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11 Aug 2024
I had a dream that I was in the bathroom with my mother-in-law and we were cleaning the bathroom. We were cleaning the walls and then a hole appeared in the wall because the wall caved in and big holes were appearing in the wall and I could see another apartment through the wall and this apartment that was through the wall was abandoned and broke down and I told her that I hope no rodents will come through my house because of the holes in the wall. And just as soon as I said that, bugs started coming out of the abandoned house and to my house and little troll creatures started coming out of the wall and I was trying to push them back through the hole and some of them went but others didn't. Then the landlord came and he said that he would close up the holes that were in the wall. The bathroom was white and the dream ended.
I found a severed hand gripping a letter that wrote, here is a token for your efforts, but not for god, not for meaning
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A blind one eyed creature was chopping mine and others hands off and detecting us through sound and feel
My teeth kept gradually falling out throughout the night. I could feel them getting lose and I would spit them out. When I spit them out I would be showing someone. It was just the back teeth however, and I made the comment that I really hoped that my front teeth would not fall out.
Dream my bottom tooth fell off and I show someone but dbt remember who it was a female and we just laugh about it. Then after a while I felt anxious for losing my tooth
A famous actor retiring and selling cookies but needs help from me to make a new kind of cookie to get his business growing
Had a dream I grew a penis and put it in a manโs butt. Iโm not really a girl whoโs into that sort of thing so it was really weird. I also had this dream about the guy that took my best friends virginity and I ended up sleeping with him the night after but I wasnโt the one putting things in people.
Im getting raped by both of my parents at the floor of the living room. I dont cry, im somehow calm but kind of have unknown emotions in my heart. While they rape me, im challenging them to do more while i try to fight them. After a while, i cant fight them and end up crawling to my brother's bedroom to ask for help while they still raping me. He woke up from sleep, he look at me on his bedroom floor, and he decided to ignore me and goes back to sleep. After that, because theres no way i can get any other help, i just give up and let them sa'd and raped me
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I was in high school in my dream and there was also a boy someone unknown everyone had some kind of magical power. On mty first day of school I met him and something happens and we become friends then after school I got home and text with him then on our second day i had a encounter to some bullies and my friend saved me from them. Then after school I went to a fun place where I danced I accidentally did a wrong move but my grandfpa saved me, he told every one at home that if he had done any further delay then I would have been dead. Then I thanked him. Another day at school nothing much happed. After school I went to my friend's home. His house was very big. There he told me about his family and his girlfriend who had been went to another coutry for studies and all of a sudden a thief broke into the house and he take something with him and went to an whole another place through a portal we both followed him and He fought with the thief then I finally got the thing and started running I got trped by a group of people but then out of nowhere my grandpa came and let me go home then my friend also came. The people in the other world were very different. there facial features were very different from us.
My mother and my girlfriend and I ran away from the city because the nuclear bomb is coming down to city
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