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31 Jul 2024
I was playing Minecraft with my friend. And someone else went along the name with XXX something XXX they were very beautiful with full enchanted netherrighte. They had white wings and brown long hair. I liked their outfit a lot, but despite their beauty, they were very rude, they said they got hacked and got their stuff stolen but they got their account back.
People were talking about their year.10 experiences 9 and 11 experience.Someone was talking about their year 9 experience.And I said you re lucky you don't have to do mock exams. Then a year 11 said you're lucky you don't have to do real exams.
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My ex stalking me and saying I love you to my friend
I was inside and this man said that my cat was shy. Or something and the cat needed us to come to her. Nobody wanted to come so I went to the garden with this man. And I said to him. Yeah, my cat is shy.
My friend was talking to my dad. They were both in the attic. And he gave a lecture. My friend said. Why did your dad give me a lecture? I said to her. Why did you talk to him.
There was this guy with this man bun and he said do you have hair that looks like this because most people do? There was a woman standing next to him.
The uk was below northern ireland the head was on top of it.
I was in my Grandma's house in Poland and my mum said it was empty without grandpar. I agreed it was less lively but I didn't agree. On the empty bit my brother and mum were dropping sapphire potions that looked like the test tubes in science. You could fill up the amount of drops and the default was 3. They filled it the 50 and dropped 2 I had this black test tube. It was a very good op version of the sapphire potion. It was said to be careful on the label. When I dropped the black sludge went everywhere. I was cleaning it up or trying to. But when my brother found out I was in trouble.
I was in art class catching up with my 2 friends. Because I was behind on my artwork. I was painting and my friends both sat fairly away from me. I was picking my nose and one of my friends was talking to me so I quickly stopped picking my nose.
There were blue clay figures. They were all like a family. There was clay grass and a clay brown house and a clay white tower, one of them was being for dad and the younger 1 was not buying it.
That was a blonde girl.
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