21 Jul 2024
I had a daydream that my sister and I were being robbed. The first night we were in Green Bay, there was a story on the news about a black man robbing houses around our area, so that was in my mind the whole time. The next night my dream is, there are 3 men. They come through the back door, and start walking towards my room, and my parents room. As two of them start walking towards the computer room door, I open it, only to be grabbed by one of the men, and stabbed through the chest. As I'm laying there, the other 2 guys ransack my room and find nothing, so they kick me. They leave everyone else alone, and my parents find me the next morning, and call 911. It didn't finish obviously, because I would have been dead, and I'm a believer in that if you die in your dreams, you die in real life.
The next one I had was of my mom, my niece and I driving around Ashwobonaun (sp?). We pick up this guy, not sure if he's a hitchhiker or not, but we seemed okay with it. When we go to drop him off at the parking lot he told us to pull into, he's crouching down towards the back door, and pulls a gun on me, telling me to hand over my purse. I close my eyes, hand it to him, and start whispering, "please don't kill me, please don't kill me..." as I feel the gun zeroing in on my chest. But when I opened my eyes, he was gone.