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Dream Interpretation: Security 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Security? Discover the significance of seeing a Security in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Security appears in your dream ✅

Security symbol
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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of security symbolizes a need for stability and safety in your life. It may also represent your desire for protection and a sense of comfort. This dream may indicate that you are feeling vulnerable or insecure in your waking life.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current situation and identify any areas where you feel uncertain or exposed. Take steps to create a sense of security in your life, whether it be through building stronger relationships, seeking financial stability, or improving your physical safety. Remember that feeling secure is important for your overall well-being.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of security evokes feelings of comfort, stability, and peace. It brings a sense of protection and assurance, allowing one to feel safe and free from worries. It instills a deep sense of trust and confidence, providing a solid foundation to navigate through life's uncertainties. The dream of security brings a warm and soothing feeling, like being wrapped in a cozy blanket, allowing one to relax and let go of any anxieties. It brings a sense of contentment and tranquility, creating a space where one can fully embrace and enjoy the present moment.





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1 Aug 2024

Sexual Assault


I am exiting an elevator with a couple people I know. We are in the middle of talking when, without thinking, I vaped. A male figure security guard saw me and started to address me. He didn’t mention anything about the vape, but he proceeded to play mind games and threats. I set him straight by making know a common issues with people of authority taking advantage of people due to their power. Once done, I am in a room with children playing. I grab the hand of a child male figure and I walked away into a mall. There were so many people but I could see signs directing me where to go. I am not sure where I wanted to go but look at signs gave me guidance. The child male figure and I are eating at a long table with a male figure who feels like my father and a female figure. I don’t know who she is to me but I can feel I know her. A female cop, who felt like the security guard I recently had the altercation with in the hospital, walks up to us and started talking to the female figure eating with us. It appear they know each other. She was making remakes and slick comments to harrass me. I started to curse her out again. I noticed the female figure who was dining with us was silent the entire time. I was a bit confused I think my father stepped up for defend me. She begins to target my father by rubbing on his chest and squeeze his nipples. My father seemed helpless so I stepped in and grab her hands. I removed it from his nipples and proceed to tell everyone in the area what she is doing and why she feels the need to use her power of authority to sexually assault my father and harrass me. People didn’t seem to care or believe me but the female figure who was with us spoke out supporting my statement. Another female figure across the room stood up and support my statement as well. It seem all three of them know each other. I asked both of them is this something that’s the cop has been doing and their looks said it all. One of them mentioned they been silent about it since grade school. Everyone in the place cheered me on for standing up to the cop. The cop walked out. We are back to eating; my father, child, and woman figure. The female figure next me started to look surprise. I looked up to see a very tall male figure standing by a glass door and windows. We seem to now be in a different dining setting. Outside looked very busy and populated as if we are in a large city like New York City. I recognize the male figure as someone I know. The entire dining area and I are cheering with happiness as the female figure is emotional to see this male figure. It seems they are lovers and he was always for a while.

25 Jul 2024



so I was in a really big like office building it was like an office frame it didn't look like a real office it was like very open and I was in a room with 200 people and there's this one guy that kept like harassing me he like pulled my hair and was like say really mean things to me and like physically hurt me and he did it three or four times before I was like you know what I'm done and so I went like I went to report him because this is like a work setting and I was really upset and so I went to go report him I have to go tell someone and whenever I told like that person like the guy came in the guy that was harassing me he came in and he started like strangling the person I was trying to like get help from and I don't know if he killed him or the guy just passed out but I could no longer talk to him so I was like oh my gosh this guy's serious and so I went before that I had tried to like use a phone to like call HR but the guy had cut the line so he cut the phone call and then he killed or strangled this guy and so I was like oh my gosh this guy's like really serious and intimidating like what's going on and so I went to I ran to this like second floor room that overlooked all the offices because that was supposed to be the security room and I ran up there and no one was in there it was empty and I tried to use the phones in there but it wouldn't work and I saw the guy running up the stairs towards my room so I ended up jumping off the second story there's a window in it and I ended up jumping out and it led like back into the offices so I ran out the front doors and there were a few police officers standing there because they were arresting someone else on like an unrelated crime I think and they were telling me no you can't come in here it's an active crime scene you can't come but I ran in there and I was like no this guy's like trying to kill me like he's like harassing all these people and I'm worried about my life and so they took me in they took me to outside the front of the store or shop and like towards the police cars and we heard the guy behind us yelling oh you think I killed that guy like you think I did that guy dirty wait until you see what I do to you I'm gonna do you ten times worse and like I was terrified and so there are three police officers two men and one woman and the woman takes me to her car and she had a dog in a car like a German shepherd and like he sat on my lap like when we drove away but first we were getting into the car and I saw that the two men police officers they were going to stay back and fight with the other guy the guy that was harassing us and he comes out from behind the building in a steamroller and he's coming towards them and then the lady police officer and I drive away she's driving me and it's a very long drive and there's like small talk kind of awkward small talk and after like a while we get to a campus and it's not my campus but it's like a college campus and she's about to drop me off and she like looks upset and I like ask her what's wrong are you worried about like your friends and she's like no I just don't know why that guy wouldn't attack me like I'm the prettiest girl in the building why wouldn't he attack me and I thought it was a really weird thing for her to say and that was around the end of my journey I think.

19 Jul 2024



My dream starts out with my mother gambling in some hotel area and she's drunk and bewildered and I'm trying to get her because she's causing a scene everywhere she goes and she kind of acts like she doesn't even know me and she gets kind of frustrated with me and I'm like, hey, come on, you know, and before you know it, security gets her and they're like, sorry, we have to get her and I was like, oh my gosh, like, you know, I didn't know what else to do. So it jumps back to the scene where I'm in my back like in my hotel room and then I go back to my room and there's people, I guess, staying in like a room within my room, which was weird and they come out and they say there's a spirit in there, like it's haunted in there and the spirit doesn't like the smell and for some reason, I just didn't want to go in there and I didn't check it out. I just let it be with that. I was like, okay, well, whatever, I'm not going to go in there and then I go to sleep and then the dream jumps back to where I wake up in my own house with my boyfriend and he's trying to have sex with me and I keep telling him no, no, no, no. And then I keep asking him what the time is, but he j tell me what the time is. And i keep asking it was either 10:00 am or 8:32 i look out side and see a twinkling star then he takes one of my plants and smashes it i get really upset i asked why did you do that he doesn't answer then he takes this soap dish and it shows his mouth really big and wide and he's got no teeth just gums and starts to take smash it and gets this jelly substance out when he is done he asks me for a xanex i said no but i go upstairs to get it as im doing that i see that our guests are partying with drugs upstairs so i ignore it grab the xanex then it jumps to a scene where the bed is upstairs and my boyfriend is fully clothed for work and wrapped in covers fully then it shows the guests eating pistiacio and she spits out the shell it lands on my bed and i said to her your renting out a room why don't you use it and she says you don't know who iam then it jumps to a movie scene where 4 big fat really fat generals get beheaded and i turn my head to not see it and i still saw it in my mind somehow then one guy escapes being beheaded i said he's going to get away my boyfriend says he's going to get caught then it shows him taking his clothes off and he has swimming truncks on and he starts making his way to the water and jumps and he starts surfing and is alot skinny i said wow he escapes and now surfing and is skinny crazy then i wake up

18 Jul 2024



I was walking in the clothing section of a store and as I go farther in a notice my ex. I can’t believe it’s her. I could walk away but instead I go up to the clothing she’s looking at and she notices me and we start talking a bit and she’s being fairly nice. Then we walk over to a spot and sit down and continue talking and then she starts to get rude and continues to get ruder with me. Eventually she goes off on me and gets up and walks away. She has a tv with her and so after she walks off I see some security.. so I was petty and said she was trying to break it. Or steal it? I can’t remember. But the security went after her and obviously she was angry but then I woke up. This was the first dream I’ve had in a long time that was somewhat funny or wasn’t a nightmare, or that involved an ex and I wasn’t devistated or bothered.

16 Jul 2024

Best Friend
High School


My best friend from high school and I were placed in this huge warehouse with hundreds of conveyor belts, that turned out to be a prison. You had to choose which “conveyor” to use and depending upon which one you chose, had its own “obstacle course” in which meant having to physically fight one another to make it to the next conveyor that had its own theme. Some included dealing with fire. He and I would choose the same path in this warehouse/prison because we only knew each other. The strange part is, it was as if I became him and was viewing what he was experiencing. For some reason in the far back of this warehouse was a private section that was a Christmas holiday conveyor belt for children to have a fun and entertaining path. I watched my best friend sneak over to the private section where the kids were, knowing that if he got caught it could mean death. He went thru several checkpoints on this conveyor without being caught so he tried to see if he could do this again. While on one section of this path I was elevated about 10 feet above the ground as if riding a sky lift made for only 1 person and remembering having a piece of chewing gum that was stuck to my tooth and the more I pulled, the more that kept coming. I could occasionally break it off but there would always be a piece dangling from my tooth. It’s as if it we’re never ending. At the last checkpoint before being able to exit, someone noticed that we were attempting to sneak out and called security. Security stops the conveyor belt and tells me to smile because all the prisoners had to wear a mouth guard like boxers use. Know that we were busted, I smiled and immediately spit out the mouth hard and started running knowing we were about to be caught.

14 Jul 2024

Running away


Going up to the school I used to go to at Hakone by a train The train is connected to other regions where they aren’t irl Mother’s voice in the back of my head urging me towards where she wants me to go to through the journey Apparently I have to catch a train to Lake Yamanaka I navigate myself through this process like it’s a map of a game stage and I’m a first-person avatar Cloudy warm weather, Gōra station, plum blossoms, melting snow, chilly and warm at the same time Sense of being watched, a pair of eyes peering at me by the corner of my vision no matter where I turn to Scene changes when I decide to break out of mother’s guiding voice and do my own thing Now I’m running away from those pairs of eyes from earlier and their ‘friends’ Turns out they were a part of some group Now the guide of my mother is replaced by some operator’s voice streaming in the back of my head I rush to the school, but even if it looks like it, it doesn’t feel or seem like the one I used to go to irl There’s live concerts being held by some v-kei/kurofuku-kei artists I’m navigating myself through the processions of people and the crowd, sneaking into the backstage studios for some peace and quiet Then I’m somehow at the Italian neighborhoods the next second, the whole school just got done turned into the aesthetic I’m now hiding with a bushy man(Italian), and after he’d start making advances away from the guy Eventually I cave and he fucks my head out in the office room till I pee Then I have to hide the evidences(the stench, the puddles on the floor) before the Principal comes in The guy ran away before I could, now I’m trying to slip out without being noticed by the school’s security people

7 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was staying in another city in a strange house. A doctor came to the house and she told me I was pregnant. I was confused because I don’t have a uterus or ovaries anymore. They showed me an ultrasound and showed the baby. I couldn’t believe it. I was supposed to be teaching.a friend of mine from the animal hospital was there too and also pregnant. She was in the music teacher there, which was weird because she is not qualified to be a music teacher, but she was also the choir Director there and there was a church attached. I’m Jewish so this is strange. She began practicing for the next day, But when I woke up in the morning there she called and asked me to cover for her. She told me a horrible story about someone who had done something to her on a date previous. I was so focused on her that I didn’t realize I wasn’t dressed and parents And students we’re beginning to arrive to go to the church service that morning. They expected me to help them run through the songs explained that I wasn’t the music teacher. I didn’t know how to play the piano then the office called and stated that they were watching on security camera, I thought my dress was too sheer. Secretary said you can see everything. He said oh I had been distracted. She told me there was a closet full of clothes in the music room that they used for costumes and days when kids came without enough, she suggested find something quickly. I managed to quickly throw something on. Then there was a scene when I discovered I was not pregnant, and that they were lying to me. I was upset and didn’t want to believe it the same time I was trying to get ready for church and trying to figure out how to play the piano or find kids who play the piano. in the 10 minutes that I had before church. Didn’t know what I was doing here or how I got there. I went to look for my supervisor to find out what I was supposed to be doing that day, but when I got to her room, there was a sub for her and really no saying that she never worked there, I went back to my room confused and afraid that I might be fired and homeless. The whole time I was thinking how did I get here today? I have a different life. I had people I was sure I had love and a house and pets and a different job? what had become of all of that? where were they? Were They still out there? why couldn’t I remember them? I couldn’t I remember the specifics

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