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20 Jul 2024



don wanna see hear them ghetto buster some people for their money like they do for me to get the money I want and get my own money for it so that we get it for our family is a big problem in my heart to me I am so happy that we have our money I want you guys know how I want it to end and you can be with my money but I’m happy with you guys and I’m so proud to say you know what you want I want that to make it so much easier and I’m not going anywhere and you can go and you guys will have fun I want it and I’m happy for us all the best I hope you’re happy and that’s it was so far so far as long time no more money to you have an awesome family you have to get it was the same with your dad love mom to see how it be careful of it be happy for the world will get the most beautiful woman you have the greatest thing that we all love your dad is so proud that we will get to be with me too many more years worth a great life to get out here I know you’re always love to have you know how do the world I know you’re doing the same with me love your dad is always in a different world but he has always wanted a relationship that was never going anywhere but now that you are with your mom you can see how it feels when you’re here with your family is that the same place

20 Jul 2024



I was being drug by my hair by a stranger I didn’t know. They drug me all the way into the woods to a tree with a noose hanging from it. There was a crowd of people, none of them I recognized. I was shaking and I was scared. I was pleading for my life begging them to stop. They tied my hands together. One man held me up by my hair while another man tied my feet, when they were finished they moved me to a platform that was under the noose. I tried to run, he punched me in the mouth. I started to pray, I prayed with everything in me, I knew I was going to die there. They put the noose around my neck, I’m still praying. The platform holding me up was suddenly gone, and I was dangling, choking, gasping, I couldn’t move my hands up to my throat. I started to pray for my death.




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

20 Jul 2024

Car Crash


My dream last night was like a whole movie. It started in this like weird movie setting at the very beginning where this group of people was like by this like sewer thing and one of the kids wandered in. One of the other kids followed them. So this older guy, the guy that plays Iron Man follows the kids and then a few more follow and then I follow and when we come out on the other side two of the kids or older the pregnant lady in the car crashed and died, and then one of the kids in the back died back in the car and Tony Stark was older and then a few more people came out. There were two kids that became older from this water and there were a few adults as well and then we kind of just like went on with our lives and I was convinced that it was something with like, religious or even magical or something, and I was trying to figure it out and then it kinda shifts and this lady and another lady the second lady who is like her assistant is like a fem boy kind of she had a really deep voice and she had no boobs and they came in with some of the water from the sewer and they were apparently some of the researchers and they pulled me aside and they were like hey we figured it out. It was because the water didn't have enough lead in it it was a lead deficient water like oh my God I found out that one of the ladies who had not walked through. It had gone back and walked through it, hoping it would make her smarter or that people would pay more attention to her because she was a little bit overweight and kind of like ignored and she seems like she really wanted attention, so she walked through water, but the water made her eyes look like she was blind and her brain was just like all fucked up and kind of became like a zombie, but she could still like talking and stuff and didn't like eat people or anything, but it was not good and she ended up getting crushed by a shelf and it was pretty sad. I'm not even gonna lie and then at the very end there was guy who went through age and he had this mask on and he was. He had a sun sword and then there were two others there was me and then there was this guy with this moon sword, and, the guys were about to fight, but then they pressed a button that was on their sword and it went together and the sun guy became a cop and the moon guy was like OK what's what happens now and then the moon no the sun guy came back and was like I don't even know what's going on and that's when you find out that his father was one of the people who died from going through that water and that it really affected him and that he tried to commit suicide when he walked through the water so that he could be with his father and that's when he asked me if his father's waiting for him on the other side and that's when he takes off his mask then you can see that he has like bubbling blisters, but you could only assume is from the water which doesn't make sense because it didn't happen to anybody else so it could've been for something else as Wellit's kind of an open ended thing

20 Jul 2024



I owned several cats and brought some to a showing at work. I intended to put them in my car for the remainder of my shift but my boss wouldn’t let me. I held on to her car as best I could. I was at home and realized I hadn’t seen my cats or rabbits except for Rowan and Rue. Flopsy, Mopsy, Oreo and an unnamed rabbit were under the couch. Cheddar, Wheezey, and Kevin were under the bed with other cats. I climbed under the beds with help to get them all out of the room. When my partner and I looked under the bed, it was clean as if they hadn’t been living under there and making a mess. I was in colonial times looking to record my dream about the cats and rabbits, with a modern pen. Writing with the pen attached to the journal aroused me. The man keeping me in the room took me outside and o kept trying to record the dream before I forgot it. I couldn’t decide what date it was: 18 May or 18 June. I also couldn’t find a place to begin my entry as the journal was filled with notes and drawings.

20 Jul 2024

Violence and death


Yesterday I had a dream about my mom dying and it being so hard for same to cope with it. Today I have a dream about my brother and his friend being escorted from jail to a family members funeral then they let them come to the repass! This is where all the shit happen. So tyrek (my brother) is talking to my mom he says something to her that kinda drive his friend (bino) to the edge. Bino then takes a knife and stickers it in a toaster right in front of everyone and dies. The house is in a upraw. Fire works are going off I couldn’t find my daughter (Armani) finally found her we leave the cops who were there to escort disappear. Somehow me tyrek Armani and RUMEAL my cousin end up at my house. Armani goes to school the next day being that tyrek doesn’t go back to jail , he’s an escapee he goes on the run and in hiding . People now wanted to kill him due to Bono’s death even though Bino took his own life. I ask tyrek “do you want me to dye your hair? He says no I’m taking whatever comes at me I can’t keep running. Him and RUMEAL leave to go play basketball while they’re out some papis spot them and want smoke with tyrek he calls me about it then says I’m gonna Handel this accordingly. get back to my house and let me dye his hair turquoise blue. He then leaves to play basketball again with RUMEAL. while he’s gone, these aliens come to my house. The doorbell camera does not go off somehow they were able to get inside without making noise. But the aliens were sarcastic and had an attitude like Kai🌟 I said howd you get in my house? One of them says well the door was locked, so we just made our way in and then walked to the door to see how they got in. They just stood there looking at me, puzzled as I was saying.”y’all bitches need to leave! I woke up

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