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26 Jul 2024



i was driving with my girlfriend and i had seen a broken guitar and i told her that was how my guitar looked in my dream yesterday




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

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26 Jul 2024

Video Game


I was a teenager living in a neighborhood with nice white houses with pretty roofs and all-cut. Therapy didn't work. So my therapist sent me an address and I went to the address and it looked like a weird-looking office with a triangle laid around like the Illuminati with a glowing white door and somebody being taken to the back smiling and giggling. The man never came out so I was joking through the interview and they asked me questions and I asked them so questions about the program and they told me hunting and I said hunting what and he said hunting stuff so I said what like hunting people and this man looked at me and reached his hand through the hole as it turned black his face opened wide and he looked like a demon with 2 black eyes a long outstretched jaw and tried to grab me. I told him I was joking and he turned normal. I said something about the Illuminati he did it again so my interview was concluded, he said if I told anybody they would find me and kill me and I better keep my mouth shut and he pushed me outside in the chair so while my dad and his friend were in the car I put the chair on the lawn and all of a sudden I got knocked out with my dad and my dad’s friend and everything turned blue. I got home and we started to drive back home people looked at the car horrified laughing tapping on the window and we waved and just kept driving home everything was still blue the garden and everything like a dark blue we got in the car and the sight turned a light blue as we talked about gas stations we were driving and I realized I was a ghost and that I was in a video game then I woke up.

26 Jul 2024

Boyfriend Cheating


Sal was lying in bed next to me or maybe it was Tom or both. We were very close and cuddling and I was so very happy. I wanted to have sex with him but for some reason we couldn’t but it was still very erotic. I thought I woke up and texted Riki all about it but I was stil dreaming. I was at a big party with tons of tango. But I was running around so much and then had to poop and the poop was so messy I ahd to keep wiping and wiping. I had to take a bath to get the poop off and people were nearby and I had to tell them to leave. There was a big grassy lawn and maybe Tom and Alan were sitting out there. Then the tango event was done and I’d missed it and was very sad. I told Tom I was sad to not to be able to dance but I don’t think he cared that much.

26 Jul 2024



I was in this exhibit or atrium place with plants, walkways, water, etc. I was seeing this huge poisonous snake eating fish and swimming around and it was quite scary. It was coming at me and I yelled at Erick to grab my hand and help me leap across the snake so it couldn’t bite me and I got away. I was riding a weird ferris wheel with tom that was just us sitting on a tiny seat with footrests. He kept tickling me and my palms were sweaty and I thought I might fall off. Luckily it didnt’ go very high; more horizontal. Working out in a gym that wasn’t really a gym but also had beds. This weird guy was doing situps by my bed and his foot kept hitting my pillow and I had to say something. I was in a van driving somewhere with Tom on my left and two women on my right. I was wearing my Cabrales hat and a woman said she also had a boat there and I asked if she knew Salvador and she said yes. I was visiting Dorty and she was very short and childlike. She didn’t know her name or my name and kept saying her name was all these other things, but it was like she was living an imaginary world like a child. She seemed happy and was puttering around and playing. I was at a huge property compound and I think vaguely the Salvadors were there but I saw someone driving by on a huge columbine or tractor thing. Not sure what else happened

26 Jul 2024



I was in some restaurant or bar and Jamie and Brooke were there. I noticed that Jamie kept sort of making eyes at me and looking at me a lot. At one point my dad was there and they were talking and getting along really well. Tom was there adn I was trying on clothes, including the really short bike shorts. Both Tom and Jamie didn’t think they looked good. Tom was lifting my shirt to show Jamie and I was afraid he was going to flash him my boobs as I wasn’t wearing a bra and I told him to put my shirt down. Then we were at this huge ball or event and I was stil trying on clothes. People were dancing a variety of dances. At one point I sat by Jamie and asked if he’d ever danced before and he thought I was asking him to dance and he said “no thanks”, and I clarified about dance lessons and he said he did take dance lessons at one point.

26 Jul 2024

Abandoned home
High School


I was trying to get my high school diploma, I got onto a bus with my boyfriend and the bus was supposed to be taking us to the school. The bus driver took me to my old home where I lived at as a kid woth my mom and her boyfriend. When I got off the bus my mom and her boyfriend was there. I don’t speak to either of them anymore. I asked my mom if she had my high school diploma and she said yes it was in her closet. Jay, her boyfriend got in my face and tried saying I couldn’t take it. I grabbed the chains around his neck and tried to pull and break them off but he just laughed and said “Try harder”. Other people from the apartments were coming outside and the neighbor grabbed my arm and handed me a golden knife that was shaped like a leaf. I swung it towards Jay, to keep him away from me. My mom was sobbing on the ground, I looked over and asked her in the most disrespectful manner “What the fuck is wrong with you” and she said “I’m just looking for a purse to go steal stuff” and I said “Awh mom I put a purse in the backseat for you, C’mon” and then woke up.

26 Jul 2024



Hey, Dream App. So I wanted to talk about this reoccurring theme in my dreams of me being in a school setting. So I've had various dreams where I'll be in a classroom where it's obviously like a child's classroom, but I'm 27 years old and I'm sitting there with the other students like all the other kids. And I don't know why, like I have found myself in a school setting and, you know, I've been in other settings obviously in my dream, but I keep coming back to a school and it's not always the same school. It's not always the same classroom, but it's usually like it's feeling like elementary and middle school vibes, sometimes even high school, but usually elementary or middle school. And so I wonder what this dreamscape or that setting is trying to tell me about maybe that period of my life or even why, you know, maybe there's a lesson I need to learn. Maybe I need to go back to that time period and unpack something, but that's never really a traumatic experience when I'm in school. It's just I kind of realized I'm learning. I realized, okay, I'm doing homework all of a sudden and it's like I haven't had to do that in years because I'm 27. So that's all. I just wanted to bring up the fact that it's a reoccurring thing that I keep popping up in school. So, in addition to the school dreams, on separate occasions outside of the school dreams, I have dreams about being in luxury hotels, being in like basically fine dining establishments, places where, you know, it's five-star and I just wonder how much of this is my inner guidance trying to tell me that I deserve this, you know, that this is where I could be, but there are things that are holding me back because I'm afraid to take the next leap. So, I have a business that I feel like can take off and be making me six figures and I have all this stuff lined up for me, but I'm afraid to take that next jump in order to fulfill the goal that I set out for myself. And so, I wonder if somehow subconsciously this is coming up in my dreams and kind of reminding me of my potential so that I can further reach my goals and dreams and make them realize actuality.

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