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29 Jul 2024



me and my ex was in the back seat of a car in a limo and we had feelings for eachother and flirting




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

28 Jul 2024

Lucid Dream


Last night, I had a somewhat scary dream where I was walking down a road in some sort of town and it was night out there other people around me, but as I was walking down the road, I had a little tingly feeling behind me and when I look back, there was this Younger lady that had black hair folded over her head so I couldn’t see her eyes and she was walking towards me with with a group of other people it was scary so I wanted to get away and as she got closer I became more uneasy and woke up from the dream. when I went to go back to sleep I told myself if that dream happens again to notice it and go towards her, there’s nothing to be afraid of. sure enough a similar dream happened again, and I was able to become lucid during it. In dream I turned around and started walking towards, the group that was afraid of. when I got closer to the group I was to see everyone and they all looked friendly. My eyes made contact them and they smiled back at me. As I started to walk past the individuals I reached my hand just to give them a little Hand hug, but as reachec out to touch them, I noticed that their bodies weren’t solid. Their bodies were almost ghostly and my hands went through them. I was somewhat disappointed because I wanted some human connection. The dream changed

28 Jul 2024



I dream about, me and my bestie Berlie. At that time we were in an open arena, then suddenly a known group in zamboanga was goinb to perform. I was just sitting there and other friends with us invited me to have a picture with the band. I don't know the band but they all look attractive. Then when it's our turn to get a groupie, so many were still taking photos, and we weren't able to take one 1st, even if we set up a groupie position with the band. Few minutes later we were able to get a few pics, because berlie knows them and the ones managing the band. So as we about to say bye and leave the band to prepare for their performance, one member had told me suddenly "I remember your face" then I was abit flushed and i can't really remember his face. He smiled at me, he said "you didn't remember it was at the mall" but i said i didn't really remembered at all but I just told him "maybe I saw you in college somewhere? hmm" but then he just smiled at me. He looks simple, kind of just the plain guy but he look fresh, tall and kind of has squinty small eyes, he was wearing red polo shirt, and he just smiled back waving at me good bye.

28 Jul 2024

Haunted house


I had to hide in a ceiling from something that not only could kill me but could haunt me as well. In order to not get caught, I had to shut out everyone else that was near me, which was REALLY hard to do but I did it to survive. Once I got into the ceiling, I could hear what was going on but I couldn't see, then it was silent, so I peeked through one of the ceiling tiles and saw nothing but blood. Next thing I know, I'm in the grass behind my childhood home, waiting for a creature that resembled a vehicle to pick me up and take me away from whatever was chasing the other people. As I'm riding away, I hear a bunch of people yelling about not having to move, even though they were tricked into thinking they had to, and spent all day packing. Then all of a sudden I'm back in the room I was hiding in the ceiling in, only now it's a condo, and I've got to get into a bed for the night otherwise I would be outside on my own the entire night. Only problem is, my ex husband is climbing into the bed with me, and wants to cuddle. I just lie there not making a sound. The very last thing I remember is walking through a haunted house with my sister, and she's looking for her husband who isn't the husband she has now, but a different guy she apparently had left her first husband for. But we can't find him, and we all think collectively that he was taken by whatever was haunting the place. Before falling asleep, I turned on the show New Girl to have white noise, and so I think the part about not having to move out was me slowly waking up and hearing the plot of the series finale. Also, half the time I felt as though I was lucid and fully aware that everything around me was wrong according to real world standards, but the other half of me felt complicit, like you would be in a dream state

28 Jul 2024



I don't remember the order these events happened in during the dream, so I'm just putting down what I remember. I was climbing up a rocky mountain that had stone steps, but they were so steep that I had to climb up them with my legs and hands. When I got close to the top, the stairs above me pulled away from the mountain, so I stopped drying to climb, but pulled myself up enough to peek over the top and saw the ocean on the other side. As I started moving back down, I saw a few bears on the ground below attacking a goat, the goat escaped and managed to leap up the stairs next to me and bounced over me up to the top. Then in another part of the dream, I was at a gym with a bunch of acquaintances. I had mentioned I was coming back after taking a hiatus due to financial concerns and stressor. One of my acquaintances opened a little drawer in a locker and pulled out some currency, which was from all different countries. She said it was a gift. I cried and hugged her, tucking the money into a hidden pouch in my wallet and then inside my purse. Then, since we were going to workout, I put my purse in my locker, hiding it under clothes. We went out to join the rest of the exercise class and after only 10 minutes, I had to take a break. I went back to my locker and realized my purse was missing. I alerted the facility and people started helping me search. At one point, we opened a closet and found 2 people smoking meth in it, their skin was blistered and cracked. They said they saw a guy go to my locker and run off. I asked the security to review the camera footage and they were able to see the guy doing it, but no one could find him. I started crying, explaining that my purse had my money, my keys, my wallet, my social security cards, my whole life was in it. I woke myself up after that because I could tell there was resolution and I needed to wake up to remind myself that it wasn't reality. The dream was very vibrant and felt very real.

28 Jul 2024



I had to interview someone for a school project. First thing I remember is knocking on someones door. When they opened the door, I didn't see anyone. They did respond with "Hello?". So I said hello back. I started explaining why I was there but they stopped responding. I said "Hello?" again and suddenly the person I was speaking too steps out from behind the door. The person was very strange looking but kind of hypnotic. Their skin was kind of a metallic white/silver. Their eyes were large but squinted, kind of asian looking but they were kind of rectangular instead of round. They were wearing a niqab that was white, silver, tan, and a light rose color. Their look was very odd but I don't judge so I continued with "May I come in and interview you?" They said yes and their voice was also interesting. I couldn't tell if they were male or female but I leaned towards female based on their look. Once inside, we sat down at a table. The person lowered the part of the niqab that was covering the rest of their face, exposing their nose and mouth. Their nose and mouth were also large, like their eyes, but not in a odd unactrative way. Their facial harmony was great. I began asking questions. At one point after a few questions I kinda stared off behind the person while thinking about what I was saying. I wasn't trying to look for or at anything, was just lost in thought. The person looked behind them at where I was looking and firmly said "Hey get away from there!". At first I didn't see anyone but then noticed a girl in a hoodie in the kitchen slowly back up and said something like "okay sorry". I realized I recognized the girl as my ex. I didn't say anything to her, was just confused on why she was here. Strangely, the person (one I'm interviewing) wasn't much concerned afterwards that there was some girl in their house. We resumed the interview. After a couple more questions, my ex was suddenly behind me and started going off on the person. She was talking about a balloon that was intentionally flipped a certain way. The person remained silent. I was very confused and asked my ex what she was talking about. She explained something about a gender reveal and that the person had tampered with it so that the gender was revealed and no longer a surprise. I was still a little confused as I had no idea about a pregnancy and gender reveal balloon. I turn to look back at the person I'm interviewing but they're gone. Now in the center of the room is a large statue of the person. The statue person has something around their neck and is bleeding from the eyes. Their face is mangled. (The following is a bit hazy in my memory) I'm not sure why but suddenly we are under the impression that a child, or children, are in danger. I don't remember much here but I remember a part where we are still in the house with the statue and we hear kids crying, screaming, and other disturbing sounds such as gargling. There's also a couple disturbing images randomly flashed in front of my eyes. Again, don't quite remember here but there was also a part where there were kids in the house that were supposedly my ex's? Not sure but last thing I truly remember was leaving the house in search of help. There are a couple of other things I vaguely remember but not worth mentioning.

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