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Dream Interpretation: Crying 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Crying? Discover the significance of seeing a Crying in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Crying appears in your dream ✅

Crying symbol
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💡Possible meaning

It sometimes symbolizes your sadness and suppressed emotions, which you don't show to anyone. You are too satisfied with what you have that you fail to acknowledge your own worth. It also indicates that you have been under a lot of pressure lately, and you have endured it all along well, but it has taken an emotional toll on you.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Vent all your emotions and sadness that is holding you back in life. Be prepared for what is entering your life. Examine the things that are happening around you, know what is causing you pain, and work to eliminate it.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of crying evokes deep emotions of sadness, grief, or pain. It signifies a release of pent-up emotions or unresolved issues. It may indicate a need for emotional healing or a desire for comfort and support. This dream can also symbolize vulnerability, sensitivity, or a fear of being overwhelmed by emotions. It is a reminder to acknowledge and address one's emotional well-being.





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Dreams of users containing the word Crying

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28 Aug 2024

New Home


Dreamt I was with my parents helping them find a new house. All the new houses were beautiful. I cried telling them how much I felt they deserved to live in the most beautiful place wherever they wanted. Then I was on a bed picking up needles. Some were really fine needles. It was difficult and it kinda hurt picking them up but I was very focused on what I was doing. The needles were poking me in my fingers and my back. I traded someone some of the needles to someone for something. The bed and house I was in was very luxurious. High up and had water like a small river or creek flowing down below and next to it.

26 Aug 2024

High School


I was in my old elementary school that caused most of my trauma. Some people that have bullied me was there. Class was in my room and then I freaked out, grabbed a bat and destroyed the desks. I was about to hit them until it went back to the class but in an actual classroom, but I went through the walls of my school and went outside to this mesmerizing garden that I twirled in for a while. Then I saw my old school principal with his walkie-talkie and I went towards him in a panic because I was disobeying class rules. He asked, “how did you get outside?” I said, “I went through the little cracks.” He took out his phone and there was only 2 contacts, my brother and my mom. I chose my brother and then he reminded me of my sexual abuser by saying something and then I cried and fainted with her face glitching and the background black and green. Then I woke up with a marking on something with a dot saying, “anger; excused.” I woke up in the same classroom in my room and destroyed the desks once again with every one of my bullies backing up in fear. Then I teleported to a house party downstairs of my house with some people I recognize from my school. I kept on having flashes about my sexual abuser. I interacted with some people and as soon as something embarrassing or I didn’t like happened I went back to where I was doing the exact same motion. I tried taking a shower and once I got out. I got a flash again and purposefully reset what I was doing, it happened multiple times in the row until I was walking to my high school but it was more like a plain, fancy, college. I was late for my period 0 class and was going to my period 1 class. I walked up the stairs and because of the cramped place I fell on my chin and couldn’t easily get up, everyone was staring at me.

26 Aug 2024

Abandoned home
Angry at Dad


I was in my room reading my new book about Buddhism, and I had a good chunk of the book read through, and I got to a part that said “you can forgive to let go/move on”. So I had a house party and not even 5 minutes later mawmaw was sitting on the bed with me while I had the book in my hands, and we had a conversation about my dad and how hurt I was by him. I was explaining how I think I’m ready to let go and forgive for what he did, but it still hurts. But I know I need to forgive him to move on. A few seconds later my dad appears at my doorway, and he’s trying so hard to forgive himself. I said “look, look at me. I forgive yo-“ he cuts me off and starts saying stuff like he’s so sorry, he’ll do better, thank you for forgiving me, let’s hang out, etc etc. i said “no.. let me finish. I forgive you BUT I cant see you anymore. I forgive you so that we can both move on from what happened, but I will never forget what you’ve done to me, to us.”. He starts sobbing and bending over holding his head, going into one of his little “oh shit no one believes my story” panic modes, and I just walk away from the both of them. I go to my computer to do some sort of schoolwork, and there was a real colored river in the animated picture of a national park. I remember going to work and looking at the schedule, and my schedule was completely crossed out so I can smoothly transition into my new job irl. I hugged my boss and said thank you so much.

25 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


Yo I just had this dream that had me in sleep paralysis. Well like when I lay in bed I kind of meditate which lets me lucid dream so I know I’m dreaming but shit is unbelievable. I was kinda shaking in my sleep fighting this darkness right. Until I like asked it what it want. It said it’s name was Lucy. I think it got shot at this factory of immigrant workers.Or it was like a hotel and this dude shot at her. So like I went back before it happened played this dude and I guess it was to play it again like relive it to the point. And this time I found the guy for Lucy, sat him in the chair, pointed his gun at him, Lucy was there and I ask what she wanted to do. She wanted to kill him but was scared so I did for her. She cried cops came I ran. I remember one of the cars saying jaguar sheriff county. I ran into this abandon waste lot and then woke up.

24 Aug 2024



I was 17 again. I was hanging out with Ravane. She was kind of liking this nice guy we met at this place. (It was like a hangout zone for teens, sort of like a mall. But no one was shopping where we were. Also there was a beach lake like Nashville shores outside) we were walking around and decided to sit at a table. Then I spot Alexander. My other bff. I felt some distance in our relationship at this moment so I rushed over to him( probably because I haven’t seen him since high school, 12 years ago!!) I brought him back to the table Ravane and the guy who liked her were sitting at. I sit next to Alex. We got along well and he made me laugh so hard like he always use to. We all 3 got up and decided we are going outside to the beach (it looked just like Nashville Shores, lots of trash) we picked up the trash a little bit but stopped because there was too much, so I decided I was going to tell our RWB group we should do a volunteer trash pick up one day to clean up the beach. We walked along and it was 11 before we knew it. Ravane and me and Alex walked to her car. I spotted this girl look at Ravane, but her hair up, get 2 other friends and rush outside to fight us. I told her we need to get in the car quick because I saw what was about to happen. We do and she drives off in the other direction. We start laughing and we thought the girl was just jealous because Ravane didn’t do anything. Suddenly I was in an old ghetto apartment building that was falling apart. I couldn’t find Ravane and thought maybe this is where she lives now? It was scary inside. So I walked and my feet felt very heavy. I walked to the end of the hall where a little boy about 4 years old threw a ball at me and just stared at me. I had a creeping feeling someone was following right behind me, so I followed the boy into the open apartment door. It was all burned and black inside. Aunt Terra (Ravane aunt and caretaker in high school) was on a burned bed sitting up. I asked where Ravane was and she said oh sweetie, she’s been dead for years remember? She reached for my hand as I began to sob. She told me she hears All the calls and cries for Ravane. Many people morn her. She started playing my voicemails I left her. I sob so hard I wake up in real life crying. I miss you Ravane. And I miss being 17.

24 Aug 2024

Being Late


i had a dream my roommate was getting ready to go to her new boyfriend anthony’s house in florida (we live in california) but i decided to tag along on a separate flight and then we got there and her and her boyfriend had the room with multiple beds but i was assigned a room that was basically a prison with a pad for a bed but i took a nap in one of the beds in anthony’s room and i woke up disoriented and i had packed in 2 seconds and realized i forgot my meds so within like hours of being there i immediately flew home. but before i went home i went kinda crazy at anthony’s and got naked and his door in his room to outside was open and the neighbors across the property (it was like in the middle of nowhere) were like wizards and flew a firework out of their hands essentially to warn me to put clothes on and then we had like a baseball scene from the movie twilight moment against them to stick up for ourselves bc they were like threatening violence. and also i decided to walk like 5k floors up a hospital to get my dads belongings bc apparently he had died in a hospital 3 years ago but no one got his belongings yet and i had to climb up the stairs to get them. (he died 5 years ago). and there were two women behind me but i was getting tired and emotional and crying and they for some reason were only communicating with me over the phone and were kinda telling me hey stand aside so we can pass by you so i think i stepped aside so they could pass me by and i still had so many floors to climb and i don’t know if i ended up giving up i might have woken up.

23 Aug 2024

Breaking up
New house


The dream started off with me waking up in my room at my new house almost like it wasn't a dream. I started to set my computer to set my computer up to get ready for work when Frederick knocked on the door. He asked me "can you kindly stop sharing your location with me on snapchat? Like one last jab to make sure that I knew that we are completely broken up. He said "yeah, it's just something I don't need to be seeing anymore'. I tried not to even dignify him with a glance. I said non chlanatly, yeah I will. He then began to go downstairs to finish getting ready for work. Usually I start work before him and today I just wanted to leave as quick as possible after that statement. I didn't want to run into him again at the house. I gathered my stuff quickly not even putting it in my bookbag but filling my arms with all of it. There was so much in my hand I might not have noticed if I dropped anything. I just wanted to leave as soon as possible. I shuffled quickly down the stairs and out the door. I was about to go straight to my car until I looked to my right and saw a small fire in the front yard. I looked at it and saw it was also under this big bubble under the grass, I think that's where it started. Only after watching it for 5 seconds did it spread so quickly. A party of me wanted to wait until it got to the house just to see if it was really bad, but once it got to just barely touching it I freaked out. I saw that the house was drenched in gasoline. If it hit the house the whole thing would be burned down quickly. I ran back inside but by time I ran to the door, the fire was inside the house. I screamed at Frederick "FREDERICK, hurry up come out come out come out" I didn't even tell fire until I saw him rushing down the stairs. I said we have to get our hurry up. We both ran outside, I started packing back and forth, fr was taking out and crying what are we gonna do. The neighbors and cars passing on the street began to slow down to see what was going on. I was thinking of solutions for maybe us to go down to the Denny's and reconvene or to call someone. I think I did call someone but I don't remember. I saw from the back Frederick looked as he had gone back inside but I was still trying to find a solution. When he returned I told him my solution of going somewhere but I looked back at the house. Did you put it out I asked. He said yeah. Oh shit well okay I said. Well do you still want to go to Denny's? That was a lot. He looked at me like that was a ridiculous thing and said "oh Jacqui I have to get to work" I then straightened my mood back to the cold shoulder I gave him earlier and said okay and went back upstairs but this time feeling embarrassed and awkward and rejected. I started to set my computer up for work and opened my personal laptop up to an SNL skit talking about God. The show had mentioned the book of James, clear as day. I knew that would be subject of choice at work today. As I was about to look into the book and see what it said my alarm woke me up.

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