Dream interpretation about Man, Phone, Rainbow
At my house, there was a unique moon, a unusual moon that seemingly not a moon, but it looks like a black ball with some purple lines circling around it, but not a whole circle, but when from afar it looks like a whole circle, then theres like a weird star around it? The star moves, just like.. An organism called hydroids, it's pretty, i rushed in my house to grab my phone, a little bit distracted by something before realizing i'm in the house to grab my phone to get out and take a picture of the moon, the 'moon' is huge, it glows just like the actual moon does, around it there's a rainbow prism light, looks very pretty, i admired it and took a picture, which i am surprised that the quality was so good, and it can zoom pretty much likely like a telescope, and after it's done i came back to my house wander around the garage before getting suspicious by a man that walks near that, turns out it's just Mr. Yuli, a friend my mom and dad, they talked to Mr. Yuli, and i rushed back inside home playing with my phone
Dream date:
29 Jul 2024
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