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Dream Meanings – page 175

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21 Jul 2024



I once had a dream that someone killed my cat, Winston, I got home from work at Bojangles and found him lifeless in my living room. So, I went into the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and went outside. I knew it was my neighbor that did it, so, I marched over to his house, busted open the door, and killed him, stabbing him only once in the chest.

21 Jul 2024

Parking Lot


Parking lot, semi-underground Moving around in the Wuthering Waves world, ancient Chinese aesthetics meet post-apocalyptic naturalistic solar punk vibes Lab room from my old highschool Low light, neon-lit fish tank Two three teachers I was most familiar with/talked with the most is there My English/literature class teacher and my history teacher I pass by them, talk with them like I used to as teachers and a student The peers are also here around me as well The science teacher comes in(another of my favorite) instructs us to go find certain objects with certain characteristics for the project for the duration of the class I go out, pass by the parking lot from earlier and into the scapes of nature under the burning, pink dusky sky The teachers’ conversations continues on at the back of my head like game characters’ idle chat logs as I go back and forth between the school’s lab and the outside environment Mostly the objects I retrieve are of metallic nature, some look like pieces of melted/crushed mechanic parts from the things of the 3D world while others look like they’re from the devices and technologies used in the game’s world(weirdly cool-looking parts of solar panels, pokemon ball-looking object used as such AND as communication devices, gears of some artifact from ancient? advanced civilization, etc.) Teachers are talking about their zodiacs and stuff in this super serious manner and because it’s interesting I dig it while I’m doing the task




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21 Jul 2024

Running away


I dreamed last night the I was at an outdoor gathering at a bonfire party. At first everyone was having fun and drinking but then suddenly people started getting possessed and turning aggressive and crazy. My brother Jason was trying to help us escape but he started getting possessed too but I didn't know. He grabbed me and when I looked into his eyes his pupils kept going from large to small and I was horrified for my life because he was filled with rage as he is grabbing me and so close to my face. So I had to struggle to get away but he was too strong and I felt like I was about to be possessed too but I finally broke away and started running as fast as I could and he was chasing me in the woods and I couldn't see because it was dark out. I woke up terrified with the image of his rage filled face and changing pupils stuck in my head.

21 Jul 2024



So, I'm in dream land, minding my business, apparently I'd blocked the entrance to some area in my house so I decided to take the secret door and because it's the SECRET door, there's no staircase on the other side to get to where I'm going... (Picture Geena Davis opening the door in Beetlejuice and almost falling out) So, I shimmy my way down by sliding down this beautiful red convertible, using the car cover, that's half removed anyway, as my guide... I make it down to the ground, when this chick comes to the secret door above and goes, "YOU RUINED MY PAINT JOB YOU BITCH!" to which I replied, "How??? By sliding my skinny ass down it? That was DUST ON IT, NOT A WAX TREATMENT KAREN." So now she's yelling at me, but all I hear is the Halloween theme, dubstep style, BLARING throughout the whole house, so I go, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!!" while pointing to my ears, which makes her SO much more angry... Then I realized... it's my alarm. My alarm was the dubstep Halloween. And just like that, I was yanked out of my dream. I NEVER get to see what's in the secret room.

21 Jul 2024

Black man


I had a daydream that my sister and I were being robbed. The first night we were in Green Bay, there was a story on the news about a black man robbing houses around our area, so that was in my mind the whole time. The next night my dream is, there are 3 men. They come through the back door, and start walking towards my room, and my parents room. As two of them start walking towards the computer room door, I open it, only to be grabbed by one of the men, and stabbed through the chest. As I'm laying there, the other 2 guys ransack my room and find nothing, so they kick me. They leave everyone else alone, and my parents find me the next morning, and call 911. It didn't finish obviously, because I would have been dead, and I'm a believer in that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life. The next one I had was of my mom, my niece and I driving around Ashwobonaun (sp?). We pick up this guy, not sure if he's a hitchhiker or not, but we seemed okay with it. When we go to drop him off at the parking lot he told us to pull into, he's crouching down towards the back door, and pulls a gun on me, telling me to hand over my purse. I close my eyes, hand it to him, and start whispering, "please don't kill me, please don't kill me..." as I feel the gun zeroing in on my chest. But when I opened my eyes, he was gone.

21 Jul 2024



I dreamt this hitman (I think it was Jason Statham) needed my help getting some hits done. I was in France. He said we had to get to the ocean, and in my dream, that meant Scotland. So I was like, "ok, we'll go there and you can drop me off at my boyfriend Mike's" and he was like, "we'll see." Each time he had a hit, I had to shoot him in the head with a spear, which would make him all fucked up, so that when he did the hit, he would be able to get off on self defense, saying the other guy speared him. So, each hit, Jason got dumber and dumber, because by the end, he had survived 4 spears to the head. I remember him having a very big gash in the middle of his forehead, and I tried to kiss it to make it better, but he was a hardass, saying he didn't need my help. So, we jet off in his helicopter to Scotland. It was absolutely beautiful. He hugged me goodbye, and handed me a whole wad of cash, and said "nice work." in his sexy, brute manner. Then I woke up.

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