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2 Aug 2024

Old Man


I had a dream that there were beds in rows and I was in the last row and this weird old guy was beside me, he stole my food, he was grumpy, and he was mean to my cat, but then the scene of the screen shifted and we were in a store of some sorts I was lookin at bracelets when the old man and some younger guy came in, everyone started fighting and I was protecting my younger sister, I think my step mom was there too, but the old man went after my sister and I hit him right on the head with a lamp and I grabbed my sister and kept her close to protect her then the scene shifted again and I was at my grams house with my aunt and uncle and I don’t know the other two but they were talking about something I couldn’t hear but then I noticed something off about my aunt heather.. she had short hair and we very skinny and was wearing sunglasses indoors, compared from her normal look were she has long hair and she’s fat, then I remember asking her “aunt heather why did you cut your hair” and she didn’t respond. The scene of the dream shifted again, we were in some creek and my sister was sitting with me in the very shallow water, then my stepmom,my dad, my aunt and her boyfriend, and her transgender daughter came and sat a picnic table a couple feet from the creek, he went down the creek and the farther we swam the more deep it got then when we swam back up the water was gone in the original spot just wet sand was left and then I woke up

2 Aug 2024

Video Game


Me and laney(sister) we were playing Fortnite and we were cookin there was also these little bonus things so we went around the whole map collecting them the map was like the walls were nets on net went out and the other on top of it went out diagonal so we we killing every one and getting all the rare chests and breaking all the buildings so at the end we are worrying because we haven’t ran into Audrey my friend who uses a sniper so we are yelling out to her like come on out Audrey and I’m building ramps in ward where the second next is so she can shoot me then I see her on the net and I’m like i see her but laneys like don’t say that let’s get in abetter position cause she see us but didint have her gun out you when I get mine we are facing each other but not close so her team mate jonah my friend and laney are down there whaching as we have a snipe off Audrey goes first and shoots but I move around and she misses so I get my gun and she moves a little but I shoot her in the head it doesn’t kill her but it’s super realistic there’s blood everywhere but I think I killed her and then in like oh so I scramble to get me gun up and kill her and then Audrey jumps down and we stuggle the top is at her head and I’m elbowing her neck to the wall and I’m about to shoot but she grabs it and points it at lany so I knock it above her head and tel Laney to help me so we push us back at Audrey but she’s really stong so it’s on her jaw pointing up in holding the long cylinder part on her jaw at this point it’s not even fn any more and I finally pulll the trigger and it sings and knocks my hand super bad and I think it misfired and I see a whole in her jaw and I know we won so all out parents are there and for some reason there’s like blood in my lungs and it’s gushing out of my mouth and I can barely breathe every time I try i just breath the blood so my mom doesn’t wanna look so I hold my breath so the blood doesn’t come later that day we are at the table with Jonah and his mom Leah and Audrey she’s fine now and I’m eating when I see these cooked grapes with a whole in each so I eat one and scream when it’s an olive everyone’s like what and I said nothing and we talked about olive the whole dinner




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2 Aug 2024



In my dream I was living in a low income project with my mom, in real life we have never lived in one. And my mom and I were taking out hair someone's braids in the living room and her cousin was sitting on the couch just visiting my mom was supposed to let me know when it was 2:30pm so I could go to work, I went to check my phone and it was 4:30pm I was upset and told my mom I didn't know what I was going to do because this was my 7th day calling off in 2 weeks, she was very dismissive and said you'll be alright. I was talking to myself about what I should do and being upset. My mom began flying into a rage an cursing and yelling at me and I apologized and let her know I was upset with myself and it wasn't directed at her and that I was just fearful I would lose my job, she didn't care and was still yelling and calling me really bad names etc and her cousin was egging her on and agreeing that I was being rude and it was directed to her I even promised on my deceased father that it wasn't to get her to calm down but nothing worked. I went into my room and I was crying and really upset I never clocked into work and they were still talking about me in the living room hours later loud enough that I could hear. So I ended up calling my granny she's always been my protector in reality as well. She came to get me and I was still crying once my granny came my mom tried to act super cordial but my granny knows of how she does in these situations from previous experiences so she wasn't entertaining it and I packed a little bag and left with her. I realized I didn't have shoes on so she went back in to grab some when she did my mom must've been having some kind of family gathering because all of my family was pulling up at her house and there was a que line like at the airport with the straps dividing the line in a zigzag like pattern. My cousin Tatiana came to speak with me and I was wiping away tears and trying to hide the overwhelming emotions no one seemed to notice the distress and she just had a normal talk about life. Then I woke up because I didnt want to continue the dream, i was feeling really bad and borderline crying in reality.

2 Aug 2024

Garage Door


There was a giant group of muscular guys who dug a hole in my garage and planted thousands of dollars in it then left for a while. My older brother knew this and told my sister and I so we went ourside and started digging it up and found money in bands of 1,000 or so. Since we found one band we kept digging around to get more and more, and I knew they were coming back so i said we need to cover up the hole. turns out we were too late and they show up at our door at night time and we weren’t ready. Dori says we should run upstairs and hide- i check on my brother filling in the garage to let him know our plan and the whole is halfway covered back up and the other half like has just covering it. So we go upstairs and hide until the next day. We go downstairs to see if theyre gone, but they’re outside in our driveway in a van waiting for us. We got the idea to grab pumpkins and walk outside. So we walked outside with two pumpkins per person and the gang gets out their van and punches and smashes our pumpkins. That satisfied them and they left.

2 Aug 2024



I Was driving around with my mom, dad, sister and my nephew and we turned into this place to eat and my dad started the order. It was a sit down restaurant and we had to put our own food in a microwave. My nephew walked up looking tired and I kept asking her what was wrong with my nephew cause he looked said. She said he was just tired and needed coffee. He gave me a coffee order and I said I wasn't going to do that because he was too young. My nephew and i started walking away and he was upset because he was late for a school thing. So him and I start walking faster and we find the place. We are standing and waiting for his age groups turn to be called up and my nephew bumped into someone and broke something. She started yelling at my nephew and i went up and told her it was an accident and theres no need to yell over an accident. Her and i started talking and then i woke up

2 Aug 2024



As I was getting into my car my friend got into the passenger side and told me my car was dirty I told her sorry I have to clean it. Also I noticed my driver side rearview mirror was missing. So I went back to the parking lot and found my rear view mirror on the floor. I picked it up and put it back in my car. Then I saw one of the students trying to get in my car. I sent her to the bus to get on and I would meet them at the trip. Then I noticed as we left the trip a parent was saying that she never arrived home. I then began doing my detective I discovered she left with one of the male students in his car and they were at the trip but decided to leave together and he did something to her. He then took her to his place and then raped her and then killed her.

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