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Dream Interpretation: Running 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Running? Discover the significance of seeing a Running in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Running appears in your dream ✅

Running symbol
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💡Possible meaning

It symbolizes fast movement in life. It suggests that you are rushing to achieve your goals or ambitions; however, please be aware that you sometimes miss the essential parts of it when you run into things.

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🧭 Direction


Is there anything that you desire in life? Are you moving towards it or away from it? Your dream tends to guide you. It shows you how to achieve what you always wanted, so it's important to pay attention to all the details you see in your dream. Then, work on things you want in your waking life slowly and carefully.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of running can evoke feelings of freedom, exhilaration, and empowerment. It symbolizes a desire to escape or overcome obstacles in life, and the need for speed and progress. Running in a dream can also represent a sense of urgency or a need to keep up with the fast pace of life. It may bring feelings of determination, stamina, and a sense of accomplishment. However, it can also signify anxiety or a fear of being chased or pursued. Overall, the dream of running elicits a range of emotions, from excitement and motivation to stress and apprehension.





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25 Aug 2024



I had a dream where I was being taught by a famous doctor about how to become a doctor myself. There was a boy there that was in a wheel chair and no one took him seriously because they thought he wouldn’t be fast enough. Then there were these other guys that just interrupted our class and said that we all were coming with him and if we don’t there’ll be bad consequences. They brought us to a small hospital in a small town where there was barely any people in. There was a really rich guy who was sick and no one at all could figure out what was wrong with him at all. Our doctor teacher told us we needed to give him some ideas on what it could be. But then two crazy people came out of nowhere, one that could run really fast like the flash, and the other who was strong and can fly like superman. Everyone else in the class was running around crazy while I and the boy in the wheelchair helped our teacher look for what made him so sick and then I figured it out and gave it to our teacher, he was very greatful and said I was his favourite. We super duper put some stuff in the rich guys body and started running away from the super evil guys that were trying to stop us from saving the rich guy. We found some bikes and all of us tried to get on them together but some of us just had to run. The boy in the wheelchair couldn’t run like we were because of the mud on the ground cause it just stopped raining. I ended up falling of the bike because I had troubles holding on properly, the boy in the wheelchair saved me in the nick of time before the evil superman got me, I don’t know how he got me so fast and it was still muddy I thought he couldn’t go through it. He said to me that he found some better wheels that had more grip on them and wanted to catch up on us to be with us. I said thanks for saving me and he kinda blushed and said no problem. So I went to hop off and start running again to catch up with everyone but he said to stay on his lap and he could get us there, but I was worried I’d be too heavy for him to go fast with his wheelchair. He said that I wasn’t bothering him and he said he had strong arm muscles, winked at me and started to move again. When we caught up our teacher was so relieved that I was ok and that he was worrying about me. To me he felt like a father figure. After managing to get out of the town and losing the evil guys the mini hospital called our teacher and said thank u for saving his life we got rid of the weird ones and put them in a cell that they can never get out of. I told my friends what the boy in the wheelchair did for me and I think that I kind of have a crush on him now. Everyone was surprised how he managed to get here with us and apologized for laughing at him in the classroom. The righ guy told his team to come pick us up and bring us home.

23 Aug 2024

High School


I had a dream I was I. High school and I was trying to befriend a girl and she was acting weird with me like she didn’t like me. I was waiting at a store to finish getting my Polaroid printed out but the cops had to cop and it was a whole thing. We later met up and she was was talking to her gf they made me feel left out like they weren’t including me in their convo. Then I told them if they weren’t interested in being friends with me to let me know so I could not try anymore. Then more girls came and started trying to intimidate me saying no one wants to be friends with you because of you telling that girl you wish she would die and I said I apologized profusely and she got me so angry that those were the words I chose. They didn’t care so I tried running from them throughout the high school. I escaped from them and lost them and fled the property and got away from them. I also ate some oranges and was with another friend we went to McDonald’s to get my French fries that they forgot to place in to the bag from the other McDonald’s I had the receipt so the worker gave them to me. Then I saw my boss at a school and he was explaining how none liked him so he could relate to how I was feeling. And I saw a train and fire in my dream also on the tracks.

22 Aug 2024



It was school break time. We were on a learning journey. Me and my friend Angelique were at a mall near the school. If I’m right it felt and looked like break time. We bought bungeoppang and We were hanging out, When we saw hyunjin. It felt like he was someone I knew so I think he was somehow related to me like my cousin's brother. He was an idol of a group called Stray Kids. We saw him and wanted to say hi. But since he was an idol he wasn’t allowed to meet us. We followed hyunjin and saw he was queuing up at a bubble tea shop. We then decided to chase him. He saw us and looked shocked. I yelled at his name. Hyunjin-ah! He immediately ran away because he was famous and he couldn’t get attention. We tried to run after him but he was too fast and went into the MRT or subway. Then we gave up and walked back. While walking back we saw I.N. who was also a member of Stray Kids and my cousin's brother walking. We chased him as well. He was equally as scared and ran into the subway as well. I’m guessing that mall is jewel because it’s right outside the airport. After that Angelique and I decided to get back to class. Our field trip classroom was an air-conditioned room and it was cozy. We had to sit and the floor there were tables but we had to sit outside them. I was seated at the back so I could do whatever I wanted. Angelique was across me so we couldn’t talk. When we all arrived she said. “Class I think ur classmates have scared some people.” I immediately knew it was me and Angelique. But for some reason only I got scolded. “She scolded me very very harshly. She asked me to stand up and embarrassed me in front of the whole class. After an hour of scolding me, she asked me to sit down. I felt so guilty and sat at the very back which was my seat. Then suddenly someone opened the door. It was hyunjin and I.N…. Since I was at the back I could easily access the table and immediately moved and sat under the table once I saw their face. I was so scared they were going to scold me. Since they are my cousin's brothers. Hyunjin and I were understanding and they knew it was just a joke and they understood why I did what I did. Hyunjin smiled while walking in. He was wearing Nike shoes. he stuck and touched me with his foot under the table. He smirked, we were always like enemies but caring when we needed to be. I was so guilty embareasedand sad. Why did I do that to Hyunjin and I.N? Am I that stupid? Hyunjin and I.N. stood there but since I was under the table I could only see their legs. The teacher continued to scold me for another hour. I felt more upset as the class stared at me. Hyunjin and I.n were smirking the entire time because they knew I deserved it after what I did but they thought the scolding was a bit too much. Then the teacher said “Okay we will give you some time alone.” everyone left except Hyunjin and I.N. I was still under the table. I was so scared I started to tear up. I didn't dare to come out. Hyunjin and I.N. just stood there waiting for me to get out. Hyunjin said “Come out now.” with a stern and determined voice. Not angry just a voice to make an emphasis. I refused to come out. They said it one more time. I had no choice but to come out. Once I came out I started crying. “I'm really sorry oppa…” I said scared, fearful, and upset. They told me annoyed “It's fine dw”. hyunjin asked I.n to go outside because I.N. was younger than him and he could handle the situation better. Only me and hyunjin were left in the room. Hyunjin said “I said stop crying! Why are you still crying?” Hyunjin is not really the type to comfort people. He likes to scare them so they stop crying. But he came to me and rubbed my back. He wiped away my tears. He said “I told u it's fine. Don't worry! I'm not angry at you. I understand why you did that and honestly I don't mind it. You helped me work out, haha. That teacher scolded everyone harshly.” While scolding me the teacher pushed me down so I got a cut on my leg Hyunjin asked me what it was. I told him it was a cut. He put a bandage on the cut and told me it was okay. I went out and met I.N. He crouched down and told me “It's okay!” and pinched my cheek. After that, I became a bit happier and we all went home.

20 Aug 2024



Dreamt there was this horror movie called “The Chain” that became real life where science became advanced to the point scientists learned that life just reincarnates the moment you die and that some people weren’t reincarnating on earth but were going to go to reincarnate as god like beings in another galaxy. Some groups that were stuck reincarnating here on earth for a while bc of their sins figured this information out and found a way to infect the world with a virus that kept even the people that should be finishing their reincarnation here on earth from leaving. So all the infected people were like these evil zombie things going around trying to infect and brutally murder other innocent people to force them to reincarnate backwards from where they should be. The sun in the world stopped shining and a fog covered the earth stuck in a endless cycle of evil reincarnations. Life became a real life horror movie. I watched in kind of from afar as this group of people hunted another group of innocent people in a trailer like apartment. I kind of kept going in and out of being one of the characters being hunted and watching from afar. In the end, I just started running away and this evil zombie character was chasing after me and I could feel my spirit being born as an embryo in the next reincarnation as they tried to hurt me.

20 Aug 2024



I had a dream that at my church there were people and women who looked like nuns started a cult. It wasn’t obvious and the pasted of the church didn’t know about this cult. But they were still secretly operating within the church. They were enslaving people and threatening those who knew about them but tried to leave. My sister and I found out about it and a bunch of members from the cult were chasing us to harm or enslave us. The police were also involved except they were on the cults side and were in on it. My sister and I were running through the church with a crowd of cult members after us. We found a narrow escape out a door and the cops couldn’t get into the courtyard after they were planning an ambush but the door was locked for them. We took this chance to run for our lives but before escaping we did our best to try to free some slaves from the cult. There was an underground cage that had a hatch on the outside. We opened it to find a lot of people. I told them to come with us and run. Some did, but most stayed because they had no hope that they could actually escape and didn’t want to suffer the potential punishment of being caught after an escape attempt. So because time was running out we ran to escape. I felt way out of my depth but then I recognized the old man who was running with me. He was giving me advice and protection and he seemed spirited like we could actually escape. When he was there I felt more confident that we had a chance. We were in the city running and I killed some cult members in the process. Then we reached a part of the city that none of the cult members would go because it was too far from the church. They only stayed in their own zone. Then my sister and I found refuge in a theater and started plotting how we can take down this cult we met my mother there and she asked us what happened and we explained and I told her I killed people.

20 Aug 2024



I had a dream that at my church there were people and women who looked like nuns started a cult. It wasn’t obvious and the pasted of the church didn’t know about this cult. But they were still secretly operating within the church. They were enslaving people and threatening those who knew about them but tried to leave. My sister and I found out about it and a bunch of members from the cult were chasing us to harm or enslave us. The police were also involved except they were on the cults side and were in on it. My sister and I were running through the church with a crowd of cult members after us. We found a narrow escape out a door and the cops couldn’t get into the courtyard after they were planning an ambush but the door was locked for them. We took this chance to run for our lives but before escaping we did our best to try to free some slaves from the cult. There was an underground cage that had a hatch on the outside. We opened it to find a lot of people. I told them to come with us and run. Some did, but most stayed because they had no hope that they could actually escape and didn’t want to suffer the potential punishment of being caught after an escape attempt. So because time was running out we ran to escape. We were in the city running and I killed some cult members in the process. Then we reached a part of the city that none of the cult members would go because it was too far from the church. They only stayed in their own zone. Then my sister and I found refuge in a theater and started plotting how we can take down this cult.

18 Aug 2024

Baby girl
Broken Leg


I was back at the elementary school I went to with my boyfriend and we had twin girls with us, they were just babies and it started raining so my boyfriend and I went inside the school. My sister was there waiting for us in the gym with her son and her new boyfriend, and she said that everyone is waiting for us on the top floor of the school. We went upstairs to see my mom, my two cousins, and their partners waiting for us. My cousin told me there was something outside I had to see, so I ran outside in the rain down to the playground to see whatever it was, just to realize that the playground was not at all the same as it was when we went inside. Everyone followed me outside after I ran down there, and my boyfriend called me to remind me to be careful, I have a broken foot and didn't bring my crutches, so I looked down and saw that my foot was suddenly broken and wrapped up in a boot. When I looked back up everyone was there with me, but my daughters were out of their stroller on the ground and I was trying to pick them back up before the storm came. One of my cousins pointed up at the sky and said we need to get out of there, the wind was blowing so hard it looked like the trees were gonna fall down around us, so I jumped down to the ground to put my daughters back in their stroller while my boyfriend buckled them into it and he picked me up off the ground once they were in there. Everyone took off running without me, and they started yelling at me to hurry up and get out of there, so I took off running again, but when I got to the top of the hill I remembered that my foot was broken and fell down in pain. When I fell I suddenly had the twins stroller in my hands and knocked them over, everyone ran back to save them but just left me laying there as they all ran back inside the school.

16 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


I'm a woman in a large house. I'm watching someone else's kids. A boy and a girl. There's a pet monkey. He doesn't like me. The monkey goes off and is captured in glass by an older, bleach blonde haired guy who is mad that the monkey is on dating sites pretending to be a man. The monkey comes back to the house and runs downstairs to warn me about the man before going to the kids. I hear the kids excited to see the monkey before they start screaming and crying. I duck out of the basement through a door and run around the house to the front door. I can hear the guy downstairs. I'm moving fast. I grab the rifle off of the cabinet in the kitchen. I open the rifle and theres only one bullet so i am frantically searching drawers for spare bullets. I find news papers and random junk before finally finding the bullets. I'm rushing to the entry of the basement while stuffing the bullets in my bra because I don't have pockets. The guy is at the bottom of the stairs. He is walking up when he sees me. The kids behind him. I point the gun at him but he keeps moving closer. I push him back with the barrel of the gun a few times and am yelling at the kids to move out of the way because they're too close for me to actually shoot. I fire a warning shot at his feet. He keeps coming so I push him hard with the gun again and he falls all the way down the stairs I tell the kids to hurry and get to the neighbors house. They rush past me to get out the house. The guy is already getting up. I turn to run so I can load the gun but it won't flip open. I have to click the latch. I load the gun. I know he's up the stairs. I wake up.

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