10 Jul 2024
I was dreaming that I was on a Greyhound bus that was old-school style, and I sat next to some old guy with a long beard, and we were just talking, and he was talking about anything and everything in the sun, and I was like, okay, so we just talked and talked and talked, until we got off our final stop, which was at Federal Express. I saw, like, some different shapes that were clear, and they were supposed to be configured to the planes, and some of them were, like, half the size, and they saw, like, four different belts, and all of a sudden, as soon as I just stared at the belts, he seemed like he disappeared. and then I was waiting outside to get picked up by the BLM guy and it was like a raggedy looking car with different colors. I asked what happened to his car he's like yeah he got in a wreck but I had a big deal what I got I was like okay I'm not gonna argue so we got in it was running kind of janky but whatever we got home that was it