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30 Jul 2024
I was with a friend and we dressed me up in super baggy rapper clothes like big black hoodie, baggie multicolor pants, huge oversized shoes. I also switched shoes with a really big girl with huge shoes. Later my feet started to peel a lot. My feet were peeling all over the floor and my friend didn't seemed too bothered when I pointed it out.
Running laps in a college campus- after each lap We put up these giant posters with well known anime characters- signing and decorating them with gold sharpie and almost auto graphing them. Then there was this nasty witchy lady who was actively hurting people like meanly, so we captured her and trapped her so she could stop hurting people. but I felt bad about how we trapped her. Before the end of the dream she was slowly coming loose and when she did she was acting very suspiciously kind but it was not genuine
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I lived in a mansion with a lot of colorful rooms. Out of nowhere hundreds of people were in my house and yard partying. I went from room to room telling them the party was over and made them leave. Almost everyone was gone expect for a few people standing in the middle of my front entry. One of them was a vampire and I told them they were not welcome in my house and they need to leave. They walked out one by one looking at me as they exited
I’m not allowed to smoke, and I had a dream that my mom found some stuff I have hidden in my room from a really long time ago when I did smoke, and when I told her I didn’t smoke anymore and it was old she didn’t believe me.
Mom and I were looking at a journal and she said you write, you write a lot, and you're good. Why don't you write more often?
I was on another trip to a city and the hotel was so wired. Stairs, hallways, they were all over the place. I began my exploration and tried to find my friends. I found my crush, but haven't spoke to her. I walked up stairs and there was a hole in the ground leading to another walkway that was half built. And to the left of in was a broken wall leading to the bathroom but closed for cleaning. Then my best friend and 2 of my friends came in and went to the bathroom there. They were caught and they left through the wall and said hello to me. Then the hotel anouccer said that there was a tag arena upstairs. My best friend said let's go and we went to a water park instead. And we slid down a water slide.
I've been sleeping a LOT. A symptom of my depression, so I've had tons of dreams the last couple DAYS and nights. The first one I remembered I was with one of my best friends that I've known my whole life Brennan and her and I were in a shopping mall and we saw a bunch of money on the ground in the middle of the mall so we ran towards it and both grabbed it and all these people ran out and told us that we won some kind of "game show" or something becuz we found the $1000 in the mall! Then we got to buy a bunch of stuff or something. Then the rest of the dreams were just random. Like, in one, I was with my aunt who is passed away and her little dogs on a street I didn't recognize. In another dream I was meditating in a tent or something with scarfs hanging around me and incense burning and chanting and I felt myself going down, down, down. Then I was in a movie or something becuz I wasn't myself and I invented some kind of food that would help people somehow and they were making a big deal out of it. There were more smaller dreams in between but it gets VERY strange.
There was something we were trying to get away from. I had my cat with me but her stuff still in the car. There was a guy ushering me urgently into his place. I fall asleep on his bed and then wake up sometime later. I start to look around for what’s going on and then try to see if I remembered to bring in my cat’s litter for her to potty. Before I knew it, she peed on the carpet and I did my best to pick it up. I quickly run outside to try to get some things out of the car, but as I do, I notice dragons in the sky wreaking havoc on everyone. I quickly try to take cover to hopefully not be spotted. At this point, I don’t make it to the car before quickly turning back. I knock on the window to be let into the locked home. That’s all I remember.
I was falling but stoped by jumping on the bed!
It's nighttime. I decided I'm going to drive to Spokane to be a stripper. I get there and find a Qdoba place and try to order $5 ramen bowl. They're out. I order something else instead. Then I'm in a shop with some people. 2 boys are doing their laundry. I'm joking with them. I'm in a group of people. There's an older woman who seems to be in charge. I'm doing a tarot reading at a table while the rest are waiting. The older woman decides it's time to go. I scramble to put my cards back in their box and get my socks and shoes on. They're already outside getting the the van. I pass a guy and girl arguing on my way out. The girl walks up to me and asks for advice. I'm crossing a field that's full of little figurines. Someone's yelling at me not to step on them but they're so tiny and everywhere that it's almost impossible not to. I make it to the van. The windows are down and the people are watching me. There's a green duck that noone notices sitting by the door. It's eating bread crumbs. I reach out to pet it. Then I'm following some monks past a concrete path filled with different sized statues. Im racing one of them. We're both seeing who can dodge the statues. We make it past some pillars where the masters waiting. They hugged us. They walked up to an entryway and some of the people went upstairs. The master went downstairs and some girl went in a sliding hole downstairs. I checked to see if there was a way up but it was just an empty void so I followed the master down. The path downstairs was dark but as I walked there were little iridescent strips on the stairs that illuminated the pathway. I woke up before reaching the bottom
In the dream, my lower abdomen and side is hurting and cramping. I can’t figure out why. Eventually, I look down and underneath my navel near my groin area is this protruding hard knot. Almost looks like an object of some kind but it’s not really. It’s just this sore knot and bump. I remember feeling freaked out by it and not knowing what to do.
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