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Dream Interpretation: Bus 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bus? Discover the significance of seeing a Bus in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bus appears in your dream ✅

Bus symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This often symbolizes taking a journey, either physically or emotionally. It could represent heading out on a new adventure or confronting something challenging. Alternatively, this dream could signify that someone else is in control of your direction.

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🧭 Direction


In your dream, when someone else is driving, this could be a good sign that you need to take some time for yourself and relax, or it could be a warning that you need to take more control over your direction. Either way, recognize your journey and the changes it brings. Progress brings the opportunity for peace and confidence.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a bus can evoke feelings of anticipation, as it symbolizes a journey or a new direction in life. It may also bring a sense of community and connection, as buses often represent shared experiences and interactions with others. Additionally, the dream may elicit feelings of uncertainty or anxiety, as riding a bus can symbolize a lack of control or reliance on external factors. Overall, the dream of a bus can evoke a mix of excitement, camaraderie, and apprehension.





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28 Aug 2024

Abandoned home
House Fire


I had a dream that I was on bus on a college field trip and I was telling a story about the small creepy town I grew up In and how my house randomly burned down but we didnt think it was random that's why we moved to the city. I was sitting beside Mt boyfriend and I could tell I was pretty popular because everyone was so tuned in. After the story we got to the town were were going to for the field trip and everyone started unloading there bags and choosing where they'd stay... I was drawn to this house and my bf went with me it was a little secluded from the other houses and we stayed there for a night we ended up having some super natural things happen and left my boyfriend insinuated that this was my old town with a new name and they must had rebuilt my old house. I kind of time jumped back when I was leaving the town with my mom and a strange man we kept trying to call and report this house burning as we were on the road but they were brushing it off leading to my mom thinking it was a setup to get our house gone do to the supernatural happenings they thought changing the name of the town and rebuilding the house would help, but it only made things worse. Then the town was abandoned by everyone and I was back 18 years later on a college field trip

27 Aug 2024

Theme Park


27/8/24 The coast Apartment/holiday home A holiday apartment/bedsit v messy with mine and Cain’s things. We are sharing with people, ? Lisa and the girls (seems to change) At one point Niamh is saying she had to go meet her friends at a bus stop but it’s raining and cold so I don’t want her going on her own, I say I will go with, we are heading off on Grosvenor road not the holiday home. She is being vague on how far it is to walk, I keep saying let me go get my car it will be easier. She is adamant it’s ok We arrive at the bus station, its merry hill but hasn’t took that long to get here. Her friend is nowhere to be seen, I have no cash to buy a bus ticket myself and join her, the bus man can’t accept card. Lisa is suddenly there and advising Niamh to use her friends spare ticket, but that turns out to be stamps. I repeat that I should have got my car Tiers of a playground/theme park messy, muddy, water fun I am with Cain entering a tree house type structure, huge like a theme park. Each tier has different activities to work through, a small stream and bridge with play areas around, then a messy are in a red pit. Flour or sand or similar v white substance. Then there are a few slides, not sure if water ones or just muddy. I can’t recall interacting with anything just looking in and having flashes of being there and telling Cain what we did. He is struggling to recall

24 Aug 2024

Parents dying
Childhood home


Već dugo vremena sanjam ali se ujutro ne mogu sjetiti sna sto mi se nikad nije dogodilo. Uglavnom danas popodne sam sanjala da se vozim autobusom prema mami i tati , oni su dvadeset godina mlađi nego sto realno jesu. Sa sobom vode samo jedno od moje braće i sestara ( mada ja imam samo jednu sestru) a u snu ih imam desetak. Kad sam došla na mjesto susreta mama i tata ulaze u autobus sretni sto me vide i kreću pričati o tome kako su sretni i ponosni na to sto sam pokrenula novi posao, mama govori kako ona zna da sam ja cijeli život sposobna ali da dok sam zivjela u rodnome gradu uvijek sam pomagala drugima a najmanje sebi. U cijeloj toj situaciji ja sam zatečena ali beskrajno mi je drago da je tako, mada i u snu kužim da je sve potpuno nadrealno ( jer se tako nešto uživotu teško može dogoditi)

22 Aug 2024

Being chased by murderer
Home Invasion


Tonight I dreamt that I woke up, and saw a face in the corner of the room. (Just like what happened a few days ago when I hallucinated in my waking life). But it turned out that it actually wasn’t an hallucination, but some guy who had been standing there, watching me sleep. He was very short, half my height, and with long brown hair. Once I realized that he was real, because I touched him, I simply started to fight him. It was easy, since he was so short. But he was very good at avoiding my attacks. Eventually, we got tired. I asked him why he was there, and he wouldn’t explain. I kept on asking, and he became annoyed, and finally said “if you want to know, follow me”. And so I did. We went out the front door from my apartment, but instead of a staircase, we walk through an endless labyrinth of hallways and people, that reminded me more of a hospital. That is not normal but in the dream, I did not think much of it. I keep following the little guy. We exit the corridors of the giant building and now we are outside. He gets on a bus. I get on the bus. We sit for a while, and get off at a street I have never seen before. He enters a house. I enter the house too. It is very messy, and his entire family is in here. They are average height. They look at me and start to greet me. I suddenly realize that I am still in my pajamas. The short guy has many brothers, and they all have the exact same face as the little guy, but different hair styles. His mother is in the kitchen somewhere. His father is asking me questions, almost interrogating me, but in a sweet way. This is when I realize that his whole family thinks I am dating the short guy. I become embarrassed on short guy’s behalf. Eventually, I find an excuse to leave, and even though I am far from home, I try to find my way by getting on the bus. So I sit there, in my pajamas, not knowing where I am going. Suddenly, a baby appears in the air in front of me, it came from nowhere, as if by magic. And it is falling! I catch it by pure instinct. Everyone on the bus hears the baby cry, and see a person in their pajamas, who doesn’t know where they are going or who’s baby this is. How do I explain this situation, I thought. Is this what the short guy experienced? Did he pass the curse to me? Either way, I now understand, but at what cost, I am going to pass it onto someone else now.

17 Aug 2024



Tonight I dreamt that I was on bus rides with my mom, finding a place to sit and to sleep each time. I never found a comfortable place. Mom disagreed with where I wanted to sit. I ended up sitting down, and as I was sitting there, I video called a friend, who was video calling another friend. This friend started telling me a story, which I witnessed in third perspective. She said: “When I wake up in the morning, I sometimes see things that are not really there. Hallucinations.” I see her waking up, and waving her arms around. She continued: “but it is not dangerous, just very confusing because it looks real” I then experience the hallucination from her perspective. I wake up and there is a plate of fish and potatoes on my chest, which confused me, and I try to wave it away. Now I understand her story. I have now learned something new. I thank her and hang up. Me and mom gets out of the bus. We are at a burger restaurant. Mom buys many burgers, and tries to make me eat all of them, but I am full. We get on the bus again. This time, we stop at a police station. I am holding a little green sponge for some reason. I found it very fascinating. I go into the police station with mom, but I decide to stay by the entrance. I now see a woman approaching the station, visibly upset, and clearly intoxicated or sick. I go outside and she asks me if I know where the police station is. I say I do not know. Why did I say that. I did know where it was. I go inside again. A little while later, the woman has found her way into the police station after all. She is asking both the police and the crowd that is looking at her, if there is any danger about being surrounded by mold. She begins to tell her story, and I can only wonder why she is in a police station when she should be in a hospital. Either way, as she tells us that both she and her husband lived very busy lives, and often did not see eachother for weeks, despite living together. Then she started getting ill, and spent all day in bed for many days. After a while of laying there, she saw mushrooms sprouting from the wall. It turns out her husband had died in the house, and since he had been laying there for such a long time, he caused there to be mold. I am interested. I want to see this house. So I go there, with her permission. I am in the house. I go upstairs. Everything is empty, except for a bed in the end of the room. The second floor has a wierd layout, why would anyone have a staircase that leads directly into the bedroom? The other end of the room has two openings. I inspect the wall closest to the bed, and I do find small, almost unnoticeable flecks of mold, and some small mushrooms. I decide to go through the opening that is closest to this wall, in order to get to the other side of it. This leads me to a small hallway, before taking me to another bedroom. This one is also empty. This is the closest room, but the other side of the wall is not here. Wait, I see it now, there is a hidden closet space. That is the other side of the wall. A single stool with a radio is in this room. I enter, and inspect the mold that is shaped as if a human sat there, leaning against the wall. This is where he died. Then, the radio next to me starts making noises, as if swirling channels. Then it starts speaking. It is the husband who speaks. He is telling me how he died. But he is talking fast. I missed a word he said and did not understand the context of the next words. I tried to go back in time, but that is not possible in the dream world. I started feeling myself waking up, and I thought to myself that the part of my brain that was making the dream, had woken up before the one that experience them. Then I woke up in real life. For the first time in my life, I hallucinated when I woke up. I saw a face, floating in the top corner of my room. Took me a while to stop seeing it. But I was not afraid, because my dream had taught me how to deal with this.

17 Aug 2024



Me, Lakshmi, and my ex-friends saaliha and Eva. We were at gate 4. We were just playing around after school. I think it was 6 pm maybe but Ofc I couldn't see the time. The sky looked that way. Me and Lakshmi were just talking when Eva and saaliha stole her away. I was upset but acted normal. We boarded 65. Lakshmi said she wanted to sit with them so I said sure… I sat behind them feeling left out. I then realized I left my bag in the seat next to Lakshmi so I went to go get it. It was awkward but I got it and sat behind them. There was a leg massager in that seat so thought I should sit there. I sat there and put my legs in the massager. It was so nice as we had PE that day so I was exhausted and my legs were hurting. It got all the sore spots and I felt good. No one knew as it could be covered. I wore socks so it was extra nice and comfy. The bus ride was long so I slept. After a while, I woke up. saaliha was right in front of me. I was still annoyed being left out. Suddenly she leaned her head behind her and said “Darshikaaa, can we be friends again?” I had mixed feelings but said “Yes!” we both were happy and I, saaliha Lakshmi, and Eva talked until we got off. It was a was about 7:30 ish. The sky looked dark. Then suddenly fireworks shot up and lightened the sky beautifully. We were all so happy we were friends again. We watched them happily and went home.

11 Aug 2024



Continuation of last night’s dream Running through the airport and the bus terminal with the aunt’s family(this time, none of them are replaced by characters like they were yesterday. Kids are still constantly changing in number whenever I look.) Uncle has less presence Staying at Boothill’s apartment room Boothill is a brash, flamboyant cyborg space cowboy He cannot swear because the synesthetic beacon on his body has been tampered to censor bad words and turn it into something else Being treated like a child isntead of a young adult Everyone showering in order Me trying to shave at my turn because the way the guy treats me like I’m not a girl in my prime(the right way to treat a teenager btw) makes me self-conscious getting called at from beyond the bathroom door just when I got to shave of a tiny portion of the softer, shorter parts of my pubes Hurriedly putting everything away and making way for auntie to take the shower next Berating myself in my mind for being so impulsive and emotional-laden(shaving because you thought a man at least thrice or four times your age would even oay attention to you) Dinner’s done, and everyone sleeps Even Boothill(his body goes into hibernation mode or smth idk) I sneak out of the makeshift bed, go back to the shower space, start shaving again despite the fact that Boothill won’t probably even think about fucking a barely legal teen-just-turned-young-adult and can’t if he wanted to because most of his body is cyborg Crying because I feel miserable, being made to see how validation-starved I am as a girl Boothill stirring awake due to the slightest noises, calling out to me from beyond the smokescreen of the shower room door Raises head from the hands I buried it in, answers the guy in a tone as natural as I could make it to he after wiping tears

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