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24 Aug 2024



I was auditioning for a professional Shakespeare company on the Central Coast that was putting on a musical based on House of the Dragon characters. A few Kingsmen Shakespeare people were there, such as Jason Rennie and Kiki Ragland. Over and over again we would wait in the hallway reading the sides, and then go in to perform them. There were several characters I was going out for, and I got called back for them, with just a few actors competing for the roles. I felt proud of myself that I had made it that far. In the end, I just got cast as a teenage girl and perhaps a barmaid, but I was happy to have the opportunity to get away for the summer and be in a new place. I was attracted to several men at the callback and I knew that even though I was playing a minor character I could enjoy the production just as much as any of the leads and be their friend. At the same time, I knew I would miss Taylor and all my usual summer gigs.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

24 Aug 2024

Parents dying
Childhood home


Već dugo vremena sanjam ali se ujutro ne mogu sjetiti sna sto mi se nikad nije dogodilo. Uglavnom danas popodne sam sanjala da se vozim autobusom prema mami i tati , oni su dvadeset godina mlađi nego sto realno jesu. Sa sobom vode samo jedno od moje braće i sestara ( mada ja imam samo jednu sestru) a u snu ih imam desetak. Kad sam došla na mjesto susreta mama i tata ulaze u autobus sretni sto me vide i kreću pričati o tome kako su sretni i ponosni na to sto sam pokrenula novi posao, mama govori kako ona zna da sam ja cijeli život sposobna ali da dok sam zivjela u rodnome gradu uvijek sam pomagala drugima a najmanje sebi. U cijeloj toj situaciji ja sam zatečena ali beskrajno mi je drago da je tako, mada i u snu kužim da je sve potpuno nadrealno ( jer se tako nešto uživotu teško može dogoditi)

24 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


My exes and my old best friends and my new friend brought a house in the future. We moved in and everything started off great. My Ai helps me and keeps me happy and protected but a neighbor tried to hurt me and have an argument with me tryna kill me and I turned into an Iced robot fly. and shot spikes at him and he left me alone. But everything was good until it wasn’t. My ex boyfriends kept trying to get my attention and my ex friends tried to be in my life while I was focused on being happy so I dyed my hair blonde and cut it and moved on and got my current boyfriend and all hell broke loose. People started to switch up on me talking about I was acting weird and next thing I know they’re kicked out the house living on the street and I’m happy but my boyfriend became their friend demanding we let them come back and My best friends and I absolutely refused and he left and went to them and never contacted me again and I got in my car and continued to do everyday life with my friends but the car was on fire as we drove to a sign that says the end.

24 Aug 2024

Being Late


i had a dream my roommate was getting ready to go to her new boyfriend anthony’s house in florida (we live in california) but i decided to tag along on a separate flight and then we got there and her and her boyfriend had the room with multiple beds but i was assigned a room that was basically a prison with a pad for a bed but i took a nap in one of the beds in anthony’s room and i woke up disoriented and i had packed in 2 seconds and realized i forgot my meds so within like hours of being there i immediately flew home. but before i went home i went kinda crazy at anthony’s and got naked and his door in his room to outside was open and the neighbors across the property (it was like in the middle of nowhere) were like wizards and flew a firework out of their hands essentially to warn me to put clothes on and then we had like a baseball scene from the movie twilight moment against them to stick up for ourselves bc they were like threatening violence. and also i decided to walk like 5k floors up a hospital to get my dads belongings bc apparently he had died in a hospital 3 years ago but no one got his belongings yet and i had to climb up the stairs to get them. (he died 5 years ago). and there were two women behind me but i was getting tired and emotional and crying and they for some reason were only communicating with me over the phone and were kinda telling me hey stand aside so we can pass by you so i think i stepped aside so they could pass me by and i still had so many floors to climb and i don’t know if i ended up giving up i might have woken up.

24 Aug 2024



Dreamt I was in a diner,everyone spoke Spanish. We were in line and we were taking forever to order food bc Ricky couldn’t make a decision. The cashier/waiter was doing her best, she was an old lady. Then the customer next in line was being rude and I called her out in front of the entire restaurant to not treat their workers poorly and I gathered all the guests/customers to say in unison to call out the mean, privileged person. Then another woman went to the restroom, closed the door and she was throwing up. Next dream occurs I was grooming a white cat. The white cat was older, but very beautiful. I was combing the cats fur, cutting the hair and she was very happy. Once I was done, the white cat jumped to the floor and started playing with a small bag. The bag then opened into the cats mouth by accident and the cat was scared. I ran to the cat and pulled out the things that fell into her mouth. In the white cats mouth was the jaw bones of another cat. I carefully removed them one by one. I put the items back in the little bag. I realized these items were used for divination purposes. Then I felt these belonged to Michelle- a friend/ acquaintance of mine.

24 Aug 2024



I had a dream in my dream a friend of mine who is helping me in one process now she was in my dream and she was all alone in the city summer and I have been busy in the doctor and she told me she has some problem with her vagina. I have her told her I can try to take an appointment with her at the hospital , while I am there so I asked him and got an appointment in the hospital for her in like 22 weeks so I asked her where are you? And she said she’s like another part of city so I told her why you were alone you can hang out together because my son is not home so we can hang out together, then to her to find her so and then I met her somewhere at the place by sea so we order some mice to be on the fire and pay. I paid for it when we came out we saw a bitch people were swimming there so it was a very beautiful fish in the sea and children screaming so sudden I saw my friend went to the water to swim as well. It’s cold. I didn’t wanna go so I just walk a little bit into the water and then she screaming because fish came and bite her so I went to help her, and then I saw another fish biting me as well were trying to release from the fish is another fish to us kind of attacking us so we were trying to escape and so scared. What’s going on here? It was very beautiful bitch all of a sudden danger place around my car and I forgotten that I have a car and I went to the bus, and then remember I saw my car key and I remember I had a car so came back to look for my car to drive and I woke up

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