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31 Jul 2024



(real life) : so this all started when I woke up at 6 AM and my friend Liv text me and ask if I would get with langston again bc he wants to and i sent a bunch a audio messages explaining why i don’t think i would. then i fall asleep and my dream starts : OK, so basically first, in my dream my some of friends/ish call me really early in the morning and then let Maddi come over. We need to tell you something come over to my house and so I decide to go and then they tell me that this boy that I kissed a month ago wants to get with me again. my answer is very like hesitant like no because last time like I thought it was a good idea, but then after like I hated having to like tell people and stuff like I was kind of embarrassed a little and also I found out that he was talking to another girl and my best friend too. This is in real life, but then I in my dream when I was asked with him again, I said no so yeah. and then I realize that I never told my parents that I left the house and I just went so I was getting super nervous and was planning back into my house so they would never know that I left and get mad at me that I never told them. then I think I woke up and fell back asleep. I was somewhere and my friend Brynn asked me again if I would get with this boy and again like I still kind of have the same answer but then the boy comes over and is like takes like both of my hands like do you want to do this or like I feel bad because like I want to say no but like he’s standing right there and I’m hesitant and I’m like I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t think I can like it’s complicated. he’s like What do you mean and i’m like stuff like certain things i don’t want to step on any toes. and he was like oh Jamie ? (bc jamie used to want to gw me) and I’m like no ? i meant sami who was my friend who gw him months ago but he was also talking to someone and lied to her. but anyway so he said Don’t worry. and i said like no like I don’t know like I just don’t think I can like I don’t I don’t know. then later there’s like a party or something and as a compromise I like say we can just go like sit together and like the basement and like cuddle or some thing so that’s what we do like watch a movie or something. I don’t know. then to get there I think we need to go in an elevator and we open it and pops out these two reality stars Serena and Cordell, who are dating on the show that I’m watching right now and real life I think they were like making out or something in there and yeah, just came out when we open the elevator. Yeah, that’s all I remember. then I my dad woke me up and I remembered the dream and I was happy that it was just a dream that he wanted to gw me again but then I realized it actually wasn’t because my friend had sent me a text this morning.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

31 Jul 2024

Parking Lot


I was in the car with my mother. She dropped me off at a parking lot and told me to call if I needed anything. She pulled off as another car pulled in. The car parked and out walked my ex’s bm. She was acting cool and she had the kids get out of the car and stand next to the car. I tried to say hi to them but their body language was morbid, like something was wrong. Seconds later I hear a tire screeching and turn to see a car turning high speed into the parking lot area. I noticed it was my ex and I looked back the kids and the bm who I knew was a snake and I took off running in the opposite direction. I was too focused on running so I kept trying to get Siri to call my mom without being too loud but Siri kept messing up or couldn’t understand me.

31 Jul 2024



I don’t remember a large portion of the dream, but there are two parts towards the end of it that I do remember — I was talking about the term “temporal drag” in an animated, somewhat manic, manner by the window sill of my apartment with my ex-best friend kai, who seemed to relate my chaotic emotions and sentiment regarding the term. To illustrate the term temporal drag I had some images which at first I thought were different from one another but were actually all just multiple different zoomed-in perspectives of the same image — a picture of my mom placing me in a tight headlock. as I am looking at the image, surprised to find that they are all the same, the scene suddenly changes. i am myself walking up the stairs of my parents apartment where i grew up, and as i was about to turn the corner i almost walked directly into an orange cat. the cat was darting down the stairs in the opposite direction as I was walking, and so i had not seen that it was there before, but luckily right before we almost collided, i stopped short. as i froze in my tracks, i gasped in fear and shock at the near collision and thats when i woke up.

31 Jul 2024

Text message


I was in a waiting room after my mom had an unexpected seizure and in the waiting room this girl Graycie, another half sibling of my little brother's, approached me in tears. She said, "I'm so sorry you've had to deal with your mother." I ask her what she means and she replies, "She's an evil bitch that's trying to step on my plans to go to Uruguay." I ask her if she has a job lined up, and she tells me yes. I respond that it sounds like she has it figured out then. My mom bounces back quickly and from where we were (we were in Lexington), Gracie started to run the opposite direction to the airport. My mom reached out her hand and cried and I held her back, and she said to me, "she's going to be so clueless when she gets there. It'll be so hard." I sighed and walked her to the car. I drove us home and then checked my phone. I went to text Graycie to message me when she landed safely. But before I could send that, I got a huge wall of text from Graycie. "It's so weird to me how you've always been mute but talkative at the same time. You could never shut up about dogs but you have not much to say about many other topics. I'm going to miss you and when I land, I think I should help you unpack your feelings about this because I know I sprung this on you. Also, can you please explain this to Peerce? My parents are going to think I abandoned him when that's far from the truth. I abandoned Kentucky for a better job because my current arrangement doesn't work for me." I respond, "the mute thing is because of my autism. Please text me when you safely land and always follow your dreams. You don't have to worry about me, I've learned to handle myself."

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