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31 Jul 2024

Best Friend


I saw my ex with his brother and my best friend was there ww talked but i was so insecure about myself i hid in a room then when i found out they left i regret not being with him more of the time then again it was my ex i saw him as a bodyguard i was coming out of the door he tripped me with his foot as a joke then i was in a building with a friend and saw him through the window in another building infront of the one i was in they were in front of it not in he was with a girl smiling then i tried to get his attention but it didn’t seem to work then i skydived from the window and he saw me and he starting talking to me he seemed interested then the dream continues but i forgot what was it about

31 Jul 2024

My crush


Bus trip with all the girls from my 6th and 7th grade One of which I had a queer crush on(Fumié) Me with the web-slinging ability again(Spider-man stuff) Departing from some kind of a foresty, yet urban place in Tokyo(Tama region or adjacent; looks a bit like Tachikawa/Kunitachi, where my grandparents and other relatives on my mother’s side of the family lives, combined and fused with Futago-Tamagawa’s vibe) From a station, very much within the 23 districts of Tokyo vibes(Probably like Kokubunji or something; suburban, almost urban) We depart after I get with a trades company that deals with Turkey, Italy and other Mediterranean countries(Turkey, Cypress, Italy, Spain, Greece, Albania, Egypt, Morocco, Libya, Morocco, Persia(Iran, but was referred to in this dream as Persia)) that sells their food and crafts like embroidered carpets, glass crafts(perfume bottles, jewelries, accessories and lamps) and such It’s raining, I’m floating around in the station mall(glass-roofed apses-like structure, trying on clothes from different shops around the shops and stalls in platform floor I mainly put on street fashion wears(something I usually don’t wear) trying to combine them with different sorts of necklaces One looks luxurious and a bit more feminine: thick, layered, braided(herringbone) chain with woven in triangular charms made of raw, purple and pink gems(amethyst and rose quartz likely) or seashells Another looks more street-ish but is still kinda bougie: pearl choker necklace with a sleek lock charm in the center I first try them stacked, then let go of the herringbone gold necklace and return it to the store I find a more grungy, 80’s outfit and I pair them with the other necklace, still finding it mismatched I find another gold necklace with simpler design But once a couple friends(Sara, Maka, Fumié, Mariko) from the friend group(Sara, Maka, Mayuka, Fumié, Mariko) calls out to me to come and leave for the bus I stop and tell them I’ll catch up Seems that Fumié left on a bus alone(or with a couple friends) while others got on another bus together I websling my way through the raining parking across street lined with concrete and glass-walled buildings and get on top of Fumié’s bus, getting in at the next stop and sitting next to or in front of her seat My other friends are looking impressed by my skills, but I can’t help but feel like I’ve sold them out for the favorable view on myself from Fumié(the one I had a crush on) The buses travels down the road of what looks like the mix of Tokyo-Kanagawa road route and one of the most commonly used routes by students to go to school back in Hakone(aside from the Hakone Tozan Railway) On the bus I observe my other friends merrily interact while having scarce but kinda meaningful(to me) conversations with Fumié myself, mostly about human behaviors and the observations we have made on our other classmates and friends(Fumié and I were two of the three more ‘mature’ ones in the friend group; these were things we discussed often) Once the bus gets to Odawara many among my friend group on the other bus suggests that we go straight to the coasts of shōnan(Fumié and a few others of the group live around Hiratsuka and Hadano and such so the coast of shōnan is just a nice close place to hang around in general) After some moments of discussion(Fumié seemed interested and detached at the same time; she didn’t care, some others were more enthusiastic, some others hesitant, worried about curfews and such because we were still technically 6th graders) I was welcoming the idea, going with the flow(Fumié commented on that, making observations) So the buses departs from this plain with scarce grasses and a hill over yonder while some of them wait at the bus stop to get on the ones that lead back home, some to get to Shōnan, while others remain on board Me and Fumié’s bus fuse with the bus that comes to take us to the foasts(likely to Hiratsuka, Kamakura or Enoshima) as it starts driving




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

31 Jul 2024

Car accident
Phone call


In this dream, I was going to Plato‘s closet with a friend of mine who I don’t know in the world, but in the dream, he was a gay man. and as we were pulling into the area to go to Plato‘s closet, it was always very claustrophobic and Like a dangerous drive turning into the parking lot it was very narrow roads and people were very reckless in this area. But we made it in after narrowly missing a car accident and we were parked in the parking lot and it was very tight parking spot. I got out of the car and for some reason I decided to leave my shoes in the car. I don’t remember why but I told myself I was just gonna go in and I would walk straight to the shoe area. Pick up some new shoes and then I would shop after I bought some new shoes. But upon getting into the store I take like two steps into the shopping area and I looked down at the flattened blue carpet that looked like a matted old dirty office carpet that hadn’t been cleaned in years and decided no way on that. I Went to the front desk where my friend Megan worked and she is somebody that I went to high school with and church with as a kid and I keep occasionally in contact with now. I asked her if she would mind grabbing me a pair of shoes because my shoes had broke on the way there which is not true they did not break. I know that that’s not the reason I wasn’t wearing shoes, but I didn’t want her to judge me. I don’t even remember what the reason would be. so she comes back after a long time, all of the shoes she grabbed were a size 8 like I asked for but in men’s and none of them fit. We ended up talking to her coworker that I didn’t know. we were talking about this girl Katlyn that I in my dreamworld had dated at one point. Katlyn really exists. We went to church together as kids too. We are not in contact and we definitely never dated. I never saw her like that. after talking for hours, we decided that we were going to go downtown and we were going to head over to this one lounge area. In this downtown that we were going to is like the downtown that I grew up in and the Plato’s closet in my dream does not exist in the world, but the downtown area does. so we decided instead of grabbing shoes they would just carry me so I sit on the shoulders of Megan and this friend of mine that I came with and they carry me on their shoulders. I’m facing behind them as we’re walking. And we see a man in a wheelchair and it’s dark outside and I know that anytime there’s a man outside and there’s women at night. You should avoid eye contact so we all just ignore him. We talk a little bit to pretend like we didn’t see him can’t hear him, but he starts following us and he starts yelling after us. we’re ignoring him and then he starts to wheel after us faster so we start running and I’m still on their shoulders this whole time and he stands up out of his wheelchair and starts running after us and he is yelling after us, yelling all these threats so I get out my phone and I start taking pictures of him and call 911 when I get on the phone with 911 they’re asking all these pointless questions and I’m like begging her to come help us and she’s like ignoring my questions like she’s not taking me serious and she’s asking all these pointless things like who’s in my household and I tell her who’s in my household and then she asked me who is at my house right now. I remember my mom had taken in three displaced kids. she asked me what their names are and I said I don’t know they just got there. I haven’t gotten a chance to get to know them. I don’t remember what their names are. She was annoyed that I didn’t know. She asked if they had brought anything with them. I told her a towing trailer and she asked me what the license plate number of it was. I said I don’t know and snapped asking her what this has to do with my situation. I’m being chased. Please help like he’s catching up to us. We get around the corner of the downtown area we run up to the old fire house and there’s a bunch of fireman out there so we run to them begging them for help and they’re like well. “We’re busy right now. Since it’s 4th of July we don’t have time to help. You should just call the police.” I say “We tried to call the police. Please I’m begging help he’s going to kill us” and he shrugs and says “ no sorry” so we keep running and at this point we start gathering more people with us that we kind of knew from school and they start running with us because no one can help us. we end up running back to Plato‘s closet because it’s too scary and no one‘s willing to help us so we get back in Plato‘s closet and we barely get into the building. We close the door. We lock the door and it’s a very old building. It’s rickety. It’s not very sturdy and it’s like almost in what I would describe as like a breezeway, but it’s kind of falling apart and there’s cracks in the walls and stuff like that so I know that this door isn’t going to hold. so I call 911 again and this time it’s a man who answers and he’s asking me all these questions and, one of the things he asked me again is like who’s in your household and I’m like it’s my husband and My three kids and my parents were staying at my parents house right now. They have 3 displaced kids staying with them. the man who is chasing and banging on the door trying to break through says to me “ohhh you have kids?” so I know that he heard me and I’m terrified that he knows I have children. and he starts taunting me through the door, saying to the cop on the phone “You better get here and save them before I make it through the door before I kill everyone in this building” and I’m like” did you hear him? You heard him say that like he’s going to kill us please come help” and he’s like “well since it’s the holiday everyone’s at home everyone’s off or they’re on other calls so it’ll be a while” and I’m like “why can’t you come help me” and he says “well. I am on Adderall and I already took it tonight so I can’t help. I can’t work while I’m on my ADHD medication” and I’m like what so at this point the door starts to give away so I run again and we all run up the stairs. We all running up the stairs and we try to lock the door again, but we know that this one is very flimsy and that there’s really no help, so we hear the downstairs door burst open at this point and we escape through a busted wall up top and we get down we get into a truck and we’re fleeing and he somehow ends up in a truck behind us and I’m in like the truck bed with all of our friends were all in the bed of the truck and he’s catching up to us fast. It’s like someone else is driving the truck and he’s like on the hood of their truck and we can’t outrun Him, he is so close to us and he looks at me and tells me that I need to give my children “my rights” before I die because he will not leave my children “without rights” which I don’t know what that means but he makes me give my kids names and he says “repeat after me, say the child’s name from oldest to youngest and then this poem” and in the poem it talks about like “you’re as sweet as this and you’re as cute as this and you’re as pure as this” and then the truck behind him that he’s on kind of swings out and I see the trailer that attached to it is the same trailer that is at my mom‘s house that these children brought with them and at that moment I realize that this had all been a set up. This man was never going to kill us, it was set up to see how I would react to this type of situation and then I woke up

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