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Dream Interpretation: Hospital 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Hospital? Discover the significance of seeing a Hospital in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Hospital appears in your dream ✅

Hospital symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes a place for healing and recuperation. However, sometimes it also signifies fear or pain associated with the healing journey that needs to take place in order for you to finally live out your life comfortably.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

You are in a time when changes need to be made to heal from past wounds or pain and any dysfunction inside of you. Even though this healing may be painful, identify what areas in your life need work and be brave as you face the challenge; you will come out ahead and better than when you started.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a hospital can evoke feelings of vulnerability, fear, and uncertainty. It may symbolize a need for healing, both physically and emotionally. The sterile environment and presence of medical professionals can create a sense of discomfort and unease. However, it can also represent hope and the possibility of recovery. Overall, this dream may leave one with a mix of apprehension and a desire for healing and well-being.





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29 Aug 2024



I work at a hospital, however I was in a completely different one. I had my PPE on, which is just protective wear and I was in a basement in a morgue, the hallways were empty and so was the morgue. I open up a small body bag to see a small two year old that has passed away inside. It made my heart sad to see this toddler that’s a girl dead. I place her gently on the autopsy table and I get a weird feeling that she’s still alive. Her eyes are closed but I can see faint breathing. I start questioning why they would bring an alive child down to the morgue. The girls body starts moving like either my mind is playing tricks on me, or her… she opens her eyes and smiles at me. As I debate my next move as to whether I should call a nurse, I think to myself “well no one is here at this hospital…” as I’m thinking that suddenly the girl turns pale. Her eyes close and become extremely bruised and purple and pink it looks like there was a lot of damage done to her eyes. I go to close them because I can’t stand looking at them, but they keep opening back up. At this point I’m feeling very anxious, mortified, and confused as to what to do… I’m used to seeing dead babies at my job but this was the first time they’ve been this much older. I wake up, and I’m freaking out - I’m very anxious and don’t want to return to this dream. I eventually go back to bed. I’m driving in my car, my old fiat and it seems like a ghost town. I start driving towards this unknown hospital again and when I get there I have this dread inside of me like I don’t want to go in and experience the haunted morgue and this two year old that keeps frightening me. I’m sitting in this empty parking lot when I have the realization that I don’t have to go in there… I immediately leave and don’t look back.

27 Aug 2024

New Home


I had a dream where my big brother had a big accident with our mom and ended up being stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Some people including me had to help him sometimes for little things he always said he could do it himself and wanted to prove everyone he was strong no matter the outcome. The only time he needs help is when they’re stairs, getting into and out of his bed and reaching high places. Weve been living with our stepfather since the accident and keeps making jokes about how he has to stay in the wheelchair the whole time, he got sick of taking care of us and gave us to some family friends. They were nice once in awhile but a huge pain and always yelled at us if we didn’t do something they asked us to do right, but they fed us nice food and made sure we got to bring all of our stuff over to their place. They live in a small apartment that had some terrible looking walls and two bedrooms so I had to share with my big brother, they also had a mini backyard as well. Sometimes I slept with big brother when I got nightmares what happened with mom and couldn’t fall back asleep until he calmed me down. We went to school everyday and people weren’t too bad about him being in a wheelchair because there were others as well and they’d get into very deep trouble if so. School was fun it let us have some space to move around other than the tiny apartment. The next day I accidentally fell down the stairs and had to go to the hospital they said I had to stay in a wheelchair for a month so I was devastated but kinda happy too to see how it was like for big brother. One day our caretakers told us that they found a place to move into that was bigger and easier for us to move around and they also said that we would be able to get our own rooms. After the month was over my spine was all rested and fixed. We were so excited about the move I went up into our little attic with a little help of my big brother pushing me up to grab our stuff from our old home and found something strange I didn’t know we had so I brought it down to show my big brother and he was confused as well we opened it up and it said to read the words out loud that were in the book. We read it and then it started glowing which scared both of us. All of a sudden big brother was standing for the first time in 4 years, he was a little wobbly at first so I caught him a bit cause he was bigger than me. We got out of the bedroom and our caretakers were very confused, they said how in the world are you standing the hospital told us you wouldn’t be able to stand for the rest of your lifetime. We had no clue and told them about the book. They were shocked but thought it would be a lot easier to pack our things in our vehicle with him since he was strong and had big muscles. A lot of people at school had their mouths wide open and I was stuck to him like glue, most people say that I’m too much with him that it’s strange and sometimes looks like we are dating but I don’t care he’s my emotional support “animal”. We all were happy that he could walk again and he was worried it might go away on him, I told him that I think it’s going to stay forever. When we ended up at our knew home we were scared it would look like the old place just a little bit bigger but it ended up being a lot different than we thought. We had a lot of money saved up from working at a convenience store near by our old place because we wanted to get big brother an electric wheelchair that would be easier on him and we didn’t know what to do with it now.

25 Aug 2024

Being Pregnant


I was pregnant. I was with Carson and we were talking about what the name would be, I got to choose if it was a girl, he got to choose if it was a boy. I didn't like the name he picked out, and since we already had one kid (from a previous dream) that was a boy, and if this was a boy, maybe I would get to choose. He reluctantly agreed. I went into labor so we went to the hospital. The doctors were clearing out a special room for me but no one would tell me why, but the doctor said it was so they could fit more people in there so they could watch. When I finally got to the room, they were taking out the normal bed and replaced it with an archaic wooden table with straps. I asked the doctor what was going on. He said I didn't have a cervix and that was rare and he wanted people to watch. I was freaking out because I didn't like the wooden table. My mom showed up and tried to calm me down. I kept freaking out because I didn't know what was going on. Finally, a female doctor came in to see what was wrong and I told her I didn't want to give birth like this. After a few minutes of discussion, she decided she was going to take over instead of the other doctor, and she brought in a normal hospital bed and took out the wooden one. I was laying on the bed and asking the doctor questions (it was established that we've been acquaintances since elementary school). I asked her if I was gonna be able to push out the baby without a cervix. She said we'll figure it out. My mom wasn't happy with that answer, but I told my mom I trusted this doctor. The doctor told me that it's good I have a second kid now because the first one wasn't getting stimulated enough. (From a previous dream, I had someone else watch him and as far as I knew, he only stayed in one room of the house. I realized I hadn't seen him in so long and I was questioning if I was good enough to even have another kid) I gave birth fairly easily, but after a few moments of crying, the baby stopped and he couldn't breathe. They tried clearing his airways and I asked my doctor if this was my fault. She told me no and that this is just a complication that happens sometimes.

25 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was being taught by a famous doctor about how to become a doctor myself. There was a boy there that was in a wheel chair and no one took him seriously because they thought he wouldn’t be fast enough. Then there were these other guys that just interrupted our class and said that we all were coming with him and if we don’t there’ll be bad consequences. They brought us to a small hospital in a small town where there was barely any people in. There was a really rich guy who was sick and no one at all could figure out what was wrong with him at all. Our doctor teacher told us we needed to give him some ideas on what it could be. But then two crazy people came out of nowhere, one that could run really fast like the flash, and the other who was strong and can fly like superman. Everyone else in the class was running around crazy while I and the boy in the wheelchair helped our teacher look for what made him so sick and then I figured it out and gave it to our teacher, he was very greatful and said I was his favourite. We super duper put some stuff in the rich guys body and started running away from the super evil guys that were trying to stop us from saving the rich guy. We found some bikes and all of us tried to get on them together but some of us just had to run. The boy in the wheelchair couldn’t run like we were because of the mud on the ground cause it just stopped raining. I ended up falling of the bike because I had troubles holding on properly, the boy in the wheelchair saved me in the nick of time before the evil superman got me, I don’t know how he got me so fast and it was still muddy I thought he couldn’t go through it. He said to me that he found some better wheels that had more grip on them and wanted to catch up on us to be with us. I said thanks for saving me and he kinda blushed and said no problem. So I went to hop off and start running again to catch up with everyone but he said to stay on his lap and he could get us there, but I was worried I’d be too heavy for him to go fast with his wheelchair. He said that I wasn’t bothering him and he said he had strong arm muscles, winked at me and started to move again. When we caught up our teacher was so relieved that I was ok and that he was worrying about me. To me he felt like a father figure. After managing to get out of the town and losing the evil guys the mini hospital called our teacher and said thank u for saving his life we got rid of the weird ones and put them in a cell that they can never get out of. I told my friends what the boy in the wheelchair did for me and I think that I kind of have a crush on him now. Everyone was surprised how he managed to get here with us and apologized for laughing at him in the classroom. The righ guy told his team to come pick us up and bring us home.

24 Aug 2024

Being Late


i had a dream my roommate was getting ready to go to her new boyfriend anthony’s house in florida (we live in california) but i decided to tag along on a separate flight and then we got there and her and her boyfriend had the room with multiple beds but i was assigned a room that was basically a prison with a pad for a bed but i took a nap in one of the beds in anthony’s room and i woke up disoriented and i had packed in 2 seconds and realized i forgot my meds so within like hours of being there i immediately flew home. but before i went home i went kinda crazy at anthony’s and got naked and his door in his room to outside was open and the neighbors across the property (it was like in the middle of nowhere) were like wizards and flew a firework out of their hands essentially to warn me to put clothes on and then we had like a baseball scene from the movie twilight moment against them to stick up for ourselves bc they were like threatening violence. and also i decided to walk like 5k floors up a hospital to get my dads belongings bc apparently he had died in a hospital 3 years ago but no one got his belongings yet and i had to climb up the stairs to get them. (he died 5 years ago). and there were two women behind me but i was getting tired and emotional and crying and they for some reason were only communicating with me over the phone and were kinda telling me hey stand aside so we can pass by you so i think i stepped aside so they could pass me by and i still had so many floors to climb and i don’t know if i ended up giving up i might have woken up.

24 Aug 2024



I had a dream in my dream a friend of mine who is helping me in one process now she was in my dream and she was all alone in the city summer and I have been busy in the doctor and she told me she has some problem with her vagina. I have her told her I can try to take an appointment with her at the hospital , while I am there so I asked him and got an appointment in the hospital for her in like 22 weeks so I asked her where are you? And she said she’s like another part of city so I told her why you were alone you can hang out together because my son is not home so we can hang out together, then to her to find her so and then I met her somewhere at the place by sea so we order some mice to be on the fire and pay. I paid for it when we came out we saw a bitch people were swimming there so it was a very beautiful fish in the sea and children screaming so sudden I saw my friend went to the water to swim as well. It’s cold. I didn’t wanna go so I just walk a little bit into the water and then she screaming because fish came and bite her so I went to help her, and then I saw another fish biting me as well were trying to release from the fish is another fish to us kind of attacking us so we were trying to escape and so scared. What’s going on here? It was very beautiful bitch all of a sudden danger place around my car and I forgotten that I have a car and I went to the bus, and then remember I saw my car key and I remember I had a car so came back to look for my car to drive and I woke up

24 Aug 2024



I was in the 18th century as Queen of France. At dinner with Ben Franklin, I had a candle balanced on my lap. I burned myself and had to be cut out of my dress. The dream abruptly changed to me being royalty in a mashup of the US and England in modern times. I was stabbed by an assassin at an event but didn’t let my composure slip. I then instructed my dad (who was driving) to take me to the hospital. My mom and I walked in and I told the two ward sisters I’d been stabbed. When my shirt was pulled away, I saw the burn mark from the previous part of my dream. The cuts were thankfully shallow, and I was released after a night of observation. I insisted on wearing dress pants since my loose shirt would be covered by my coat. At a press conference, a group of Girl Scouts-ranging from a Daisy to the leader-came. I got in the car and was taken to a beach. The beach was littered with seashells to where it hurt to walk barefoot, but I had to make it to the part where the sand was smooth and not rough. I had hoped to enjoy the sun, but my dad said it was time to go and had I already had enough time at the beach?

19 Aug 2024



So I dreamt I was riding my horse Woody whobsadly passed away 7 years ago to see someone at the hospital, we snuck inside the hospital and was riding threw the corridors, I woke myself up wondering why I was dreaming about my horse who is no longer with us and why I was going to the hospital with him felt very weird. Anyways I fell back asleep and as a I did I went back into the dream but I was coming out of the hospital, I had to ride down some steps to get out of the hospital grounds. I thought he may slip but he didn't and carried me home. I woke up not understanding who or why I was sneaking into the hospital to visit 😅. Again I woke up then drifted off again, again I was riding him in my dream but this time it was round my village at night, as we was riding round I saw two young girls leading a mare and Foal which were acting very odd so I decided to follow them, the youngest girl heard me and turned round and said to me why are you following us? I said your not from round here are you? She said no we've just moved here. I asked where she they were going and she said she kept her horses near the motorway. We said our goodbyes and then I woke up. Very bissare dream.....

17 Aug 2024



A hospital on a low, cloudy mountain that looks like the one me and mom used to frequently pass by on the way to pick up our younger brother from the daycare in Odawara(we were living in Hakone at that time, or at least she was; I visited every weekend from Tokyo where my school and my fatherms place(whom I lived with) was at) Nothing is really clear because of the fog and the clouds, it’s like a mix of a similar facility in Hakone and of that place(Odawara city) Some sort of a competition, basically a flag war between two parties and I’m caught in the middle of it, this whole thing is taking place in the hospital facilities Glass roofed dome-hall with many plants, reception floor/lobby being that Glass everything, very modern, somewhat futuristic even Looks a bit like the university campus of some new business college in the larger Nagoya city region/outskirts Middle of some patch of forests, idek The flag is taken by the party of people who’s protecting me, and they’re now using the whole hospitalf facility as a base to protect against the attack of the invading force Wide parking lot, slope down the hill to the common road, very cloudy All this time I’m inside the building watching from within, and so are my party’s people even as they prepare and arm themselves and the facility because safety Scene changes, now I’m in space I mean like the dark, realistically cold, somewhat empty space with many stars, planets and comets floating and glimmering in the unfathomable distances Flying all the way to near Pluto, Saturn or Neptune(the final destination was Pluto, I don’t quite recall if I actually got near it or not) to retrieve my flip phone that got thrown into it Once I retrieve I go back to the apartment room owned by my mother’s side of grandparents I’m on the tatami, gery nostalgic because this is where my mother would usually take me to whenever she had time(even though she and the family has a very rocky history where basically my mother was the scapegoat and the perpetual ‘daughter/servant’ of the family during her younger years; once the divorce happened and I started living really separated from her, she spiraled into being institutionalized that cold, domineering and controlling attitude of theirs sort of returned) I’m charging the retrived phone, younger brother(around the age of 5 or 6 at this time) is talking The flip phone is brittle, full of scars from all the exposure to the elements out in the deep space The whole place looks like they’re fusing between that room and my current home(my paternal grandmother’s house’s living room) And there’s a sense of urgency and anxiety as I go into the other room with my younger brother, when my mother first comes back from some groceries or outdoors activities she does to give herself some space Father follows suite, they’re probably arguing judging from all the sounds and the tone of speech Father doesn’t seem too well in the mood

16 Aug 2024



I met a guy. We got to know each other then I started to feel happy again. He made me feel so warm. He made me feel safe and cared for me. He protected me. Somehow we got into a conflict with some other people and they showed up with guns. They were shooting at us. We shot back but unfortunately one of our opponents shot at him right to heart and it went out the other side. I was anxious, scared and crying as I picked him up to get him to the car to drive him to the hospital even tho in the back of my head I know there’s no saving him because the bullet went right through the middle of his chest and came out the other way. I wasn’t gonna give up until there’s nothing left to do. Got him in the car crying as the life is slowly draining out of him he looks at me with so much pain and love as if he wanted me to not be in pain even as he was dying. Got in the driver seat with him in the back and started driving to the hospital.

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