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Dream Interpretation: Blood 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Blood? Discover the significance of seeing a Blood in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Blood appears in your dream ✅

Blood symbol
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💡Possible meaning

Blood in a dream can represent life force, energy, and vitality. It can also symbolize passion, love, and strong emotions. However, it can also indicate pain, injury, or loss. The meaning of blood in a dream depends on the context and the emotions associated with it.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the emotions you felt during the dream. Was the blood a positive or negative symbol? If it was positive, it may be a sign of passion or vitality in your waking life. If it was negative, it may indicate pain or loss. Consider any recent events or relationships that may be related to the blood symbol. It may be helpful to talk to someone you trust about your feelings and emotions.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of blood can evoke a range of emotions, such as fear, anxiety, or even excitement. It may symbolize intense emotions, passion, or a sense of power. Alternatively, it could represent a feeling of vulnerability, loss, or danger. The interpretation of these emotions depends on the context of the dream and the individual's personal experiences and associations with blood.





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28 Aug 2024



My dream started out with some family that I've never met coming to my house. They got to know us and all that. We got to know them. And one night they said, we came here for you. Which was me. They did this ritual on me. That turned me into some sort of monster. And then I did some sort of ritual on one of the kids so he became my slave and would help me. After this ritual I needed blood. I needed a certain amount to complete my transformation. I would only go out and get people at night. And the kid would help me find the right person. So we did this for a while and got I don't know how many people. Eventually I was close to my transformation ending. So I said I need baby's blood and asked him to help me find pregnant women. So I did this to two pregnant women. I took their baby and drank their blood and I said my transformation is over now but I need more. So I went out to find more people and take their blood for some reason and then I woke up.

27 Aug 2024



It started with a family afflicted with a disease that started to destroy their skin, the dad told said "get the dog out of here" another family member protested that the dog was fine and the dad said that's why he needed to go, the disease started melting them alive peices dripping off around the house, it was gruesome sight, in the end the dog did end up infected and died after the family, then I was me again, back at my own house, I was in the basement looking out the window and saw a black cat, I wondered where my cat was and then he came out of a bush and walked up to the other cat, the cat swatted him with a paw and he swatted back, I was worried they were going to fight for a second because other cats have been hostile before, but it turns out they were just playing, then I someone else again and I had a friend with me, we were being chased on horses and a witch was after us, eventually my friend died and then I was on an airplane with a different friend watching them play a game, when we got back to a house the witch from before followed us, apparently the game was a curse that killed anyone who played, but the temptation made it hard to resist playing, his skin started to melt, I tried to fight the witch, I had many different cane's with many different decorative toppers (like all those one from Halloween stores but if they were actual cane's instead of plastic) and I was hitting her with different ones until they all broke, and my there was drips on the floor of skin and blood, it was too late, we would die no matter what now.

23 Aug 2024



So I dream of that like it was very scary it was very very skeleton life it was a scariest nightmare so I'm having nightmare pass to continuous days and yesterday I dream of that like a dream of that I was sleeping bed and suddenly a black scary hand came and drag me from a bed let's see essay like I dream it twice a dream and hold my waist and drag me from my bed to the ground and I just side and dream of that I was in my parents room like it was afternoon time I was in my parents cloudy weather some time I live in joint family and my paternal came and started talking to me suddenly and then like my another aunt came and she came and saying that when she came into my room and we were sleeping like she saw four black kids like they we shadow is figures they were playing at the like in the room between the area and her what suddenly caught my attention I was like what and I said like ya really friend like someone figure all black and their playing so scary and I also saw that in my neighbourhouse the house of my front house there was like kid got posses okay I can like it was a ghost wearing a black coat with the kid head and she she was like he literally holding another kids it was so scary then my aunt said go wash your clothes for sure clothes and I was asking so which I should do use water tangents are the solid deteriesis go down stairs and godown and get it so when I went down they were don't disturb I was shocked and confused how they came there so like I took the stuff and went upstairs and told them that I saw them don't say can be here so like when I like I told him like I saw them downstair this said like you time travel I said how I can do time travel it was so weird anyways and actually in my dream my maternal and family members came to our house and in dream I was actually pregnant but I was on the period also so it impossible to the pregnant and so that like they are window and outside the window there is a black panther it was a ghost like I have you take a shower and I was so scared to take the shower so I just took the courage and went to the shower and maybe killed by the black panther then everything was ok p so I took out my grey pants and so it was will with blood not read that with dark and brown blood and I was scared so actually I was pregnant but I got miscarriage and there was all blood and blood and blood and blood I took a shower and went down also so in dream like my parents room like they will lot of ghost in school there was that was so scary I saw like those whose eyes were so scary all looking at us at the hall from my parents shop it was scary cat is not coming to home for some days like feed her some cat food like I saw and bring that she came and I was happy to see her then I also so and rain that I got more like whats my love I have no more like so I got a mole on my lip when I saw more on my left and then I saw like everyone when outside the house and then the only person that left was at the house was my cousin he got by a ghost very wake up his saw that the whole house is MP and whole house was empty and he was in the dark red room with the king bed size bed and there was a ghost woman sole was sitting and when you Walker is saw the room was built with flash human flash and lot of blood and heated but actually an actually it was a flesh bar so he run in her and away from the house like he was at the house he was running running from Alice Alice your running to running and then he saw like he came out of the horse and the moment he came out of house I transform to him and it was really I run run and saw the main gate I thought I can't just go out of the main I feel so happy that and then at last I ended the end that thing I went out of the house and then I saw like in my near my heart they will lot of cafe stalls and shops of food so my best friend she was coming from the she was coming from I should go to her house going after her so she do not enter her she enter she enter somewhere else and then I realise he is also Ghost and then I saw the other shops of cafes as saw the people making cookies years and other foods search then I went to them and this ask me what they want to eat what I want to eat so I will buy Sun language I said sign sign language I said that I couldn't say or he anything so this anything and there is a Punjabi person came inside decide me he was eating and I saw elephant host eating his food and I can only see the elephant goes but he couldn't so and I also saw that one of my dreams like my little cousin my little cousin she got killed but in this stream a saw that she got possessed by a ghost sole and she was eating with her legs her to nails grow longer she was eating her legs are making me outside and then I got a call from a string number thought it was my delivery but when I like open the call and there was no voice because nothing and my grandfather he is a he is a judge OK so the call was from the ghost lives in judge in court and want to kill my grandfather I try to tell him like the ghost call me and give the morning that I want to kill you but him made me quite by saying that his wife is listening like his wife is that and her so can you listen to I even try to tell him twice but you do not listen

21 Aug 2024

Being chased by murderer
Abandoned home


I was homeless at a homeless shelter with my best friend& we got into an argument& weren't friends anymore. I started dating one of the other girls at the shelter& we went to look at an apartment together. The apartment had a very small opening to enter but was very big inside. The guy inside the apartment had a lot of different sized couches. Some were very large. One had a blood stain. This made us uncomfortable. We tried to leave without making a big deal but the guy grabbed me& wouldn't let me go. I was screaming for help, but other men started coming to help keep us captive. We fought until we were free& ran from the house. The guy chased us. At the end of the dream, I was tumbling through sand trying to get away& ended up running into the woods. I climbed a tree& was trying to hide at the top, but I wasn't sure if the branches would hold me.

18 Aug 2024



I can’t really remember how it started, so I’ll say what I can remember. I was in school and every few months there is a performance that random students do, it can be about anything (this is in the dream, we don’t do performances irl). Me and one of my friends were about to do a performance. We were gonna act out that one “I just killed my ex” song (super random lol). My friend had a fake knife that she would “stab” me with on the stage. The stage was decorated as a bedroom or a living room (I can’t really remember which one it was, but I think it was a bedroom). We did the whole performance without a problem, but after it I felt a pain in between my (right) shoulder and chest. It had only started hurting when I was with my other friends. I stretched my shirt’s collar area to see if anything was there, and there was a mark that was bleeding. It turned out my friend had somehow accidentally stab me a little bit. The end of the dream was basically her apology and us being confused on how that happened (because of the type of fake knife it was). The end :P

18 Aug 2024

Violence and death


I was in Mexico going around in public transportation, as I was walking I noticed mattresses with blood, I then noticed a man walking who seemed to be a detective. He looked a lot like Sherlock Holmes. I realized to stay safe I had to stay near him so I followed him without him knowing since I didn’t know him personally. Eventually the dream switched to me being in a room that resembled the room in my old apartment, my grandma was asking my cousin and I if we liked visiting Mexico, my cousin started talking and as per usual he annoyed me, usually I don’t do anything about it but in the dream I started to punch him in the face til my hand was full of blood. The dream then switched to me going to the more rich side of Mexico by myself. I went to a mall and went to a store where I noticed a cashier spoke in English to a tourist. For some reason she realized I spoke English and tried speaking English with me, eventually I spoke to her in Spanish and told her I used to live in Mexico, we began to talk and even though I spoke to her in Spanish she still spoke to me in English, I was telling her about my career in the military. Then when we were all sitting down at a table two missionaries from the LDS church walked in and I smiled immediately when I recognized the badge, they noticed I smiled the moment I saw the badge so they sat across from me, the more Hispanic looking one spoke to me first and I told him I got baptized last year, he then said “yeah we actually noticed you smiled when you saw us. That’s why we came over here”

16 Aug 2024



I met a guy. We got to know each other then I started to feel happy again. He made me feel so warm. He made me feel safe and cared for me. He protected me. Somehow we got into a conflict with some other people and they showed up with guns. They were shooting at us. We shot back but unfortunately one of our opponents shot at him right to heart and it went out the other side. I was anxious, scared and crying as I picked him up to get him to the car to drive him to the hospital even tho in the back of my head I know there’s no saving him because the bullet went right through the middle of his chest and came out the other way. I wasn’t gonna give up until there’s nothing left to do. Got him in the car crying as the life is slowly draining out of him he looks at me with so much pain and love as if he wanted me to not be in pain even as he was dying. Got in the driver seat with him in the back and started driving to the hospital.

16 Aug 2024

High School


I once dreamed that I was lying on my bed, holding my iPad in my hand while i downloaded a new horror game. I didn’t think much of it because it didn’t seem that scary. Once when I started the game, suddenly I was IN the game. And supposedly someone’s going to die each day in your group—my group was my class in Highschool. I met with my friends and we walked around the big building which seemed like a huge hotel. It also had a big garden with a small park, a few tables where you could eat and a stage. We kept looking around talking with each other what this all might be. There were little kids playing in the park, but there was one specific kid with blond and blue eyes that looked at us with almost no expression—it looked scary. My friend made a joke and insulted the little kid, as usual while I also said something about the little kid. We walked around and saw a small cabin where the little kids could play. I walked inside and looked around until I spotted something on the wooden wall, something in graffiti that said, “If your blood is dry, you will die.” I joked around and me and my two friends laughed about it because it sounded ridiculous and didn’t even make any sense. We walked out and went towards the tables that were sorted right in front of the stage. My other classmates made their way to the tables and sat down, I was also going to sit next to my friends until I spotted the weird kid from earlier getting closer to me. I watched him from the corner of my eyes, wondering what he might be doing. Once I fully turned around I noticed that the kid was looking at a boy from my group. I thought to myself, “what is happening? Is he going to do something..?” I got anxious because I realised this game is all about surviving. But then, the boy from my group sat down and the little kid turned his gaze towards me. It sent shivers down my spine and suddenly he approached to me, slowly. My eyes shifted down to his hand that was swinging something, it seemed like a red string in where a razor blade is attached to. I made me even more scared. I backed up and looked at the little boy in confusion. “Am I going to die?” Was what I kept asking to myself in my head. I backed up and backed up until I was on the stage. Suddenly the little kid aimed at my leg a sliced the razor blade through my flesh. At first I didn’t feel anything because of the shock but later it started to burn like hell. I grimaced and groaned in pain, trying to move away but he kept aiming at my leg until I fell down. Once I was lying on the floor, all helpless, he swung the string and let the blade slice through my arm, over and over until my the whole side of my body was covered in cuts. I started to cry in pain, my whole body was burning in agony. I tried to crawl away until the little boy started to talk, he said he would change the blade into a men’s razor blade—a much bigger one. I got even more scared and tried my best to crawl away from him until he leaned down and grabbed my wrist. He took the blade and cut my wrist open, the whole blood was flooding out like a waterfall. After that, I woke up. I have never felt so much pain in my life despite it being a dream.

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