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23 Jul 2024



There was a big shark underneath the floor we were walking on to our house but it couldn’t get us because with had a necklace that protected us .

23 Jul 2024



Aliens came to make the people of Earth part of their empire, taking some people to their home planet. The it was a while later me, my hum and brother were standing on a bridge and wanted to see what a small marking on the floor did but when we stepped on it we were teleported away and basically sent to death, inside some tubes right next to the first monster, the other monsters would've came to get us anyway since it was dark outside. There was a little garland her mum as well. Then I was teleported to an outcome where I was home and I was just my mum and brother teleported away, I was standing in my kitchen, looking out the back to the shed that had the light on, contemplating whether I should go and turn off the light or not since it was almost completely pitch black. I heard a noise in the house and went to check, then I woke up




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

23 Jul 2024



One of my sisters friends took me to the tail end of a beach party. I was already wet and unhappy to be there but pretended I was okay with being there. My brother asked me if he was a particular porn star, would I have broken up with him. I had no idea what he was talking about but said no. I finally found my mom and asked her for a hairbrush. She gave one to me and I began brushing my hair. While I was doing so, my mom told me my sister’s former boyfriend’s family was overstaying their welcome and my sister didn’t know how to handle it. I told her to simply tell them to leave. My mom told me not to be ridiculous. I scoffed but a big chunk insect crawled on me and I screamed at someone to knock it off. People just laughed as I screamed. Once I had gotten rid of the insect, I put my feet up so I wouldn’t get any more bugs on me. Conversation then turned to kids getting cell phones. I mentioned I had gotten mine in high school. My uncle said that was when he’d done prepaid cell phones for my cousins. My brother and I bragged ours were two-year contracts and my brother got his first phone in middle school because he was going to school in another town.

23 Jul 2024

Lucid Dream


I had this dream that I was driving in a truck with my daughter and we were going up to the mountains and we're going off in this embankment and I remember we're stuck on this like cliff thing I went out to fix the truck and try to gauge how difficult it would be to drive off of the little embankment thing and try to get back on the road and I determined it was pretty risky and then when I looked in the back of the truck I saw all these brand new pairs of sneakers that belonged to my youngest son's father. I was confused about why I had all of them but I wanted to go through the rest of the stuff in the truck but I waited. I eventually got us down driving down and I realized that I had been going away that was way more difficult than it needed to be. I suddenly realized where we were and everything became clear and I started to go that route but I kept veering off the sides of the road and eventually I fell off the side of this embankment again but then I was able to control and I knew that I was dreaming and it turned into a lucid dream so I was able to control the truck as it flew. Then we ended up at this cabin, but throughout the journey I realized that there was something stalking me, some sort of predator. When I got to the cabin, I realized it was the cabin that belongs to my youngest son's father, whose truck I had. His brother was there in waking life, he's an attorney, but in this dream he was an anthropologist. I was asking him how big the bears were in that area because there was this big giant bear who changed form throughout the dream as it was pursuing me. It had changed to a giant lion or saber-toothed cat type creature and also to a extra large gorilla type Bigfoot like creature or a Yeti. Either way, it was some sort of large mythological creature that lives in colder climates. At one point in the dream, I was changing my daughter's diaper. My daughter's normally nine, but in the dream she was a small baby. And I got baby poop on the comforter of my youngest son's parent's bed. No matter how many baby wipes I used, I couldn't get it off all the way, and I was trying to get it clean before they noticed. I went outside and there's this big structure and it was like a fire pit area but it wasn't made by man it was inhuman for some reason and we were discussing whether or not we thought it was like some sort of offering fire or if it was a fire to make food but it was made by this creature and it was all these jagged rocks and these stones and wood pieces that were sticking out from the rocks and various piles I believe that there was it was 3 rows of four wood piles across, the jagged wood sticking straight out like spikes being held together by heavy stones. I had the feeling of being pursued throughout the whole dream like prey and I knew that there is a predator lurking just beyond the eyesight everywhere I go I'd see the silhouette and the tree lines or I could feel it staring at me through the windows I would try to be still because you can only see the silhouette. At one point I was on the toilet seat in the bathroom of this cabin and this large saber-toothed type cat comes in from above into the shower and I could only see it through the shower glass and I'm terrified as its large body starts to fill up the shower stall and then it makes eye contact with me. At some point I was with my baby's dad's mom and we were back talking about that fire area that the mythical creature had made and there was a ski lift and I remember the ski lift start to move but we weren't trying to go on the actual ski lift we were just trying to sit on there to rest. So she showed me how to hold on and and jump onto the other bars and wait and climb up so that we didn't get taken by the ski lift all the way around. I didn't know if I was gonna be holding on tight enough and I was scare but o made it. I also kept returning to a closet in the cabin in the dream and inside of the closet there was these clothes that belonged to me and belonged to my daughter and belonged to the father of my son and all these clothes were very nice and I recognized them and I miss them but they were all too small for us or slightly outdated and I wanted to take some of them with me because they were so nice but they just didn't fit any of us anymore. In the end when I finally was caught by these mythical creatures they ended up being more like gorillas or Bigfoot or Yeti type things but they weren't scary they were dressed in human clothes and had human type personalities and they were laughing because the whole time they weren't even really trying to pursue me in a predatory way and I was just assuming that and making assumptions because of the fact that they were these large mythical creatures. In the end, I felt silly and safe and wasn't afraid to go with them for some reason.

23 Jul 2024



I had a dream that i went on a girls trip and it was inside a poplated area. In my dream the girls i was with was the girls i stopped being friends with half an year ago. We made it to our room and the two girls i was with convinced me to change into a nice outfit. I looked amazing. It was a unique dream in deep green colors that was almost chrome as i moved around in front of rhe mirror. It was tight fitting for the top and loose and flowy at the bottom stopping about mid thigh. The girls i was with disappear and instead i see my little cousin and little sister spending time together in the distance. I go back in the room admiring my reflection when two men come in and i can immediately tell their intentions are bad. They mean to rape me. I make it out of the room and run. A third man comes to join the assault attempt. There is a vwry heated struggle. I do my best to defend myself and hurt them but they are so strong and seem indestructible to me. It was when i saw how ineffective my attacks and even hitting them with metal poled was ineffective that i became so afraid. I was afraid and doubting how i could defend myself against these ugly middle aged white assailants. During the struggle they ripped off most of my dress leaving me with only rags and my underwear. I manage to slow them down and make a run for it up some stairs and through a hallway into a type if food court and beg ppl for help but no one cares. No one is listening. I realize im on my own and need to keep running. I keep trying to find safety until i wake up.

23 Jul 2024



I had a dream that i found a bowl of one of my fav desserts. It was strawberries and cream. I was mixing it around and found a green apple in it. I turned it around and it had a rotting hole in it with a worm. I put it back in the bowl because i didnt want to waste the apple and just thought to myself that i would avoid the worm and tell the ppl im sharing it with to avoid the worm also. My mom started eating out of the bowl and i tried to tell her to watch out for the worm but there was a physical barrier between us and i couldnt wven hear my own voice when i tried speaking to her and i tried reaching for her too with my arms outstretched and i couldnt. Eventually i was able to hop and grab the bowl and i was looking for the apple to take it out because i realized it was a bad idea to put it back in there and i shouldve just tossed itnour because it ruined the bowl. Thankfully my mother hdnt eaten a worm so i was fishing out the apple but out of nowhere almost against my will because i tried to resist it i started eating big spoofuls of the strawberries and cream dessert. Until eventually i bit into the apple. But it was t just one worm it was a lot of them and i was so disgustef and appaled in my dream i spit everything out but the worms were trying to go into every orifice they could find and i ended up having to forcefully pull them out witj my hands reaching down into my throat. I could feel them wriggling around as i reached to pull them out with force. I woke up in horror before pulling all the worms out.

23 Jul 2024



I was #Tuuro from #Tokyo_ghoul, a #transman, I was in a #classroom, mostly highschool, everyone knew me as a #girl. I ordered #Shawarma and #Oriental_salad, then went to the #car that takes us home after a lot of #searching, I had to stop it to drop off my #food, the #man gave me salad that contained only #cucumber and parsley, I asked him why and he told me my #money wasn't enough for #tomatoes, then I put him a lot of things in his #baskets, some of them were my own books, or writings. I was waiting for him to speak with me about what I #wrote. I went to some #room that I had a lot of queer friends at, we were #talking about our #relationships, and then #reading a #manga about some #transman and his lovers, we were debating about which #person he also loves. I remembered I can buy some anime figures from a #shop that only a #friend that I cut off with #knows, so I dialed her, we went there and we were hugging each other, and the next day I went to #school, we had a #lesson about the biological #autonomy of #males and females, we had also a #lesson about how #intersex people may look, I was #anxious because in the #dream I was #intersex, so they had me remove my #clothes and they observed how my #genitals looked like. I then went back home again, in the way I met one of my #mates, she was buying #bread, she bought all the #bread in the #shop against everyone's will and well, then she went away laughing at me. I then met my maternal #aunt and parental one, they were fighting, I met my parental #cousin and we were saying those two could be very good friends if they knew it, they were fighting against their #bread supply. I then were regaining childhood memories, I was #working in a #feild that my #father owned, #tomatoes for his own tomatoe sauce factory, I was cutting some #tomatoes for myself, I then remembered we had to sell our #field and lived in the same #apartment as the factory. A day later we were #walking in the #streets of #Egypt, I said that everything reminds us of the #revolution even though the #government is trying to make us forget it. I then saw people starting a #revolution.

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