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29 Jul 2024



Suicidal Vtuber girl There was a girl, her hair is brown wolf cut, I always wanted a wolf cut, her eyes are black, her face is smooth beautiful, she is wearing a brown dress, but she was kidnapped and tortured, she wants to die, she is locked in a room pure white blank, first she tried to cut her hair using a sword thinking that they'll leave her alone if she looks ugly, but the sword is not sharp enough to cut her hair, she then tries to slay and kill herself but it didn't even penetrate her skin, then I came to her and gave her my sharpest sword, but no sword will be able to kill her, and she will always suffer, she cries tears down.

29 Jul 2024

Abandoned home
Car Crash


In this dream i had to tell a story to some kids in a gypsy like shop that i owned and i told the story of how my lover named jack in the dream died he was played by a guy that i dated in highschool named Josh that i have always had a weird dream connection with. It faded out of the shop and into the story, there was a big bad man of town that everyone was afraid of and it got to the point where the people of the town were scared to do or say anything because he was so unhinged. When the shop faded away i was in a huge nice empty house almost apocolypitic and the bad guy knocked on the door, i didnt answer because i knew nothing good would come of it but the door was one of those doors with the long glass sides and he saw me. I immediately pulled out my phone to call 911 until it was dark outside and my fingers kept slipping and i couldnt get out of this long scene. The bad man cameback i tried to escape from the back door the scene jump cut and the bad men had caught me and i was in a tall parking garage and there were other people of the town being held hostage there some were knelt down and blindfolded and he was shooting them, I saw an opportunity to get away and ran to a car that happened to be running and in this dream i couldnt drive i had just never learned, I put it in reverse not understanding and ran through the parking garage barricade which was a couple floors up from the bottom so it was a big crash down to the first floor, my ears were ringing and i was out of it. The bad men where running down and i was able to get up and find another car, the bad men finally got down to the 1st floor and were assessing the car, the car was so mangled that they had to get close to see if i was still in there, so while they were confused and looking i just in a maserati and i still cant drive but this time i figure it out and drive off, somehow i heard of this safe place it was the towns elementary school, other people of the towns homes were boarded up and the school was boarded up, I had gone to the school specifically looking for Jack and when i got there Jack ran out hugging and kissing me desperately in relief so we went inside and were sitting of the floor of a class room there were other people and we were catching up on everything that happened. I guess i had lead the bad men to the school and while we were all huddled and whispering they had set up dynimite around the school. Im not sure how we found this out but at this point i remember that the leader hates Jack but Jack never told me why. So of course at this point everyone is panicking and trying to figure out what to do, but there’s seemingly no way out but Jack and i remember as kids we had a way we would sneak out but only we can go out that way for some reson and so Jack and I make a dsh for it and make sure we dont see any bad men so after confirming no bad men we are full on sprinting across an open field to a treeline, one bad man spots us and radios it in to the leader and he come sprinting after Jack specifically, i had a weird thought that i think the leader is actually Jacks dad and thats why he doesnt want to tell me about their issue and a really tall heavy set guy comes chasing me at this point we’re still closer to the building then the treeline and as we’re all sprinting the building explodes and I see as im falling Jack and the leader poof into fine gold dust, in this dream world that is just a weird as the normal world no one has ever died like that, I feel the deepest pit in my stomach my throat it tight and the only think i can relate it too is the feeling you get from your first heartbreak so as i fall the heavy set man behind me falls dead onto me protecting me from the full blast of the explosion, I crawled from under him and I run to where Jack and the leaders bodies should be and i just cry and cry kneeling on the ground, the story zooms out and fades back into me older in age telling the story to the children in my shop and the dream ended but in a previous dream I would where wear this neckless with gold dust in it trying to learn about the special dust and trying to see if theres someone who knows where Jack went or how to bring him back with this dust… but im scared that maybe Jack was actually obliterated or the dust is his and the bad man and if i follow that trail i may bring him back instead of Jack.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

29 Jul 2024



I was watching a movie with my mom, sister, and grandpa when I looked down and I saw it was 3:10 pm. I was supposed to be at work at 3:00 pm. I jumped up and started freaking out, trying to get ready. I kept trying to call my job and it wasn’t going through so my sister called on her phone and I told them what was happening before running to the bathroom. I had to take a shower with my uncle for some reason. I had a walkie talkie from work and I was updating my manager through it. After getting dressed, I ran out to my car and my mom yelled out to stop me saying I wasn’t going anywhere. I was confused and said that I would be going to work and she kept saying no. Then I saw people trying to Hotwire my car and freaked out. I started crying and told them that if they were going to take my car, to at least use the key. They swatted the key out of my hand and drove off with my car. I told my manager over the walkie that they took my car and that I couldn’t make it while crying.

29 Jul 2024



I had a dream about a kid in my class named Lukas he texted me hey wanna go to king pins and I said yes so he called and Uber and we watched a 70s movie on the way to the bowling place when we got their I bowled a bit till My Parents came and scolded me for not asking them to go then I left my phone there so I had to sneak back And grab it Lukas wasn’t as good friends with me as we were before in the dream I had another dream that day that was extremely believable it about a giant giant asteroid that would reach earth in a day and the asteroid was so powerful that it would End the world on impact I called all of my family crying asking them to come so I could hold their hand when the asteroid fell but they didn’t seem to care or panic as much as I did I was getting more anxiety by the second of the day in the dream and then my parents were having a part on there deck and I saw the asteroid coming down and it was so powerful it flinged people a bit and people were grabbing the deck railing and swinging repeatedly I ran super fast into the house sliding open the rattling and rapidly Shaking sliding glass door and the house was shaking extremely the word didn’t end but the world was without internet for a couple minutes

29 Jul 2024



At my house, there was a unique moon, a unusual moon that seemingly not a moon, but it looks like a black ball with some purple lines circling around it, but not a whole circle, but when from afar it looks like a whole circle, then theres like a weird star around it? The star moves, just like.. An organism called hydroids, it's pretty, i rushed in my house to grab my phone, a little bit distracted by something before realizing i'm in the house to grab my phone to get out and take a picture of the moon, the 'moon' is huge, it glows just like the actual moon does, around it there's a rainbow prism light, looks very pretty, i admired it and took a picture, which i am surprised that the quality was so good, and it can zoom pretty much likely like a telescope, and after it's done i came back to my house wander around the garage before getting suspicious by a man that walks near that, turns out it's just Mr. Yuli, a friend my mom and dad, they talked to Mr. Yuli, and i rushed back inside home playing with my phone

29 Jul 2024



In my old apartment; I lived on tbe 3rd floor. I was in the kitchen making dinner for myself. It was some type of meat , vegetables and mash potatoes. The mash potatoes were very noticeable compared to the other things. Dinner was a little messy so I decided to go take a shower. Before, during and after the shower I noticed this dark shadow popping up and staring in my line of view. When I look it’ll quickly look away. Putting on my clothes and putting the food away. There was a knock on the back door, this is a privately own building so there should be no one here or no one who can get up here. I yell “Who is it!” And the voice said “Daddy” I wasn’t thrilled nor wanted to open the door for the nigga. But he got antsy and kept rushing for me to open the door. Okay sure, the min I open the door I was attacked by someone who wasn’t who they said they were. They had on all black and no face but you can tell that they were angry. Almost automatically my instinct kicked in and it felt so real. It was shouting things too me but it was all in a language I couldn’t understand. Finally I kill it and leave the house immediately. From then on up until I got to my friends store, at my friends store there was no one there, but I was fully expected then to kiss me. I am armed at this point, tired and confused. They all pop out from the back scared at how I looked but relieved to see me. They seem to be confused as I am about what is happening. Because customers were asking for me with a blank look in their eyes, when they told the customers that they couldn’t tell them that. That blank stare quickly turned back normal saying that “It’s okay we’ll find em! Just wanted to give them a present that’s all!” I looked at them in disbelief that’s when my male friend phone goes off. And it’s a direct kill order FOR ME from the entirety of the Divine 9 organization. “Kill on sight; Bring back body” I was expecting the male friend to turn but the kill order took no affect on him. That’s when all hell broke loose. As me and my friends are trying to escape to one of their safe houses all trying not to get killed or get me killed. Adopted family, Divine 9 are trying to kill me. I managed to hold my own for a good min until we got to the safe house. And my friends safe house was a FORTRESS. We were looking for answers and there was nun. Just the knocking of people trying to get in and kill me. She noted that she is below a hotel and it’s usually empty so let’s go because the Safehouse ain’t suitable for staying in over night. When we got in the hotel it looks like my current job working at Courtyard Marriot Albion. And the front desk person look like she wanted to just launch at me but had to keep it together because the friends I had, restrained people for just a second with their presence from killing me. She told us that our room is on the 8th floor. We got in the elevator and heard the front desk lady DART to the elevator. It closed and started going up smoothly but fastly passing floor after floor. Once it was getting close to the 8th floor we were getting ready to go, then 9,10,11th then the elevator started to speed. My guy friend destroyed the panel and we were not stuck. Other friend began to climb and search for a way out, we climb down to the 8th floor and got to our room. Opening the door~I wake up from the dream.

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