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Dream Interpretation: City šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a City? Discover the significance of seeing a City in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a City appears in your dream āœ…

City symbol
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šŸ’”Possible meaning

Dreaming of a city can represent a sense of community, social interaction, and a desire for connection. It may also symbolize the hustle and bustle of daily life, feeling overwhelmed, or a need for change and exploration.

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šŸ§­ Direction


Consider the state of the city in your dream. Is it bustling with activity or abandoned and desolate? This can give insight into your current state of mind and emotions. If you feel overwhelmed, take a step back and prioritize self-care. If you feel a desire for connection, reach out to loved ones or join a social group. If you feel a need for change, explore new opportunities and experiences.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream of a city can evoke a sense of excitement and adventure. It may symbolize the desire for exploration and new experiences. The bustling streets and towering buildings can create a feeling of being part of something bigger. However, it can also bring about feelings of overwhelm or anonymity, as the city represents a fast-paced and impersonal environment. The dream may reflect a longing for connection or a need to find one's place in the world. Overall, the dream of a city can elicit a mix of emotions, ranging from curiosity and wonder to unease and longing.





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Dreams of users containing the word City

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28 Aug 2024

Dark Room


In my dream I was sleeping on the couch and I fell off on the floor and floated up past the ceiling in the living room up past the room on the second floor and the rough the roof of my apartment building I floated up to the sky it felt like I was a feather floating in the wind being blown in whichever direction it was taking me to. I felt like it was real. I floated over the city until I was at this point where I flew into a lamp post I slowly fell to the ground and I couldnā€™t get myself up. A flying tiger came and nudged me off the ground and I flew with it on its back. Once I was up high enough I knew it was time to begin flying on my own. I kept off the tiger and began to float again like a feather. It felt like I was in an ancient place like Egypt surrounded by monumental statues and pyramids it opened up at a quarry and I began to rise up to this spaceship that was oblong shaped it almost looked like oumuamua a long stone with the crown chakra symbol in the bottom of it I floated up and as I knew I was about to enter I had a choice to see what was inside and who was inside but I got scared and closed my eyes as I enter through the bottom of it. I knew there were beings inside I couldnā€™t hear but it felt like I was laying on a surface being tended to and as I began to feel comfortable I decided to open my eyes but all I saw was a dark room with light orbs green and white and cyan. I came to the realization that I chose not to see so they kept it that way because I wasnā€™t ready. When I woke up it was the most real thing that I had ever experienced in a dream. A few days later I had a bump on the back of my ear that might indicate that the put an implant there.

27 Aug 2024



Hey DreamApp, it's me again. I'm just really happy that I never gave up on myself. I went swimming today for the 7th time or the 8th time in a row and I've just been doing really well. My dreams have been taking me to different places and familiar places and like it's a story but it's like they keep getting better in each place I go to like for instance the turnabout or the turnaround bout where it's in the city and it's in a familiar place it's very happy and exciting just like on the freeways and the roads and going through different cities and stuff inside places I know and just different stuff like that so I'm really happy about that and so very happy for that. Anyway, so very happy and I've been having dreams about just helping people and helping them and you know also my ancestors telling me how happy they are and also a friend of mine Raffi, I don't know if I mentioned this but Raffi Mowin he was a dream expert and I saw him in my dream as if it was a Batman scene of the movie Batman where he sees Rajal Ghul and he says all your knowledge, all your resources and then he just absolutely is able to just get back on track and you know save the city of Gotham. I'm saving myself by doing the swimming and Raffi says you're on the right track in the dream and it seemed like I was Batman and he was Rajal Ghul and he was saying very good job keep going don't stop amen.

20 Aug 2024



I had a dream that at my church there were people and women who looked like nuns started a cult. It wasnā€™t obvious and the pasted of the church didnā€™t know about this cult. But they were still secretly operating within the church. They were enslaving people and threatening those who knew about them but tried to leave. My sister and I found out about it and a bunch of members from the cult were chasing us to harm or enslave us. The police were also involved except they were on the cults side and were in on it. My sister and I were running through the church with a crowd of cult members after us. We found a narrow escape out a door and the cops couldnā€™t get into the courtyard after they were planning an ambush but the door was locked for them. We took this chance to run for our lives but before escaping we did our best to try to free some slaves from the cult. There was an underground cage that had a hatch on the outside. We opened it to find a lot of people. I told them to come with us and run. Some did, but most stayed because they had no hope that they could actually escape and didnā€™t want to suffer the potential punishment of being caught after an escape attempt. So because time was running out we ran to escape. I felt way out of my depth but then I recognized the old man who was running with me. He was giving me advice and protection and he seemed spirited like we could actually escape. When he was there I felt more confident that we had a chance. We were in the city running and I killed some cult members in the process. Then we reached a part of the city that none of the cult members would go because it was too far from the church. They only stayed in their own zone. Then my sister and I found refuge in a theater and started plotting how we can take down this cult we met my mother there and she asked us what happened and we explained and I told her I killed people.

20 Aug 2024



I had a dream that at my church there were people and women who looked like nuns started a cult. It wasnā€™t obvious and the pasted of the church didnā€™t know about this cult. But they were still secretly operating within the church. They were enslaving people and threatening those who knew about them but tried to leave. My sister and I found out about it and a bunch of members from the cult were chasing us to harm or enslave us. The police were also involved except they were on the cults side and were in on it. My sister and I were running through the church with a crowd of cult members after us. We found a narrow escape out a door and the cops couldnā€™t get into the courtyard after they were planning an ambush but the door was locked for them. We took this chance to run for our lives but before escaping we did our best to try to free some slaves from the cult. There was an underground cage that had a hatch on the outside. We opened it to find a lot of people. I told them to come with us and run. Some did, but most stayed because they had no hope that they could actually escape and didnā€™t want to suffer the potential punishment of being caught after an escape attempt. So because time was running out we ran to escape. We were in the city running and I killed some cult members in the process. Then we reached a part of the city that none of the cult members would go because it was too far from the church. They only stayed in their own zone. Then my sister and I found refuge in a theater and started plotting how we can take down this cult.

13 Aug 2024



Seems like Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taiwan all combined Slums amidst the skyscrapers that hide most of the firmament Monorails, looks a bit like Ueno Station, thereā€™s a bus terminal Getting off the train and out the platform and floating down near one of the illegal slum buildings Roofs are stacked on top of one another, threatening to crush from the top if anything more than a Magnitude 5 or 6 had happened Dim flickering fluorescent light tubes and computerā€™s RGB lighting Accidentally pressing down on the doorbell(more like window bell but I digress), dropping at the speed of a sparrow going in for the kill because the residents are now trying to sell me shit and chasing me down Floating and parkouring across the crowded neon lit slummy streets through the sudden downpour Sliding into the closing cafe-bar shop with preppy bare wooden frames and incandescent light bulbs, kinda tropical Iā€™m now at a place that looks like the surroundings of Saraā€™s house blended with the scapes of Kita-Kamakura Two of the friends are already getting their drink, they greet me and we have a chat, having a color-changing syrupy refreshing drink(probably a cocktail made with butterfly pea tea and something else), mint Scene changes, now Iā€™m getting home And home as in going up the rusted helix staircase of the apartment right above the cafe establishment/ethnic apparel-trinket shop Scene changes and now Iā€™m getting into some condo, a room in some classy, fancy old apartment in Dateo, Italy Colon Firth is here dressed like a butler or a gentleman Thereā€™s someone else with me and weā€™re sitting on the bed, turned somewhat child-like Weā€™re singing something but the keys are off and we get the lyrics kinda wrong Awkward but fun

12 Aug 2024

Abandoned home


Me and my family take a vacation and weā€™re staying at this tiny run down house in the middle of the mountains. The house freaks me out we all have our own bed but the beds are shaped weird. I made a mess of my luggage. I feel like Iā€™m the night itā€™s haunted. The house scared me. I think there were creatures outside. Being here I miss my boyfriend, Mike. Some gow Mike shows up. Iā€™m hugging him and Iā€™m cutting his hair. He needed a haircut. My dad is saying weā€™re leaving the next day and to be prepared. Iā€™m not prepared. Mike goes off somewhere and I canā€™t find him. I want to find him because I love him and horny. Eventually I find him and I hug him. For some reason Iā€™m at work now, which is a haircutting place. But this person wonā€™t stop bothering me. Calling me names and trying to fight me. Iā€™m holding them down because Iā€™m stronger. Eventually Iā€™ve had enough and I loose my temper I scream ā€œget off of my you transgender freakā€ everyone hears me in disbelief, they now think Iā€™m an awful person and they call the police. I wait for the police but I donā€™t really care, I know I did nothing wrong. This man comes to take me and I follow him. I think heā€™s bringing me to jail. As weā€™re walking I run away from him. I end up lost in this city with so many people and buildings but itā€™s dark and mysterious. Eventually the man find me but I fall in love with the man, he reminds me of my boyfriend. Then I run away from him again into this weird building. I fall into a giant room of slime. I feel like Iā€™m going crazy. Eventually the man find me to save me but Iā€™m past saving. I turn into an alien. I run away and I end up in a giant egg with slime. Iā€™m blue now and Iā€™m playing with slime. Thereā€™s a little creater in the corner, she says sheā€™s my child. I think Mike is the father. I miss Mike but Iā€™m a monster now.

11 Aug 2024



We live in a big house. Has like a big front porch and a living room and then thereā€™s a kitchen with a really cool counter. Thatā€™s made out of granite that kind of is shaped into a bowl with greens and browns. Then thereā€™s adobe out the back. Someone comes by. Itā€™s like he lives in housing to look at it. Then he brings his partner who seems mad or jealous or something. Our wedding album is there and I want to show her the pictures of the draft horse, but I canā€™t find any pictures. I donā€™t know where they went of the actual wedding. But I show him the countertop. They are collecting gutters and stuff from a neighbor and their mother is moving across the street and I grab a chicken feeder. They say you can have that if you want Iā€™m like no I donā€™t know why I grabbed it. Iā€™m not doing anything with chickens The scene changes to a gritty industrial city scape. I am wandering around and I go into like a really back room mechanic shop and ask about the belt I have for the rototiller. but I brought a horse blanket thing instead so theyā€™re all laughing like what is this and Iā€™m like oops . I am picking up some socks that are mixed in with a guy who works there and then Iā€™m carrying some stuff That I picked up from the other couple . I want to leave it. they look at it and say yes and then I realize itā€™s a pretty nice toolbox but oh i canā€™t take it back. I go out the gate and try to keep the husky from getting out

9 Aug 2024



Being on a low mountain, looking down at the city and the surrounding scapes from the woods near the top canopy The One-Night Castle ruins built by the Toyotomiā€™s force in their attempt to trick and shatter the Hojo clanā€™s morale Iā€™ve already climbed to the top Being urged and pushed down the path because the pursuers are coming and we are not safe Tuatha De Danann, night in the Celtic woods, sounds of owl, croaking frogs and crickets Scene changes and now Iā€™m on a tile of game map; flat surface and Iā€™m watching my own avatar move from above and aside(third-person point of view) The sky is made of paper and is sort of gray(and dark yellow, like before the storm/hurricane), everything in the backdrop is cut out of paper, pretty collages and marble chess tiles, mainly white, black, brass and rose red/magentas, very basilica-esque And as the avatar Iā€™m carrying and convversing with my younger brother, who had grown significantly compared to how he was the last time I saw him in real life; in this dream heā€™s around fifteen or so All the conversations I have with him come into my head like in-game dialogues while I run around outside in this beautiful gothic-lolita papier-mĆ¢chĆ© world and into some other scenes(game level) It looks like a mix of Stazione Centrale di Milano, Station of St. Lucia of the Venezia, some cathedral or a basilica, Vigrid station from the first Bayonetta, the blend of new and old architectures with still that exquisite, richly sepia-colored feel to it all We are having conversations about how mom is and our opinions on her; heā€™d been living with her for a bit after the divorce before he was taken into the stateā€™s custody, and Iā€™d known her and lived with her most of my life till the divorce He tells me how during her pregnancy(while he was in her womb), she would go on sometimes about how unreliable and absent(emotionally, physically or psychologically) her husband(our father) ā€˜because of workā€™ and ā€˜all the things that he had gone throughā€™, clearly being at least a bit remorseful and bitter about it but still clinging on We(mainly he) calmly point out how despite knowing that the man was no good when it came to those important matters of heart and oneā€™s development psychologically, she didnā€™t do anything thatā€™d actually help and ended up clinging onto something that would benefit none of us, out of habit(sheā€™s basically been conditioned her whole life to fawn for red flags, narcissists and abusers; by her parents, her family, and then by the schoolsā€™ lecherous teachers, and then by her ā€˜fiancĆ©ā€™s, her sexual assault experience, and her former lovers and the current one(our dad)) Meanwhile we talk, I fdash and sprint across the maps, zooming through the moving bridges and limbo sticks thatā€™s on some gaping bottomless abyss cut right out of the marble structures, infinitely large and situating itself below our feet Once weā€™re back in the atria(the glass-dorm roofed mercato) we look for a place to eat before the train weā€™d like to get on leaves Two options among all others stand out: an old, traditional cafe-restaurant, or the new limited time exhibition of some ā€˜artisticā€™ cookā€™s inventions(course meals) We talk about wanting the first one but somehow our asses gravitate toward the newer stand At the table all the other customers(seems to be almost all white, so bougie and pretentious) greet us and carry the conversations while I lightly doze off on my younger beotherā€™s shoulder while he curiously reads the menues and tries to match them by pictures and ingredient lists Iā€™m responding to the Italian locals that are attempting to talk to us in simple, beginnerā€™s level vocalilaries that I barely remember Pasta genovese and some kind of a canned oil-preserved fushes with some sliced and clean raw fishes

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