworker was there to help and support me. At some point I was even feeling scared to go to the bathroom by myself and my coworker was nice to come with me. Later on in the dream everyone in the house that was supporting me got loose and drink a lot of liquor, had fun and passed out. Everyone was nice to me. And I was surrounded by a bunch of people in this house supporting me. Later on in the dream me and the guy who got harrassed by me ex was at this party getting celebrated for being survivors of abuse and stepping up and going through the trials to hold him accountable. I finally was able to connect with the guy that got harassed we hugged each other and cried in each other arms supporting each other knowing only two of us understood what my abusive ex put is through. There was people taking pictures of us. But we hugged not for the photos but to hold space and support each other. We also remain connected afterwards.

27 Aug 2024



So, this dream felt very very weird. So, actually, I saw a dream of my grandmother, but my grandmother actually cried, and she doesn't look my grandmother, but her face looked familiar. And, in my dream, there was my mother, father, and grandmother. They all looked, they all felt strange, like a feeling of strangeness. So, yeah, my mom was with a holding handkey, and she said, look, it has light, it has a yellow mark, and it means someone has black magic, and gave to us a negative energy, and bad energies. So, I saw it, and told my mom, there's no yellow mark, it's just a design. But, after some time, I saw, yes, there's a yellow mark. It was crazy, right? Now, we were surrounded by the bad energies and ghosts. Then, I heard a boom, and again, they got someone, sent us a black magic copy. I saw it, it also was here with yellow marks. It was scary. When I saw it, I got scared, and I ran away, and my mother and father were sleeping. So, I took the paper, and I secretly put it. Like, I don't want to harm myself, or mother, or others. So, I put the black magic paper down my father's pillow, where I was sleeping. Like, it's just useless, I want him to die. Then, I came in my room, and wake up my sister. Like, I tried to sleep with her, but then I felt like, like, I'm not so bad, that I want to kill my father. I just felt sad, like, my father will die, even though he hate me, he hate me so bad, he abuse me. Still, I don't want to kill him. So, I ran away, and went to my mother's. My parents were sleeping, I told my mother about that, and told her that there's a black magic paper. So, they threw it at me, and I went to sleep. I was very scared, and horrid, and just very scared, very scared.

25 Aug 2024

Angry at Dad


I was an accomplice to a murder. I was attending a dinner with a small group of women. No idea what the occasion was. It was at one of their homes. My partner came with me. There was a blonde woman there that my partner was flirting with and vice versa so i was in a really bad mood. I was angry but trying so hard to hide it but the more the woman spoke the harder it was to hold in my anger and annoyance. We were all sitting together in a large circle- the blonde women sitting opposite me and my partner on the other side of the room. The blonde woman eventually got up and when she did, another woman just randomly went up to her and slit her throat with a kitchen knife. The next thing i remember we were all trying to flee the situation and avoid getting caught. But the people i escaped with were not the same people from the house. My partner was no longer with me but i didn’t necessarily notice this in the dream. I was really scared, especially about getting caught. The group i was with was really set on denying that we knew anything, should we be questioned. But they didn’t have a plan, no alibi, no nothing. I thought to myself, “we’re not gonna get away with this, they will know she was with us last if they seize her phone”. Eventually we end up at some type of prison camp? I’m actually not sure what it was, but there were lots of other people there and there was set meal times, followed by everyone lining up to get vitamins, similar something like that of a camp or prison. I don’t know why hay is significant. There were haystacks around this place. I repeatedly played the scene in my head and i remember feeling a sense of relief when i remembered that i didn’t kill the woman myself. I reminded one of the people in my group and they mentioned that the girl who did it wasn’t even with us. I was terrified of going to jail but knew i was incapable of lying. I was thinking of all the ways we’d get caught and trying to find a way around it.

25 Aug 2024

Demon possession


I JUST HAD THE COOLEST DREAM EVER. I mean it was super scary but it was so freakin cool!!! I’m not sure what all I’m aloud to say since they were like “It’s not safe to be too honest” But basically there’s this super cool Oni demon guy and I was so happy to see him again but bro was like “GUEL STAWP IM TORURTING U DONT GET EXCITED” but like I can’t stop myself from being happy? Like yay! He said he’s not completely horrible and that I’ve taught him a lot about himself so he’s decided to help me a little. It was super funny cause he was doing his normal trying to scare the shit outta me routine, and I was doin my normal cussin him out thing and then outta no where I woke and I was like OH AHIT YOUR THAT DEMON GUY I TALKED TO AND HE WAS LIKE AYYYY YOU REMEMBER ME. truly I’m so happy though I guess normal people shouldn’t be this excited to see one of there bullies. I just hope he meant it when he said he’d have a tea party with me one day. He explained to me how people aren’t really supposed to lie in this real or they turn into monsters and that’s how higher beings started realizing I wasn’t lying about who I was or what I was going through- or apparently I was vague enough with my description to forgo to normal body metomorphesis. Tho Mr demon guy was all like, “Just cause ur mind and soul can withstand the amount of fear and torment you receive here, doesn’t mean your human vessel can. He said that’s why I keep shaking so bad is cause apparently I’m a lot more scared rn then I realize. Also!! Demons are like super duper cool. They totally infultrated Christianity or maybe it was always like that?? Anyways apparently saying Amen is like a demons name? Amon? So cool. Like maybe one of truth? Idk ig I gotta study more. It makes me really sad to see me dad suffer in the dream but when I woke demon guy said not to worry that that was just an illusion for visualization purposes but that I should try to avoid thinking about my human parents fate. Apparently it’s a crime to hurt beings like me? They say I really gotta keep eatting cause I’m outgrowing my vessel rn and it’s important to take care of myself. Also to tell the truth! I feel like I’m listening to a bedtime story it’s so cool!

24 Aug 2024

High School


I'm at this high school where I volunteer frequently and everytime I do something different happens in my dream. This time, I meet up with a woman who looks like my moms friend wife. She is looking for her son. I am connected to a program so I can only help partially. A girl who I know in real life hangs out with me in this dream everytime. This time in the dream it is homecoming. The football players are walking around with their girlfriends and there is a big performance and I see some of the children I taught before. Later I meet up with my mom's friend's wife to continue trying to find her son. In previous versions of this dream she always been terrified of the wooden elevator; this time she was not. We all got on but the wife was a little slow so I held the door open with my arm. It fully closed on my arm but I did not feel anything. The elevator goes dark for a second and ends up closing in the wife's foot and immediately the thing starts to shake and wobble and go down really fast then stop and go up really fast. When we saw it go back to the original floor we all jumped off. She claims we broke it but me and the girl just continue to laugh and try to shake off the very scary experience. I wake up with a very fast heart beat.

24 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


I was in an old house on a university campus. I was taking a dr joe dispenza seminar. i was also getting my cowrie shells for the first time so i can begin asking my spirit guides questions. I went upstairs away from the seminar and asked seline to ask me as questions so i could cast and read the shells. She asked a silly question “ will me get me anything for my birthday?” She knows the answer to this since our mom don’t celebrate birthdays because she is a Jehovah Witness. The shells read a definite NO. My mom comes in and sees me casting the shells. She is upset by what I’m doing. I tell her it’s just for fun and I’m here for the dr joe Dispenza mindset, seminar. She is not fully believing me but leaves. Her And Seline leave. Then as i am preparing to go downstairs back to the seminar the house begins to shake. Like its foundation is moving. Then the house begins to slide down and crash into a body of water. All the windows shatter, im covering my head and face so i dont get cut in my face and eyes. Water rushes into the house and i know i cant eacape through the broken glass windows as water rushes inside. I go another way and find a way to swim to anotger side of the house where there are other people from the seminar. Some people are following me, some people are following others. A small group of us hang on for to something atached to the wall thats floating. At some point the water stops rushing un and we see there are areas of the lower level of the house we are stuck in that we can stand around and not worry about floating or drowning. We begin to get frustrated as we wait for help. I change my clothes infront of a man and i dont care that he can see me. I do it quickly but i am more frustrated by not knowing how this happened and how we are getting out

23 Aug 2024



So I dream of that like it was very scary it was very very skeleton life it was a scariest nightmare so I'm having nightmare pass to continuous days and yesterday I dream of that like a dream of that I was sleeping bed and suddenly a black scary hand came and drag me from a bed let's see essay like I dream it twice a dream and hold my waist and drag me from my bed to the ground and I just side and dream of that I was in my parents room like it was afternoon time I was in my parents cloudy weather some time I live in joint family and my paternal came and started talking to me suddenly and then like my another aunt came and she came and saying that when she came into my room and we were sleeping like she saw four black kids like they we shadow is figures they were playing at the like in the room between the area and her what suddenly caught my attention I was like what and I said like ya really friend like someone figure all black and their playing so scary and I also saw that in my neighbourhouse the house of my front house there was like kid got posses okay I can like it was a ghost wearing a black coat with the kid head and she she was like he literally holding another kids it was so scary then my aunt said go wash your clothes for sure clothes and I was asking so which I should do use water tangents are the solid deteriesis go down stairs and godown and get it so when I went down they were don't disturb I was shocked and confused how they came there so like I took the stuff and went upstairs and told them that I saw them don't say can be here so like when I like I told him like I saw them downstair this said like you time travel I said how I can do time travel it was so weird anyways and actually in my dream my maternal and family members came to our house and in dream I was actually pregnant but I was on the period also so it impossible to the pregnant and so that like they are window and outside the window there is a black panther it was a ghost like I have you take a shower and I was so scared to take the shower so I just took the courage and went to the shower and maybe killed by the black panther then everything was ok p so I took out my grey pants and so it was will with blood not read that with dark and brown blood and I was scared so actually I was pregnant but I got miscarriage and there was all blood and blood and blood and blood I took a shower and went down also so in dream like my parents room like they will lot of ghost in school there was that was so scary I saw like those whose eyes were so scary all looking at us at the hall from my parents shop it was scary cat is not coming to home for some days like feed her some cat food like I saw and bring that she came and I was happy to see her then I also so and rain that I got more like whats my love I have no more like so I got a mole on my lip when I saw more on my left and then I saw like everyone when outside the house and then the only person that left was at the house was my cousin he got by a ghost very wake up his saw that the whole house is MP and whole house was empty and he was in the dark red room with the king bed size bed and there was a ghost woman sole was sitting and when you Walker is saw the room was built with flash human flash and lot of blood and heated but actually an actually it was a flesh bar so he run in her and away from the house like he was at the house he was running running from Alice Alice your running to running and then he saw like he came out of the horse and the moment he came out of house I transform to him and it was really I run run and saw the main gate I thought I can't just go out of the main I feel so happy that and then at last I ended the end that thing I went out of the house and then I saw like in my near my heart they will lot of cafe stalls and shops of food so my best friend she was coming from the she was coming from I should go to her house going after her so she do not enter her she enter she enter somewhere else and then I realise he is also Ghost and then I saw the other shops of cafes as saw the people making cookies years and other foods search then I went to them and this ask me what they want to eat what I want to eat so I will buy Sun language I said sign sign language I said that I couldn't say or he anything so this anything and there is a Punjabi person came inside decide me he was eating and I saw elephant host eating his food and I can only see the elephant goes but he couldn't so and I also saw that one of my dreams like my little cousin my little cousin she got killed but in this stream a saw that she got possessed by a ghost sole and she was eating with her legs her to nails grow longer she was eating her legs are making me outside and then I got a call from a string number thought it was my delivery but when I like open the call and there was no voice because nothing and my grandfather he is a he is a judge OK so the call was from the ghost lives in judge in court and want to kill my grandfather I try to tell him like the ghost call me and give the morning that I want to kill you but him made me quite by saying that his wife is listening like his wife is that and her so can you listen to I even try to tell him twice but you do not listen

23 Aug 2024

Violence and death
Ex-friend / Ex best friend


I was at some sort of either jail or military training. We were in a dark barracks room til eventually a guy walked, we expected the drill sergeants to kick him out since he was in the female’s space but the drill sergeant just stood there. Eventually this man comes up to me and I’m thinking he’s about to rape me so not wanting to make a scene and making everything easier for anyone I don’t move til he tries to murder me. Finally the drill sergeant steps in and takes him away. The next day in the same dream I hear my cousin and I get scared cause I had to idea who did that to me so I was very skeptical of all the males there. At night the same guy returns and he tries to kill me again, he gets taken away and this man looks like a guy I knew back when I was in Fort Lee for training, he was known for being a bad guy and he wasn’t liked at all, he was nice to me cause I tried to understand him but according to some people he was literally rubbing on me one time we sat down to play uno. That man had a list of people he wanted to kill, stabbed someone during basic training, and got reported to SHARP multiple times. In the dream I remember feeling betrayed because I tried to see the better in him and it felt like I was just being told I was wrong and that he never good

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