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23 Jul 2024

Old Home


Seeing an orange cat sitting on the garden of my old house




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

23 Jul 2024

Running away


I was at college and had some friend with me, that friend decided to go home without me. I was afraid, them going in the other bus means I have to take a bus from a rural place, I went there, I found my friend fighting with the guy that had to take me home but didn't move up until now, I walked beside them trying to call the police, but the guy had a pocketknife and completely mutilated my face with it, it didn't hurt a lot, I went to the hospital calmly, when I woke up I saw that my face looked perfectly fine, and my hair silky like I was when I was a toddler. I saw the guy another time when I was going back home, he seemed to have ran away trying not to be held accountable for his acts, I was about to call the police, he came near me, beated me, but this time I was able to call the police, when I did he ran away again, I couldn't regain my rights.

23 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was at my auntie house it was me my mom my grandma and we were waiting for my uncle kemar to come and pick up clothes from us and when kemar came he walked up and handed me a water bottle that had alil bit of water in it and him and my mom laughed and I was looking confused so then we walked in the house and it had clothes in the hallways and a table to my left with stuff to cut and stitch clothes with and my mom had told him his hoodie came and it was red and it had words in the corner in white and black and words on the back and he was like I like it and he picked it up and said yall treat me so nice and I was like I also have clothes you could have to it was a bodysuit and jogger with skeleton hands on the butt part and I showed him it and I was like you could cut the body suit in to a shirt since it has sleeve or you could just wear the jogger and he said again yall treat me so good and everybody was just smiling and happy then I went into a different dream and it started at my school deloro and it was me and some of the people in my cheer and asb team and we had go sent to a different school bcs it wasn’t enough room and it looked like a elementary or jounior high but I was dressed like emo and I was dating a girl on my team named Ashley at first everything was fine and cool but then she started acting weird towards me and everybody in are friend group can see it and then we ended up in the cafeteria and that when it got even more weird it was two girl one on the side of Ashley and two infront of me and we were all sitting down I’ve never seen this girls before but everytime I would try and touch Ashly she would get mad and yell at me so I started look at this room that was infront of my it was yell with a window and it look like it head a vr set and games there was people in it but I just caught my eye to keep my mind off crying but when I didn’t try and touch her she would grab my leg and put my leg on top of hers and put her hand on my thigh so I moved my leg and I had said what wrong with you your being weird and she just said I guess I’m weird and laughed with her friend I guess so I got up and walked away and I got my phone and called Julissa my other friend and she didn’t answer so I texted her and while my head was down I bumbed into her and was telling her what happend but at this point we are infront of the cafeteria and this boy name Emanuel is playing football and we’re pretty much standing behind him and Julissa acting like she’s not listen to what I’m saying so I stop talking to her and some girl comes and starts talking to me but I don’t remember her face I just remember she had a white shirt on and then I wake up bcs my mom called and I leave my room but when I go back to my room there’s a dead lizard laying face up in my bed smushed and the tail in off and also I woke up crying in the dream and kinda out of the dream to but I would just go back to sleep and I don’t know what it means

23 Jul 2024



Was looking at a new apartment in the city. Climbed the top of the scaffolding. Was on the highest floor. Dropped my keys. Felt scared of the height. Went searching for them. Someone returned them at the hotel front desk. Same with my drivers license. I was with my client working because I’m a personal support worker in real life- and my client was being silly on our way home. Her parents were out for the day and night. When we got back to her unit we accidentally walked in on her brother naked with his girlfriend. It was funny. I remember reading a cosmopolitan magazine. There was a column on the movie twilight. But this persons review was talking about how cool it would be to have a twilight farm. Where the grow human bodies on the farm from scratch so that no one has to die. The body is grown like a cabbage in a food box. It was beautiful. And then they could grow their own sustainable meat. I also had a dream where I was taking the skytrain with friends. Ran into an ex maybe? My friend asked me a question and I and remembered that I had a thought that they would ask me this question. I came to the conclusion that I was like oh my gosh- I need to trust my intuition more. I knew target were going to ask me this. It just came to me and I didn’t think anything of it at the time.

23 Jul 2024



It was early in the morning and me and my friend Alyssa were on and FaceTime call and she got some juice and your mom said “I made plans for you to go to Landons house this weekend end and I started laughing but she looked disappointed .Then the next day came and we were on the phone and I asked her how it was and she said “it was horrible “ with the 🤮 face .Then the school day comes and we were getting off the bus and me, Alyssa, Charlotte and Zoe were in front and we were talking about strawberry desserts and Alyssa’s crush said “well how about we add strawberries to a cream pie”and we all looked shocked so then we went inside to get some snacks but I went to the bathroom and I randomly said “I’m breaking up with Quinton “ and Mr O said “wtf why “ and Mrs Pendleton said “but you and Quinton was such a good couple “ so then I went to go to him and I broke up with him and all he said was “ok” with a straight face and then we saw him run out the gym pooping on his self, I came back to my seat. Now we are all eating and Gregory, Alyssa’s ex walk up with some new British boy and then all of a sudden we here clapping and wet noises and then Charlotte looks at Gregory and says”ewww” then he falls on the floor and says “I can’t stop “ then I look at Alyssa and she look shocked and run to the bathroom and I follow her then we find out that she was pregnant and then we come back and Gregory says “well it looks like some one got knocked up” and then Charlotte slapped him and he started crying and she left a red mark then Alyssas crush starts touching her thighs and tickling her knees. then the British boy ran off with my bag so then I ran after him and then he started flirting with me then we kissed. Then we came back inside the gym and the we got on the bus and left.

23 Jul 2024

Movie Theater


i was at the movie theaters with my ex bestfriend jacob (he fell for me and i didn’t feel the same way causing our breakup.) we were talking and i was trying to reconcile with him and make amends because he was someone who was very close to me and i care much about him. to my surprise his ex girlfriend natalie who was close friends with him at the time he was trying to get with me was sitting right next to him during the movie. as we were talking i was pushing to fix things but jacob was hesitant. jacob said something about how i “dont care” or “didnt care” which hurt me a lot. he didnt understand that it took both of us to absolutely destroy our relationship. i said “i wouldnt be here right now f i didnt care.” natalie butted in the conversation and said “maybe you should start caring about yourself.” after this comment i was furious. i knew that she had said so many bad thibgs about me to jacob during the time he was trying to get into a relationship with me. especially because she liked him. i know her opinion about me is not the best and to be honest bc she talked about me without even knowing me i had nothing to like about her. when she said that i should start caring about myself i punched her in the face. which i probably shouldve punched jacob because based on that statement he mustve told her about my mental health struggles at the time we were friends. but i hit her hard especially for butting in, i was upset by it all. i recognized what i did and apologized and said we dont have to fight, however she kept fighting. she responded saying “no, you started it lets fight” WHICH IS CRAZY BECAUSE SHE COULDNT SHUT HER MOUTH AND MIND HER OWN? so we continued fighting she threw a punch and missed because i ducked and dodged it, i came up again and hit her again. she hit me once or twice but it didnt effect me much. i hit her a third time harder than all of my hits. jacob was watching us fight and didnt do much to stop it. eventually we stopped and i had wandered outside the movie theaters and met two girls. they asked what happened and i had told them what natalie had told me and why i got upset. i probably said something like shes a bitch who cant mind her own business so i acted on that. after that natalie began texting me saying jacob is willing to give me another chance and how she messed up. she blamed it on another girl and said shed block her. i ended the conversation then and there and found an arcade. on my way to the arcade there was a woman fighting off 5 weird men. i happened to join because they were on my way but the lady did the most work. after that because of her appreciation of doing as much as i can to help despite my age. she led me to the arcade n let me play all the games i wanted to for free. i was supposed to call my parents n family after the movie ended but due to the commotion i lost track of time. i called them and they questioned me abt what time they should pick me up.

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