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Dream Interpretation: Space 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Space? Discover the significance of seeing a Space in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Space appears in your dream ✅

Space symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol of the abyss of the unconscious mind. Contained within this darkness and void are all the potentialities and opportunities, but it is also the ultimate chaos that can be terrifying and inspiring at the same time. This also signifies that you have yet to explore your true potential and uncover your hidden desires.

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🧭 Direction


Give yourself some space to explore your passions, your potentials, and the darker repressed parts of who you are as a person. At first, this may cause you anxiety, but learn to love and accept whatever you find without reservation. When you know how to love and integrate all parts of you, you will become fully self-actualized.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of space evokes a sense of wonder, curiosity, and awe. It brings about feelings of vastness, freedom, and exploration. It may also elicit a sense of insignificance in the grand scheme of the universe. This dream can inspire a desire for adventure and a longing to discover the unknown. It may leave one feeling both humbled and inspired by the limitless possibilities that exist beyond our earthly boundaries.





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Dreams of users containing the word Space

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27 Aug 2024



I was at a canning food factory cleaning. Doing some water blasting. Theses guys had to remove the green seaweed from the machines. These guys did a bad job so I had to go through and help them remove what they missed. We started and canned all the veggies and loaded the trucks. They took off. And 2 of the trucks lost some of the cans and came off the road. It was all good as they were covered by insurance. I was selling Weed. Had to buy a ounce and drop some 50s off. We were in space in a space ship. These people ran out of gas so I used my ship to push then into earth's atmosphere they landed in the dessert. They were worried about getting attacked by rebels but one of there guys saved them by pulling up when they landed.

27 Aug 2024



Morning cave I was inside a cave underground, I was playing my orange in one of the geodes, until it nearly fell to the lake inside the cave, it was dark, I then made a boat and explored different caves, I also put some torch so I could see. I made a living place in one of the caves fully lit, but then I decided to get to the cave edge and swim down the deep lake, I see a huge hole underneath and see land, but not only did I see land, I also see 10 sea creatures waiting for me, so I swam as quickly as possible and reach the town at the coast. There is a sign of the town in the coast, I walked on a path from the coast to the main road, where I see people and cylinder shaped houses with woody or stone color. I walk to the main plaza of the village and found a janitor sweeping the plaza floor wearing a space agency NASA uniform, and there was also a space agency building behind him (NASA). I saw many happy residents in the town, I took a seat and ordered some food.

27 Aug 2024



Morning cave I was inside a cave underground, I was playing my orange in one of the geodes, until it nearly fell to the lake inside the cave, it was dark, I then made a boat and explored different caves, I also put some torch so I could see. I made a living place in one of the caves fully lit, but then I decided to get to the cave edge and swim down the deep lake, I see a huge hole underneath and see land, but not only did I see land, I also see 10 sea creatures waiting for me, so I swam as quickly as possible and reach the town at the coast. There is a sign of the town in the coast, I walked on a path from the coast to the main road, where I see people and cylinder shaped houses with woody or stone color. I walk to the main plaza of the village and found a janitor sweeping the plaza floor wearing a space agency NASA uniform, and there was also a space agency building behind him (NASA). I saw many happy residents in the town, I took a seat and ordered some food.

17 Aug 2024



A hospital on a low, cloudy mountain that looks like the one me and mom used to frequently pass by on the way to pick up our younger brother from the daycare in Odawara(we were living in Hakone at that time, or at least she was; I visited every weekend from Tokyo where my school and my fatherms place(whom I lived with) was at) Nothing is really clear because of the fog and the clouds, it’s like a mix of a similar facility in Hakone and of that place(Odawara city) Some sort of a competition, basically a flag war between two parties and I’m caught in the middle of it, this whole thing is taking place in the hospital facilities Glass roofed dome-hall with many plants, reception floor/lobby being that Glass everything, very modern, somewhat futuristic even Looks a bit like the university campus of some new business college in the larger Nagoya city region/outskirts Middle of some patch of forests, idek The flag is taken by the party of people who’s protecting me, and they’re now using the whole hospitalf facility as a base to protect against the attack of the invading force Wide parking lot, slope down the hill to the common road, very cloudy All this time I’m inside the building watching from within, and so are my party’s people even as they prepare and arm themselves and the facility because safety Scene changes, now I’m in space I mean like the dark, realistically cold, somewhat empty space with many stars, planets and comets floating and glimmering in the unfathomable distances Flying all the way to near Pluto, Saturn or Neptune(the final destination was Pluto, I don’t quite recall if I actually got near it or not) to retrieve my flip phone that got thrown into it Once I retrieve I go back to the apartment room owned by my mother’s side of grandparents I’m on the tatami, gery nostalgic because this is where my mother would usually take me to whenever she had time(even though she and the family has a very rocky history where basically my mother was the scapegoat and the perpetual ‘daughter/servant’ of the family during her younger years; once the divorce happened and I started living really separated from her, she spiraled into being institutionalized that cold, domineering and controlling attitude of theirs sort of returned) I’m charging the retrived phone, younger brother(around the age of 5 or 6 at this time) is talking The flip phone is brittle, full of scars from all the exposure to the elements out in the deep space The whole place looks like they’re fusing between that room and my current home(my paternal grandmother’s house’s living room) And there’s a sense of urgency and anxiety as I go into the other room with my younger brother, when my mother first comes back from some groceries or outdoors activities she does to give herself some space Father follows suite, they’re probably arguing judging from all the sounds and the tone of speech Father doesn’t seem too well in the mood

15 Aug 2024

Angry at Dad


I was with an Orange tabby cat who was following me around and who I was hanging out with, I was holding a clear wine glass with water in it. The cat kept getting in my way and almost making me drop the wine glass and water. Eventually the cat did make me drop the wine glass and spill the water on the carpet. The cat seemed happy about it and started licking and stepping on the water that is now on the floor. I remember there was a part of the dream that my dad was angrily wrestling someone at night for no reason. I was upset at him about that and ran over to rip him off the guy as I yelled at him. The dream transitioned to me being in space and had an alien explain to me that I’m energy that is connected to the entire universe. My girlfriend and I were lost at a mall in the airport as we were trying to find the gate for my flight. We decided to search for the Chase bank in the mall and go to room 306 as they’d be able to tell us where to go and give me more information about my flight to Brasil

6 Aug 2024

Lucid Dream


I had a lucid dream. I thought I was astral projecting because I sat up out of my body, and I was in my bedroom. It looked very accurate to my bedroom in real life. It was dark. I could see my whole bedroom set up. I got out of bed and tried to jump up through the ceiling, but when I got to the ceiling I stopped. I looked around and realized one side of my bedroom was different. That’s when I realized it was only a lucid dream. I jumped up again. This time I kept my eyes closed and imagined going through the ceiling. When I opened my eyes I could see the night sky… but it didn’t look right. I ended up in space with meteor rocks. I saw planets. Maybe earth. Then I was back on earth and in a circle floating device. One other person was with me. A male. I knew he was guiding me. I was leaning over the side looking at the water, and he ducked my head in and held me in. I wasn’t afraid. It was murky and brown. I couldn’t make out much. I could breathe, so I just went in the water and swam a while. I didn’t see much because it was too murky. Later I was at some type of bank… but I just passed by. Last I was in a hospital setting. Old fashioned. I said out loud that I hoped reincarnation was real because lore people had a chance of being ok. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me. It was like they realized I was awake in my dream and that shouldn’t be happening. I guess I fell back asleep in my dream at this point because I was no longer lucid the rest of the night.

30 Jul 2024



I had a dream in black and white of myself talking to an audience, similarly found like a narration on a film like a Television character. I remember talking about my life currently and me experiencing strange dreams and each time I spoke about a different dream, my eyes closed and it would be acted out by shadow silhouettes on a white wall. The final time I had a dream, I woke up in colour and saw that I was wearing my regular black turtleneck, black checkered suspender trousers and black Doc Marten boots. I looked in the mirror on my white desk I was sitting at on my white chair to match. At first I saw my reflection and then my inner monologue further narrated with me not physically talking, and said “Because deep down, it didn’t matter how I appeared to people, because on the inside, I have always been a Girl of Sunshine”. And the I saw myself through the mirror wearing a yellow turtleneck, a red mini skirt, black tights and brown boots, in another dimension in outer space. The version of myself still in my room smiled at myself in space and the dream zoomed into the mirror like a camera changing focus of something and I had that dream again of my appearance changing. I began wearing a yellow turtleneck with 3/4 sleeves and a burgundy skirt with white tights and brown boots. My hair changed back to the hair colour it was when I was fourteen, a blonde balayage in the middle and bottom of my hair with dark brown on the top of my head. The blonde was similar to a honey yellow colour. My eyes were white though, I couldn’t make out my pupils. I fully remember that in this state of appearance, I was in out of space. Though it was full of colour, with pink, green, purple and blue colours found in the sky in space full of white stars. I had flashbacks of times I had with friends from college and I instead of sadness I saw beauty. In the background of all of this, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds’ cover of the song Mind Games (originally by John Lennon) was playing in the midst of it. I looked like a writer. I looked like a girl of sunshine in space and now I feel different from my old goth self. I was just lost in the song of Mind Games and Noel Gallagher’s voice. And then these end credits rolled in my mind with my name being on every credit.

21 Jul 2024



I unfortunately don't remember all of the details of this dream but I was part of some sort of space crew. We had a ship and the main room was a large white circular room with, I think, a circle of padded chairs in the middle. I think there was a little bit about someone with super powers but I really can't remember the details nThe room connected straight to the outside where my fellow space cadets would go in and out for the mission. Our job seemed to be going to other planets, fighting the alien inhabitants and taking over. We flew to one barren planet to battle the aliens there. I was in the ship for some of the battle, I didn't necessarily have to join so I was maybe off doing a few other things or still getting ready first. Anyway, I did leave the main room, climbed up the ladder and went through the hatch door to exit the ship. I think everyone was wearing white space uniforms, the type of typically see in Sci fi movies. The battle went on (I don't remember it too well) and we won then went off to another planet. We arrived at a place called New Earth. This was an inhabited planet that had lots of buildings, it really did look like a futuristic Earth city. Again, we won the battle and New Earth was ours. The dream then either skipped ahead of this was a second dream connected to the first. I was now in a very large black room. It was not empty, there were people and furniture. It seems it was some sort of communal area but very futuristic and minimal? There were some conveyor belts on the floor, in the far left there were showers. Everything was black. I unfortunately do not remember the details of the people but there were about 7-8 people, I just don't remember exactly what they were doing. At the back was 2 doors connecting to a small hallway with grey carpet and it connected to 2 back rooms. They looked like old-school cheap office rooms. Small with white paint and gray carpet and outdated furniture. Some people went to the back rooms and I was going to go too until one girl (unsure of her age but she seemed young like teen/20s) wanted to watch TV in peace but of course the back rooms were now being taken. I took her through a door on the right side of the large black room into a white hallway. We went up a little slope and entered a room on the left. The room had been part of the spaceship/fleet that my space crew used to roam around in. It was a cosy room that was decorated. Gnar from League of Legends was there. Me and the girl were trying to close the door but Gnar wanted to do it and wasn't doing it correctly, I told him to let us close the door and he did. Then I told her to watch out for anyone in the room. There was a tall dark shadowy figure which was likely an alien enemy? Gnar helped me quickly get rid of the figure. I explained to the girl that sometimes enemies get in (I don't know how they would) but there is only an enemy in the room about 10-15% of the time. Gnar found a little bug to play with and messed with that. I showed the girl the huge TV screen which had controls at the top of the screen. 2 others had come to join and watch TV. I asked if they wanted to see what New Earth looked like then I opened the blinds and there was the cityscape of New Earth. I wonder if they didnt know what it looked like then did they not know we were on New Earth? There were no windows in the large black room, the back rooms or the white hallway, so maybe they didn't know or hadn't seen the outside before. I wonder why. Relevant details: I watched Doctor Who last week and one of the episodes involved them being trapped on a giant spaceship with a large white main room so I think that's where the spaceship is from though mine was much smaller! Doctor Who might has also influenced the whole fighting aliens and visit g new works thing.

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