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5 Aug 2024
I had a dream where my future kids saved me from bad guys who were trying to capture me. I was so proud of them and in the dream i was under the impression that I hadn’t seen them in a while. My oldest kid was a boy around 8-10 years old and a daughter that was 6-8. After they saved me I was so happy to see them again and I gave my future son a big hug. The dream transitioned to me witness a group of young Brazilian’s in their early 20s who all looked very free spirited living in a house together. I was kind of jealous that they all got to be together as I was by myself but I also noticed how unhealthy they were eating and how they didn’t seem to be mindful with what they were eating.
I was in a room and there were 2 double beds in them, it looked like a hotel room and my uncle was sleeping on one of those beds and then 2 of my friends visited me in that room but I was annoyed at them, then a little while later I was hanging out with my friends on the top of the building and other friends of mine joined too and also one of my teachers, my mother and some parents of my friends too and it was like some sort of party. I felt like I was drunk or high the whole time and then we went to the cars that were there and there were 3 cars but one of them was red and I wanted to drive that care and then 2 of my friends and I drove that car for a while. After a little while the mother of one of my friends came to me and wanted to ask me something, I was anxious because I thought that she will think that I’m drunk and she wouldn’t believe me that I wasn’t drunk, but then she only asked me how school is and stuff. Then we wanted to drive the red car again and we were getting into the car on top of the building and everyone was there too and I lost control of the car because I was feeling drunk and I accidentally drove the car over the edge and we thought we would die but when the car hit the ground we were fine and then I woke up
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Had a dream I was sleeping next to 2 knives and one razor blade I thought it was weird, picked them up and threw them and went back to sleep
I hanged myself …
I was going to a movie premiere with my coworkers and we were staying at a rental house in Delaware, I flew a plane to get there and on the way remember talking to a little boy. When we were at the house trying to celebrate the movie we worked on, a terrible thunderstorm starts and it turns into a hurricane. Some water got in the basement and we were scared, then it went away, so we went back to partying. The basement starts to flood and everyone is running upstairs, leaving a lot of our items behind like bags and phones. Upstairs more water is coming in the window and we think we’re going to drown. The water goes down again and I run downstairs to grab my phone and while there I grab someone else’s phone and our shoes. My phone is still working, no water damage.
I was pregnant in Kasigluk AK. I was there for someone’s funeral and I was pregnant. I was staying at a family members house and there were so many beds. I went into the next room to talk on the phone because my girls were sleeping. It was my boyfriend and I was updating him. I don’t know why he wasn’t with me. I ended up having the baby in my dream. It was painless. I swaddled him and put him to sleep I named him Kyle. I went to the living room kitchen area and there was Arlettie Toby’s ex wife. I’m good friends with her in the awake world. She dug in the freezer and took out thick long sausages and asked if I wanted some. I said yes and started cutting them with a weird arm length size knife made of caribou antler. She had got a call that I can overhear on the phone it was some girl “I’m here at Toby’s house drinking” is all I can hear, and I’m mad. I go back to the room where my kids are and I take my newborn and bring him to the kitchen living room area. A lot of elders are sitting around I hand my newborn to one of them and ask the other what do if I haven’t delivered the placenta yet. Then it was time to go to the grave and everyone was leaving and someone still had my baby I was running around looking. All of my kids were scattered. Then I spotted my newborn and I woke up.
I was high(In the dream not in real life) and wanted to get a refill on snacks and soda so I went into the kitchen, but I kept being blocked by family members and extended family, ending up with a passive-aggressive speech about sharing despite my family eating the things I made and also them judging my clearly high self for not listening properly. I just grabbed my food after a bit and returned to the TV room only to find my dad sitting on the food and being a dick about getting up and not doing that, so I had to hit him in the dick to finally get him to sit up so I could finally go back to relaxing with my food and drink.
I was home and I wanted to mop the floor so I mixed water in a bucket with bleach, but then for some reason I also put in ammonia. The water changed colors (into a really brown and yellow color) and changed into turned into something toxic. It was burning my eyes and making it really hard to breathe so I ran to mom to tell her what happened although I lied about how it happened and she was annoyed but didn’t really care as she was entertaining a friend who was there. I looked into a mirror and could clearly see my eyes with one of them really red and hard which made blinking really difficult. I called 911 and tried giving them my address but was having trouble remembering where I lived so I looked at my phone and obviously I was having issues reading the words but I could clearly see pictures of my house. I then woke up.
I had a dream I was driving (I don’t have my licence or have really before but know the basics) in my dream I did alot better than I usually do in dreams, except for a second I forgot which gear to put it in because the letters didn’t make sense. So I kept switching it while I was driving but thought if I didn’t have it on the proper one I would crash.
This was part of my other dream I forgot to add. I was having sex with my boyfriend Toby. It was getting wild. But the whole time there was a cop that had to be there and we didn’t care. It was like 3 different positions.
I was roommates with a bunch of girls. Some I knew and some I didn’t. One got into trouble. Then I was coming home to my own home and my boyfriend was drunk with a couple people there. I saw Bello and Gina. I cheated on my boyfriend with Bello before. He had shaved his head. They didn’t acknowledge me until I said something. Then they said hi. I slapped his ass infront of Toby then went to go sit by Toby. Me and Toby went into the bedroom and started having sex and my sister walked in on me and she went out and everyone was cheering out there when she did as if they thought we let her join us. After that I was walking in the snow towards this hotel. I remember being with Bello there. Then I started walking back and my truck appeared and I was bringing it home. Toby was parking another truck in our driveway and I gave him a good kiss and some loves.
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