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31 Jul 2024



My dream was during a world war and I was desperately trying to find my son (I never dream about him he never exists it’s weird) and we were with my ex family at a British royal household. Before the war broke out we were all enjoying our time there exploring the house but parts were closed off and I was caught walking through a restricted dining area where a British princess and her children arrived. The aircraft bombers came and started dropping bombs and all the British royals locked the best safe places for themselves and left us all outside. I was scrambling for food and water in the house to take down to a basement I found. But my son wouldn’t come to the basement. The steps down were so dangerous and really spaced out and they had grand sofas on each level. You couldn’t see the bottom of the spiral staircase down to the basement. I never reached it and woke up.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

31 Jul 2024

Old boss


I dream I was talking to my old boss on the phone about open positions available then the next thing I remember was I was at my job. My old job in the room kinda looked different. I had My Niece with me and she was playing when I looked at her. She had a whole in her head, her eye was damaged. I was trying to call 911 but I kept looking at the phone going through the apps looking for the 911 button. I kept on saying her mother is gonna be so mad. I got to take her to the hospital on my way out the door, I noticed that everything looked different. It really didn’t look like my old job. It looked like I was somewhere else that I was with Was talking about something else and I was telling her to call 911 so we can get My Niece some help cause she was injured really badly and then I knew it was a dream all of a sudden and I started to try to wake myself up

31 Jul 2024



I was in an apartment similar to my childhood home. My estranged brother was there but I was trying to avoid him. I remember chitchatting with my eldest sister and her boyfriend. It seems like a lot of was at the house I can’t remember now what we were doing there. But my family was there. Later on I was in a library getting research and a paper done. I was constantly looking for the right table to sit at that had the right number outlets I needed. My estranged brother was in the dream and I was trying to avoid wherever he was sitting because I don’t speak to him anymore and he’s very condescending and patronizing. He was working on something to write. Wherever he was considering about sitting I would immediately left to avoid him. Later on in the dream I reconnected with one of my close friends in college, Tia. It was after church and idk why I was at the church but I was there. I think I needed a ride back home. She was pregnant with her 2nd child I asked her what gender she was having she mentioned another boy. I gave her a hug cause I know she wanted a girl but she was fine with it. Her current son was going into 5th grade. I was so happy for her. She was waiting for other friends to be ready to leave but they were taking so long. So we decided to pack up our stuff and head out. We got all our stuff together she got her husband’s bag ready so when she picks him up he can just grab it. She had her, my and his book bag out and his wallet. I told her I’ll put his wallet inside the front pocket of the book bag so it won’t fly away based on where the bags were going to be placed on the car. It was like a Cadillac car with the top down. The place we were leaving was a mess we were organizing what we can. I remember going back for a couple of water glasses of mine she put away to be cleaned I took those and put it in a plastic bag to go back home with she was worried I was going to make her late. I quickly gathered the remaining things together Then we hopped into the car and left.

31 Jul 2024



Last night I had the most amazing dream. 1 was at work, but not work as it is today in the new office as a contractor, but in the old office building like when I was a salaried employee, who was a part of the EY family, with my own personal space, (this was the version of my job where I was the happiest). I wasn't doing anything, just going about my work, when I was approached by one of the managing partners, apparently they had read something I'd written or heard something I'd said during a meeting they wanted me to explain it further in a companywide conference call. 1 had something to do with Dietrich Bonhoeffer bringing together my seminary training with my real world work experience. It turned out this partner was part of the Bonhoeffer Society which probably explains why they understood the significance of what I had said. And now they asked me to be a part of an online discussion and explain my thoughts with staff from other offices. I went to my tube and sat down I was surrounded by laptops open with screens showing people from different offices, but not only this a group had gathered around my cube to hear this meeting as well. did my best to get through my thoughts with the man interviewing me from the main screen. He was a black man with a salt and pepper afro and a roundish pleasant face. I remember adjusting the screen and switching monitors so people could see and hear me properly as I shared my thoughts. There were constant questions from people standing around the cube, so I couldn't honestly tell you if I ever finished what I was trying to say in the interview, but they were all such good question coming from people who were truly engaged with my ideas. I knew that nobody was disappointed, least of all me. After this meeting an older woman approached me and asked if we could speak somewhere more private I said yes, and took her into the tax processing/reprographics room that is at the center of the office, the door is very close to my old desk. Less people walk through there. The first question out of her mouth is "if you could do anything you wanted and time and money were not an issue, what would that be?" I moved our location a couple of times, so I we could hear each other better, because I knew something amazing was about to happen and I wanted to hear what she was saying fully and wanted her to be able to hear me, 1 knew this was important, 1 was about to get some amazing lifechanging offer. All of my thoughts and ideas which I've had but never realized came flooding to my mind. She explained that I had never been a leader before, until now, but all of that was about to change, and I would have people who cared about my ideas helping me to make them happen because they believe in them and they believe in me. This dream is a picture of my ideal life, where 1 am seen, heard, understood, and respected. Where people think 1 matter - it is the exact opposite of my waking reality. I woke up feeling euphoric, wondering if life could ever be that good, and how long 1 could enjoy this feeling before the afterglow of my dream is sapped by the realities of my everyday existence.

31 Jul 2024



We were in this strange building with the man who lived in it, and he was the one who designed it. He was a little peculiar man. His face had an intense look and his small short hairs, were moving up, making him look a bit chaotic. We were just walking around in his house. The walls were this darker Grey color, and on one side, in the wall there were this large spiral staircase going into the roof and to the next floor. That was behind the wall again. On the other side there was a flatter staircase with glass around it for safety. The steps were like a bridge. We moved with him trough it and it was a tiny bit wobbly. We talked about how if we would fall we would be dead. As it was such a huge building with many rooms all over. He said that it was meant to be safe. When we got up we were on the whole other side of that room and up into another part of the house. We went out on the other side of the stairs. In here we saw under this staircase in a corner there was a tv place. Another corner had a small kitchen. We kept walking after finding another staircase leading to a whole other small part of the house. And it seemed that this house was endless.

31 Jul 2024



I had a dream I had Grown up in some unknown town But it looks similar to Rocky Mount so as me and my cousin jay is driving around, I see a body part on the ground then I called the cops as one of the cops pulled up to me they said they was gonna need to take me in for questioning and I said OK and that’s when they gave me an escort so as there was escorting me back to the police station so me and my cousin got to the police station. The cops had turned around for some unknown reason and went back the other way, but me and my cousin did a race to see who get to the police station the fastest and that’s when we ran across field and that’s what I had my other two cousins joined in and thats when they raced us both and then my cousin Jay made it there first and I was still outside messing around with my other cousins that’s when they left and I walked on the side of the road to get to the police station as I got into the police station, I didn’t see nobody in there then that’s when I looked through a glass door and saw a woman sitting there I knocked on her door and she said come in As I was going in, I brought a table with me. I don’t know why then she told me to check in She randomly said here’s my Twitter and she was so kind but then I realized that we teleported in to a glass phone booth and that’s when I looked out the window and I saw tornado and I screamed a tornado and I said I was going to run but she told me about tornadoes and their wind and said I was gonna get picked up by it so I stayed put but then that’s when the tornado came my way picked it up a little bit then I prayed for Jesus and that’s when the tornado went away but as I looked up the tornado started forming again and as it picked me back up I fell out because it ripped the top of the booth off and I was headed for a house but didn’t know the house I caught on to the porch railing and ran in the house as quickly then I saw a basement and I ran down there I was worried about a light but there was already a white light down there and when I was going down there, I saw the white light, but I sat on the stairs and then that’s when I saw a shadow run by me and that’s when I ran to the light and it was a window and I was confused so I’m sitting there on boards floating on top of another floor below me there was things were floating and rolling around me and there was a two dogs to the left of me when I looked, and then I looked around for something to break the window, and I grabbed a screw that was in the dogs mouth and grabbed it and that’s when I woke up

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