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Dream Interpretation: Family 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Family? Discover the significance of seeing a Family in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Family appears in your dream ✅

Family symbol
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💡Possible meaning

It represents your connection with your own identity, your emotions, and your values. Throughout our lives, we are surrounded by lots of people, emotions, and things that need to work in perfect harmony. A family dream often suggests a reconnection with your inner personas so you can advance in life.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Family functions well when all the members work together, similarly examine yourself thoroughly. See the parts (emotional) that are in harmony, and try to connect the ones that are not. Keep your sentiments in check, understand what's on your mind, and work towards your betterment.

❤️ Feelings

This dream about family evokes a sense of warmth, love, and connection. It brings feelings of comfort, security, and belonging. It may also stir up emotions of nostalgia and happiness, as well as a desire for support and unity. The dream may symbolize the importance of relationships and the need for a strong support system in one's life. It can bring a sense of fulfillment and contentment, reminding us of the value of our loved ones and the joy they bring.





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30 Aug 2024



I dreamt that my adult children were showing me a video where there were people crowded on a porch and someone trying to push their way through the door fell backwards. They asked a rhetorical question then the scene started over and they were younger and we were driving past the house and witnessed it. Then they were even younger and it started again. This time we lived next door to the house and there was a parkway with woods behind our house. I was walking with the kids. The person who fell was a teenager but in this version of the dream he jumped and a bunch of people followed him like lemmings. He ran when he hit the ground and they ran after him. A border collie was in a yard with a white fence. The white fence had a big whole in it. When the dog saw the boy running it got upset and ran at him. She jumped to try to stop him from running and accidentally nipped at his face. The boy didn’t appear to be hurt but the boys family who ran after him including a very big, fat older man with a mustache and beard threatened to sue to have the dog put down. Each time my kids were younger they had different questions. When they were younger they weren’t rhetorical. I was anxious trying to explain things. The last situation I got involved in trying to defend the dog. The woman had two dogs that she struggled to control with the chaos. I asked if the dog had a rabies vaccination. She said no that those were horrible and I should never give a dog that shot. I said that was too bad that she thought that way because now she might have to quarantine the dog at a vet for 10 days at her expense of there’s an actual bite

30 Aug 2024



I had a dream last night. I was in the bus and going back to my own country Iran to have old city name Bucan. I don’t know why I was there. I was walking in the street and the street was very old and people were in the street lots of people were in the street they kind of were in the different group giving for Hosin that has been person in Islam who has been killed. very fascinating old city and houses, shop which I have seen long time ago in the citys long from the big city's in Iran. I was visiting a family there and it was a handsome man came to help me and be my guide.we went on the balcony with him and he showed me a very beautiful view in that view. I saw from above after the houses It was a forest down there but on fire , I saw the jungle has been on fire so sad when I saw the huge fire down there I asked him why the forest is on fire why the government doesn't turn off this fire and he said that’s the kind of government we have they don’t care they just let it burn until everything burned,I told him that maybe comes to the city and he said yeah, we don’t know, but we don’t hope that. i ask him about the place I wanted to see but I didn’t remember the name and I asked him I have heard there is an old place probably a grave for some important person but I don’t remember the name. he showed me the mountain in front of us and he told me on that on the top of that mountain is grave for a very great poem from long time ago and that’s very famous and people walking all the way up to visit the place.i ask him, that’s very long way to climb up. Is there any way that we can use drive to get there? He told me there is but it’s from the behind the mountain. so he wanted to show me I told him that: I think where I wanted and heard there is some religious placed but I don’t remember the name, but he didn't know that. so when I was coming inside the house to put my shoes on to go out i saw my sons girlfriend and her sister came in to try to take of their shoes. I asked her what are you doing here why you came all the way here. she said because I heard you came here we wanted to check. in my dream I thought she’s from that area and she was worried about Maybe I found something about her so that’s why she came all the way down here. but in real life she’s from different country Ukraine. I ask her where is my son then and she said he’s at home. the other guy was guiding me was kind of surprised that I have a son. so while I was talking to her and surprised by her that she came all the way down here I woke up.

29 Aug 2024

Living Room


I had a dream that I was in a beach house. My sister was there and I think some of her friends were there and some of my family. I was wandering around the house for a while. My sister was making cocktails for everyone at some point. Then I walked downstairs to see everyone and talk to everyone for a little while. I then went back upstairs to check on my sister and she was in the room that I was staying in with a friend. When I first walked in there I didn't see her but then I turned around and she appeared and she said something to me. She then walked out of the room and started dancing around the upstairs living room. I then walked downstairs outside and there was a beach. The waves were huge like the tide was coming in. I walked outside and my brother was in a lagoon kind of area and there were shells everywhere. I sat down with my brother and picked up some of the shells. I saw a yellow long shell and I picked it up. There was more that happened after that in my dream, but I can't remember.

28 Aug 2024



My dream started out with some family that I've never met coming to my house. They got to know us and all that. We got to know them. And one night they said, we came here for you. Which was me. They did this ritual on me. That turned me into some sort of monster. And then I did some sort of ritual on one of the kids so he became my slave and would help me. After this ritual I needed blood. I needed a certain amount to complete my transformation. I would only go out and get people at night. And the kid would help me find the right person. So we did this for a while and got I don't know how many people. Eventually I was close to my transformation ending. So I said I need baby's blood and asked him to help me find pregnant women. So I did this to two pregnant women. I took their baby and drank their blood and I said my transformation is over now but I need more. So I went out to find more people and take their blood for some reason and then I woke up.

28 Aug 2024



I had a dream that I was at a big event and I was running late. So I sat up front with my ministry school class. An elderly woman asked me to get the attention of Mr Alex son. But he was a distance away. She seemed to get upset with me bc I couldn’t reach him. So I got up to go to him but I didn’t know who he was so I asked an elderly man he pointed him out. But when I got to him I decided not to worry about it. So I went to look for my friends so I could sit with them. But all of sudden everyone was walking to the stage which bombared me. Then I pushed through that then I got to the row where my friends were sitting and I seen my ex jealous friend who I don’t talk to anymore and she says there are no seats but clearly there were. So I continue to look for a seat. Also my granddaughter appeared on my back out of no where. So now I have to tote her around which is uncomfortable! Then I seen my ex friend sister and she said she couldn’t talk to me because of my ex friend. Then I see another friend I no longer talk too and she starts singing great people! Then from the stage the host calls my name to come on stage to bless me for my accomplishments! The light shines on me and every thing! Then my friend gets my daughter and I step on stage and the crowd applauds!!!!! I’m smiling! I get my roses and gifts!! Then I wake up

27 Aug 2024

Demon possession


I was forced into playing a mirror game where you write on a mirror & it makes you play a dangerous game or you die. My sister wrote on it and forced me into playing & it was a random selection from her. She spawned a demon that was invisible unless looking through specific glasses/ a lense. The demon attacked her friends first & killed them, then her. She also wrote my mum into the game & my mum & I were the last survivors. It ended up killing her & I figured out after that it fed on anger which made the demon more powerful. It had the face of a dead girl that was in a jumpscare game from when I was young. The only way to not get killed by it was to sit in love & truth so I started praying to jesus. It was incredibly difficult to keep doing so but I randomly in an instant was able to summon inner peace/ love/ truth & save myself.

27 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


Visiting mother’s side grandmother’s house with mom Buying onigiri, our favorite snacks and a pencil and a sketchbook The last two items are for finishing ip a group art/presentation project before the family gatherings We get to grandma’s apartment, lounging at the third floor room while the relatives gradually gather I work on my project sketches This project is eerily similar to how the one for my last school trip in high school went(it was a recreational activity assignment, and it was to make a full skit in mere two nights during our stay; I was assigned the group leader for my team solely because I was the oldest of the bunch in grades(there were fucking 7th-8th graders in the mix). while other teams had their own friends and had an easier time just having fun while creating I knew none of the people prior to the event, our group were full of either socially awkward, plain unfunny, possessing blessings in the art of seriousness(cannot lighten/loosen up and jokey to save their life), or were chronic pessimist/complainer so much that it actually sabotaged the progress of the production; we ended up bombing the whole thing because none of us could or were in any condition to think up a decent sketch(the three-day schedule of the school trip was PACKED, not a minute of room for realistic rest or unwinding, nor to brainstorm or practice our ideas; it was unfairly designed and my team and I got the shortest end of the stick among all other teams my three 12th grade classmates were leading) and time ran out before we could come up with a coherent script. I blew up on their face mid-performance because I just couldn’t fucking take it(i was also in the middle of mental health crisis unsupported by adults around me and were on three bins of energy drinks), left a brave 8th grader who came up with the script idea publicly humiliated and traumatized(I did apologize to him afterwards and deeply regretted and felt ashamed of it but still)) And just like in real life I end up mismanaging the time and forget that it was supposed to start around the same time as the family gathering party/dinner(7pm) Once I realize this at like 8 after the first phase of the party is over I dash to a dark and quiet tatami room to connect to Zoom And lo and behold the one kid who suggested the plot idea for the animation is shouldering everything again; the pattern repeated itself He/she’s getting just as reckless, hopeless, frustrated and on the edge as I was in the real-life version of this event The plot was Japanese traditional horror story The art style is this beautiful Japanese coarse colored cut-paper arts(Evening is expressed with indigo papers, there’s red lotus lakes, goldfishes, red lanterns and townsfolk in kimono merrily going about their business, etc.) But all the sudden the tone of the narration changes(the medium doesn’t) and it all gets disordered beyond the savings, turning into a Hyakki Yagyo(the Demon’s Nightly Parade around the city streets from the Heian-era folklore); the one kid who shouldered it all snapped and went ‘fuck it’, started crushing the entire tone and the story on its head The viewers of this live animation performance(my classmates and the whole school) are intrigued and are curious about this sudden change, causing rumors to spread and such The rest of my team members can only watch in horror as do I, since the kid refuses to relinquish the control over the livestream, feeling unimaginably guilted for making the kid shoulder everything due to our own inactions, procrastinating and unrealistic perfectionism After the whole thing ended in a strange little comical(to us, utterly humiliating and horrifying) happenings, I go talk to the kid to first of all check in on their mental state and overall condition(wellbeing and sanity) The kid is sitting on the tatami, looks up at me upon noticing with an eerily calm, almost uncannily gentle smile and tone I scramble to apologize on my team’s behalf for making him/her suffer but they would not hear me, pausing me with a raise of their hand; a strange air of eery composure and authority to them now, hard to deny I feel overwhelmingly helpless and guilty as we are both now teleported to inside a moving bus, the kind I’d see running around the Tokyo metropolitan area often It appears the vehicle is around Hatsudai(near Ikebukuro-Setagaya); the sky is blocked by the thick, highway guardrail and the surrounding high buildings and skyscrapers, and I see a highway ramp ahead that the bus doesn’t seem to be getting on I implore the kid what they want and such, but they ignore my words and continue on with their strange questions and words about my Vedic astrological signs, which are Uttara/Purva Bhadrapada, for moon and sun signs respectively Some talk about how my ruling deity, Shani(personification of Saturn in Vedic astrology; son of Indra/Surya, half-nephew of Shiva, the dreadful dispenser of karma on behalf of Lord Yama of the afterlife), Ahir Budhnya(Ananta Shesha, the Serpent from the Depths in the Hindu creation myth) as well as Aja Ekapada(the fierce, one-legged serpentine aspect of Lord Shiva, specifically in-tune with darker, occult subjects like black magic, the left hand path and such), plays major role in my nearly lethal, intense and unignorable, leader-like qualities that I am born with Something that is according to the kid’s observations “omnipresent in my life and in that of those who interact with me”; says whoever I interact or encounter in my life, however minor their roles or involvement may be, leaves either me or the subject person completely transformed, with their egos(and sometimes any other parts of their preconceived notions about the world or of their healthy self-esteem or ego) destroyed; that I am either the person’s karma or I myself am given the karma of Shani, Aja Ekapada’s(or of Shiva or Yama himself indirectly, through him), swiftly and devastatingly It’s starting to turn into some kind of a spiritual lesson delivered through this incredibly emotionally heavy reenactment of traumatic circumstances and I don’t like it The kid ignores my discomfort and goes onto talk about the qualities of the blue sapphire, the gemstone influenced by Neelam, the personification of the gem and also a consort of Lord Shani(Saturn) and the mythical connections to what is needed(moral disciplines, consistencies and dedication to serve your fellow humans from the heart), and how it applies to this current situation(basically the kid’s telling em to humble myself and such after admitting that I’m also complicit in this dysfunctional dynamic of the project group as its team leader) and beyond(how there is an urgent need for me to heal my traumas and what came with it that is starting to affect my external environment(the people in my surroundings aka my teammates and other peers, staffs and teachers who interact with me in this school) in a scarring way)

27 Aug 2024



I was in a big mansion/ hotel on top of some mountains and everyone inside either were family or customers of mine. One of my sisters invited us there and for some reason out of my kids only the youngest 2 before the baby were there. Everyone was divided into groups, and they were kinda like discussing and preaching about satanic stuff like we were in a satanic church. Ones I saw this I grab my kids and we went to our hotel room. Then I told my kids I needed to use the restroom. When I was in the bathroom I heard someone knocking on the room door, and I hear my daughter telling my son. Ram you know we don't supposed to open the door, and then something made of glass broke. I heard that and got out of the restroom as quick as I could,there were 3 people two males one female they were kidnapping my kids. Ones I catch up to them they let them go and they were asking to not hurt them..and sadly I woke up after that

27 Aug 2024



So, this dream felt very very weird. So, actually, I saw a dream of my grandmother, but my grandmother actually cried, and she doesn't look my grandmother, but her face looked familiar. And, in my dream, there was my mother, father, and grandmother. They all looked, they all felt strange, like a feeling of strangeness. So, yeah, my mom was with a holding handkey, and she said, look, it has light, it has a yellow mark, and it means someone has black magic, and gave to us a negative energy, and bad energies. So, I saw it, and told my mom, there's no yellow mark, it's just a design. But, after some time, I saw, yes, there's a yellow mark. It was crazy, right? Now, we were surrounded by the bad energies and ghosts. Then, I heard a boom, and again, they got someone, sent us a black magic copy. I saw it, it also was here with yellow marks. It was scary. When I saw it, I got scared, and I ran away, and my mother and father were sleeping. So, I took the paper, and I secretly put it. Like, I don't want to harm myself, or mother, or others. So, I put the black magic paper down my father's pillow, where I was sleeping. Like, it's just useless, I want him to die. Then, I came in my room, and wake up my sister. Like, I tried to sleep with her, but then I felt like, like, I'm not so bad, that I want to kill my father. I just felt sad, like, my father will die, even though he hate me, he hate me so bad, he abuse me. Still, I don't want to kill him. So, I ran away, and went to my mother's. My parents were sleeping, I told my mother about that, and told her that there's a black magic paper. So, they threw it at me, and I went to sleep. I was very scared, and horrid, and just very scared, very scared.

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