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Dream Interpretation: Friendship 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Friendship? Discover the significance of seeing a Friendship in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Friendship appears in your dream ✅

Friendship symbol
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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of friendship symbolizes a need for companionship and support. It may also represent a desire for social interaction and a sense of belonging. This dream may indicate that you are seeking new friendships or strengthening existing ones.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current relationships and consider if there are any that need attention or improvement. Take the initiative to reach out to friends and make plans to spend time together. If you are feeling lonely, try joining a club or group that aligns with your interests to meet new people. Remember that friendships require effort and communication to maintain.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of friendship evokes feelings of warmth, connection, and support. It brings a sense of belonging, happiness, and trust. It signifies the importance of relationships and the joy that comes from sharing experiences with others. This dream may also evoke feelings of gratitude, as it reminds us of the value of true friendships in our lives.





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Dreams of users containing the word Friendship

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25 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was being taught by a famous doctor about how to become a doctor myself. There was a boy there that was in a wheel chair and no one took him seriously because they thought he wouldn’t be fast enough. Then there were these other guys that just interrupted our class and said that we all were coming with him and if we don’t there’ll be bad consequences. They brought us to a small hospital in a small town where there was barely any people in. There was a really rich guy who was sick and no one at all could figure out what was wrong with him at all. Our doctor teacher told us we needed to give him some ideas on what it could be. But then two crazy people came out of nowhere, one that could run really fast like the flash, and the other who was strong and can fly like superman. Everyone else in the class was running around crazy while I and the boy in the wheelchair helped our teacher look for what made him so sick and then I figured it out and gave it to our teacher, he was very greatful and said I was his favourite. We super duper put some stuff in the rich guys body and started running away from the super evil guys that were trying to stop us from saving the rich guy. We found some bikes and all of us tried to get on them together but some of us just had to run. The boy in the wheelchair couldn’t run like we were because of the mud on the ground cause it just stopped raining. I ended up falling of the bike because I had troubles holding on properly, the boy in the wheelchair saved me in the nick of time before the evil superman got me, I don’t know how he got me so fast and it was still muddy I thought he couldn’t go through it. He said to me that he found some better wheels that had more grip on them and wanted to catch up on us to be with us. I said thanks for saving me and he kinda blushed and said no problem. So I went to hop off and start running again to catch up with everyone but he said to stay on his lap and he could get us there, but I was worried I’d be too heavy for him to go fast with his wheelchair. He said that I wasn’t bothering him and he said he had strong arm muscles, winked at me and started to move again. When we caught up our teacher was so relieved that I was ok and that he was worrying about me. To me he felt like a father figure. After managing to get out of the town and losing the evil guys the mini hospital called our teacher and said thank u for saving his life we got rid of the weird ones and put them in a cell that they can never get out of. I told my friends what the boy in the wheelchair did for me and I think that I kind of have a crush on him now. Everyone was surprised how he managed to get here with us and apologized for laughing at him in the classroom. The righ guy told his team to come pick us up and bring us home.

25 Aug 2024



Hello, DreamApp. This is This is Peter again. I'm having a great time today. My parents are away on a cruise and I'm just having a great time and I had dreams about Pink Floyd and Pokemon cards and just being at a good place and coaches dreams about Coach Mark and my dreams can kind of refer that I'm doing very well. Just thinking of different things like how I put the shock in the pool and how someone said, oh, don't put it that in that way or something and just different things the way I just get stuff done and I helped out my neighbors a lot and I'm just very pleased and very happy and so I'm very happy that I never gave up on myself and I said something very big is happening and I probably am right. So yeah, there you go. Everything is really falling into place. I got 10 more days till my parents get back from their cruise. I just am doing so good with everything. I'm very happy. My friends are happy. God is happy for me. My music's happy. I cut out my friend from Beacon College because he was dragging me down socially and you know economically and just physically. It was causing me stress so I cut him out of my life a month ago and my life has changed for the better. I'm doing my workouts again. I'm swimming. I'm just having good dreams. I'm thinking of Briggs. I'm thinking of Uncle David. I just am so blessed and I constantly thank God for all my accomplishments and how he's never given up on me and I love him so much. I'm making it work any way I can with my parents and they're very happy for me too. I'm on the verge of something big and this is the turnaround moment. This is it. It's getting better from here. It's all uphill from here and I tell you man it's happening and I'm so happy that I never gave up on myself and Coach Mark was the one that believed in me when no one else did and I'm just happy. I'm just happy that I'm still here, still alive and still breathing and I'm just very very happy and it took a while to get here but I'm at that status again and I just thank everything and everyone and especially Rafa Mowin from the app. He was a dream expert and he said very good job Jeffrey. You're on the right path and he even said it in my dream three nights ago on the 17th or whatever it was 21st or 22nd and I said that's Rafa speaking to me and he's saying even I'm doing very well. He says congratulations you've made it just like the Dark Knight references. Thank you. Amen. You either live a hero or you either die a hero. You live long enough to see yourself become the villain. And then they say it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you. And that's what the Batman Begins was saying. I watched Batman and the Dark Knight and I have a lot of happy traits going on right now. I've got a good house and a good family and a good security system. I've got good pornography. I've got good music. I've got good movies. I've got good friends. I'm just very happy. And this is the turnaround year of my life. And I'm going to make it so that I keep on making it and I never, never, never give up. Never submit to failure. This is my moment. I am shining brighter than ever before. Amen. Thank you. Uncle David would say, dear boy, I'm so glad you never gave up. He says, automaton, automaton, like the joke about like the robots. But he would be saying, dear boy, I'm so proud of you. He says, look at all you've done. And he's looking down on me and so are my ancestors. They're cheering for me. They're not going to let anything happen to me. They're just and just like Trump about that thing that happened back in last month. I won't say it. He rose above that, that very hard, challenging moment. And if he can do it, so can I. And it pushed me in that direction to never give up on myself, to always go to my accomplishments and to be even more determined and devoted and dedicated to my personal, spiritual and absolute physical growth so that I never fall back into that category again of failure. Because I want to succeed as much as humanly possible. And Uncle David would be so proud. And I know he's looking down on me and he's saying, dear boy, I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy. And so is Briggs. So is my grandparents and my other grandparents and JF and all those other, you know, family members. And I'm just really happy. I'm climbing out of that pit. I've finally gotten out of it, it looks like. We're at the precipice of climbing out of it, the preemptive struggle. And now I think I'm seeing the light. I am seeing myself conquer all my demons and overcome obstacles with sheer, pure and determined class like never before. Supreme and superior status has been reached. Amen.

24 Aug 2024



I was auditioning for a professional Shakespeare company on the Central Coast that was putting on a musical based on House of the Dragon characters. A few Kingsmen Shakespeare people were there, such as Jason Rennie and Kiki Ragland. Over and over again we would wait in the hallway reading the sides, and then go in to perform them. There were several characters I was going out for, and I got called back for them, with just a few actors competing for the roles. I felt proud of myself that I had made it that far. In the end, I just got cast as a teenage girl and perhaps a barmaid, but I was happy to have the opportunity to get away for the summer and be in a new place. I was attracted to several men at the callback and I knew that even though I was playing a minor character I could enjoy the production just as much as any of the leads and be their friend. At the same time, I knew I would miss Taylor and all my usual summer gigs.

23 Aug 2024



I was starting my course at university. It was the first day and I was finding out about the course. I found out that we had to do a test that I didn't understand the point of. For the test we had to answer a question but the answer only had to mean yes or no but had to be presented as an essay. I didn't understand the point of it so I was trying to tell the teacher that I don't understand but he wasn't listening to me. When I left the class I felt that I didn't want to do the course anymore because it was stupid. I went on a walk around campus and I ended up climbing up some hills but it was misty so I couldn't see the skyline very far. When I was walking back I walked near some shops and the library. Some girl came up to me and asked me if I wanted to meet in the evening. I said yes then I laid down ont he bench. When I was laying there two Asian girls laid down besides me and they started stroking me hair and asked me if I wanted to meet with them in the evening. I thought they were really attractive so I said yes and they left but then I felt bad because I said to both the girls that I would meet them and I couldn't meet them all at once but I wanted to see them all because they were all attractive.

22 Aug 2024



It was school break time. We were on a learning journey. Me and my friend Angelique were at a mall near the school. If I’m right it felt and looked like break time. We bought bungeoppang and We were hanging out, When we saw hyunjin. It felt like he was someone I knew so I think he was somehow related to me like my cousin's brother. He was an idol of a group called Stray Kids. We saw him and wanted to say hi. But since he was an idol he wasn’t allowed to meet us. We followed hyunjin and saw he was queuing up at a bubble tea shop. We then decided to chase him. He saw us and looked shocked. I yelled at his name. Hyunjin-ah! He immediately ran away because he was famous and he couldn’t get attention. We tried to run after him but he was too fast and went into the MRT or subway. Then we gave up and walked back. While walking back we saw I.N. who was also a member of Stray Kids and my cousin's brother walking. We chased him as well. He was equally as scared and ran into the subway as well. I’m guessing that mall is jewel because it’s right outside the airport. After that Angelique and I decided to get back to class. Our field trip classroom was an air-conditioned room and it was cozy. We had to sit and the floor there were tables but we had to sit outside them. I was seated at the back so I could do whatever I wanted. Angelique was across me so we couldn’t talk. When we all arrived she said. “Class I think ur classmates have scared some people.” I immediately knew it was me and Angelique. But for some reason only I got scolded. “She scolded me very very harshly. She asked me to stand up and embarrassed me in front of the whole class. After an hour of scolding me, she asked me to sit down. I felt so guilty and sat at the very back which was my seat. Then suddenly someone opened the door. It was hyunjin and I.N…. Since I was at the back I could easily access the table and immediately moved and sat under the table once I saw their face. I was so scared they were going to scold me. Since they are my cousin's brothers. Hyunjin and I were understanding and they knew it was just a joke and they understood why I did what I did. Hyunjin smiled while walking in. He was wearing Nike shoes. he stuck and touched me with his foot under the table. He smirked, we were always like enemies but caring when we needed to be. I was so guilty embareasedand sad. Why did I do that to Hyunjin and I.N? Am I that stupid? Hyunjin and I.N. stood there but since I was under the table I could only see their legs. The teacher continued to scold me for another hour. I felt more upset as the class stared at me. Hyunjin and I.n were smirking the entire time because they knew I deserved it after what I did but they thought the scolding was a bit too much. Then the teacher said “Okay we will give you some time alone.” everyone left except Hyunjin and I.N. I was still under the table. I was so scared I started to tear up. I didn't dare to come out. Hyunjin and I.N. just stood there waiting for me to get out. Hyunjin said “Come out now.” with a stern and determined voice. Not angry just a voice to make an emphasis. I refused to come out. They said it one more time. I had no choice but to come out. Once I came out I started crying. “I'm really sorry oppa…” I said scared, fearful, and upset. They told me annoyed “It's fine dw”. hyunjin asked I.n to go outside because I.N. was younger than him and he could handle the situation better. Only me and hyunjin were left in the room. Hyunjin said “I said stop crying! Why are you still crying?” Hyunjin is not really the type to comfort people. He likes to scare them so they stop crying. But he came to me and rubbed my back. He wiped away my tears. He said “I told u it's fine. Don't worry! I'm not angry at you. I understand why you did that and honestly I don't mind it. You helped me work out, haha. That teacher scolded everyone harshly.” While scolding me the teacher pushed me down so I got a cut on my leg Hyunjin asked me what it was. I told him it was a cut. He put a bandage on the cut and told me it was okay. I went out and met I.N. He crouched down and told me “It's okay!” and pinched my cheek. After that, I became a bit happier and we all went home.

21 Aug 2024



I had a guy in my dream and at the moment I couldn’t see his face so.. it felt like I knew this person. We went out on a date and we.. started to walk towards a place like a restaurant. Then we walked home because we were done eating food/dinner. We both looked at each other and it was this eye contact that was VERY long that we had. He came closer to me. Until he showed me how his feelings are real and understood. He got closer and I got closer. We started kissing. Then he grabbed me and picked me up, carried me and also we kept kissing. Getting intimate. While we were getting intimate he took me straight in his house, his room. And we started getting even MORE intimate and comfortable. It made me feel.. turned on, my face was hot and red, it was like I was hungry for it. He kept going. It was like we were friends with benefits but.. No feelings attached. And that’s how I woke up this morning.

20 Aug 2024

My crush
Public toilet


I was at a college and we had one shower but the shower had multiple showers in it so we had to shower with other people once I was done showering the first time I came out in a towel and then it accidentally falls off when I’m carrying my other things which was completely embarassing. The next time I went for a shower there was a couple other girls in there which was kind of weird but I had to deal with it, once I was done and heading out I forgot to put my bra back on and everyone saw the top of me so I was half naked. In a different part of the same dream I went to my next class I was in which was gym but everytime I went in there people were just randomly playing with some of the stuff in there while the teacher was working out he never actually never noticed we were there some of the people liked it because then they didn’t have to do stuff they didn’t like but I thought that shouldn’t happen at all so I told another teacher even though I hated gym too and then we got another gym teacher that was nice he made us do things but not too much that would make us exhausted. In my science class me and a friend made a cool juicer where u can make juice out of any food products, a lot of people thought it was cool, there was this one boy that was completely amazed and it turned out he was the most popular guy in school all the girls loved him but I didn’t really notice him that much. After class he told his friends that he thinks he has a crush on me because I was cute and smart but his friends thought it was strange that he wouldn’t choose one of the “hot” girls in school instead where they are way more prettier than me. I didn’t notice at the time but he did keep asking me questions about things and accidentally bumping into me. My friends were like “he totally likes you and I think he’s trying to get your attention so he can ask you out” which I thought was pretty cool

17 Aug 2024



I had a dream that I was in a classroom... There's a group of people who're loud and lively.. but chaotic.. they're playing games, so I decided to join... The group has boys and girls... Although some boys faces are blurry I bet they're attractive.. they're having fun and so... And I was having fun... joking around with them and so... Then, I got out and go to some shop... The saleslady show something that I've been wanting... It's a pill and a cream to remove/reduce pimples.. but unfortunately, I don't have enough money to buy it... So I said to her, Wrap it up... I'll be back for it... Then I left noticing a dog or lion on my way... Then, Back at the group in the classroom. They're playing again... I join them...they're laughing at some topic... Probably something dirty and flirty again... That's my assumption..I decided to play along...and then, there's this familiar face from a tv show... He's gone flirty and dirty again so I grabbed his face and he told me something ridiculous so I let him go for him to go to the CR... Then, the place changes and we're in a house instead of a classroom.. the house was painted white... We're sitting on the corner of the stairs laughing and playing around... Then, this new classmate of mine from the real world... Let's call her Yeka... Yeka was a friend in a dream... Then there's this delivery guy who throws something in the air... I caught it and gave it to her thinking it was hers... She opened it, and I realized it's mine. Then, she got angry... And turn to Lacey... I step away and look around... Everyone seems to be looking so for some reason I smile rather than getting angry... Then go back to face angry yeka She scolded me a little and so...after knowing that it was a beauty product and told everyone to shoo.. Then, I got an was a wedding invitation.... It was my mother's friend or so... Not like I know her though.... But her name is "Vena" Then, I invited my old friend from real life... Lacey, and the other girl... It was like the trio is back again to how's it before.... Then, I told her about the wedding and invite them... But, I then asked the bride/mother's friend to pick us up since we don't know it... Then,when I didn't get a reply we just try to find it.... But unfortunately, we all can't enter... Because, there's a payment for entry... Like ₱341 And so I was like to my friend, let's go to the mall instead since I don't really wanna go to that wedding... And so we did and finally we're in the mall, buying foods for dinner... Then we saw my Mother

12 Aug 2024

Violence and death


Last night, I had a dream where I was sentenced to 25 years in a real penitentiary, though I didn’t know the crime I committed. I was told to plead guilty to a gun charge, which spared me from a life sentence. In the dream, I was being transferred in a van and became close friends with other inmates who introduced me to people in the prison. They told me that someone could get me anything I wanted, and I remember being protected by these inmates and forming strong connections with them. Later, I was sitting in a line when a group of women in bras and panties walked on the side of me. One of them made eye contact and sat down beside me. She mentioned she was married, but a guard told her to get dressed and return to her cell. As she walked away, the dream shifted to her talking on the phone, pleading with someone not to do something. Then, she stumbled upon a scene filled with bodies. It seemed she knew who was responsible, and then the dream ended.

6 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was like a siren i guess? And I met this guy who was also one? And I guess we got together. He bought me like this tomb thing idk what it was, and I saw him flirting with another girl, getting her things, etc. and when I confronted him about it, he told me he just like was with me for our friendship or whatever. And a fictional character (Tony Becker) was in this dream, along with some woman I don’t really know. There was this house I guess it was underwater or whatever. I don’t know if I got with Tony but I think we were either friends or I liked him. So the guy that y’know basically ‘cheated’ on me even though I don’t think we ever got together, we started fighting and practically trying to kill eachother. And the most recent one was he tricked me into going in the water and wasting my time, and told me “you better run. Remember that Tony kid you also bought that tomb for?” (And i think the tombs were little gifts) “Well, you might wanna make sure he’s ok.” I don’t know exactly what he said but it was something along those lines. So I went through the clothes in the rack, out the small hole in the back which led to the water, swam around for a bit, and then I saw this car.. I walked over to it and it was pretty dark, but I was able to see some blood and I guess choking sounds? Problem was, even though it seemed like this was Tony, and I couldn’t see the face of pretty much anything, they had thin medium hair like a woman would. So I tried to open the car door to look, and it was locked for some reason. They had the hair of that woman the guy was with. I’m not too sure who that was because last time I checked, that woman was just fine. So I go back to them, confused and also worried, and I literally grabbed a remote and chucked it at the guys head, I didn’t grab it the first time and had to like reach back to grab it again cuz I missed. And then threw it at him again. Then he grabbed my wrist and I ran to the door, shutting it. Then the girl opens the door and throw it at me. I don’t know if it hit or I caught it but I don’t remember it hitting me. So I grabbed it and chucked it at her head. I don’t remember how the rest of that went down and there was most definitely a lot of other times we tried killing eachother besides the remote. But then, I think he mentioned Tony again and I woke up somewhere around there.

3 Aug 2024



I had two or three dreams. In my dream, I was at an event, helping out my aunt with the food, and she mentioned being mindful/enjoying the day to me when she noticed i was kinda jamming to a song I know. Later in that dream, I was enjoying myself with family and family friends when I received a Bible verse from LifeBible that said, “John 4:16-I am the way and the truth and the life”, as motivation to make the most of the day. In the second dream, I was spending time with my friends and peers at the Art building for a event. Suddenly, “Girls” by Kid Laroi was playing so I went over, dancing to the song and that was when I spotted Kyle, who I ran to say hi to and he just laughed at my greeting while he gave me a hug. He and I went on to chat about his trip to France and about our summer, when we heard our friends-Alex and Parrish, especially Parrish making kissy faces and jokes, ruining the moment. In the third dream, I had a conversation with Kyle in mind, about how God cares a lot about us when I was playfully interrogated by my friends about my feelings for Kyle.

3 Aug 2024



I dream of that my idol crush, okay, my idol crush kissed me very passionately and it was real, like it was, it was so real and lovable and like he kissed me a lot of time, very passionately, like kissing my, all my lips and making my soul feel loved and like the feelings were real and I also dream of, like yesterday I saw a girl, like in real life I saw a girl, she was going, like she was wearing also a scarf like me and she was wearing a big ass bag, okay, it was a like K-pop group and K-ring, I thought I should talk to her because I am also, I mean I was having a K-pop girl, K-ring in my bag, but I'm just so shy so I couldn't, but I wish, so I, like in a dream she came into my house and she, like she was guest and talking to my mother, so this time I don't want to lose that opportunity, I went to talk to her and told her that I'm also interested in that K-pop group and after knowing that we became very good friends, we enjoyed a lot, we spent a lot of time together, we played a lot, I feel like my child self came out, I feel like I have someone, I could talk to, have some fun and spend my time, very very enjoyed, like in the dream. In the dream I met her, enjoyed a lot, also saw in my dream that I got a chocolate packet, very delicious chocolate, it was round, it has something inside it and my little cousin was there, I like, I gave them, yeah, yeah, you guys can eat one to one, then he again tried to pick another, I said no, you can only have one, like okay, like in real life also I saw, like a great deal on how to make chocolate, so that's why I guess, like in dream, like in dream, like in dream I made chocolate, like the chocolate I made and mixed it with milk and we drank that and it was so tasty and also I saw my elder brother cousins drinking those chocolate milk, it was so delicious, I was having a very very good time, enjoyed a lot,

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