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Dream Interpretation: School 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a School? Discover the significance of seeing a School in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a School appears in your dream ✅

School symbol
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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and freedom. It is also related to gaining new insight into life and paying attention to waking life issues. Often such dreams connect to having panic attacks and anxiety issues. It suggests that you are considering some changes that make you nervous or feel judged and critiqued as a teacher would do at school.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Be self-aware and confident about any decision you have made in life. Do not let anxiety or nervousness take your peace of mind. Instead, focus on developing your ability and skills, as they will help you attain the things you desire.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about school may evoke feelings of nostalgia, anxiety, or even excitement. It could symbolize a desire for knowledge, growth, or a sense of structure in one's life. The emotions associated with this dream may vary depending on personal experiences and memories related to school.





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30 Aug 2024

Plane Crash
Video Game


I don’t feel like explaining my dream, so I’m just going to summarize it. It’s probably easier this way now that I think about it. My dream was all over the place last night. Anyway, onto the summary. My dream started off at school. I was with my sister and her boyfriend. We were all in class and were taking turns going to the bathroom. My sister’s boyfriend left first, then my sister, then me. After that, I went to lunch and made a friend. I went shopping with my new friend and spent the last of my money on an ice cream cone. After that, I played video games with my friend and witnessed a plane crash outside my window. And that’s how my dream ended.

28 Aug 2024



I woke up at 444 again. I just had a nap that I got lost in school. I was taking a tour of college and there was a situation where everyone scattered because we were in danger and ended up getting stuck in this large museum/aquarium. I was floating on this giant luxury bed with cloud balloons tied at all four ends of the bed I hopped off and walked around this giant white room and there were these little touch tanks spread out around the all white room. It looked like frutiger aero aesthetic. They didn’t have any glass around them and I can stick my finger through because there was no glass and all I touched was the water. They were filled with little versions of lakes with a streams and rocks and little mushrooms like a terrarium When I saw these little metal/ceramic animals I wanted to touch them and when I did they came to life. There were tiny fishes and frogs and snails and they were so squishy when they came to life on under my finger. There was this last one where where it was a paranah and another fish and a frog I pushed them all at the same time and the paranah just up and ate the other fish and it scared me and I didn’t want to touch it again because it would’ve bite me. I then wondered if there were more parahas anywhere else. Then I saw my other tour buddies coming in from both ends I told them that I was lost and they all weren’t really paying attention about what I was saying. My group leader was saying that they decided on getting DoorDash and I offered to use my membership to get everything cheaper but they found a way to say no even though it made no sense. We ended up walking back to the tour and I had to look for my class and then i read the paper wrong which happened today on the first day of school and was looking for the wrong class. When I turned around someone said to get out the way and I got embarrassed and woke up at 4:44pm.

27 Aug 2024

New Home


I had a dream where my big brother had a big accident with our mom and ended up being stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Some people including me had to help him sometimes for little things he always said he could do it himself and wanted to prove everyone he was strong no matter the outcome. The only time he needs help is when they’re stairs, getting into and out of his bed and reaching high places. Weve been living with our stepfather since the accident and keeps making jokes about how he has to stay in the wheelchair the whole time, he got sick of taking care of us and gave us to some family friends. They were nice once in awhile but a huge pain and always yelled at us if we didn’t do something they asked us to do right, but they fed us nice food and made sure we got to bring all of our stuff over to their place. They live in a small apartment that had some terrible looking walls and two bedrooms so I had to share with my big brother, they also had a mini backyard as well. Sometimes I slept with big brother when I got nightmares what happened with mom and couldn’t fall back asleep until he calmed me down. We went to school everyday and people weren’t too bad about him being in a wheelchair because there were others as well and they’d get into very deep trouble if so. School was fun it let us have some space to move around other than the tiny apartment. The next day I accidentally fell down the stairs and had to go to the hospital they said I had to stay in a wheelchair for a month so I was devastated but kinda happy too to see how it was like for big brother. One day our caretakers told us that they found a place to move into that was bigger and easier for us to move around and they also said that we would be able to get our own rooms. After the month was over my spine was all rested and fixed. We were so excited about the move I went up into our little attic with a little help of my big brother pushing me up to grab our stuff from our old home and found something strange I didn’t know we had so I brought it down to show my big brother and he was confused as well we opened it up and it said to read the words out loud that were in the book. We read it and then it started glowing which scared both of us. All of a sudden big brother was standing for the first time in 4 years, he was a little wobbly at first so I caught him a bit cause he was bigger than me. We got out of the bedroom and our caretakers were very confused, they said how in the world are you standing the hospital told us you wouldn’t be able to stand for the rest of your lifetime. We had no clue and told them about the book. They were shocked but thought it would be a lot easier to pack our things in our vehicle with him since he was strong and had big muscles. A lot of people at school had their mouths wide open and I was stuck to him like glue, most people say that I’m too much with him that it’s strange and sometimes looks like we are dating but I don’t care he’s my emotional support “animal”. We all were happy that he could walk again and he was worried it might go away on him, I told him that I think it’s going to stay forever. When we ended up at our knew home we were scared it would look like the old place just a little bit bigger but it ended up being a lot different than we thought. We had a lot of money saved up from working at a convenience store near by our old place because we wanted to get big brother an electric wheelchair that would be easier on him and we didn’t know what to do with it now.

27 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


Visiting mother’s side grandmother’s house with mom Buying onigiri, our favorite snacks and a pencil and a sketchbook The last two items are for finishing ip a group art/presentation project before the family gatherings We get to grandma’s apartment, lounging at the third floor room while the relatives gradually gather I work on my project sketches This project is eerily similar to how the one for my last school trip in high school went(it was a recreational activity assignment, and it was to make a full skit in mere two nights during our stay; I was assigned the group leader for my team solely because I was the oldest of the bunch in grades(there were fucking 7th-8th graders in the mix). while other teams had their own friends and had an easier time just having fun while creating I knew none of the people prior to the event, our group were full of either socially awkward, plain unfunny, possessing blessings in the art of seriousness(cannot lighten/loosen up and jokey to save their life), or were chronic pessimist/complainer so much that it actually sabotaged the progress of the production; we ended up bombing the whole thing because none of us could or were in any condition to think up a decent sketch(the three-day schedule of the school trip was PACKED, not a minute of room for realistic rest or unwinding, nor to brainstorm or practice our ideas; it was unfairly designed and my team and I got the shortest end of the stick among all other teams my three 12th grade classmates were leading) and time ran out before we could come up with a coherent script. I blew up on their face mid-performance because I just couldn’t fucking take it(i was also in the middle of mental health crisis unsupported by adults around me and were on three bins of energy drinks), left a brave 8th grader who came up with the script idea publicly humiliated and traumatized(I did apologize to him afterwards and deeply regretted and felt ashamed of it but still)) And just like in real life I end up mismanaging the time and forget that it was supposed to start around the same time as the family gathering party/dinner(7pm) Once I realize this at like 8 after the first phase of the party is over I dash to a dark and quiet tatami room to connect to Zoom And lo and behold the one kid who suggested the plot idea for the animation is shouldering everything again; the pattern repeated itself He/she’s getting just as reckless, hopeless, frustrated and on the edge as I was in the real-life version of this event The plot was Japanese traditional horror story The art style is this beautiful Japanese coarse colored cut-paper arts(Evening is expressed with indigo papers, there’s red lotus lakes, goldfishes, red lanterns and townsfolk in kimono merrily going about their business, etc.) But all the sudden the tone of the narration changes(the medium doesn’t) and it all gets disordered beyond the savings, turning into a Hyakki Yagyo(the Demon’s Nightly Parade around the city streets from the Heian-era folklore); the one kid who shouldered it all snapped and went ‘fuck it’, started crushing the entire tone and the story on its head The viewers of this live animation performance(my classmates and the whole school) are intrigued and are curious about this sudden change, causing rumors to spread and such The rest of my team members can only watch in horror as do I, since the kid refuses to relinquish the control over the livestream, feeling unimaginably guilted for making the kid shoulder everything due to our own inactions, procrastinating and unrealistic perfectionism After the whole thing ended in a strange little comical(to us, utterly humiliating and horrifying) happenings, I go talk to the kid to first of all check in on their mental state and overall condition(wellbeing and sanity) The kid is sitting on the tatami, looks up at me upon noticing with an eerily calm, almost uncannily gentle smile and tone I scramble to apologize on my team’s behalf for making him/her suffer but they would not hear me, pausing me with a raise of their hand; a strange air of eery composure and authority to them now, hard to deny I feel overwhelmingly helpless and guilty as we are both now teleported to inside a moving bus, the kind I’d see running around the Tokyo metropolitan area often It appears the vehicle is around Hatsudai(near Ikebukuro-Setagaya); the sky is blocked by the thick, highway guardrail and the surrounding high buildings and skyscrapers, and I see a highway ramp ahead that the bus doesn’t seem to be getting on I implore the kid what they want and such, but they ignore my words and continue on with their strange questions and words about my Vedic astrological signs, which are Uttara/Purva Bhadrapada, for moon and sun signs respectively Some talk about how my ruling deity, Shani(personification of Saturn in Vedic astrology; son of Indra/Surya, half-nephew of Shiva, the dreadful dispenser of karma on behalf of Lord Yama of the afterlife), Ahir Budhnya(Ananta Shesha, the Serpent from the Depths in the Hindu creation myth) as well as Aja Ekapada(the fierce, one-legged serpentine aspect of Lord Shiva, specifically in-tune with darker, occult subjects like black magic, the left hand path and such), plays major role in my nearly lethal, intense and unignorable, leader-like qualities that I am born with Something that is according to the kid’s observations “omnipresent in my life and in that of those who interact with me”; says whoever I interact or encounter in my life, however minor their roles or involvement may be, leaves either me or the subject person completely transformed, with their egos(and sometimes any other parts of their preconceived notions about the world or of their healthy self-esteem or ego) destroyed; that I am either the person’s karma or I myself am given the karma of Shani, Aja Ekapada’s(or of Shiva or Yama himself indirectly, through him), swiftly and devastatingly It’s starting to turn into some kind of a spiritual lesson delivered through this incredibly emotionally heavy reenactment of traumatic circumstances and I don’t like it The kid ignores my discomfort and goes onto talk about the qualities of the blue sapphire, the gemstone influenced by Neelam, the personification of the gem and also a consort of Lord Shani(Saturn) and the mythical connections to what is needed(moral disciplines, consistencies and dedication to serve your fellow humans from the heart), and how it applies to this current situation(basically the kid’s telling em to humble myself and such after admitting that I’m also complicit in this dysfunctional dynamic of the project group as its team leader) and beyond(how there is an urgent need for me to heal my traumas and what came with it that is starting to affect my external environment(the people in my surroundings aka my teammates and other peers, staffs and teachers who interact with me in this school) in a scarring way)

27 Aug 2024



I just had another nightmare about my sister. In the dream we were still living together in the house i’m in now. She kept taking my things and not feeling bad about it. she stole a rhinestone necklace from me and some other things but i can’t remember what. She hid them from me even though I kept asking for my things back. I remember coming home from school one day and i couldn’t think straight. I was so angry at her, I couldn’t even close the front door properly, something was jamming the lock. I was so angry I could hardly breathe. Inside the house I kept trying to kill her. I tried pulling her hair and slapping her but she was unbothered by it. I remember saying aloud “I want to drag a knife through her chest” or something like that. Then I stabbed her in the chest with a pair of my sewing scizzors, she didn’t even bleed. In the next scene she was in my room, using my desk and MY laptop. She didn’t leave when i asked her to. I woke up screaming and yelled “you get out”

26 Aug 2024



I remember being inside of a school building that was similar to my son’s elementary school. In the school there was a type of carnival/auction going on. My mom’s best friend was the school principal and she was selling puppies. My mom really wanted a puppy but I was telling her she did not need another dog. My mom ended up finding a man also selling puppies. She really liked these puppies and was prepared to buy one. She did not end up buying one. I remember leaving the school but the scenery quickly became a mall lobby. A scary looking man ( not the one selling puppies) began threatening people. He told me he was going to get me and hurt me. I told him I was protected by the most high and he would not hurt me in Jesus name. There was an officer working security and he tried to shoot this man. His gun was jammed and a bullet would not fire. This man was scaring people and becoming more threatening. We were hoping someone would have a gun. My step dad appeared who is an officer and he also did not have a gun. Apparently no weapons were allowed in this establishment. Growing increasingly worried with no protection I decided to fight the man. I killed him with my bare hands by strangling him.

25 Aug 2024



I had a nightmare my best friend (we’re in high school) killed someone and so I had to go through this long process of killing her for it as revenge because I was forced to even though I didn’t know who it was. And we killed her by a piano falling on her. For some reason I didn’t cry, but my great grandma and my dog somehow also ended up being dead. And I went home, my dad and I talked for a bit and my friend made a group chat. I missed Merideth (the friend I had) and for some reason I could see the ghost of my dog and not her or my grandma, who gave me clothes for high school before she died. (I also remember at the very beginning something about high school being a 2 hours and 44 minute bus ride for me, which I wasn’t complaining about. So eventually I ended up asking my dad why I could see Libby (my dog) and not Merideth (my best friend) ‘s ghost, and he said he didn’t know so I messaged her old account thinking maybe I could get an answer despite her being dead. And she messaged back, “don’t you know, I’m not her….” And I woke up.

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