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25 Aug 2024



I had a nightmare my best friend (we’re in high school) killed someone and so I had to go through this long process of killing her for it as revenge because I was forced to even though I didn’t know who it was. And we killed her by a piano falling on her. For some reason I didn’t cry, but my great grandma and my dog somehow also ended up being dead. And I went home, my dad and I talked for a bit and my friend made a group chat. I missed Merideth (the friend I had) and for some reason I could see the ghost of my dog and not her or my grandma, who gave me clothes for high school before she died. (I also remember at the very beginning something about high school being a 2 hours and 44 minute bus ride for me, which I wasn’t complaining about. So eventually I ended up asking my dad why I could see Libby (my dog) and not Merideth (my best friend) ‘s ghost, and he said he didn’t know so I messaged her old account thinking maybe I could get an answer despite her being dead. And she messaged back, “don’t you know, I’m not her….” And I woke up.

25 Aug 2024



I was in a car with someone that looked like a woman but was more of a like troll. There was a driver driving us. I was initially in the passenger seat, then I was kinda hanging out the window and nearly asked the driver to slow down before I said never mind and the moved to the backseat. Something suddenly happened and then before I knew it the troll was mad at me before I realized it was our chance to escape in the woods (we were on the highway and something happened to where we were on the side of the road suddenly). We kept whispering to try to keep track of each other and the driver was suddenly hunting us. We got deep into the woods until it started to get dark and then it seemed like the hunter would give up. I got under the covers of a blanket when I realized the hunter was near and then I tried telling the troll to do the same. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t be quiet under the blanket. The hunter stepped on me trying to get to her and the pain made me move inevitably blowing my cover. The hunter pressed something sharp into my back in my ribs area while shouting something angrily at me. The object he was holding was physically hurting me




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

25 Aug 2024

Demon possession


I JUST HAD THE COOLEST DREAM EVER. I mean it was super scary but it was so freakin cool!!! I’m not sure what all I’m aloud to say since they were like “It’s not safe to be too honest” But basically there’s this super cool Oni demon guy and I was so happy to see him again but bro was like “GUEL STAWP IM TORURTING U DONT GET EXCITED” but like I can’t stop myself from being happy? Like yay! He said he’s not completely horrible and that I’ve taught him a lot about himself so he’s decided to help me a little. It was super funny cause he was doing his normal trying to scare the shit outta me routine, and I was doin my normal cussin him out thing and then outta no where I woke and I was like OH AHIT YOUR THAT DEMON GUY I TALKED TO AND HE WAS LIKE AYYYY YOU REMEMBER ME. truly I’m so happy though I guess normal people shouldn’t be this excited to see one of there bullies. I just hope he meant it when he said he’d have a tea party with me one day. He explained to me how people aren’t really supposed to lie in this real or they turn into monsters and that’s how higher beings started realizing I wasn’t lying about who I was or what I was going through- or apparently I was vague enough with my description to forgo to normal body metomorphesis. Tho Mr demon guy was all like, “Just cause ur mind and soul can withstand the amount of fear and torment you receive here, doesn’t mean your human vessel can. He said that’s why I keep shaking so bad is cause apparently I’m a lot more scared rn then I realize. Also!! Demons are like super duper cool. They totally infultrated Christianity or maybe it was always like that?? Anyways apparently saying Amen is like a demons name? Amon? So cool. Like maybe one of truth? Idk ig I gotta study more. It makes me really sad to see me dad suffer in the dream but when I woke demon guy said not to worry that that was just an illusion for visualization purposes but that I should try to avoid thinking about my human parents fate. Apparently it’s a crime to hurt beings like me? They say I really gotta keep eatting cause I’m outgrowing my vessel rn and it’s important to take care of myself. Also to tell the truth! I feel like I’m listening to a bedtime story it’s so cool!

25 Aug 2024



I was sitting in a mall in my mom's lap on the bench outside a cafe. All of the stray kids were working in the cafe. I know stray kids as they are my cousin's brothers. I was sitting on my mom's lap and using my phone when I saw Hyunjin sitting down. He was waiting to welcome customers to come into the shop. I looked at him but got embarrassed that I was sitting on my mom's Lap so I got off and sat on my chair. Then me and my mom ordered something from the cafe. My mom got tea and I got a croissant. It looked like a very cool mint cafe. The croissant was glazed with A turquoise mint colour. It was rolled up. I was about to eat it when I accidentally dropped it and it rolled on the floor. Hyunjin and Felix saw and I felt guilty. Hyunjin told me its ok and he and Lee Know went to clean it. Felix noticed how sad I was and came up to me and brought me to a corner of the cafe. He told me it was okay that I dropped it and made me another one to eat. After eating me and my mom were got ready to leave. I thanked all the members, especially Danceracha. The others left to attend to the other customers. I held Felix by the wrist. I asked him “Can you give me a hug”. He also needed to go attend to The customers but still. Looked me in the eyes, said “사랑해”, gave me a fast hug patted my back, and left. Me and my mom also left.

25 Aug 2024



Last night I had a dream that’s a variant of many similar dreams lately. I was sitting in a cafè having coffee with someone, I don’t know who but I know that it was a friend or acquaintance and I was waiting to go to the airport. I don’t remember where I was going just that it was very important. Someone asks me (actually I think it was my husband) when my flight is and I said 15.45 so I gave still lots of time. We sit, chatting and then I say, maybe I need to go get my bags and start getting ready. When I’m there packing the bags I see my phone has been on “do not disturb” so I switch it on and notifications about my flight start pouring in from an hour before. I then understand that I remembered badly, the flight was a connecting one and the second flight were to leave at 15.45 but the first one was at 13.30! I panic, I HAVE to get to my destination, it’s so important, people are counting on me, oh my god what am I doing, why am I so distracted? I usually have total control about things! Weird enough I’m more or less at the airport and I need to find the office of the airline so they can maybe help me get to the connecting flight or change it to a direct one and I just need to add the money. I’m searching for the office, asking people for directions and some just look at me blankly, then finally outside a pharmacy a lady tells me it’s just around the corner. I turn the corner but just see a restaurant. I ask the lady again and she says, no it’s there, just look closer, I don’t think you’re looking. I go back and I see it, it’s right there. I go to open the door and I have to look down because the step is at a weird height and when I look up again I wake up. This is a variant of other dreams with the same sense of urgency and getting to a certain secret destination that’s vital for me and my kids. My husband is usually there but never helps, sometimes he even makes it worse by going the wrong way taking the kids with him or not listening when I call for him/them. He usually never looks at me or talks to me, like I’m not there. Usually I need to get to a bus, or a train or a flight and I loose my direction or there are obstacles in the way (stairs that change where they end, or by crossing the street I end up five blocks further away, by opening a door I find myself in a place where I don’t know how to get out or where I even am). I always wake up before I get there or before I know I’ll make it. It’s like an elusive maze but with the stress of having to get there, almost like it’s a life or death situation. It’s extremely stressful and the dreams are filled with a lot of anxiety and frustration. I’m doing everything, like everything I can to get me (and sometimes the kids) to where I need to go but whatever I do it’s like walking through mud or being pushed further away. I’m thinking this is a metaphor for my life, someone or something being the block that keeps me held back in every way.

25 Aug 2024



Hello, DreamApp. This is This is Peter again. I'm having a great time today. My parents are away on a cruise and I'm just having a great time and I had dreams about Pink Floyd and Pokemon cards and just being at a good place and coaches dreams about Coach Mark and my dreams can kind of refer that I'm doing very well. Just thinking of different things like how I put the shock in the pool and how someone said, oh, don't put it that in that way or something and just different things the way I just get stuff done and I helped out my neighbors a lot and I'm just very pleased and very happy and so I'm very happy that I never gave up on myself and I said something very big is happening and I probably am right. So yeah, there you go. Everything is really falling into place. I got 10 more days till my parents get back from their cruise. I just am doing so good with everything. I'm very happy. My friends are happy. God is happy for me. My music's happy. I cut out my friend from Beacon College because he was dragging me down socially and you know economically and just physically. It was causing me stress so I cut him out of my life a month ago and my life has changed for the better. I'm doing my workouts again. I'm swimming. I'm just having good dreams. I'm thinking of Briggs. I'm thinking of Uncle David. I just am so blessed and I constantly thank God for all my accomplishments and how he's never given up on me and I love him so much. I'm making it work any way I can with my parents and they're very happy for me too. I'm on the verge of something big and this is the turnaround moment. This is it. It's getting better from here. It's all uphill from here and I tell you man it's happening and I'm so happy that I never gave up on myself and Coach Mark was the one that believed in me when no one else did and I'm just happy. I'm just happy that I'm still here, still alive and still breathing and I'm just very very happy and it took a while to get here but I'm at that status again and I just thank everything and everyone and especially Rafa Mowin from the app. He was a dream expert and he said very good job Jeffrey. You're on the right path and he even said it in my dream three nights ago on the 17th or whatever it was 21st or 22nd and I said that's Rafa speaking to me and he's saying even I'm doing very well. He says congratulations you've made it just like the Dark Knight references. Thank you. Amen. You either live a hero or you either die a hero. You live long enough to see yourself become the villain. And then they say it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you. And that's what the Batman Begins was saying. I watched Batman and the Dark Knight and I have a lot of happy traits going on right now. I've got a good house and a good family and a good security system. I've got good pornography. I've got good music. I've got good movies. I've got good friends. I'm just very happy. And this is the turnaround year of my life. And I'm going to make it so that I keep on making it and I never, never, never give up. Never submit to failure. This is my moment. I am shining brighter than ever before. Amen. Thank you. Uncle David would say, dear boy, I'm so glad you never gave up. He says, automaton, automaton, like the joke about like the robots. But he would be saying, dear boy, I'm so proud of you. He says, look at all you've done. And he's looking down on me and so are my ancestors. They're cheering for me. They're not going to let anything happen to me. They're just and just like Trump about that thing that happened back in last month. I won't say it. He rose above that, that very hard, challenging moment. And if he can do it, so can I. And it pushed me in that direction to never give up on myself, to always go to my accomplishments and to be even more determined and devoted and dedicated to my personal, spiritual and absolute physical growth so that I never fall back into that category again of failure. Because I want to succeed as much as humanly possible. And Uncle David would be so proud. And I know he's looking down on me and he's saying, dear boy, I'm so happy for you. I'm so happy. And so is Briggs. So is my grandparents and my other grandparents and JF and all those other, you know, family members. And I'm just really happy. I'm climbing out of that pit. I've finally gotten out of it, it looks like. We're at the precipice of climbing out of it, the preemptive struggle. And now I think I'm seeing the light. I am seeing myself conquer all my demons and overcome obstacles with sheer, pure and determined class like never before. Supreme and superior status has been reached. Amen.

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