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Dream Interpretation: Screaming 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Screaming? Discover the significance of seeing a Screaming in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Screaming appears in your dream ✅

Screaming symbol
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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of screaming can represent a need to express yourself or release pent-up emotions. It may also indicate a feeling of powerlessness or fear. Screaming can also be a sign of warning or danger.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what you are screaming about in your dream. Is it a cry for help or a release of frustration? Consider if there are any situations in your waking life where you feel unheard or powerless. It may be helpful to find healthy ways to express your emotions and communicate your needs. If the screaming is a warning, pay attention to any potential dangers in your life and take necessary precautions.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of screaming may evoke feelings of fear, panic, and distress. It suggests a sense of being overwhelmed or unable to express oneself effectively. The intensity of the scream may reflect deep-seated emotions or unresolved issues that need attention. It could also indicate a need for release or a desire to be heard. Overall, this dream may leave one feeling unsettled and anxious.





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17 Aug 2024



me, my brother and my parents were in my parents room and under the little hedge i saw some feet and hands that looked like a human and when i kept staring at it it came out and it was like pitch black with 2 heads and white eyes and teeth and me and everyone was screaming

14 Aug 2024

Boyfriend Cheating


Spencer (my boyfriend) cheated on me with like a family friend and I was with my friends Jaya and Jared and I saw him walking her into her school or work or something with her and her mom and he was laughing and hugging her and then we pulled up as he was walking back to his car and Jaya and Jared asked who they were and he was like “oh that’s my mom” and I was like Spencer no it’s not lol and he was just like not really even phased and then I left and I was pissed and then he kept denying it over text but he was also like barely responding and didn’t really care and I was going off and so upset and then one of my friends was like oh look I found pictures of them as kids together and they’re so cute and stuff and maybe they are just friends and so I kept asking if that was true and he kept changing his answers and then he was like completely ignoring me and I was like please can we work this out and he said “if we’re gonna have a friendship you have to stop freaking out” like he only wanted to be friends now and then he finally admitted he was with her and gonna go be with her and they were in love and she doesn’t yell or get upset like I do and she was so pretty and skinny and I literally fell to the floor crying and screaming and having such a bad panic attack 😭 and I woke up shaking and covered in sweat

10 Aug 2024



This wasn’t a last dream, but I often remember when I was 9 - 11/12, I used to have the same dream over and over again. It was a dream of me running through the parking lot, but it was a specific one, where we used to go to shop at Food Lion. I remember there were lots of cars, yet the only one I remember passing as I ran was a red car. A Ford, maybe? I have no idea. Anyway, the only store that had a sign was in fact Food Lion, I always hated that grocery store when I was little, just shopping with my parents in general. I don’t know what I was wearing, all I know was that this man was chasing me. I never knew what the man looked like. All I know is that when I started to think about the dream at any time besides at night, I kept thinking it was my history teacher that was chasing me. I don’t know why. I don’t know if he was the one in my dreams but whenever I tried to remember the dream again it’s always his face. He was weird. He always played opera music and never gave us any work or tests, just gave us slideshows we had to do with like, 50 people on them. (I’m exaggerating, ofc) he would always play these magician YouTube videos where this magician tried to trick these people. At the end of the year we had watched all the videos because he liked them so much. He let us eat.. have our phones.. it was weird. He always stared at some of the classmates with weird stares and he said he had a 5 year old.. he was 47. Anyway.. whenever he asked us morning questions, he would always say “stop lying” if we answered the question with anything. Once my sister, who had him aswell, said that he asked her what’s her addiction, and she said her phone, and he yelled at her to “stop lying”. One time me and my friend saw him cough, pull down his mask and there was blood on it.. along with that, one morning he had a serious expression and said that he’s very sick and he might die today. We were in 6th grade. But anyway, back to the dream I had almost every month until I was 12… he was chasing me, screaming something at me over and over again. Like the man, for some reason I only know what he’s saying when I’m in the dream. It’s the same thing everytime. But everytime I think about the dream I always think he says “actions have consequences” everytime, and I don’t know if that’s what he is actually saying or not. It scares the living hell out of me. I’m running to this car dealership, and my parents are standing there, crossed arms and staring at me like they’re not going to do anything until I arrive. They’re just watching Me. Blank stares. No words. Just endless waiting. The sky has no clouds or stars, just a rich blue.. for some reason every dream I ever had always had the exact same sky. I reach the car dealership, and once I do, I wake up.

6 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


I had a dream where I went back to living in my parents house. We had a disagreement about something, so I went to my room. My dad ran after me and knocked on my door, so I opened it, and he called me a name, so I closed the door again on him as he tried to continue talking. He got angry and opened the door again and yelled at me then slammed the door shut. I was in the room with two people from work and a friend of mine. They mentioned a show I had never watched, and when they found out I had never seen it, we turned it on. It was called Batanjaro, and it involved some popular superheroes like Batman as well as a made up hero named Jaro. During the show, a bunch of people got locked into a skyscraper. At some point, I got put into the show, but I wasn't in the actual game. I was just watching. Then the people that were locked up were my family, and the person that locked them up was on of the coworkers who had been in my room. All of a sudden, the building began smokinging and glowing blue and water was appearing in random places. Superman came by and explained that the building's foundation was being destroyed as part of operation sink-a-building and that my family would have to do several challenges to get out and then they would probably have to jump from the building at the end. There was a possibility of death with each challenge. I was still on the ground, but I could see them as they completed all but the last thing, which was jumping off the building. However, they got out another way, and we celebrated as we were reunited. All of a sudden my dad wasn't there, and we realized he had to go to work, so he must have left for that. Then my mom and youngest brother Grayson sighed and said they had to go complete the last thing. I was very confused as to why they needed to since they already escaped, but they climbed the skyscraper again, and went to a room with an open wall on one side and an entrance to a rotund room with a small cube in the middle. My perspective switched to seeing through my mom's eyes. Grayson told her to take the cube because it was probably a parachute, and she argued that he should take it. As my mom turned around to grab the cube, she heard Grayson begin to say, "I think we're supposed to jump off the edge of-" then silence. She turned around and he was gone. She snatched up the cube and ran back to the edge. She heard him screaming. "Mom! IT'S JUST HOT AIR! THERE'S NOTHING TO GRAB! MOM, HELP ME!" so she jumped off the edge, not even knowing if this thing she had was a parachute. Then I woke up in a terror, the screams still echoing in my head.

4 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was walking towards a big city, the road I was on had traffic coming both ways but I was walking on the pavement towards a curved building made of glass and their logo was in the shape of a crown. It was all grey. I stopped at the traffic lights and waited until it was green and I could cross, once I crossed I saw a sign for a fun fair which had a yellow metal bridge that you had to cross in order to reach the other side of the buildings and be inside surrounded by other buildings, including the curved one. There wa a car park in the middle, I somehow had alreaady parked and was making my way towards the fun fair but someome or something caught my eye and I went inside another glass building that had a sign for escape rooms. I went to reception and signed up for 1 room I had to take all my stuff and put it in a locker. My locker number was 50 and they were in a triangle room. The lockers were dark brown and made of wood. I left my things and went inside, the lights were flickering all the time and there was screaming. As I walked down the corridor on both sides there were glass panelled walls and you could see inside the rooms, they all had a story behind the rooms. You had to use some kind of technology with your eyes to click on the room you wanted. I started with a room that was filled wilth old showers with white tiled floors and stalls but they were dirty with blood and I was running trying to get away from someone that wanted to kill me. I bumped into someone else who was covered in blood and they jumped out the stalls, but they got grabbed and was taken away. I managed to escape and then I went to other rooms. I can't remember now many of the themes and what happened in each but there were people on tables that had been cut open or some laying on the floor dead. My last room was a big man, overweight and was chasing me with a butchers knife, he had an apron and was looking for me, to kill me. This time it went far and I escaped his room but he followed me to the hallway, I couldn't think of where to go and went to the toilet escape room again but I climbed the wall to stay on top and waited for a chance to escape as I could see everyone coming in. It waited for a while until a woman saw me and was going to scream but I threw myself at them and I think I broke their neck. I ran out and tried to stumble back to the locker room my feet and the room kept on wobbling like I was drugged. I couldn't find my locker so I ran out to reception where there where normal peoole but they weren't shocked to see me with blood, there was a big clown man and a girl on the desk who were looking at me as if I wasn't supposed to be there. They had to behave be ause there were other people and there was a man who I think worked for them but was leaving so he was on the couch saying thank you for the times. The clown had my locker keyring becauae I could see the number 50 on the red ball keychain. I grabbed it and struggled with him but he didn't want to let go, I managed to get it. I had to go back into the rooms to find my locker to get my keys of my car. I got the courage to go back and as I was going in there was a group of men thst were wanting to go inside I tried to warn them but they didn't listen until they saw that people were getting killed. A couple of them helped me escape again and we were running in the streets at night, they chased us around and tried to disorientate me but I looked for the funfair sign and knew that if I crossed that then I would reach the car park. We ran across the roads, the cars beeped their horns and as we got to the metal bridge I could see the people from the escape room, I only supposed it was them because they were covered in blood and were still chasing us. They were all quick and had strength and would grab my arm to make me fall and it was difdicult to get them off, when I managed to get them off it was like they stuck to my skin and it hurt lilke it does in waking life, I felt the same pain. The bridge was getting covered in blood by the people who were dying and I tried to make a run for it so that I could get to my car but the blood made me slip and I kept om getting grabbed, I managed to get close to my car but then I got woken up.

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