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Dream Interpretation: Police 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Police? Discover the significance of seeing a Police in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Police appears in your dream ✅

Police symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This symbolize your consciousness and critical nature. It suggests that you tend you analyze the situation before diving into it. A dream like that often indicates that you love living your life by the rules and regulations that give you a sense of safety, even if it costs you your freedom.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

You have the ability to analyse the issues and situations before they become a severe problem; use them to your benefit. Having a sense of security is human nature. However, that does not mean you submit to everything, live your life to the fullest and enjoy every little surprise life has to offer.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about police may evoke feelings of fear, anxiety, or guilt. It could symbolize a sense of being caught or punished for something wrong or illegal. Alternatively, it may represent a need for protection or a desire for authority and control. The presence of police in a dream can also signify a fear of authority figures or a feeling of being watched and judged. Overall, this dream may leave the dreamer with a sense of unease or a need to examine their actions and behaviors.





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Dreams of users containing the word Police

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29 Aug 2024

Airplane Crash
Running away


I had a dream where me and my twin brothers were getting babysat by a woman even though I was old enough to do it on my own, our parents went on a work trip so we stayed home for the summer. My brothers were so annoying but we all loved each other very much. One day we got a call and it wasn’t a good one at all, our parents plane crashed and they couldn’t find it anywhere. The kid specialist told us we had to go to a foster home until they could find a place for us. The babysitter seemed pleased and we didn’t understand at first but then we realized she was no ordinary person… she was a demon and she was trying to kill us but she had to wait till we got that call like a friend of hers wrecked the plane. We all hurried and packed some bags and tried to run away, the boys got out and I headed to our grandmas house where we thought it’d be safe. Our grandma asked what was going on because we looked scared and out of breath we told her everything that was going on. We saw the demon flying this way and so we told my brothers to go and look for some help that was near by. Grandma and I tried to fight it off as much as we could before the help came as soon as I saw my brothers I knew the help was here. As soon as I went to look at the help the demon stabbed me right in the chest and I was worried that I was going to die, my annoying brothers ran and caught me before I hit the ground they were worried a lot. The police was there and managed to get rid of her and put her in a special place where she could never get out again. They bandaged me up and I felt woozy but I knew I was good now. We talked about where we were going to go now since we were worried the foster care system was going to split us all up and u can’t split twins apart especially my brothers. Our grandma said that she’d be our caretaker until they find the plane and see if anyone made it alive. I was so happy but the others kept saying stop moving or ur bandages are going to fall off

29 Aug 2024

Gas Station
High School


I woke up and checked my bank account and realized 550,000 was transferred into my bank. I was stunned. It was a from a forgiven account I couldn’t read or recognize. It scared me that this happened and I didn’t know how to process or what to do with the information. I wanted to tell my husband but I didn’t know if I should, as I was unsure if he was actually my husband. I went to the gas station to see if I could pull any money out from my account. I was able to pull a few hundred dollars out and felt some relief. At the gas station there were some high school kids being obnoxious and they made me feel anxious, I left to go back home. When I went back home my husband was awake and we had plans to see my mom. She picked us up and it was raining. We were driving around town and I couldn’t get a grasp on reality. I wanted to tell my mom about this money but I again felt very afraid. I had a desire to my nails done. When my dropped us back home, I told her I wanted to talk with her, and I remember feeling anxious about this. She had things to do and made it clear it needed to be to be quick. I brought her in the house while my husband was still in the car, and I kept trying to muster up telling her but I kept avoiding the actual truth. I didn’t know if I could trust her. My husband came in and my mom left. I became unsure if my husband was my actual husband, and I gave him a series of questions to test him to see. I wasn’t convinced. We did a tour through the house because I felt scared and paranoid. In the back room there was a old man’s body on the floor lying in the fetal position, but neither of us were surprised to see this, as if he was a part of the house. At one point we ended up on the driveway and our dog was in the car and there was a shoot out with the police. I remember being so scared for the dog, worried they were going to hurt or kill him.

25 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


Yo I just had this dream that had me in sleep paralysis. Well like when I lay in bed I kind of meditate which lets me lucid dream so I know I’m dreaming but shit is unbelievable. I was kinda shaking in my sleep fighting this darkness right. Until I like asked it what it want. It said it’s name was Lucy. I think it got shot at this factory of immigrant workers.Or it was like a hotel and this dude shot at her. So like I went back before it happened played this dude and I guess it was to play it again like relive it to the point. And this time I found the guy for Lucy, sat him in the chair, pointed his gun at him, Lucy was there and I ask what she wanted to do. She wanted to kill him but was scared so I did for her. She cried cops came I ran. I remember one of the cars saying jaguar sheriff county. I ran into this abandon waste lot and then woke up.

22 Aug 2024

Abandoned home
Being Pregnant
Violence and death


This dream was a lucid dream, and inside the dream, I was in an old house that I used to live in, or a combination of a couple houses I used to live in. My cats were in my dream, and I kept getting clawed by our youngest male cat, whose name is Metatron. He was also clawing my female cat Kiki and I was trying to stop him. I could really feel the clawing in my dream. I was at a point in a dream where I was living in this house, squatting possibly, and one guy that I know named Danger was in the dream, and I was pregnant by him. He is a guy who is deeply disturbed, but is kind of my friend in a way, although I did not used to like him. He hit me and was physically trying to restrain me and keep me there. I went totally crazy on him and ended up hitting him with weapons and kicking him out of the house, and he swore to come back and seek vengeance. Later on, a group of males came. All of them looked like criminals or gangsters, and I went up against them, too. I ended up killing most of them, and then the police ended up coming in for assistance. There was these French doors or pocket panel doors that I went through that seemed significant but I'm not sure exactly what the significance is but they were all over the house in the stream and the one that I'm talking about there was the most significant there was multiple sets like two or three sets and when I went through them I shut it and it was dark and I was somewhere else

21 Aug 2024



Dream I just had a dream that I was staying at this mid-level hotel. I don’t even remember where…it was a place with a balcony, a lot of windows. you could see the hallway from the inside like those airports with hotels built in. I’m staying on the second floor. It feels like people are crashing my hotel for a party, people from my past mostly like Dre from Germantown at Bob Evans but also new people like Fred was there. Root 🌿 might’ve been there and a couple other people that just came and went really really fast. In the crowd clearly not part of the party but with this kind of threatening aura around her s this weird tall, skinny white girl with dark purple circles underneath her eyes And blonde hair and ponytail and she was OFF. It looked like she had no eyes . I lifted her by the arm. She was taller than me, but she barely weighed anything. I just dropped her over the side of the balcony, killing her instantly as the police were walking up. I suddenly started throwing up, throwing up uncontrollably everyone’s throwing up uncontrollably, running in and out trying to figure out why we all can’t stop throwing up. Then BOOM, Banging on the door to let us know that the cops are coming, so we’re all scrambling to hide. The cops burst in and one has a belt out. They sprayed the room with mace so me and my friend cover our eyes and ears and mouth. Somehow the tussle ends up being that the cops are there for somebody that was hiding in our party that wasn’t one of my friends. The officer that arrested them was fine as hell and light skin with curly brown hair and thick ass hips, and I thought about hitting on her until suddenly I turned and realized that my cat Prince was having a seizure from the mace. I am trying to do mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on Prince. Somehow in the midst of doing that, he turns into Darron says that he just had this wild ass drug that just made everything super super real. He doesn’t understand how he’s there. I woke up.

20 Aug 2024



I had a dream that at my church there were people and women who looked like nuns started a cult. It wasn’t obvious and the pasted of the church didn’t know about this cult. But they were still secretly operating within the church. They were enslaving people and threatening those who knew about them but tried to leave. My sister and I found out about it and a bunch of members from the cult were chasing us to harm or enslave us. The police were also involved except they were on the cults side and were in on it. My sister and I were running through the church with a crowd of cult members after us. We found a narrow escape out a door and the cops couldn’t get into the courtyard after they were planning an ambush but the door was locked for them. We took this chance to run for our lives but before escaping we did our best to try to free some slaves from the cult. There was an underground cage that had a hatch on the outside. We opened it to find a lot of people. I told them to come with us and run. Some did, but most stayed because they had no hope that they could actually escape and didn’t want to suffer the potential punishment of being caught after an escape attempt. So because time was running out we ran to escape. I felt way out of my depth but then I recognized the old man who was running with me. He was giving me advice and protection and he seemed spirited like we could actually escape. When he was there I felt more confident that we had a chance. We were in the city running and I killed some cult members in the process. Then we reached a part of the city that none of the cult members would go because it was too far from the church. They only stayed in their own zone. Then my sister and I found refuge in a theater and started plotting how we can take down this cult we met my mother there and she asked us what happened and we explained and I told her I killed people.

20 Aug 2024



I had a dream that at my church there were people and women who looked like nuns started a cult. It wasn’t obvious and the pasted of the church didn’t know about this cult. But they were still secretly operating within the church. They were enslaving people and threatening those who knew about them but tried to leave. My sister and I found out about it and a bunch of members from the cult were chasing us to harm or enslave us. The police were also involved except they were on the cults side and were in on it. My sister and I were running through the church with a crowd of cult members after us. We found a narrow escape out a door and the cops couldn’t get into the courtyard after they were planning an ambush but the door was locked for them. We took this chance to run for our lives but before escaping we did our best to try to free some slaves from the cult. There was an underground cage that had a hatch on the outside. We opened it to find a lot of people. I told them to come with us and run. Some did, but most stayed because they had no hope that they could actually escape and didn’t want to suffer the potential punishment of being caught after an escape attempt. So because time was running out we ran to escape. We were in the city running and I killed some cult members in the process. Then we reached a part of the city that none of the cult members would go because it was too far from the church. They only stayed in their own zone. Then my sister and I found refuge in a theater and started plotting how we can take down this cult.

19 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


I had a black and white cat and I was looking for a home. I found an abandoned one that was nice in good condition there was no locked doors most the doors here just curtains. I looked it up online and it was vacant and needed an owner so me and the cat moved in the cat always would run outside and chase squirrels whenever it wasn't right next me. I invited Anita over and we were hanging out. Johnny Garcia showed up tryna flirt with me (I'm still mad at him) But I let him walk with me to go meet up with Anita. We got Anita and went back to the house. And I started decorating and Anita and Johnny snook off. Then Anita came back alone. Then when Johnny came back people one by one started showing up and turned into a house party. Some how Mrs. Roger's seen the party and was yelling at everyone and threatened to call the cops while I hid in the bathroom pretending to pee and there was 2 girls and 1 dude in the shower hanging out. I was tryna keep the door closed but the door was just a curtain. Then people started leaving and so she left but she still was gonna call the cops so while everyone was leaving I was trying to take my decorations down ( it's weird because in real life every time I think I have a home and start decorating as soon as all my decorations go up I have to move and pack my stuff ) and my cat found me and Anita and Anita was gonna be my ride out of there but the old owners of the house came back and they seen me and Anita and they weren't even worried about us being there they were so nice and I told them that someone just called the cops on us for being there and they didn't seem worried and wrote us a note saying they allowed us to be there but Anita disappeared with that note when the owners came to tell us the cops were outside so I had no ride so the owners asked their friend to give me a ride in his van and that friend turned out to be Joseph from work. And when we got in the van to leave we ran into the mob of people that were part of the house party. And they blocked the way for us to leave so we were stuck then I woke up.

17 Aug 2024



My mom and I were on vacation. We weee supposed to be making our way through a series of towns, but we stopped at a train museum. As we explored the first building, a man came up and introduced himself to me as Uncle Sam. I did not recognize him, so ended the interaction shortly. My mom and I continued exploring when I noticed the man following us. We went to a booth and explained to the worker a man was stalking us. The next part of the dream, Mom and I were visiting the gift shops of various buildings. I was making many purchases-mostly shirts. One shop was two establishments divided down the center. At one, mom and I purchased a “double raincoat” or raincoat meant to be worn by two people. The next was more of a sports store. Since we were in Hawai’i, the sales lady told us the items for sale were not yet available from the mainland. Again, she seemed to recognize me. I excused myself under the pretense of wanting to buy a head covering. The second day at the train museum, mom and I decided to skip every other building in the name of expediency. Dad was in the hotel room watching our local news channel on his iPad. Mom was upset she couldn’t find her cigarettes but figured they’d turn up. Arriving at the building, it was locked. “London” was written on the doors as if informing us that was where the halls would lead. Instead, we purchased tickets to ride a large version of a Model T to a secondary location. Climbing in (after the obligatory photo) I had difficulty fastening my seatbelt. The highway was a complex maze. The driver seemed unfazed even as we watched in shock as a police cruiser slammed into the guardrail and off the bridge. At that moment, I panicked, terrified I was going to be in an accident.

17 Aug 2024



Tonight I dreamt that I was on bus rides with my mom, finding a place to sit and to sleep each time. I never found a comfortable place. Mom disagreed with where I wanted to sit. I ended up sitting down, and as I was sitting there, I video called a friend, who was video calling another friend. This friend started telling me a story, which I witnessed in third perspective. She said: “When I wake up in the morning, I sometimes see things that are not really there. Hallucinations.” I see her waking up, and waving her arms around. She continued: “but it is not dangerous, just very confusing because it looks real” I then experience the hallucination from her perspective. I wake up and there is a plate of fish and potatoes on my chest, which confused me, and I try to wave it away. Now I understand her story. I have now learned something new. I thank her and hang up. Me and mom gets out of the bus. We are at a burger restaurant. Mom buys many burgers, and tries to make me eat all of them, but I am full. We get on the bus again. This time, we stop at a police station. I am holding a little green sponge for some reason. I found it very fascinating. I go into the police station with mom, but I decide to stay by the entrance. I now see a woman approaching the station, visibly upset, and clearly intoxicated or sick. I go outside and she asks me if I know where the police station is. I say I do not know. Why did I say that. I did know where it was. I go inside again. A little while later, the woman has found her way into the police station after all. She is asking both the police and the crowd that is looking at her, if there is any danger about being surrounded by mold. She begins to tell her story, and I can only wonder why she is in a police station when she should be in a hospital. Either way, as she tells us that both she and her husband lived very busy lives, and often did not see eachother for weeks, despite living together. Then she started getting ill, and spent all day in bed for many days. After a while of laying there, she saw mushrooms sprouting from the wall. It turns out her husband had died in the house, and since he had been laying there for such a long time, he caused there to be mold. I am interested. I want to see this house. So I go there, with her permission. I am in the house. I go upstairs. Everything is empty, except for a bed in the end of the room. The second floor has a wierd layout, why would anyone have a staircase that leads directly into the bedroom? The other end of the room has two openings. I inspect the wall closest to the bed, and I do find small, almost unnoticeable flecks of mold, and some small mushrooms. I decide to go through the opening that is closest to this wall, in order to get to the other side of it. This leads me to a small hallway, before taking me to another bedroom. This one is also empty. This is the closest room, but the other side of the wall is not here. Wait, I see it now, there is a hidden closet space. That is the other side of the wall. A single stool with a radio is in this room. I enter, and inspect the mold that is shaped as if a human sat there, leaning against the wall. This is where he died. Then, the radio next to me starts making noises, as if swirling channels. Then it starts speaking. It is the husband who speaks. He is telling me how he died. But he is talking fast. I missed a word he said and did not understand the context of the next words. I tried to go back in time, but that is not possible in the dream world. I started feeling myself waking up, and I thought to myself that the part of my brain that was making the dream, had woken up before the one that experience them. Then I woke up in real life. For the first time in my life, I hallucinated when I woke up. I saw a face, floating in the top corner of my room. Took me a while to stop seeing it. But I was not afraid, because my dream had taught me how to deal with this.

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