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Dream Interpretation: Bear 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bear? Discover the significance of seeing a Bear in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bear appears in your dream βœ…

Bear symbol
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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This symbolizes power, strength, and independence. Oftentimes they indicate motherly love, that is, capable of protecting the family against all odds. It also suggests that you are a warrior who has the capability to command others.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

Be bold and courageous in life, just like a bear. Figure out the relations in your life that need protection. Find them and do your best in nurturing and shielding them. Be confident and tap into the hidden powers within you, as they will help you protect those you care about.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of a bear can evoke feelings of fear, powerlessness, and vulnerability. It symbolizes a threat or danger in one's life, representing the need to confront and overcome challenges. The presence of a bear in a dream may also signify a need for protection or a desire for solitude and introspection. Overall, this dream can leave one with a sense of unease and the need to be cautious in their waking life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bear

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30 Aug 2024



I was in a forest in Estonia with lots of people Ive known throughout my life. Everyone had their campings. For some reason I feel the need to leave so I grab a lawn chair with a big wheel right in the middle and underneath it and I walk to a bus stop that is still inside the forest. There are other people around. I park my lawn chair and start waiting for the bus. Suddenly a black bear came from nowhere and people panicked. I started slowly leaving towards my house in the woods. I try to not run and let the screams of people freak me out. As i get deeper into the woods I notice two of my friends Im not close to anymore in real life but we all wave and i continue fast walking towards the house. On the way a baby raccoon attached itself onto me. At first its fighting me but then settles in my lap so i decide to bring it with me. Near the house a man with a knife appears and starts chasing me. I managed to open the door to the house and start locking it, before he arrives and starts aggressively trying to stab me through the open space above the old wooden door. I now notice that inside there is also an otter and a older orange cat. I feel the need to protect them and the raccoon so I manage to yank the knife from the man and stab him in his chest. We then go through the old house with my 3 pets and out into the yard where the raccoon and otter start playing and I notice another man doing gardening. He starts catcalling me so I decide to go bring the knife from the other mans chest. Then i wake up.

26 Aug 2024



Dreamt I was in a car going to a party and as I was getting on the on ramp I waved to some people I use to work with. I drove to a hotel to check in and then my previous coworker called me to pick her up. All that disappeared. Then I was at home and it was dark outside. My husband was in his truck and started to drive off. I was in my van and I saw a bear walking on two legs in my yard I was driving parallel to it and I was honking my horn. We were looking at each other. The bear scared me. It never walked towards me. My van then stopped because of the trees and the I was backed up to the corn field facing the back of the house and my husband was outside of the truck. The bear approached and was angry. It then jumped on my husband's back pulled his head back and bit his neck. I stopped the dream was able to rewind it and just before the bear bit him shot it in the head. Then I woke up.

25 Aug 2024



All I can remember about my last dream is that I was trying to fight or run from a multibear which is a bear with many heads and it's more powerful than a regular bear but we were on top of this glass building sorta like a greenhouse I guess and it was floating in the ocean with no other land around, it was halfway in and out of the water and tilted like instead of being the way a house is on the ground it was diagonal from that, so we were running or fighting sorta on this glass house island and inside there were some animals, some were bear cubs so that probably what the multibear wanted but there was other animals too and I think I wanted to keep it away from them, or maybe I couldn't get in? I don't remember why I was fighting the multibear other than it was fighting me so I had to.

25 Aug 2024



In my dream, my eldest child, Kota, took some kind of drug they were given by their friend (it should be noted that in reality, my child hasn't ever tried drugs and doesn't drink) and ended up kidnapping several kids, ranging in ages from 2 - 7, and bringing them to my house for safe keeping. In the dream, I lived in a big house deep in the forest with my husband and my youngest daughter. In the dream, I found out what was going on because I woke up (in the dream) to a little blonde girl on the side of my bed talking to me like I was her mom. I immediately got up and held her because she was crying, and started asking questions about what was going on. She told me some girl had brought her and others here and she missed her mommy. I found Kota and got angry, yelling that kidnapping is illegal and these kids are terrified and want to go home. Kota was still high on whatever drug they were given - by thar point, the messaging seemed to be that it was a fairy who had drugged them and it was the fairy's drug that was making Kota believe these kids needed to be saved. I told Kota that they'd lost their mind and they either need to return the kids, or I'd call the police. They kept saying I don't understand. I started walking around to figure out how many kids were there (I interacted with 3). When I tried to round up everyone to get to a car so i could return them to their homes, female lions and a bear showed up outside the house and were just blocking the exit, preventing us from leaving. I woke up from the dream still trying to figure out a way to return the children.

8 Aug 2024



I was trapped in m my own head. My dream started amazing. It started out with its own concept. A headquarters almost. For when i sleep. I walk into an office room with a lady and she directs me to the rest of the rooms where my dreams happen or other people or characters in my dream. Its a few rooms that are the backrooma behind my dreams, and its mine cause its my dream uou know? and everytime i got tired of a dream or wanted a new one, i would just clean up the rooms and walk outside the first door i came in through. Then when i walk right through everything resets. A new dream i can be in the backrooms of. And the door for me to walk through and experience the dream. i dont remember exactly how it started. But there was a nightmare that id lived before. I was experiencing it again and i knew what to do almost. I was in the living room with I and M and four men were trying to break in through the side door. I had. a gun. I opened the door and tried shootint them. but all of a sudden it had no ammo?. the last dream it did, so why didnt it now? i panicked and got scared so i chose to leave the nightmare. and to to headquarters through the door. It was different . the atmosphere was different. The people were moody and the office lady did not.. care?. it was odd. Eventually we started cleaning to start the next dream. I felt i hadnt done my part hut i thought maybe i should just try to see if we pass for the next dream. We then finished and a bright flash of light blinds all of us and when we close our eyes the SCORE of how well we all did overall cleaning, with the dream, everything us shown to us in our head. Usually this resets everything as i said. The room should be clean , new dream, new people. But it didnt work this time? we looked around and it was the same. So i thought, my fault i didnt do as much as the others. So i clean, Still nothing, I kept trying over and over again but it wouldnt reset. So i thought i should just walk in and out of the door dream. Since the dream hasnt been reset i should be sble to walk out and back in. But when i walked out i was in a, continued dream of the last one. The door was gone. For some reason i knew how this dream was gonna go, but i still tried to live. A man in the frontyard trying to kill me, a roaming bear in the street, and dogs in the backyard barking. I climb a tree to escape this man. He can't reach me. Everytime i scream he gets back. This attracts the dogs who i hope help?. They dont. He pulls out a lighter from his pocket and lights it near the base of the branch im hanging onto. I move to a different branch. Im out of ideas? Im thinking so rapidly. He gets to my branch and hes about to light it. and for the first time in my own dreams, i beg for something not to happen. The lighter wouldn't start? it wouldnt start. I forgot what got me thinking but for some reason i thought, "Maybe its cause i try to drag people down with me? ". And the mood changes again. My eyes open, ive come to a realization, maybe thats what im supposed to realize? what ive gotta take away? To me, its like the dream ended. I jump off the tree. and start yelling THATS IT and repeating my thoughts, The man looks confused, as if ive broken the dream barrier wall, I run up to him, hug him and say thank you? I walk towards the house and open this door expecting it to lead me to headquarters eith everything reset. I open it. Its worse than before. The office room is trashed, Abandoned and dark. I feel heavy. I thought i got it? I thought i reset everything? Ive tried everything i can? Why won't it reset. I dont want to be alone. Reliving my nightmares. I walk past the office and the whole of headquarters is abandoned, trashed, and has a dim atmosphere. But i know someones there? The office lady in an, almost altered form as if she'd been corrupted. She wasnt perceivable, nothint but a feeling that you knew she was there, A black hole with slim eyes, thats the most you could see of her now. I was scared. What happened to her? She talks to me, but looking back, maybe i was just talking to myself. I felt trapped in my own dreams, in my own head. I thought i was never gonna be able to wake up, dream another dream. To be left endlessly to figure out what i did wrong in order to deserve it.

28 Jul 2024



I don't remember the order these events happened in during the dream, so I'm just putting down what I remember. I was climbing up a rocky mountain that had stone steps, but they were so steep that I had to climb up them with my legs and hands. When I got close to the top, the stairs above me pulled away from the mountain, so I stopped drying to climb, but pulled myself up enough to peek over the top and saw the ocean on the other side. As I started moving back down, I saw a few bears on the ground below attacking a goat, the goat escaped and managed to leap up the stairs next to me and bounced over me up to the top. Then in another part of the dream, I was at a gym with a bunch of acquaintances. I had mentioned I was coming back after taking a hiatus due to financial concerns and stressor. One of my acquaintances opened a little drawer in a locker and pulled out some currency, which was from all different countries. She said it was a gift. I cried and hugged her, tucking the money into a hidden pouch in my wallet and then inside my purse. Then, since we were going to workout, I put my purse in my locker, hiding it under clothes. We went out to join the rest of the exercise class and after only 10 minutes, I had to take a break. I went back to my locker and realized my purse was missing. I alerted the facility and people started helping me search. At one point, we opened a closet and found 2 people smoking meth in it, their skin was blistered and cracked. They said they saw a guy go to my locker and run off. I asked the security to review the camera footage and they were able to see the guy doing it, but no one could find him. I started crying, explaining that my purse had my money, my keys, my wallet, my social security cards, my whole life was in it. I woke myself up after that because I could tell there was resolution and I needed to wake up to remind myself that it wasn't reality. The dream was very vibrant and felt very real.

23 Jul 2024

Lucid Dream


I had this dream that I was driving in a truck with my daughter and we were going up to the mountains and we're going off in this embankment and I remember we're stuck on this like cliff thing I went out to fix the truck and try to gauge how difficult it would be to drive off of the little embankment thing and try to get back on the road and I determined it was pretty risky and then when I looked in the back of the truck I saw all these brand new pairs of sneakers that belonged to my youngest son's father. I was confused about why I had all of them but I wanted to go through the rest of the stuff in the truck but I waited. I eventually got us down driving down and I realized that I had been going away that was way more difficult than it needed to be. I suddenly realized where we were and everything became clear and I started to go that route but I kept veering off the sides of the road and eventually I fell off the side of this embankment again but then I was able to control and I knew that I was dreaming and it turned into a lucid dream so I was able to control the truck as it flew. Then we ended up at this cabin, but throughout the journey I realized that there was something stalking me, some sort of predator. When I got to the cabin, I realized it was the cabin that belongs to my youngest son's father, whose truck I had. His brother was there in waking life, he's an attorney, but in this dream he was an anthropologist. I was asking him how big the bears were in that area because there was this big giant bear who changed form throughout the dream as it was pursuing me. It had changed to a giant lion or saber-toothed cat type creature and also to a extra large gorilla type Bigfoot like creature or a Yeti. Either way, it was some sort of large mythological creature that lives in colder climates. At one point in the dream, I was changing my daughter's diaper. My daughter's normally nine, but in the dream she was a small baby. And I got baby poop on the comforter of my youngest son's parent's bed. No matter how many baby wipes I used, I couldn't get it off all the way, and I was trying to get it clean before they noticed. I went outside and there's this big structure and it was like a fire pit area but it wasn't made by man it was inhuman for some reason and we were discussing whether or not we thought it was like some sort of offering fire or if it was a fire to make food but it was made by this creature and it was all these jagged rocks and these stones and wood pieces that were sticking out from the rocks and various piles I believe that there was it was 3 rows of four wood piles across, the jagged wood sticking straight out like spikes being held together by heavy stones. I had the feeling of being pursued throughout the whole dream like prey and I knew that there is a predator lurking just beyond the eyesight everywhere I go I'd see the silhouette and the tree lines or I could feel it staring at me through the windows I would try to be still because you can only see the silhouette. At one point I was on the toilet seat in the bathroom of this cabin and this large saber-toothed type cat comes in from above into the shower and I could only see it through the shower glass and I'm terrified as its large body starts to fill up the shower stall and then it makes eye contact with me. At some point I was with my baby's dad's mom and we were back talking about that fire area that the mythical creature had made and there was a ski lift and I remember the ski lift start to move but we weren't trying to go on the actual ski lift we were just trying to sit on there to rest. So she showed me how to hold on and and jump onto the other bars and wait and climb up so that we didn't get taken by the ski lift all the way around. I didn't know if I was gonna be holding on tight enough and I was scare but o made it. I also kept returning to a closet in the cabin in the dream and inside of the closet there was these clothes that belonged to me and belonged to my daughter and belonged to the father of my son and all these clothes were very nice and I recognized them and I miss them but they were all too small for us or slightly outdated and I wanted to take some of them with me because they were so nice but they just didn't fit any of us anymore. In the end when I finally was caught by these mythical creatures they ended up being more like gorillas or Bigfoot or Yeti type things but they weren't scary they were dressed in human clothes and had human type personalities and they were laughing because the whole time they weren't even really trying to pursue me in a predatory way and I was just assuming that and making assumptions because of the fact that they were these large mythical creatures. In the end, I felt silly and safe and wasn't afraid to go with them for some reason.

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